
Roseknits Bag Drawing Giveaway

If you have listened to my last podcast episode or have followed my blog for a time, you will undoubtedly be aware of how much I love Roseknits knitting bags!

I am very happy to say that Annie from Roseknits has sent me this beautiful bag to give away to one of you!

Seriously.. I want this bag for myself. Isn't it so amazingly adorable? So fun and cheerful.

Roseknits Drawing Giveaway

 But this drawing prize would not be complete without some fantastic things to go IN the bag! 

In Episode 43, Melissa Wehrle from neoknits.com was kind enough to share her story of becoming a knitwear designer with all of us. She has kindly contributed a copy of her first sweater pattern,
'The Grannie Smith Cardigan' to this prize.
But I decided that the winner probably should also have some yarn to go with it... :)

Months ago I received this beautiful skein of Fancy Lace yarn from Emily, the talented dyer behind Viola yarns. This skein is amazing. It's a beautiful soft blend of Silk, Cashmere and Alpaca. What a treat. I've decided to pass this lovely skein onto one of you. Crazy I know. What am I thinking?

This skein holds a whopping 1300 yards. That is enough to make an entire Granny Smith Cardigan sweater for yourself!

Roseknits Giveaway Closeup

To enter to win this amazing prize set, just leave a comment under this post with contact information. 
Please only one comment per person.

Before you comment, please visit the Roseknits Etsy shop and let me know in your comment which style bag you like the most. The Etsy shop can be found HERE. I have my favorites. 
I'd love to find out which ones you like too!

I will announce the winner here on November 15th. Please check back then to see if you have won!

Drawing now closed! Congratulations to Cheryl, the winner!


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Alyssa said...

I love the box tote, because it's so super cute! It would be perfect for a small project, maybe socks on DPNs.

What I love most though is the beautiful fabrics! I would be thrilled to win the bag... just for the bag! The yarn is just yarny icing on the cake.

alyoops @ ymail dot com.

Liz said...

I love the Stash Basket and Notions Pouch. All the fabrics are amazing!!

Nicole said...

Let's see...I like the stash baskets, the bag buddies and the box totes! I especially like the bag you're giving away!


Laura Smith said...

I adore bags. Bags and bags and bags! These are all quite nice. I am especially drawn to the stash baskets. So cute to have sitting out in the living room!
smithsoccasional at gmail.com

Sally said...

I love the bag pictured on your blog - my color, even with birds! The yarn is the color I have been drawn to since midsummer. Stash basket at Roseknits looks very useful and cute!

BellaPepper said...

Wow, such a lovely prize! Went to her Etsy a I also love her box totes, so pretty!

marlie said...

I love the larger stash basket AND the smaller fortune cookie tote. Both would be so useful...

IrishGirl said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful prize and right before the holidays, too!


Sherral said...

Such a cute bag!
I'm sherral on ravelry.

Oiyi said...

Wowzers! This is an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for offering us a chance to win this.

email is : oiyi.yau(at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! I like the lined canvas tote and the box tote best, but I love all of them!

Aesderina said...

wow.. 1300 yards?!?!? that's AMAZING!!
I love the fortune cookie's.. they are so cute.. I want to eat them..
but I also love the peace pattern bag buddies :)
thanks for the amazing giveaway


Tricia said...

Oooo. I would love a stash basket for every project in my stash! So cute! Probably going on my Christmas list. :) Gorgeous yarn, great giveaway again!

Silvia M. said...

After looking at the assortment of bags and pouches, I have to say that I like pretty much all of them. I particularly like all the lovely warm shades of brown and orange of some of the fabrics. :)

stringsofpurls said...

Love the zippered bag and the stash bags. What a wonderful giveaway!

stringsofpurls at gmail dot com

jdbknits said...

I love the stashbasket and the everything tote. Thanks for the giveaway!


Sara said...

I desperately need a bag---a box tote would be perfect---and yarn is always a nice bonus!

d. said...

I love all of the Stash Bags. Would make such a good Christmas gift. The buttons are beautiful as well.

K said...

I love the little square bags! they are the prefect size!! :) I am a new knitter and this would be a great opportunity for me to learn to knit a sweater... the next thing on my list. I hope I win!

Vee said...

I would love SO MUCH to win this. How did I not know about this sweater pattern?! It's gorgeous!

My favorite bag from the etsy store would be the Bird on Woodgrain Market Tote. It's adorable, and I love the birdy lining :)

knitterellapurl on Ravelry

Steffani Grande said...

