
Brave New Knits Drawing Giveaway

I have a new giveaway for you to enter!

Brave New Knits Drawing Giveaway

In episode 44 of the Never Not Knitting podcast I had the privilege of interviewing Julie Turjoman, the author of Brave New Knits. Julie's publisher, Rodale Books, was kind enough to provide a copy of the book for me to give away to one of you!

In addition to the book, the winner will receive a skein of Malabrigo Sock yarn in the eggplant colorway kindly provided by Sandrasingh.com. This is the yarn and colorway called for in the book's  

Isn't this pattern gorgeous? And it only takes one skein!
It was hard to capture the gorgeous color of this yarn with the camera. It is a lovely deep dusky purple.

Be sure to listen to episode 44 to learn more about Brave New Knits. Also, don't forget to visit Sandrasingh.com. You can get 10% off of all yarns, magazines and needles through December 15th! 
Enter code "NNK01" at checkout.

Orchid Thief Shawlette

To enter to win, please leave a comment (only one!) including your contact information under this post.
I will be announcing the winner here December 1, so please check back to see if you have won!

Drawing Now Closed! Congratulations to Judi A, the winner!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 566   Newer›   Newest»
Rachel said...

I would love to make that shawl! It's one of my favorites from the book!

Rachel C

themaidenoflight on ravelry

CeltChick said...

Wow what a color! I would soooo like to win this drawing.

Anonymous said...

Love the podcast.

Lindsay said...

love the yarn! it's very dimensional.

Anonymous said...

Oh the Orchid Theif... I'd love to make that! And in Malabrigo? ::sigh:: Heaven.

neferatowen said...

Awesome giveaway :)
Rav id: Sampras

Rae Lynne said...

What a beautiful shawl! I saw this book at a bookstore yesterday and was so tempted to buy it! :) It was nice to be able to flip through it and see all the patterns! Thanks for this opportunity!

Rae Lynne (raelynne01 on Rav)

Karey said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. The yarn looks luscious and I love the color. karclockATgmail.com

Kamigaeru said...

What a gorgeous shawl... and I love the color! Thanks for such a great giveaway. :-)

(Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

Becky said...

What a great giveaway!

Becky (gathersnomoss on ravelry)

Kathryn said...

You have the BEST giveaways for my knitting addiction!

Liberty said...

very beautiful

emeraldkrystal said...

Beautiful pattern and great giveaway!
Emeraldkrystal on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love both the book and the yarn!

KatJobson said...

Love the eggplant color :)and what's not to love about Malabrigo. Oh did I mention I would love to win too.

Kathi Jobson

Unknown said...

Oohhh, so pretty. I love the color.

Nax said...

Thanks for this oportunity!


Mike and Sara said...

Beautiful shawlette! I just discovered your podcast and am really enjoying it. Keep up the good work!
sarabethd on ravelry

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! bonniecraig@juno.com

Rhian Drinkwater said...

Ooh that yarn is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love the eggplant color. I have been eying it at my local yarn store for sometime in complete and total envy. m.stidham2010@gmail.com

harriet said...

Love Malabrigo's yarns. The book looks like a winner also.

Harriet (bloomgirlknits on Ravelry)

Paula said...

Thanks for a wonderful podcast!

susie said...

the shawl and the yarn color would look stunning on my daughter!

Melaleucamom said...

That yarn is gorgeous and I'm intrigued to see the patterns in the book bearing such a title!


Jules said...

Great book and great yarn! Hope it has my name on it!

Tracey said...

So nice! I would love to win both. Traceymccarthy@gmail.com

Michelle said...

I love Malabrigo, pick me!

Ellemme said...

I'm just one another loving malabrigo sock yarn! and especially this color! What a great giveaway! :o)
(I'm Ellemme in Ravelry)

gail said...

thanks for entering me in your amazing giveaway!

gail said...

thanks for entering me in your amazing giveaway!

Liz said...

I'm suddeny obsessed with making a shawelette. Thanks Alana!


Unknown said...

Another great giveaway! I hope someday I'll win one!

Karla said...

Count me in!! Love the eggplant color!!

polkaknits said...

This is so awesome giveaway!
morganah on Rav

behind the ivy said...

What a fantastic giveaway!

That yarn is beautiful :)


thewalshfam said...

I would love a copy of that book! Such beautiful patterns and it sounds like a great read, too!

KateB said...

What a beautiful book and such beautiful yarn! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Ms. Knitsalot said...

Beautiful giveaway. Thank you...

CrazyYarnHarlot said...

this is a beautiful pattern! and I have yet to get my hands on some mal sock, so to win would be extra grand!! Thanks again for another great give-away

crazyyarnharlot on ravelry

melsheljack said...

what a beautiful shawl and yummy looking yarn.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for a wonderful podcast and a wonderful giveaway!

