

 I am very happy to report to you that I finished the design project that I was working on out of the 
fabulous yarn that I shared with you in the previous post.

To celebrate the occasion, I knit this flamingo.

Because.. everyone knits flamingos when they want to celebrate right? 
Wow. I just realized how incredibly boring I am.

Moving on.. 

Check out this flamingo.

It has been a couple of months now since I indulged in knitting a toy for my daughter. I absolutely love the satisfaction of toy knitting. Toys are fun, fast to knit, and my daughter loves them. They are also great for using up scraps of yarn. Most toys I've knit have been from scraps, and that is a satisfying thing in itself.

Holding Ms. F.

This little flamingo used up some scraps of Spud and Chloe Sweater yarn that I had leftover from my recently knit Chloe sweaters. The orange legs are from leftovers from my daughters knitted chickens from last year.

 If you like this little flamingo, you'll be happy to know that the pattern can be found for free here.
It's another design by Susan B. Anderson. I just can't stop knitting her toy patterns.

Flamingos are funny.

This flamingo is cute and all, but lets get back to the point... there is an occasion to celebrate! My new pattern is done. And I am seriously so excited about it! It's with my graphic designer and test knitters now and I'm hoping it will be ready to release soon. 

It's a beret pattern. A beautiful cabled leafy beret. And it was hard to do. But now its done.

I can't wait to show you!


makneta said...

Adorable flamingo. They look so sweet together. I wish I could knit such nice toys for my daughter.

Knit Kat said...

Wow Alana, I really love the flamingo!! I must get the book and
immediately knit a family of flamingos for my two grand-daughters. They look as if they are very quick to knit. Your little girl is very lucky to have such a clever mommy. When will she start playing with yarn and needles?

Unknown said...

i'm soo soo excited about your new pattern! I'm looking for a beret pattern - this might be it : )
You're flamingo is darling, soo, soo cute!

Crystal said...

I am anxiously awaiting your pattern!! I'm sure it will be beautiful and I will have to purchase it:) Fall is the perfect time to start working on a beret!

Sarah said...

I love that little flamingo. It looks like your daughter does too. She looks so happy!

Toby said...

Something new that is leafy... I am so excited to see!!!
The flamingo is adorable! I am working on Susan's Owl's for my daughters bday. She is a Chi Omega and their mascot is the owl. The pattern is in the Holiday 2010 issue of KnitSimple. The other neat thing about Susan's toys - they keep my dpn skills honed!

Lisa said...

Can't wait for the beret!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Very Cute! Turned out perfect.
I'd like to knit these bounce ball toys for my kids too. Maybe soon...Christmas! I love using up scraps/stash too.

CeRae said...

I love how much she loves her toys :) So sweet!

juliedonahue said...

The flamingo looks great and I can't wait to see your new pattern!

knittinglane said...

I knit one of those flamingos for MY daughter (only she is 18 years old)!! :)

Trina-Lea said...

Completely adorable...your daughter and the flamingo!
Looking forward to the beret reveal.
I have just found my way back to knitting and I'm so happy to have found your lovely blog and podcast. I am working my way through your archives which have kept me inspired and wanting to know so much more. Thank you Alana

Julie said...

I love this little flamingo!! And your daughter looks so happy to have it. I definitely agree with you about knitting toys- they are so satisfying, and people just love them.
A new design- exciting!!

Drop Stitches Not Bombs said...

Knitting a flamingo to celebrate is not boring, it's awesome! Can't wait to see your new design.

thewalshfam said...

Super cute pictures of your daughter with the flamingo! I have been wanting to knit myself a beret! What good timing!

Ally Jay said...

It's beautiful

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see the beret! And your flamingo is perfect!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

And we can't wait to see your new pattern!

I have been meaning to make this little guy myself. Susan has the best toy designs. I just can't stop making them!

margaretk said...

I love the flamingo! I just finished one of Susan B. Anderson's patterns - an Apple Cosy - a small gift for someone who said they wanted one. Very satisfying to knit up a small pattern so quickly whilst slogging away on the longer projects.

Nancy said...

My grand daughter needs one, too!!
You inspire me!

Bernadette said...

So sweet! And better than Beanie Babies, because home made toys are made with LOVE! :)))

Michelle B said...

OH I have friend who loves Flamingos, I'll be making her one for Christmas! It so so cute!

Dark Rose Knits said...

Super cute! I've never attempted knitting toys. Is it pretty easy?

Melissa said...

Oooh! I can't wait to see your new beret design! I'm glad it's a beret because I've been thinking of knitting one for myself for the first time! I know it will be beautiful like all your other patterns.

Poethead said...

Ahhh, so adorable--both the flamingo and your little one. I can't wait to see the pattern.

Megan said...

Congrats on nearing the finish line on your new pattern!
Adorable little one and flamingo.

Unknown said...

I love your podcasts. I like the orange sock cube bag. I hope to win this wonderful prize. Keep up the good work.

Fernie said...

There is NOTHING boring about that flamingo! How adorable!