Get ready for Springtime knitting with this lovely, yarn-filled "Fortune Cookie" style bag by RoseKnits and this brand new copy of Nicky Epstein's Crocheted Flowers

The shape of this project bag with its large triangular base, is perfect for setting beside you while you knit. While you are knitting, you can leave your yarn in the bag and zip it up almost to the top. That way your yarn stays nice and clean while you work and
you don't have to worry about your yarn rolling all over the floor.
This bag is also very roomy and can easily hold a small to medium size project.
With this giveaway you will also have the chance to win this lovely book by Nicky Epstein.
Crocheted flowers are perfect for adorning your Springtime knitting projects.
Look at all of the pretty flower patterns found in this book!

Enter to win the complete "springtime collection" by simply leaving a
comment under this blog post with some contact information.
Gain an additional drawing entry by posting this phrase on
" I entered the RoseKnits Springtime Drawing Giveaway on!
You should enter too! @nevernotknittin "
There will be only one winner selected at random.
The winner will be announced March 15th, so please check back then!
This drawing is now closed.
The winner is Jen G.! Congratulations!
1 – 200 of 488 Newer› Newest»What a great book...and an AMAZING bag!!! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!!
Sharon (heffalump23)
Oh, and I just tweeted your message!!!
Sharon (heffalump23)
Wow, what a great giveaway and a lovely bag! I'm totally intrigued by the yarns poking out :)
Sarah (SarahVV on Rav)
Nice to have you back (jocelyng and knitventures on Rav). I tweeted it, too.
What a great bag! Super cute and useful too =)
What a fantastic give-away! I'm practically drooling! ;)
Terrific giveaway! I love the knitting bag.
Such a cute project bag! So glad to have your podcast back after the break.
rav: caffeinatedyarn
Oh are those flowers ever stunning! And that bag is the cutest thing!
Charmaine (cmercado816 on Rav)
Welcome back! I missed your blog. And that is an amazing bag. Thanks for the link.
I would love to win that beautiful project bag. Keeping my fingers crossed! tilaturtle on twitter.
Oooo what an awesome giveaway! Thank you!
What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me. Thanks!
cute project bag! (adventureknitter on rav)
I would love to win this bag- it's beautiful!
Oh, that is a really cute bag and I love crochet flowers too. Happy Spring!
Wow, what a great giveaway. It sure does shout "spring".
Jeanie Farley
jeaniefarley on ravelry
Oh my I hope I win. I am a big fan of Nicky Epstein.
wow! such a great giveaway! so so glad to have you back.
Colleen (colleensimply on rav)
Love it! How absolutely cute! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a great giveaway! Thanks!
Lesley in Fort Collins, Colorado
Love the bag and the beautiful crochet flowers. I'd love to win. Thank you for the draw.
This is lovely! Would love to win!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
Wow, now that is a set of goodies! :)
(SilviaMM73 on Rav)
Super cute bag and a really neat looking book.
I am off to tweet about this right now!
Rav: LdyPngn
What a great springtime giveaway! I make bags too so I'm interested in seeing what she makes.
RavId: GabyKnits
Twitter: simplygabriela
OHHH what lovely prizes....
Gorgeous! The colors really do call spring!
I have one little bag that I made a long time ago that I have been using for my knitting projects and it is so tiny and this one is just beautiful and bigger!! :) And I love the crochet flowers book!
Awesome giveway! Thanks
(Korepanovs on Rav)
Yum! Yes please!
Erin (renferi on Ravelry)
love the flowers! and the fortune cookie - how cool!
jenna.knits at gmail
Thanks for a great giveaway. The bag looks so funky, and of course the other goodies including the book look divine!
I have an e-mail in my blogger profile or you can find me on Rav, Amybel there too!
What a spring-y giveaway! That is a beautiful bag and wonderful looking book! Looking forward to spring coming soon.... J
That bag is awesome! I love it. And the book looks like tons of fun.
Heather (muppetfeet on Rav)
What a great giveaway! It's great to have your podcast back!