OMG!! What BEAUTIFUL yarn! I LOVE the stash basket!! What a cute way to display your overflows!!

polkaknits said...

I'd love to win this giweaway! The polka-dot fabric...just great!

morganah at ravelry

The Litter Box House said...

Wow, what a generous offer. Pick me! ;)

I'm a fan of the Bag Buddy 2.

joyceetta said...

My favorites are the Stash Basket and those very cute and unique fortune cookie bags.
I'd love to win this bag, yarn and pattern!

Tammy said...

I love the stash totes and the buddy bag 2. Anything would be better than my ziploc project bags!

Unknown said...

I really like the fortune cookies!

Geknitics on Ravelry

emmym said...

I love the stash bags. Would love to have one for every work in progress!!! (That's quite a few!)

knitnewbe said...

I just love the Roseknit bags. I have a couple of the box totes and I take them everywhere. Alana, thanks for such a great podcast and such great giveaways.

Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

lovely giveaway!!! I like her everything tote...not because I carry that much knitting but I end up carrying everything with my knitting.

emmym said...

I love the stash bags. Would love to have one for every work in progress!!! (That's quite a few!)

dandelion said...

this is a wonderful and generous gift. I can not bypass. Thanks in advance for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Ah! The stash baskets are amazing!! So is you giveaway! wow!


Ms. Knitsalot said...

bag buddy 2 = very pretty!!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Alaska Denise said...

I would LOVE the bag!

Sandra@threepumpkinslittle.squarespace.com said...

I love the fortune cookie bags but I think the stash buckets are my absolute faves. What a wonderful giveaway--I'm on a cardi kick & that yarn looks amazing! Thanks for a chance to win!

3pumpkinslittle on Ravelry.

Rachel said...

What a generous giveaway! Those bags are so cute! I really like the box totes, but the stash bags are a great idea!

Jen said...

I love her fortune cookie bags, I've been meaning to buy one for a while. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!

Angie McKeon said...

What am AMAZING giveaway!!! I absolutely love all of the Rose Knits bags but my favorite thing is the stash baskets. Thanks for offering a great giveaway can't wait till the winner is picked:))


ElectricMo said...

I love those fortune cookie bags! So cute.

I'm ElectricMo on Ravelry, I can give you my e-mail there I hope?

Unknown said...

It's beautiful! I've not yet dared to knit a sweater, but I'm inspired to try!!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

I really love this pattern-


too cute.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

jensimoneau said...

These bags are so great, it's hard to choose. I think the fortune cookie bags are so creative. What a fantastic prize...the green apple sweater is beautiful!

Claire said...

The larger Totes, especially the Everything Tote, have to be my favorites ... and even though I like a strap better than two sticks for handles, the everything tote is really stylin'!!

This is a fantastic giveaway ... you are soooo generous to share, so thanks for that!! Maybe even a little crazy to part with these beauties?!?! I'm just sayin'. :)Who ever receives this beautiful gift will be totally tickled!!


Jeanie Farley said...

Stash basket, stash basket. I love, love, love the stash basket. Thank you for the give away!

Louise said...

What an amazing giveaway! It's so hard to choose which is my favourite bag - I can't choose between the box totes and the fortune cookies :)

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

That's me, always taking a chance in a contest! I love this bag!

Thanks, Alana and friends!

Jill Nault said...

Oooohhh, the canvas lined tote is lovely! What a great giveaway!!!

Lisaknits said...

I am giving a try to win! Love each podcast.


Unknown said...

The box totes are my favourite. What an exciting giveaway!

penelope10 said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I love her Box Totes and the Fortune Cookies!

cmflame said...

What cool prizes! The cube for socks would be my favorite since I mostly knit socks. I'm intrigued by the one lined in oil cloth - potentially it would keep liquids from getting to your knit project, but if you used it for toiletries it could keep any mess in.

Liz said...

I love her zippered bag buddies! Thanks for the give-away!

Anonymous said...

I love the box bags....they just keep everything together, and the fabrics are very cheerful!

Jen said...

The stash bucket is da business!

erica said...

I want this bag! :) you're right the material combination is really cute together...i would love a chance to win it! :)

Anonymous said...

The fortune cookie bags are so cute! I would love to win the entire prize package. Not sure which item I'm most excited about...I love them all!
danettefoster at yahoo dot com

x said...

Wow! Beautiful bag, pattern and yarn! My favorite Rose Knits item is the stash bag and all of the fabrics are beautiful.

Unknown said...

