
A Sneek Peak At Cedar Leaf

I have a new design on the needles... and I am loving every stitch.

Check back soon for more progress pictures!


LynS said...


Kitten said...

You have the most gorgeous photos!s

Drop Stitches Not Bombs said...

I love this scrolling edging, and the warm green colour is fabulous.

Agatha said...

It looks great :)

CelticCastOn said...

That yarn is delicious!!

greenbean said...

Can not wait to see more. It looks beautiful. I recently found your blog through Susan B Anderson and i am love with everything you make..

Dawn said...

That green is fantatic, although what green isn't!:) Great job!

Andrea said...

oh, it's looking pretty good! love it.

knittinglane said...

I'm also a lover of the color green and am a sucker for anything with leaves. Cannot wait to see the end product!!

Unknown said...

Oooh, that looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see the end result.

Kristin said...

It's lovely! Is it a shawl? It looks very interesting!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous color and it looks like a lovely pattern. Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty edging, can't wait to see it completed!

pearl said...

i am obsessed with knitting leaves! i can't wait! your leaves and the color of the yarn are gorgeous!!

tishka said...

That edging is beautiful.I enjoy listening to ur podcast. I try not to ever miss it.

Poynter said...

I think I might be a stalker by your definition - I keep buying your patterns. I really like the look of the cedar shawl too!
Jude x

Yarndancer said...

Ooh, pretty! I love the leaves!

Jen said...

OOOOOooooo.....it looks absolutely fabulous!! Can't wait to see more!

Alison said...

Leaves and green yarn...what could be more lovely?...can't wait to see the f.o.

AyntBee said...

Your cedar leaf shawlette is really nice. The yarn is perfect for it. You are a natural model. :-)

mbk808 said...

Your patterns are lovely! Have put Cedar Leaf on the list for January knitting!

Päivi said...

Nice shawlette and the colour is gorgeous.

Lauren Ashley said...

That's really gorgeous! The yarn is so lovely!