
Funky Carolina Drawing Giveaway!

Check out these beautiful sampler bundles of fiber from Funky Carolina!
Aren't these colors gorgeous?

Enter to win one of the bundles by leaving a comment, with contact information, under this blogpost.

Two winners will be announced August 15, 2010, so be sure to check back then to see if you have won!
Remember, only one comment per person please!

To find out more about the Funky Carolina company,
please listen to my latest podcast, Episode 40, for a review.

Drawing now closed!
The winner is StaceyKnitsIt! Congratulations!

Oops! Sorry everyone! I forgot to announce a second winner! There are after all 2 prizes! I just forgot before, Im sorry!
The second winner is Crafty Scorp. Congratulations to both of the winners!


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Jodi said...

Oh how pretty! I'd love to try some Funky Carolina

Yarndude said...

Oh wow, those look awesome!

Jen Price said...

Those are absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful! I haven't tried spinning yet but I really want to learn.

Silentgrl44 said...

Very pretty! The colors go well together!

susieg said...

Holy cow are the colours ever beautiful!! I'd love to try them :)

Alison said...

Yummy, how exciting!

sunnyday on Ravelry

Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

Gorgeous colors!!!

rottnluck at gmail dot com

Chris said...

I LOVE her fiber! Beautiful colors.

marlie said...

You must have known that I want to start spinning!

marlono on Ravelry

Lori said...

me! me! me! (ldhandelman@gmail.com) Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

CriminalKnitSticks said...

FUNK-A-LICIOUS FIBER!!! Soooo pretty!

Jennie-Pennie on rav

PegAlex said...

Such a wonderful prize! Would love to touch it and see it in real life!
PegAlex on Rav

Silvia M. said...

Love the colors! :)

Kathy said...

I either want to spin it or roll around in it.

Diane said...

(Oops, forgot to leave contact info. Re-do...) I'm a new spinner and would love to get my hands on these! Great color combos!

BlueRidgeCelt on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Wow! Those look amazing. I really want to learn to spin and those look perfect to learn with.

Unknown said...

Those are very lovely. :-)

Sursi said...

Those are both lovely. I'd love to have one.

sharmylae said...

i just wanted to say, since i've never commented before, that your podcast is swell. :)


sy said...

these are so colorful and pretty.

Heather said...

Those are gorgeous! ::fingers crossed::

(muppetfeet on Ravelry)

Alissa said...

oh my good gravy... gorgeous!

Jamie said...

I've always wanted to try spinning. These beautiful colors would really motivate me to try.

Unknown said...

Oh please oh please oh please be me! Oh please oh please oh please!

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Really gorgeous fiber - my mind is busy spinning them up to see what great yarns are created.

Jamie said...

Oh oh oh!! SWOOOOOOON!!

jamsideup at gmail dot com

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Those are stunning! I'd love to have them. r.dukes@live.com

Julie said...

Oh, those are gorgeous!

Cindy said...

Beautiful colors!

Tracey said...

Those really are funky!!! Traceymccarthy@gmail.com

tammy said...


Smallest Friend said...

WOW. want that wool.

Sara said...

I was just looking at her stuff today....its just what I need to start spinning!

Dawne said...

Loved your latest podcast Alana ... and that FC fiber, mmmmm so yummy :)

Zenitude said...

Such beautiful colors. Imagine incorparating the matching ribbon in the knitted project you could do with the spun yarn! Love it!

Tinkie said...

Oh so pretty! They want to come home to me! Thanks for the fun drawings Alana!

lorrie said...

love that fiber,looks like fun to spin!

Leah said...

Oh how pretty. They would be nice to use.

Ann said...

Oh what fibery goodness and such a pretty presentation too.

It is really hard to type this with my fingers crossed. (~_~)

(abelau at ocsnet dot net)

Sangeetha said...

Looks lovely - would love to try it






Debbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debbie said...

Those ARE gorgeous!

Kelly-ann said...

I don't those can look anymore beautiful!

Megan said...

Those colors make me drool!

MaryLou said...

Yummy! I would love to spin those luscious colors... MaryLou

Robin said...