I love the one in the giveaway, but the box totes and notions bags look really great too.

Jules said...

I love her stash baskets! And I would love winning this prize. The yarn, the pattern, the bag Oh My!


Jean Ashley said...

I love the stash baskets and the fortune cookie bags....

ctexas said...

I would love to have this bag. Thank your for the chance.


Judy said...

I love the Canvas Lined Tote and the clutches--and all the fabric choices!


Debbie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My fav bag from Roseknits is Zippered Bag Buddy with the colorful peace signs. My lunch bag for work has the same design! I could be matching! Debbie in Alaska My Ravelry ID is gussek

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I just spend a lot of time exploring her Etsy store and I pretty much want it all, from the fabric covered buttons to the cube bags . . . But then I found the item that really appealed to me: The Stash Basket. Love it.

valeriechristine on Ravelry

Tanzi said...

I love the bag in the giveaway the best, as well as the market tote, but all of the bags are adorable!


yodafatkitty said...

Well, here goes. I think I like the canvas lined tote, on the last page, the best.
Hard to choose, though. What gorgeous yarn in the give-away too!

Kathy said...

What an awesome giveaway! Gorgeous prize! I've had my eye on one of the stash baskets for a while, but all of them are adorable!

Marilyn said...

I've ordered a couple of bags from Annie before and I love the Box Tote I got in the "Birds of Norway" fabric!

farmgirl said...

I love ALL of the totes! and the stash basket and the fortune cookie bags and...
Wow, such an amazing giveaway, thanks!!

Julianne said...

Great giveaway! Fingers crossed.

Amybel said...

What a giveaway! I was going to say the fortune cookie totes because they seem like you could easily slip out the work from the top and steal a few minutes of knitting, then I saw the canvas lined tote on the last page. Love it! Love them both!

cksknitter said...

I like the Box Totes and I don't have one. Hmmmm......

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. I love this bag! I need this bag!

Kelly-ann said...

I love the patterns on the fabric of the bag and how they coordinate - super sweet.

emmy said...

Oh my! What a lot of comments. I love the bag that you are giving away and oh that yarn- makes me speechless. I also really like her stash basket. That is a very unique idea and something I have not seen before.

Drooling over the yarn...
Lakeknitter on RAV

Susan said...
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Susan said...

These bags are beautiful. I'm pretty new to knitting and I could really use a bag to take my projects with me. I really like the Valentine's Speacial bag but then again I have a soft spot for anything pink or with hearts.

Denise Cole said...

I love these bags! What a great giveaway..

Pomegranategrl said...

Yes please! I love this set!

MaryLou said...

Beautiful, beautiful stuff - what a fabulous prize. Maybe this week I'll be the lucky one!

Ana Salomé said...

This is the best giveaway ever! What a dream...
PS - I love the Sew Crafty Cluth :)

Cheryl said...

She is very talented and was wonderful when I asked for a custom large fortune cookie last winter. The cubes are probably my second favorite but the bag is really cute!

cheryl at masongarden dot com

Sonja said...

I like the stash basket, and the fortune cookie bag!
Thanks for the contest!

sonjasgeorge at yahoo.com

Gayle Billat said...

The fortune cookie bags are adorable! I would love to add one of her bags to my knitting life ... not to mention the gorgeous yarn & pattern. Thanks, Alana!

D Louise said...

Oh my! I'd have a hard time choosing between the box tote and the stash basket. But I'm also seduced by the darling tote in your giveaway and that lovely yarn. Some lucky person will be VERY happy!

Ursa said...

I have two lovely needle holders by RoseKnits - she does great work. I think I love her totes best.


Jennifer said...

I'd love this bag! My favorite from the Etsy shop is the stash bag. :)

Laphoenix said...

Love the "fortune cookie" bags.....love the cubes too...I guess I love all bags. Thanks for the chance for a free bag,

aka Tomodachi on Rav

Rachel R. said...

Beautiful bag, yarn, AND pattern -what a great giveaway!

Shirley said...

These bags are so cute. My favorite is the large stash bag.

Susan aka paintermom said...

How to choose? I love the stash basket, large fortune cookie, and the box tote. Sure hope I win!

slevitinart@msn.com or paintermom on Rav.

Michelle said...

I love the one featured in your post - it is so bright and cheery!

Tinkie said...

So you want me to CHOOSE among such lovely bags?...Sure....okay...if forced - I really like the Everything bag - sounds like it should live up to it's name, yes? Thanks for another chance at really great giveaways!
or Tinkie on Rav

becca said...

