
Pretending Winter

The other day my four year old decided to "pretend winter"
with her winter coat and my drawer of hand knits.
It was all so cute and uncoordinated that I had to snap some pictures.

Playing Winter 1

Here she is wearing some of the knits that I made awhile back now. I forgot I had some of these items! 
I'm thinking that the Laurel beret looks way cuter on her than it ever did on me.

Playing Winter 2

She wasn't the only one who was ready for winter weather though...

Dollies in "Winter Hats"

These dollies were quite cozy in my knitted hats.

Here is the full "Pretending Winter" ensemble. Doesn't everyone look so overheated happy and warm....

The Whole Winter Pretending Package

...in the 90 degree summer heat?


makneta said...

Sweet photo!

Anonymous said...

OMG -- Those dolls in the hats is too funny!

Faith said...

So freaking cute I can't handle it! :-)

YarnOnTheHouse said...

That is just darling!

Sarah said...

Ha ha, so cute. I love the dolls in the hats.

Rachel said...

Winter will be here before you know it and them's fightin' words where I am right now...LOL! SHHHHHHH...


Love the dollies...!

Lisa said...

Love all the hats!

Unknown said...

Those are great pics... so sweet in that red hat!

Sherral said...

I love it! Those little dolls in the hats - adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretending winter. Now why didn't I think of that?
SOOO Cute! :)

NessaKnits said...

She is way too cute! That reminds me of the time my little girl pulled 13 pairs of my undies over her head. Why? Why not! LOL

Unknown said...

Awww, she looks so cute! Don't you just love the imagination that can conjure up "Pretend Winter" in summer?

Amybel said...


Unknown said...

So cute! I feel hot just looking at her though :)

Amy said...

Beautiful girl and beautiful knits! I love kids' imaginations :) I really love that red beret too.

Toby said...

She is soooo adorable!
I am pretending winter in Atlanta too!!! :)

Beth said...

That is the cutest thing ever! Thanks for sharing that!

Unknown said...

That is so cute! And how clever to put the dolls into a hat!

Joansie said...

Absolutely adorable! Your little girl is a cutie!

I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

Precious. Perfect. Happy. Knitterly love.


Kathryn said...

Very, very cute! How do you get anything done with that kind of adorable roaming around the house!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Too Cute! Love those Doll Cozies too. :]

PurlingPenny said...

Your daughter is quite the dolly herself, and looks so lovely in her handknits. She's got a delightful imagination to have her dollys prepared for the "weather" too. Thanks for sharing the smiles!

Lisa Stepi said...

Your daughter's adorable! I love all those handknits.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great day of dressup! Perhaps it will bring the knitter's weather sooner?

Anonymous said...

lol! looking real toasty over there!

Renee said...

Did she want to watch a winter or Christmas movie too? My kids used to do that when they had pretend winter days. Loved those! We'd even bake Christmas cookies. lol

Maryse said...

Gorgeous moments! Love!

Unknown said...

Alana, your daughter is a beauty! And how cute the big gloves look on her! LOL

Melissa said...

That is so cute! Makes me want to knit a pair of mittens and wintery stuff!

Anonymous said...

This "pretending winter" must be going around; my kids haven't dug out any of the winter knits, but the 2 of them were building imaginary snowmen and having imaginary snowball battles inside yesterday. I love the dolls in the little hat cocoons!

Amanda Jean said...

the dolls in the hats made me literally laugh out loud! they are so cute in there.

also wanted to say thanks a bunch for the leg warmies pattern. i just made a pair last week and i squealed over them a bunch. so fun and cute! thanks for sharing the free pattern. (i linked up to it today.) it's much appreciated!

Poethead said...

So cute!

Lynette said...

she's so cute (and probably very warm), and the dolls are hilarious.

Shawn said...

So much wonderful color! Love it!