Those are so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win

Ibunnysavetroy said...

ohhhh roving. I need to spin down my stash but I'd love some of this!

RubyC said...

I love the Funky Carolina. It is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

emeraldkrystal said...

Oh wow. They are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That looks like an excellent excuse to (finally) take up spinning. I don't have enough hobbies, yet.... :)

Anonymous said...

what wonderful colour! wow!


Anonymous said...

Now *those* could get me spinning!! Simply gorgeous!

emily said...


Knittymama said...

So beautiful! Can't wait to listen to the podcast and hear all about them!

Maureen said...

I've only heard the very best things about Funky Carolina! Beautiful colorways.

Meriam said...

Beautiful...pick me!!!

Julia Zahle said...

Wow - very beautiful colours!

I am at juliazahle (at) gmail.com

Christina said...

Beautiful colors! Would love to try Funky Carolina.

Carol said...

How beautiful!!
I would love to try some Funky Carolina!

Judi A. said...

Love the colors and would love to have some for myself!


Kathy... said...

Me...Me...Me!!! (Please!) :)

Laura said...

Pretty, pretty. I haven't ever tried spinning her fiber, but have heard a lot about it and would love to try it.

(lsfiberadventures at gmail.com)

KPiep said...

So gorgeous! My spinning stash is getting low, and at the very least, I'm going to have to go check out her shop now!

Terry said...

I just learned to spin and these colors are just beautiful.

Crystal said...

Beautiful colors!... and perfect for when I finish with my spinning class at SAFF in October:)
Crystalteaches on Ravelry

J said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful "funky" fibers. I have recently purchased a wheel and am slowly learning!

Paula Cummings said...

I love your podcast. Thanks for all the advice, inspiration, and contests!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are gorgeous!!

Unknown said...

What fun colors, and the give away would be a great birthday present for me..


Alyssa said...

Wow! When I see that fiber, I think "Christmas gifts!" both for the knitters and non-knitters in my life!

Alyoops on Ravelry and at ymail dot com :)

NJStacie said...

Those bundles are lovely! I'd love to try out some Funky Carolina!

AER said...

I would just love to win these! I heart Funky Carolina!

(GracieBelle on Ravelry)

Elizabeth said...

I must say, Carrie is such a wonderful person and it must be a pleasure to deal with her for this contest. Every thing that comes from her dye pot is amazing. Someone here is going to be very lucky!

Katie said...

Gorgeous! What lovely little fiber knots.

asteed said...

Loving Funky Carolina

limejuicy said...

I love Funky Carolina!

limejuicy on Rav

Unknown said...

Oh I have just been learning how to spin and would love to try these fibers!

bee*in*the*balm said...

fingers crossed!

AmandaHall said...

Gorgeous! amanda.amandahall25 at gmail. com

Quietly Otaku said...

Wow beautiful yarn! I'd never heard of funky carolina fibres before.

Dawn said...

WoW those are gorgeous! When are you going to dig that wheel out again?

jjphotoFTW said...

OMG those are so beautiful! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

Amy said...

I would love a chance to win this lovely fiber!

Kay said...

I would love this!

Kay-H on rav.

Unknown said...

they look lovely -- and I had never heard of funky carolina -- I can't believe that now...

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous! I'd love to try one! I'm BeckyinVT on Ravelry

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Yes, they are both gorgeous! I especially like the one with the orange.

themagicalbean said...

These are such beautiful colors! Thanks for hosting the giveaway :)


Emily said...


Melody said...

I'm in sensory overload just looking at these.

If I were to be so fortunate to win one of these, I'm melkrist at Ravelry or you can follow me to my blog.

Thanks for the chance.

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!!! I shall have to look up this vendor.

Gwen said...

Beautiful! Love to see how this spins and knits up!

Kristen said...

Stunning! I love how even ribbon is dyed to match.

globalite on Ravelry.

Missy said...

Absolutely lovely!!

mkridson Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness are those colors fantastic. You'll see me down the fibre rabbit hole, though I'll find something more plain to line it with! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

so, so pretty!

Michelle said...

Such beautiful colors. It looks like it would love to spend some time on my drop spindle.