The box bags are so cute. What a lovely giveaway!

modsiwevoli said...
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modsiwevoli said...

I love the box totes. That yarn is GORGEOUS
My ravelry name is modsiwevoli

Lesley said...

Love the fortune cookie bags. Such a cute shape!

muse_79 at hotmail dot com

kkottage said...

I have the cube socks box bag and love it. It would be wonderful to win this beautiful bag.
kkottage on ravelry

Denise said...

This looks gorgeous, I would love a chance to win. Love the pretty knitting bag too, the fabric is adorable.
denise at deniseschulz.com

Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks absolutely luscious. Amazing. Look at the fortune cookie bag. Wow! Sock bags... ahhh! I'm in overload. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

Lauren said...

I just love the box tote. And that yarn! Divine!

Debbie G said...
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Debbie G said...

Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway! What a dream that yarn and bag are. I am drooling. It was so much fun looking over Rose Knits etsy shop. I have to give the Everything Tote my vote for favorite bag, athough the Box Tote is a very close second. :)

I originally forgot to include my contact info: rechbe@cox.net

Unknown said...

Such a lovely bag filled with such goodies :)

Ringleader on Ravelry

Chelsea said...

I love the idea of the stash baskets. I love to have my yarn on display. BTW, the yarn in the giveaway is beautiful!


Heather said...

Such a beautiful bag, with beautiful yarn and a beautiful pattern to go with it.

I'm pretty old school, so I like the totes the best. So pretty!

Pamela said...

The box tote.


Rachel Zack said...

The stash baskets are great!

rmzack [at] gmail [dot] com

Andrea said...

The stash basket it my favorite, and then the fortune cookie! Thanks for the contest. I do hope I'll win.

JanetK said...

I guess the style bag I like most are the notion pouches with the offset side zippers. BUT my favorite bag in Roseknits etsy shop is the woodgrain with bird Market Tote - so cute!

thanks for the giveaway!

JanetK said...

I guess the style bag I like most are the notion pouches with the offset side zippers. BUT my favorite bag in Roseknits etsy shop is the woodgrain with bird Market Tote - so cute!

thanks for the giveaway!

Chasity said...

I love the market tote bags (stash bags are cool too)!

Wendy said...

Another awesome prize that I would love to win! I think my favorite Roseknits bag is the cube followed closely by the box.

(Wendeluu on Ravelry)

Shannon O. said...

These bags are so cute. I like the bird on woodgrain tote the best but I also love the bag buddies and the fortune cookies. Thanks for doing such an amaazing giveaway!

Krista said...

Love the giveaway as usual! On Roseknits I love the buttons, Everything Tote, and the Fortune Cookie Bag - well just everything

kbulleri@gmail.com or SunBurstKnits on ravelry

OzKnitter said...

Love the zippered bag buddy especially this one:


ozknitter AT gmail DOT com

Laura said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I like the stash basket best.


Carol said...

Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
i love all the bags at the Roseknits etsy shop, but the bos totes are my favorite! Love the podcast!

bethanyg said...

Oh what a prize! That yarn looks scrumptious-can't say I've knit with such a wonderful blend!

The bag is fantastic too-I loved the wood grain bag with the one bird on the outside, then you open it and see lots of cheerful birds inside! Adorable!

bethanyg on Ravelry

Barb T. said...

Super nice giveaway!

Marlo said...

Love love loving the stash bags, but everything looks so yummy. Awesome giveaway.

Mary said...

Wow! what an incredible giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.


kori said...

What a great giveaway! I think the everything tote is my favorite but the fortune cookie bags are so cute too! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kimberly said...

I love the everything tote! They are all awesome though!

KimPossible on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I love the zippered bags and the stash bags. They are great.

Whitney said...

Awesome awesome prize!!!

Heather said...

Thank you for the chance to win! I love the Bag Buddy 2, but all the styles are great, and the fabrics so pretty!

Erin said...

I think the everything tote is my fave. I would love the chance to win!! Thank you!!

prettysparrow on Ravelry

Unknown said...

That is an awesome prize! Oh how I would love you to pick me!!!!!!!

Robin said...

I love it!!!!

d said...

I love those box totes, but there's just something about the fortune cookie bags that really draws me in... thanks so much for such a generous offer!

bookboxer on ravelry

shannon said...

Love those stash baskets! Love the giveaway bag too, fabulous colors!

Julia said...

I love the zippered bag buddies. Any color. They are all so cute! Thanks!

Missy said...


mkrids on Ravelry

SillyLittleLady said...