So glad you're back. Love the bag - it's so beautiful!
Must. Have. Bag! The book's not exactly chopped liver either :) Off to tweet about it...
Please deliver to
ohhh what an awesome giveaway, the fortune cookie bag is adorable!
Lovely prefect for knitting. :)
Love her books! Cute bag - makes me feel like spring is just around the corner!!!!!
Wow, what a reason to delurk :-) Will also tweet...
(Scientknits on Ravelry, scientknits on twitter)
Roseknits has such great fabrics, and this is a great one for spring! Happy green!!
I'm inspired by the fortune cookie bag! What a perfect shape for knitting! Also, would love to win a book about flowers as spring blooms start to peek out.
Great bag and gorgeous yarns! The flowers would be a cute incentive to learn crochet!
I love this bag! And what a fantastic giveaway! Going to tweet it too.
What a great giveaway.
I've seen that book before and it's terrific! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love them!!
lilarchergirl on Rav
How cute and inspiring. can't help but hope that I win ;)
Yummy yummy! So glad your back on the airwaves Alana! :)
and I tweeted it :)
So many yummy goodies!!!
Ravelry: HardDaysKnit
COOL...add me to the list....Thx-Kathy C.
Love the podcast.Glad you are back. the bags are wonderful, I would love one.
I enjoyed watching your progress throughout the Olympics. Thanks for the inspiration! Thanks for making the give-away possible.
Yay for a great giveaway!
lemonapple on Ravelry
Ooooh shiny!! I yearn for a "real" knitting bag one of these days...
(marchantia on rav)
Excellent giveaway, I'm on my way over to tweet now. I'm cowgirl92 on ravelry.
fun giveaway! I'm resisting the twitter so no extra entry but I'll take my chances with one...
I saw the bags yesterday when I listened to your podcast. They're beautiful bags! And what a terriffic give-away...knitmaniac on Rav. I'm off to tweet about it now!
What a great giveaway. The bag is beautiful.
I would love that great book and to make that cute bag! Yarn would be wonderful too!
This bag looks so cool!
What a great project bag and it looks like a good book also.
Ravelry: melosa
What a great giveaway! Gorgeous project bag and would love to flick through that book!
MGlatte on Rav
What a great giveaway!
jamie at gmail dot com
Wow! This is a great giveaway! I love that bag.
Would love to win the great giveaway, thanks for offering it.
Sara in AL
i'm so ready for spring and this book would be the perfect early spring pick me up!
The bag is tooooo cute and I love that book.
Courtney(knitnpurlgurl) on ravelry
I would post on twitter but only on facebook :-)
This sounds excellent!
I'm honeybee on ravelry and baldeesh on twitter - will be tweeting about this shortly!
I would love it! Thanks.
ah, I hope I win! :) What a beautiful givaway!
Open Roads Mama
Oh how lovely!
Welcome back! We can only imagine what a lot of work it is to produce the podcast, but it is appreciated!
Deborah (goldiegirl)
What a great giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
What a great giveaway. Count me in!
I love the bag!
joyceetta on Rav
Wow, love the giveaway! Thanks! =]
O so cute!! I would love me a bag like that!:)
Great giveaway! After such a long winter I am ready for some flowers :D
Ooh that bag is awesome! I'd love to win! :)
Awesome book and bag!
And I just tweeted your message
(Marigold345 on Rav)
Love the bag! Looks like a great prize...
jakelsay on Rav
Great book and wonderful bag!
The bag looks just perfect to take along on all those upcoming springtime picnics!
such pretty colors! And i LOVE the style of that bag!
That bag is so adorable. Hmmm...I think crocheting flowers may be a great way to learn crochet.
Love that bag! Would love to use it when knitting. The book looks interesting as well.
That bag is really cute!
paws on Ravelry
Love that bag! How fun is that. And what a great contest. Thanks for letting me enter.
elizbo AT comcast (dot) net
Dreaming of winning this! I've been stalking RoseKnits' etsy site for some time now. I love everything, which is a problem when it comes to choosing a fabric or style.