Deb said...

Oh my!

Holly said...

How gorgeous! Not very often that I get to enter a giveaway for roving! =) I'm excited. Great giveaway, as always.

.micki. said...

The ribbon tying that fiber together is almost as pretty as the fiber itself!

Madison said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I think if I win, I might actually knit something for myself for a change.

B said...

The fiber is beautiful - I'd love to spin with it even as a beginner - my contact info is jeremiah1300@mac.com

Z said...

Beautiful yarn.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how lovely! I'm so glad I'm learning to spin because it's opening up whole worlds of colour.

Joansie said...

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I'd love to spin "Funky Carolina" on my Lendrum.


karen said...

Love the Funky Carolina. Also the ribbon is beautiful!!

Unknown said...

i love this!! i love your contests! even though i never win. ha ha


Anonymous said...



SovereignCrux said...

Oh wow, that's going to make someone some beautiful yarn!


Lindsay said...

I'm commenting! I'm commenting, because I want to bite that fiber (even though I do know it would end badly. . .)
(lindsaywil @ gmail dot com)

CrazyYarnHarlot said...

up until this point, I have not been seriously interested in learning to spin...

Now that I see these.. I could change my mind, in a hurry!!

Unknown said...

Yummy! I would love to polish up my spinning skills with some Funky Carolina.

meredith said...

Love it!

thewalshfam said...

I don't know how to spin, but this fiber is so beautiful it inspires me to learn how!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

Now, this is some pretty cool looking yarn! Love the colors.

(And I love your podcast too. Thanks!)

Rav Name: valeriechristine

April said...

Gorgeous! I hope I win!


Tyler said...

these are so pretty!

madametj AT gmail DOT com

Annie said...


railyuh at gmail dot com

Poethead said...

Lovely colors!

penelope10 said...

How beautiful!

Juliaknit said...

The fiber is beautiful! I would love to try some. Thanks!

Wendy said...

Both colorways are gorgeous! I would be very happy to have either one in my stash!

(Wendeluu on Ravelry)

Lisa Christensen said...

Sweet! Fab colors!

The Bon said...

I love Carrie's fibers, they're so amazing!

MimiD said...

Thanks for all the hard work to produce so many enjoyable podcasts and giveaways. Enjoy your well-deserved time off! And yes, I spin and would love to try Funky Carolina. MimiD on Ravelry.

Chelsea said...

So pretty!! I just took up spinning so it would be good practice ;)



Miss Bea said...

Those are beautiful! I would love to be entered in this drawing!

Mary said...

Wow Funky Carolina! Beautiful!


PETUNIA said...

Beautiful colors!OMG!


JAM said...


kshotz said...

Ooh, yum! That would go perfectly with the new spindle I purchased!!

Kim in IA

Ms. Knitsalot said...

How wonderful that would be to win...

Thanks for the giveaway...

lylandra said...

Very pretty! They look so fluffy. ^_^
(YarnSurfer on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

how lovely!

Julia said...

Lovely, lovely! Thank you!

Renee said...

Oh, lovely!!

Kimberly said...

mmmmm..... Yummy-Gorgeous!

Pam said...

love the colors

Mosaic Magpie said...

I would love to win!

Emily said...

Just visited Funky Carolina's Etsy shop and blog. I highly enjoyed both! I think I might just be placing an order soon!

Grace said...

those are absolutely gorgeous!

Alaska Denise said...

Beautiful! Like colorful clouds

Amy said...

I'm taking a spinning class in a couple weeks--would love to add some Funky Carolina to my stash!

Marin said...

Once again, I am stunned by the beautiful colors. I would love to try some Funky Carolina!

Quilters Toolbox said...

I love the colors. Being new to knitting, I just wish there was a yarn shop closer to me that carries such beautiful yarn.

Linda said...

I love her rovings. they are so pretty.

Cate said...

Those are some beautiful colours!! I can only imagine how great they would look spun up. :)

Unknown said...

wow! dreamy!!!

Liz said...

I think that's the prettiest fibre I've eve seen and I love the coordinating ribbons!

Tallulah said...

Gorgeous! It would inspire me to finally dig our my spindle, which I haven't had the time to use in ages...