I like the stash baskets, those would be perfect for runaway balls of yarn!


gurunam said...

I like the box bags and the little notions bags. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely prize....fingers crossed.

gurunam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lacey J said...

I love love love the box totes! Definitely considering getting one!


Catherine said...

I love the fortune cookie bags - the name is so charming. thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Gorgeous! I have a birthday in a couple of weeks. This would be a great gift to receive.

Carolina said...

Very cute bag! Would love to win!!

Melissa D said...

I love this one:


The fabric is what caught my eye, more than the shape.

Thanks for offering a chance to win such a marvelous prize. (emteedesigns@yahoo.com)

pippirose said...

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
I love the "Everything Tote".
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Rachel D. said...

I love the stash basket and the socks box. It would nice to reign in my DPNs while knitting socks with a zippered project bag :-)


Elise said...

I love the stash basket!! They are all beautiful.


Unknown said...

I love her stash baskets, but a fortune cookie would be such a practical (?!) addition to my knitting tools!!!

Thank you for the opportunity to win such an awesome bag.

Unknown said...

grrrr... had to sign in with Google... I'm comment 348 (Katherine) contact info is:

susie said...

I think the stash baskets are DIVINE!!! and so is this giveaway!


Hayley Wood said...

SOOO CUTE! Love this:
Bird on Woodgrain - Market Tote

With the zippered pouch that is a purple, yellow, and blue swirly pattern!


I would love to win! ;)

Sabrina said...

I like the brown & turquiose stash basket. Although all the bags are pretty cool. Would love this prize!


Sangeetha said...

the stash baskets are awesome sangee1234 at gmail dot com

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Oh, my goodness! I love this prize! Georgeous! I like her tote bags a lot, but I like the others, too! I can't decide which is my favorite.

Laura said...

I like the box totes the best. I think my knitting basket would look so much nicer if all my projects were contained in their own bags which fit together nicely!


caednkat said...

I'm in love with the Notion's bag with the swivel clip! Such a cool idea!!!

Would love to win this bag too though! ;)

Alexandra said...


I'm knittynwitty on ravelry. I sooo am hoping I win, Roseknits bags are the best.

If that fails, I'm marie.quackk@gmail.com and my name is Alexandra :)

BarbAltman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BarbAltman said...

Oops forgot to include e-mail
barbalt1 (at) cox (dot) net

Denise/CT said...

Oh how do you comment on only one! Love the fabrics she is using. I like the pouch/change purse on page 1, first row. I like the Stash Basket on page 1, 2nd row and I like the pouch/change purse on page 5 the 2nd row. But I think the one your giving away is actually my favorite fabric design/bag. Where does she find these fabrics! They are great! Love the sweater design too, thanks for making me aware of it.
DeniseCT on Ravelry

knitterlydesigns said...

My favorite are the box bags because I can keep the bag mostly zipped and still have my yarn come through without my toddler digging all of my stuff out of the bag. I love her fun fabric combos.

Angie in Colorado

thewalshfam said...

I love the stash basket! And the box tote. The prints are beautiful! kwalsh717@gmail.com

subha said...

I have the fortune cookie bag and love it.

Anonymous said...

I like the stash buckets --

kshotz said...

How gorgeous!! I have to say in looking through her Etsy store, I don't see anything I would NOT love! I really do like the fortune cookie bags though, they are particularly adorable! (A Stash Tote would be way cool too....especially the one in brown/aqua/greens abstract floral print.

bzmomof2 on Rav KHelmickphotgraphyATfrontiernetDOTnet

Unknown said...

How generous of you to give away such beautiful items--that yarn is a gorgeous color. I imagine it feels just as yummy. I love the bag you've pictured here, but the Stash bag is adorable too!

edgeworthnyc on Rav

Kim said...

What an awesome giveaway! I really love the tote, of course, but for something completely frivolous I really like the fortune cookie bag.

zenmaria said...

Love the box tote or the zippered bag buddy.
Zenmaria on ravelry

Catalina said...

I have to be honest, I just found your blog and have been playing around in it all day long, I started listening to your podcasts (those are awesome) and reading here and there, it will take me a while before I catch but I'll have so much fun!
Those bags are amazing! I love the canvas lined tote and the stash baskets!
I'm looking forward to reading more!!!!!!

Theyarnkat @ Rav

grammiepink said...

I have fallen in love with your podcast and your projects. Working on your Shawl Collared Cowl now - would love to put it in this Roseknits bag! Looking forward to another episode.

