

Here is the lovely new hat I just recently completed.
The pattern is named Laurel and it's from Jared Flood's new book Made in Brooklyn.

(Book found here.)

It truly is a stunning pattern isn't it? I love how all the cables and bobbles twist together and join into the center of the crown.

The knitting of Laurel was fun and kept my interest, but was a bit on the tedious side with all of the cable crosses.

(Can you tell that I took this picture myself?)

If you are interested in knitting this hat, be sure to take a look at this errata page before starting. Also, I would suggest different bobble instructions than those presented in the book.

I found my bobbles to be kind of irregular and puny. I would definitely work them differently if I was to make this again.

I worked this hat out of the suggested yarn Classic Elite Princess in the Milord's Madder colorway. It's such an ideal Autumn color.

(Yarn found here.)

The great news is that I made this hat out of only one skein of the Princess yarn! With some to spare even!

I'm seriously thinking about casting on for the Grove mittens in the same colorway to match!


Joansie said...

Absolutely gorgeous hat and knitting! I just cast on Jared's mittens today. I've also completed three Quincy hats.

Renee said...

It's lovely! Matching mitts would be great. :)

the nest said...


i love the over-head shot :)

Thea said...

It's gorgeous -- worth the effort. And I love that top down photo!

Clumsy Knitter said...

Love the pattern, love the color, love the photos! Great work!

Lynette said...

you did an amazing job on the hat. the photo you took is the perfect backdrop.

Anonymous said...

I love this intense color - you did a perfect job with this hat. The bobbles and cables look great!

Anonymous said...

I think your bobbles are much better than you described in your podcast! The hat looks GREAT! I will soon be casting on for Beaumont from the same book. :)

jane said...

Ooh, great hat. Bobbly cabley goodness - and the read is great. And i love your tactic of taking photos of your own head, why have I never tried the 'both arms in the air' manoeuvre?!

Dawn said...

Fabulous as always!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Beautiful Hat!! Bobbles look fine to me.

Rebekah said...

The grove mittens would look fabulous with that!

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

That is a lovely lovely hat! You do such nice work.

Kathryn said...

Go for the mittens, you won't regret it!
Lovely, just lovely!

Sheryll said...

Gorgeous work! I agree, the bobbles could be a bit more prominent. Beautiful photos - great view from above!

French Press Knits said...

What gorgeous pictures!

CMS PE said...

Great Hat! Love the color. I checked out the color choices on Dancing Ewe Yarns, and I would probably choose Majesty's Magenta for my hat... also like Royal red and Orange attitude... the greens are pretty too... oh, crap (can I say that?!?!?), I like all of the colors!!

periwinkling said...

Cotes du Rhone is a great colour... And the name is awesome!!!

Connie, the daisyhead said...

Lovely! Red is a great choice for you. It's so flattering on you.

But now I have hat envy~ and so much Christmas knitting and custom orders to knit. Oy. Now I really want a little Me-knitting time.

How do you always tempt me so? ;o)

Kristin said...

I think the hat looks great, baubles and all. They are really nice. I can't imagine you taking it off at the signing! I would be walking around saying, "Do you like my hat? Ya - I made it!"

CG said...

You should totally knit up the Grove mitts, what a cute combo that would be!! :)

Unknown said...

What a pretty hat. I'd love to make one as a Christmas gift.

LDupuis said...

I think the bobbles are fine, the hat is really pretty and I love the color. I think Jared Flood would have loved the hat.

Nancy said...

Another beautiful creation!

AnneLena said...

Love the Royal Red, I would choose that too. It is a stunning tam/hat.

Azangelique53 said...

I just love the red colorway. I think this hat would be perfect for my oldest daughter. Nice pattern and a great job knitting it up. Thanks for sharing as it keeps me inspired.

Kat said...

I have a few questions about the pattern for "Laurel". One is about the cast on and knitting in the round on 16'' 3 circular needles. The pattern also calls for size 7 dpns but where in the pattern are they used? If anyone has made this hat would you be able to help me?

Alana said...

Hi Kat!

The size 3 needles are used for the ribbing and the size 7 needles are used on the body of the hat.


Lisa Forbes Travel said...

love the look. i'm now trying to make this but I'm stuck at the second row of the chart.

followed the instruction for the increase round to end with 126 sts and then moved onto row 1. Worked fine. at the end of row 1 i now have 132 sts right? But that doesn't seem to work for my row two chart. Have I misread something? I'm knitting from a chart for the very first time.

Alana said...

Hi Lisa!

Im sorry you are having troubles. I suggest checking out the errata page. That might help to answer your question. Ive linked to it in this post.


Lisa Forbes Travel said...

Thanks for the quick reply Alana.
even with the errata i'm doing something wrong.

had 120 sts and did the increase row and then moved to the larger needles for row 1 which also has an increase of 6 sts. i'm really confused.

did i read the pattern right that row 2 should still be working based on 21 sts pattern repeated 6 times? I've got 6 extra sts at the end this way

Alana said...

Im sorry Lisa! Ive lent my book to my sister in law so I dont have the pattern handy to answer your question.

I suggest trying the Ravelry forums or emailing the designer Jared Flood.

Hope it works out!