Yarn! I'm always on the lookout for something different, and not already in my stash. These definitely fit the bill.
Crocheted flowers, what's not to love. I crocheted before I could knit, and with 5 adorable granddaughters aged 1 thru 8(6th on the way), I'm always looking for something to "girl it up" even more. Thank yous to all the contributors.
FYI, this was the first of your podcasts I had heard. Looking forward to going back through the archives and listening to the others.
Ravelry ID: bschlot
I'm all over this! If I had a twitter I would be there too.
I love crocheted flowers! Great giveaway!
Yeah yeah please enter me - new to your blogging and very much enjoying it :)
Very cute! Please enter me in the drawing.
deedalee on Ravelry
The flowers are just beautiful! What a great giveaway - thank you!
I would love to win!
That bag looks amazing and who doesn't need more crocheted flowers!?!
Love the blog, hope I get the book! Also tweeted your message.... kathy0274 on ravelry
Gorgeous book. Lovely! So glad you're back.
Jeannine (Caliknitta on Ravelry)
ohh! Love the podcast and what a lovely giveaway!! Fingers Crossed!
Kelsey (northernlightsco on rav)
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks :D
Cute bag! I'm a new listener - I just caught up with the back episodes in time to listen to episode 31! I'm ameliaknits on Ravelry.
Love the bag
Born2knitnpurl on Ravelry
so glad you're back! I found your podcast during your break , and have listened to all of them since then. love love love
i love all your giveaways and always hold my breath as i scroll down the page hoping to see my name as the winner. As always thanks for such a generous giveaway.
You make those Rose Knits bags sound amazing! Thanks for the drawing! Leslie (LGordon555 on Ravelry) :)
I am so glad you are finally back :)
the fortune cookie bag is fantastic!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us :) I am very excited about the giveaway too!
lovelove love that bag.
Oh, I love the bag and book! Wow!
i love this giveaway..!!! I want sooo much to win! so excited i fortgot the contact information...
Soooo great!
I love it!
bigheidi on Ravelry
What a gorgeous prize pack! Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity. :)
What a great prize, hope I win it would stop my daughter running off with my yarn, although she probably would run off with the bag instead :)
Thanks so much for offering this great give away! The bag looks really practical and pretty at the same time :)And of course the yarn too :)
What a nice bag and book!
I don'tknow which I like more, the shape or the colour of this bag. I would just love to win it. :)
[ahogne at]
Another great giveaway by NNK; The bag is such a great idea, the way it stands up. Sharon (toomanyufos on rav)
Just what every knitter needs, another bag -- says a bag hog here. Nice book too.
Love the bag! Would love to win it.
(ravnejenta at rav)
Thanks for the great contest. I also tweeted !
It's great to have your podcast back, Alana! Another great episode.
Lovely giveaway. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'm the lucky one
I would SO love to win this great book and bag! Thanks for your awesome giveaways!
That's a beautiful bag!
awesome giveaway! :)
(mixplate84 on ravelry)
I would LOVE that!
Julia - zahle @ nalnet. dk
What an amazing giveaway. It is international please count me in/
I tweeted[@]gmail[.]com
Count me in!
Tweet, Tweet - just posted on Twitter.
What a cute bag! Thank you again for another awesome giveway! :)
Tina (Azknitting on Rav)
Also posted a tweet on Twitter! Thanks again for the opportunity ~ fingers crossed for such a great book and bag!
Tina (Azknitting on Rav)
Great to have you back! Thanks for all the knitting inspiration! The bag and goodies look really fun!
Tasty giveaway! Those yarn colors are great but that bag, love the bag. Thanks!
beautiful! Hope I win :)I'm nindespin on ravelry
I love her bags! I am going to buy one for each of my bride's maids as favors at my wedding!
Rachel (purlsandknit on Rav)
Just discovered your blog. Love it! The bag and book are awesome.
That bag looks really handy! Thanks for entering me in this giveaway!!