Weber family said...

I love the box totes, especially in the beautiful brown and green! I would love to win such a beautiful bag and yarn combo!

neferatowen said...

Woot! Gorgeous :)

sampras on ravelry

Heather said...

I also like to have separate projects in their own bags. I like the box totes and all of the fabric she has is so lovely.


sy said...

i love the Bird on Woodgrain - Market Tote.
songyueyu at gmail

Kris said...

i love the canval lined bag and also the zippered bag buddy. i especially love Annie's fabrics she chooses!


Robyn said...

I would love that knit bag or any other as they are amazing. I feel happy just looking at them.


Nanette said...

I went to her Etsy shop and think this one is the cutest!! Love the fortune cookie bags too because they are so original!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
on Rav

LesleyAnn said...

What an amazing giveaway! Thank you and your sponsors for the opportunity. I love the socks box and, especially the everything bag. I will certainly visit your Etsy shop again.

Fernie said...

What a great giveaway! Besides the canvas-lined tote, my favorite style is the zippered bag buddy. I also like those little notions bags with the swivel hooks.

slmiller8 said...

The give-away bag is great, but I also have been eyeing up her fortune cookie bags for awhile.


Terry said...

I love the Roseknits bags. The materials are so pretty, but my favorite are the box totes. I would love to with this bag!

Unknown said...

Love everything! The shape of the box totes and the fortune cookie bags are awesome!

Rachel said...

I LOVE this giveaway! Hope I win!!

Rachel C

themaidenoflight on ravelry!

LittleMerritt said...

I love the box totes. Such an adorable storage solution.

MalloryMerritt on Rav

Maryse said...

I think that the "bigger bags" are the ones that I like the most! Wow! So many colorful fabrics. Beautiful! And I've always had an eye on the Grannie Smith cardigan. You can make it with just one skein? Thanks for the great contest!

Beth said...

I had to fav Roseknits in my etsy, I love the fortune cookie bags.

joan blondina said...

I love the box totes!!! this is a great prize!
JoanBlondina on Ravelry

Tabitha said...

Ohh my goodness, oh my goodness! Everything you have as a prize is beautiful!


cindymen said...

I love the box totes and the cubes. They look perfect for my projects!

tammy said...

i like the stash basket! what a generous give away!

Beth said...

I love the stash baskets, those are so cute!

snapple314 on ravelry

PurlingPenny said...

What a beautiful bag....... I love the everything totes as well as the bag buddies. I'd really enjoy winning this.


MaddyMazeStudio said...

Oh my goodness. I have had this shop in my faves for some time. Love her color combos. one of my favorites is the Everything tote. Just lovely!

Anne said...

I like the canvas lined bag the best. I just learned how to knit a couple of months ago and I am soooo hooked. I would love to get a bag with that nice yarn in it!

CasaBlogger said...

Me like fortune cookies!! yum yum but I will also have to admit a fondness for the market bag mad with the bark cloth.

Ipu said...

Hi, what a lovely color and quality in the yarn, checked the bags. Amazing design and color there too. Liked specially the compo of the interior and outside. Most appieling was this on: http://www.etsy.com/listing/37595491/notions-pouch-change-purse-wallet
Let's hope and I will cross my fingers...)those ones that don't have yet cloves knitted for). Thank you for your recent honey brown collar pattern. I am wearing it and I love it:-)

Petah said...

Hi Alana, I love, love love the Stash Baskets at Roseknits. They would be a perfect replacement for all those paper bags in which I stash my projects-on-the-go. I had to put my large soft and squishy shawl project aside for your sweet shawlette in red. However the shawlette is such a treat, it never gets put away. With a permanent possie on the couch, it's almost done! Yippee!! Can't wait to show her off these cooler days :-)

tudorfamily@ultrafast.com.au or Chookgirl on Ravelry

Nina said...

The bag buddies are simple but lovely and I love, love, love the fortune cookie ones!


Thank you for the pretties!

hoganfam11 said...

I really love the stash totes, but then I saw the kindle jacket. As I just bought myself a kindle, this would be perfect.

Mary said...

what a lovely giveaway! my favorite is the box tote, but I also love the bag shown in your blog post. thanks!


Unknown said...

WOW! You are so wonderfully generous! And so thoughtful - the bag, the pattern, the yarn - all are so lovely and make a perfect giveaway. I have loved looking at all the fabulous bags at RoseKnits shop - she is a very talented lady. My favourite is the stash bag, but I love the canvas lined tote too. So yummy!

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