
New Buttons

I love buttons. They can add so much to a finished piece.

I was recently very excited to find this awesome button selection at Tangled Yarns
and couldn't help but get some for myself!

Both of these buttons are made from coconut shells so they are nice and lightweight.
This is a really good thing because if buttons are too heavy
they can weigh down your sweater or cause the fabric
to fold over on itself if left unbuttoned.

I love the way the cut out buttons look with my Tea Leaves Cardigan!
They are the perfect size too!

Now all I need is a buttonband for them!


Anonymous said...

they're beautiful! And will be amazing with that yarn....


French Press Knits said...

Agreed- lovely!

Allison said...

I have a secret button obsession...I have a drawer full of them because I keep buying them but can't use them fast enough!

These are exquisite...and are going to be lovely with the cardigan. Can't wait to see the FO!

the nest said...

i've been thinking that my button stash is looking a bit meager lately, now you've inspired some enhancement for sure! your sweater is beautiful... my tea leaves are madeline tosh merino in dahlia; don't you think almost any of amy's colors would be pretty?!


ZuzanaK said...

So the cardigan is finished then? Can't wait to see it properly! I love the buttons, they look really nice on the cardigan.

Drop Stitches Not Bombs said...

Ooh, gorgeous! I love buttons too, increasingly so since I've been on a semi yarn diet - it's nice to be able to walk into a yarn shop and not walk out empty-handed. Plus they take up so much less space than yarn - hooray!

mooncalf said...

Take care with the button band:

a) The pattern has the bands the wrong way round for a womens garment so make sure you do the buttonholes on the opposite side

b) The pattern only uses two buttons so make sure to add an extra if you want to use 3 buttons.

Dajda said...

This is nice, I've got the same buttons on my winter coat! They look great and a lot of people tell me they love the look of those buttons.

Kim said...

As always, love your podcast and these buttons are just gorgeous!

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

lOVE those buttons! The do look wonderful with your sweater. Godd choice/

t does wool said...

great button choice...beautiful knit.

Anonymous said...

oooh, i can't wait to see the finished garment. it looks gorgeous!

Tanya said...

perfect! The detailed cut out is so lovely.

Kate (KnitsInClass) said...


tempo.dk said...

I just discovered your wonderful blog. Very nice. I also like the buttons. Bente

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are fabulous buttons.I probably should not know about this shop...

Michelle B said...

Gorgeous yarn, sweater, and buttons!

Elly said...

Love these buttons! Great selection with this beautiful knit cardigan. I can't wait to see the complete picture!


Kate said...

Oooh I love them! Wonderful find!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a good choice, they are gorgeous!

Connie, the daisyhead said...

I so love these buttons! I looked at their other choices, too. I so want to shop now!

Alas, no extra right now. But it has inspired an idea~ henna designs on wooden buttons. Thanks for the inspiration!

CeRae said...

Super cute buttons... and perfect for your sweater.

Estella said...

Those ARE wonderful buttons! I used coconut shell buttons on a sweater for my daughter - it made it look much more interesting. I admit to having a slight button addiction too! :)

gjarshird said...

I enjoy your podcasts. Really have learned a lot. gloria

Anonymous said...

They look fantastic with the cardigan!

Jill Warren said...

I miss your podcase. I hope March comes soon. I love the buttons with the tea leaf... I want some -

YarnOnTheHouse said...

Ooooh la la!

Jane said...

Gorgeous buttons and yarn!

Suzanne said...

Gosh, I hadn't seen these buttons on this post. They are precious.

rinebird said...

I love the buttons you have used on your new sweater.I don't know if you are aeare oft www.etsy.com?There are amazing buttons finds on there & handmade wooden ones.www.etsy.com
All things handmade, including yarn.
I am not affiliated I just buy!Good Day,Alana