Becky @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/sundaydrivedesigns

Anonymous said...

What a lovely pattern. Might be a little over my head, but something to aspire to. Thanks for the contest and terrific shows.


juliedonahue said...

Lovely! I'd love to win the book!

Kat said...

Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! Thank you very much!

Hugs, Kat


knitterlydesigns said...

The shawl is gorgeous. I am working on the Ishbel by Ysolda. I also love anything by Malabrigo. Thanks!!


Kristi said...

Lovely shawl. Normally I don't care for purples, but that dark one is yummy!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to enter. The eggplant color yarn is beautiful.


pickledpurls said...

I shall throw my name in the hat for this giveaway. Love love love the color!
Thanks so much


Catie said...

Yet another wonderful giveaway!

Catiecat on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

beautiful shade of plum!

Tammy said...

I love Ysolda's patterns! This would be a wonderful one to add to my collection!

Rachel D. said...

I am already deeply in love with Malabrigo and that shawl pattern is stunning. Thanks for this opportunity!


marylouc said...

Mmmmm! love that eggplant colorway, and of course, would love to win the wonderful book.

Ytknits said...

Mmmmm, would love to win this! Beautiful yarn and great book.


CO64 said...

I browsed my friend's book and put it on my "to buy" list. Very nice! I also LOVE the eggplant colorway...

Anonymous said...

I'm am dying to check this book out! What a wonderful giveaway.


Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JodyH said...

Oh I've been wanting a copy of this book, and the yarn looks yummy too!

Tara said...

That shawlette is beautiful.


Brenda said...

What a great prize. Love your podcast!
I am goodstuff on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Great give away! Enjoy your podcast.
Mary Ann

Denise/CT said...

Loved the interview and love the color of that skein of yarn! I can't wait to give this book a look the next time I'm at the LYS/book store.

k2ntrish said...

I can't remember when I've been so excited about a book. The giveaway is fantastic.

Chelsea said...

Fun! Fun!


Anonymous said...


Chppie said...

Thanks for describing the color. On my screen it was more charcoal than eggplant.

gunter said...

soooo lovely

lyeng11 said...

Nice... Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

Anonymous said...


Catalina said...

What a beautiful Shall, simply gorgeous!
Theyarnkat on Rav.

Millertime Productions said...

Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

Matt Watson said...

I've just started listening to your podcast and love it, keep it up Alana! Thanks!

Matt Watson said...

I've just started listening to your podcast Alana and I love it, keep it up!

Unknown said...

Wonderful podcast. This giveaway would be a fantastic early Christmas for me!

Thanks for the truly interesting podcast.

susuellis on Ralvery

margaretk said...

I really enjoyed your interview! I would love to read all the interviews in the book, and knit one of the patterns with the beautiful eggplant yarn!

knitwish on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Alana, I've been listening to you from the beginning. I enjoy your podcast so much! My husband thinks you remind him of me! Ha Ha! Well, we do have some things in common. Good luck to you in all your designing endeavors.


Kelly said...

This is awesome! Malabrigo is completely amazing and so are the patterns in this book. Thanks Alana!
kellery on ravelry

Angeline Bowman said...

Oo, love that yarn! Hope I win...that book looks great and I could use some new patterns. :)

Juliann said...

Just found your blog and podcast and have enjoyed catching up. Thank you for some great inspiration and a chance to win such beautiful yarn and book. Loved the interview too.

Nebraska Knitter said...

The eggplant color is perfect for Thanksgiving and November. What a fun give away.

Nebraska Knitter

Melody said...

Thanks for introducing me to this book and for the giveaway.


Mary said...

I love this! Thank you, Alana!


KC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel R. said...

Lovely yarn and the book looks awesome!

KC said...

Great interview, Alana, and what a fantastic giveaway! Would love to win!!!

"rowsie" on Rav

Elise said...

Wowzers thats alot of comments. I had to enter this one, I have a weak spot for Malabrigo Sock =) Just started following you on Twitter too, Alana!


Caitlin said...

Beautiful yarn...what's not to like?

Jenny K said...

Wow so many great patterns in this book!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I would love to win this!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this prize! I apologize if this post shows up twice. I had a bit of technical difficulty!


Unknown said...

The yarn is absolutely yummy. I hope I win! :)

littlesweetknittings at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

The yarn is absolutely yummy. I hope I win! :)

littlesweetknittings at gmail dot com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ella Wong said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

reesarick said...

I love this colorway and that shawl pattern is truly lovely! Awesome giveaway. Thank you!!!!