Absolutely beautiful bags and very inspiring! I hope I win!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. I would love to have one of those bags!
lei3 on ravelry
i hope to win!! fingers crossed.
what a creative project bag! the yarn looks beautiful too! i'm off to RT on twitter. @lindsaybrookes
A spring bag, full of spring yarn, with a springy book! Thanks for inspiring springtime knitting :-)
What a great give book and give away! hope I win!
Tracey (tbmccarthy on rav)
Love, love, love that bag! What a great giveaway!!
Super cute bag!
Susanne (marigold61)
Oh I would love to win this one!
I LOVE that bag, it's darling!!! And I just tweeted about it.
~Samantha (Ojibirish 10 on Ravelry and Twitter)
Love love the bag!!!! Rav ID: whitsknits
What a cool giveaway! Love the bag and the yarn that peeks out of it. @knittingnews on Twitter.
I just tweeted your message :)
Project bag and book both look great.
Clare (dragonflyknit2 on Rav)
Looks like a fun book! Thanks for offering the give away and I'll be sure to Tweet about it too!
How great is the bag to keep the yarn from rolling all over.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
gorgeous! fingers crossed!
The book looks great. Just what is needed to get anyone through these last few weeks of cold weather!!
Ravelry: jduff17
good luck to me!
Would love a chance to win! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Ravelry: Knit-By-Nat
Lovely bag, and great looking book. Nothing like a tiny bit of bright crochet to put yourself in a good mood when Spring is just around the corner!
What a lovely spring giveaway!
Thank you!
What a beautiful bag!! I would LOVE to have one! Also, Nikki Epstein's book looks fabulous- just what I need to add to my library!! Thank you for such great give aways!!
What a fun giveaway! Love RoseKnits bags!
Tweeted here:
Nice loot! The bag looks awesome.
What a great giveaway!
Oh, and I tweeted too!
I love your blog! And I love this bag;-) I Hope to win!!;-))
Anna (Akna74 on rav)
What a great giveaway! Love the book and bag!
Hi, Enjoy your podcast!
Great giveaway this month!
Barbara (blb on Ravelry)
I would love this and and great book. What great ideas to compliment my knitting!
City Home / Country Home blog
Wow, look at all these contestants, that's amazing! I'm knitsareforkids on ravelry, if I'm lucky enough to win you can send me a message there :)
Awesome giveaway!!! I love the yarn colors and bag! Looks like a great book too.
Take care!
Love the all looks so yummy!
Cassandra (Spookyredhead on Rav)
What beautiful bags! I'm so glad you chose to review roseknits on the podcast. I think I need one of each! I would love to be entered in this contest, my Ravelry ID is MissBea. Cheers!
I check your blog every day. Would love this bag and yarn!
That bag is so pretty, and it looks so useful! I'm @curlyB on twitter, and I just tweeted your message.
What a fantastic spring give away. I love the bag and the book looks like a lot of fun!
I've never posetd a comment to your blog before, but I selfishly figured now was a better time than any! I love your blog, read it regularly as well as your podcast!Thanks for brining some light to never-not-knitters everywhere!
liveloveyarn on Rav
Thanks for having this contest. The book and bag look cute!
I Tweeted about this great giveaway ( & the beautiful photos!).
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!
That bag looks wonderful! Love the printing on it. I'm malle177 on Ravelry.
This is an amazing giveaway - the bag and yarn look beautiful.
Stephanie (ssburke on Rav)
That bag is cool. rlavalleur (at) comcast (dot) net
What a great giveaway to celebrate spring!
Melissa (AKA Melissabear)
What a great bag! and the book looks awesome as well!
I really hope it's me!
BTW I also tweeted...
Would absolutely love to win this!
Wow what an awesome giveaway!:) Miss you!!!
Off to tweet it!:)
I am so ready for spring! The bag is really cute and
the book looks interesting.
thanks for the giveaway.
That's a cute bag. The flowers are pretty too. Looks like a nice giveaway.
quietspirit101 @
lovely colours!! and bag just started crochet.... need to start book collection
Love the bag and the book.
Sheri from KY
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