Tricia said...

Yum!! looks like some divine fiber!!

Beth said...

Hi! I just started listening to your podcast this morning (Episode 1). I'm really enjoying it. The bad podcast dream sequence really made me laugh!

Those fiber colors make me want to get my wheel out!

Anett said...

They are gorgeous!!

Jessica said...

Oh wow such lovely yarn!

SovereignCrux said...

Wow! please add me to the giveaway.


zenmaria said...

Really enjoy your podcast! Zenmaria on Ravelry

Amy said...

Beautiful fiber, and the ribbon is such a nice touch. I'd looooove to spin with this!

Anne said...

I would love to be a winner! thank you!
annemolino at hotmail dot com

Marisa said...

The one on the right has my name on it. It will be here just in time for my new wheel! Oh pick me.

Jessica said...

Wow! I am "dyeing" to learn to use a drop spindle! Maybe winning this will finally motivate me to do it!!
JPeled on ravelry

chickadeescout said...

Oh, that looks really fun to spin! Just learned this May and I am HOOKED!


Amy said...

Awesome! Would love to try some Funky Carolina, especially since I live in TN :)

Cathi said...

Ooooooo preeettttyyy!


Lauren said...

Very pretty! I especially like the presentation, with the fabric! lberens823 gmail

Elise said...

Those are beautiful!!


Jill Warren said...

The colors are magnificent!

jill warren

d said...

I haven't tried spinning yet - and what a beautiful way to start THIS would be! Thanks for your generosity!

Bookboxer (Ravelry ID)

Kris said...


Rachel D. said...

Oh my goodness! Both of those are absolutely beautiful. I'm always drawn to rich, jewel-toned fibers and yarns. I'll definately be looking at more Funky Carolina in the future.

Email: Breakfree7@juno.com

Serenity said...

Very gorgeous! And I finally picked up my drop spindles again after a several months' hiatus.

Also, I'm so glad to hear you're health is improved and you're moving into a bigger house with more room for your stash! :)

callmeserenity on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

wow those are so pretty. I love the colors.

Shannon said...

LOVE the colors! Thanks for the giveaway.

Constellation Designs said...

Those colors are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

very purdy! i'm just learning to spin and would love some funky carolina!!

zanatic1 at yahoo. com

Unknown said...

YUM! Funky C is awesome!!

Moknita said...

Awesome fiber. Would love to spin it.

Unknown said...

they look just scrumdidilyumptious !!

crookedknits said...

I just got my first drop spindle so either of those would be awesome to play with :o)

Pamela said...

Love the colourways of this beautiful fiber. Will be missing your voice in the next little while. Can't wait to see you when season 5 begins.
Pamela from Ottawa

knitaroo said...

These are amazing! Thanks for the great podcast!

Olea said...

its beautiful!! Just what I need to get me started on my fall knitting projects!!!

Emily said...

Brand spanking new listener! Love love the colors of these samples. They will knit up into something fabulous.

Knitterbot on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Love the yarn and would love to win. melanie1 on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Love the yarn! melanie1 on Ravelry

Betsy said...

So pretty. Love the colors. Enjoy your podcast break. I'll be looking forward to the new season.

Crafty Scorp said...

These look absolutely scrumptious!

Melina said...

I've just learned to spin and need more practice. I love both of those colours.


Robin said...

Those are gorgeous! Off to check out Funky Carolina's fibers...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fiber. :-)

jcoombs said...

I would love to knit with this yarn!

paula said...

ooh very pretty!

Rach_Spencer said...

Those bundles look amazing!!
Rachael Spencer

Marsha said...

Such gorgeousness!!

WhirledPeas said...

I love the colorways.

Malin said...

Oh, wow, pretty! I have just started spinning again and these would be fun to try.
malin dot hillevi at gmail dot com
Malin on Ravelry

Jane Prater said...

Lovely. And the Carolinas are funky. sometimes.


andrea said...

This old Hippie would love to knit with some Funky Carolina. The colors are just outstanding!

Anonymous said...

I'm just getting into spinning, just with a spindle for now. And I think I have a new love.

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