
Cinnamon Cielo


Meet Becoming Art's Cielo Sport in Cinnamon.

It's so unbelievably beautiful I can't decide whether to marry it or eat it.

Perhaps I'll just design something with it instead.

Pattern coming soon! :)


Anonymous said...

oh my, i just got a deep and hard spasm of coveting that color! that's absolutely gorgeous - it's good that i don't live near you, that's all i'm saying. :)

Zenitude said...

Gorgeous colour. Can't wait to see what you will design for it.

Jessica said...

What a **stunning** color- can't wait to see what you will knit up with it :0)

CeRae said...

I find myself daydreaming about that very skein of yarn. Can't wait to see the design it has inspired.

Unknown said...

Wow! LOVE!

Heather said...

That is beautiful! Can't wait to see what you've designed.

Unknown said...

the label is so pretty

Betsy Mortinsen said...


Chrissy said...

Love the color! Went right over to "Becoming Art"...just can't decide on which color to order...mmh...

Beth said...

Wow, that is stunning yarn!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann said...

What a color!

Unknown said...

I love your patterns. Have knitted several of them. Working on a second cowl. Keep designing all these great patterns.

Amy said...

I think I would marry it! Eating it just sounds all kinds of not right! LOL

Julie said...

what a stunning colour!!

RRM said...

Could you recommend a yarn from Becoming Art I would like to make the Tea Leaves Cardigan and I love the yarn?