- Teresa
teresarickard (at) gmail (dot) com

emy said...

I am not sure if international knitters qualify.


Mikki said...

I LOVE the patterns in this book!

Anonymous said...

Love the yarn and the pattern (and all the rest of the book). Gorgeous!
ilina (on ravelry)

Heather Louise said...

Yes! Please, Yes! Thanks!


Frida said...

Love it :-)

sharmylae said...

i'd love to be part of the giveaway!

supersharmie at gmail.com


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous. Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win! Melanie

sara said...

thanks for the giveaway, my daughter's favorite color is purple!

Kathleen said...

Beautiful yarn and gorgeous shawl! Please count me in!

katbetty on Ravelry

Pamela said...

I just can't wait to see all those fantastic patterns - thanks for highlighting this great new book. I will be checking it out soon - lovely yarn and pattern give away.... It would be my first lace pattern.
Thanks Alana
Pamela from Canada

karen alho said...


karen alho said...

Sorry, forgot th econtact info! karenalho@msn.com

emmym said...

I would love this giveaway!

Sabra said...

love this book and yarn would love to win it.

tshep said...

love Ysolda, love Malabrigo, and the book looks great! can't really go wrong here...

thanks Alana!

bbank334 (at) hotmail.com

wanderrast said...

So lovely pattern, a very beuatiful giveaway.

Dawn said...

What a beautiful shawl pattern! Gorgeous colorway too! Loved the interview!

Mary said...

I would love to check out this book!

Missy said...

Yeah! I was just looking at that lovely book!!
mkrids on Ravelry

Bernadette said...

Beautiful! What a sweet giveaway! I am HookedonKnitting in Ravelry, my blog is HookedonKnitting.Blogspot.com

Maryse said...

Brave New Knits, Malabrigo and a beautiful Ysolda pattern? What more can one ask for? Thanks for that great give away and enjoy the weekend!

RubyC said...

I am more than ready to add this book to my library. And this shawl and yarn, I am ready to accept the pleasure of creating this shawl with this yarn. Ummm!

Aimee said...

That yarn is beautiful! Looks like a great new book. :)

Frankly Beka said...

Ooh! Pretty. I've seen the color in person, and it is quite yummy. Made my mouth water just looking at it. Hope I get lucky, and win. combatboots7@yahoo.com

Miss Bea said...

Count me in on this one! My ravelry name is MissBea. Thanks as always for the chance to win something lovely!

Debbie said...

Love the eggplant colorway and would love a new knitting book. PS I really love your podcast.

Thanks, Alana

Lizajane said...

You have rescued me form the knitting doldrums! This is beautiful!

BookGirl said...

Ysolda's patterns are wonderful.

BookGirl on Ravelry.

barbara said...

Lovely book and yarn. Your podcasts are great.

Anonymous said...

in love with ... all of what you knit, say, write, design, podcast, even if I do not always understand everything.

I don't know if French knitter can take a part to this wonderful Giveway, but ... i'll try to !

thank you so much for all what you make for us!

aymellle@gmailDOTcom, and from France !

Tecrin said...

Lovely colour!

neffalathiel at gmail dot com

Becca said...

Ohh, this is fabulous - my mouth is watering! becca@schwa.com

Julia said...

Beautiful yarn... such a good giveaway that I am commenting for the first time!


Kathy said...

The color of that yarn is luscious! And thanks for the link - I think I'll be shopping!


Kathy said...

The color of that yarn is luscious! And thanks for the link - I think I'll be shopping!


Julie said...


carolshue said...

Loved the interview and can't wait to see the book!

Michelle said...

I have had my eye on this book for a long time! I love all of the patterns in it!

FabEwelous Knits said...

The yarn looks really pretty. I can't believe the shawl takes only one skein!

maria said...

Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love this yarn it's beatiful and smooth and so cute, I can't resist!
Thank you for the giveaway!


maria said...

Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love this yarn it's beatiful and smooth and so cute, I can't resist!
Thank you for the giveaway!


Casey said...

Just lovely cschwing (at) gmail.com

Crystal R said...

What a beautiful pattern, thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Love love love!

Thanks (:

Unknown said...

Thank you for arranging this giveaway!
On Rav - vtpeach

slmiller8 said...

Another great giveaway; thanks, Alana!

J said...

Thanks for another great episode! I love the color! Jennifer

Ninaclock145 said...

Beautiful! Loved the interview. Ninaclock145

Rachel said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

rachelknoles at msn dot com

Shannon said...

Wow, so pretty! Love the yarn and the book.


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Beautiful yarn and interesting book.

Connie said...

What a pretty pattern!

Emily said...

I'm always up for brave knitting in an awesome cold-weather color!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great interview! I didn't know about this book and I love the patterns! The origami shrug is my favorite. kibbles.n.knits (at) gmail.com

Rebecca said...

You always hear...you never win unless you enter...so I am entering, but know I will never win. What an awesome prize...thanks for the chance.

IrishGirl said...

Don't you just love Malabrigo???

=] Bren

jlr said...

Wow - I fell in love with Orchid Thief immediately. This is an excellent giveaway. I love Ysolda's designs!

riordjo on Rav

Trisha R said...

Fantastic giveaway! I don't know how brave of a knitter I am, but I sure wouldn't mind trying!

willowrose said...

What a beautiful shawl!

Samantha said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

swellest on ravelry

Dawne said...

Really enjoyed the interview in this episode. I had no idea this book had such a close link with Ravelry. Very interesting :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog on Ravelry and I really like it. My email address is la.klemme.nikita@gmail.com

dmop said...

Thanks for featuring this great book. It's inspiring!

Rene Sharp said...

Such a lovely book, wish I could win it!!!!

Paige said...

What a beautiful shawl!

Jodi said...

wow, what lovely yarn.
jones2read at gmail

Kylie said...

How wonderful!!

Phyllis said...

I would love a copy of the book and Malabrigo Sock yarn? YES! Thanks Alana and I'll stop in to see you at Stitches West!
PHYL2522 at aol.com

ikkinlala said...

This looks like a wonderful book!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

darah said...

gorgeous! and i'm saving the podcast for the kids' naptime tomorrow! which i'm clearly already looking forward to.

Francesca said...

I'm glad to find out about the shawl pattern, so even if I don't win, great information!
freitano at gmail dot com

Gina said...

Lovely prizes! - please count me in :)


Anonymous said...

that is one gorgeous pattern and yarn. me please :)

Anonymous said...

A really interesting interview. Thank you. Such a great shawl - I'm really looking for inspiration for a wedding shawl.

Mary said...

what a lovely giveaway. thank you alana!! (msrogovin@gmail.com)

norabrown said...

I always enjoy your podcasts, but your interviews are my favorite.

I'll have to check out this book.

Nora Brown

Jennifer said...

I love Ysolda and her new book!!

Laura Smith said...

Would love to get my hands on that book, as well as the fabulous yarn! Thanks again for another terrific giveaway!

Unknown said...

Fabulous giveaway! I can't wait to win...

dragomeira said...

Purple and Malabrigo. Two of my favorite things!

Amy Mahowald said...

It all looks so beautiful! amerdooze@gmail.com

Holly said...

Was at the bookstore recently & saw this book, loved it! Once again, what a generous giveaway!


Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

Yay! Another great giveaway!

Rav Name: valeriechristine

Doula Mommy said...

Gorgeous! What a lovekt giveaway!
MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry

joyceetta said...

I have been wanting to read this book....so I'd love to win it.


Unknown said...

As a recently new listener, I finally finished all episodes! I would love to win to celebrate,

Eileen said...

Really enjoyed the interview, and the podcast as always. I'd love to win your giveaway! :-0

WiscKnitter on Ravelry

6toknit4 said...

I keep seeing projects done in this eggplant colorway on Ravelry and admire them! I am wishing for this book since it came out!

Balkan Style Bloggers said...

Oh my! I've been hankering for a hank of Malabrigo sock! :) What a lovely giveaway. Fingers crossed!

jayayceeblog said...

A knitting book and yarn??? I'm in and would love to win!


terip said...

pretty color and i love one skein projects
thanks so much
tpasto@comcast.net = teri p

Unknown said...

I just started listening to the podcasts and am only on #16! Everytime you announce a giveaway it sounds wonderful but it's already passed -- way passed! I jumped ahead this time to enter.

WhattaStitch on Ravelry.

heavenisabookstore said...

How beautiful!! I would love to win this and give it to my mom. She is a fabulous knitter.

Erin said...



Unknown said...

oh the giveaway is lovely

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning... :oD

Ellen said...

Love the yarn color, love the shawl, would love to win!!

Krista said...

Always exciting when there's a new podcast!


Heston Folks said...

Great podcast, Alana! I always get so much information while listening. One of these days, I am going to be able to knit your Cedar Leaf pattern...looking forward to it. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

kjramstack said...

I would love to check out that book. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Alex & Cassandra said...

Awesome giveaway!

Crystal said...

Pick me! I'd love to win this book and yarn:)

Lisa said...

Purples seem to have invaded my life in a huge way lately and I'm loving it. That shawl is gorgeous!


Yelena said...

This book is on my xmas wishlist! I am ymalcolm on ravelty.

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