
Roseknits Bag Drawing Giveaway

If you have listened to my last podcast episode or have followed my blog for a time, you will undoubtedly be aware of how much I love Roseknits knitting bags!

I am very happy to say that Annie from Roseknits has sent me this beautiful bag to give away to one of you!

Seriously.. I want this bag for myself. Isn't it so amazingly adorable? So fun and cheerful.

Roseknits Drawing Giveaway

 But this drawing prize would not be complete without some fantastic things to go IN the bag! 

In Episode 43, Melissa Wehrle from neoknits.com was kind enough to share her story of becoming a knitwear designer with all of us. She has kindly contributed a copy of her first sweater pattern,
'The Grannie Smith Cardigan' to this prize.
But I decided that the winner probably should also have some yarn to go with it... :)

Months ago I received this beautiful skein of Fancy Lace yarn from Emily, the talented dyer behind Viola yarns. This skein is amazing. It's a beautiful soft blend of Silk, Cashmere and Alpaca. What a treat. I've decided to pass this lovely skein onto one of you. Crazy I know. What am I thinking?

This skein holds a whopping 1300 yards. That is enough to make an entire Granny Smith Cardigan sweater for yourself!

Roseknits Giveaway Closeup

To enter to win this amazing prize set, just leave a comment under this post with contact information. 
Please only one comment per person.

Before you comment, please visit the Roseknits Etsy shop and let me know in your comment which style bag you like the most. The Etsy shop can be found HERE. I have my favorites. 
I'd love to find out which ones you like too!

I will announce the winner here on November 15th. Please check back then to see if you have won!

Drawing now closed! Congratulations to Cheryl, the winner!


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Anonymous said...

What a great bag and fillers!!! I would love a chance to win this. Looking through the website, and being a bag person, I couldn't find my favorite. I think I am in love with the stash bags as well as the notion bags!

Kristi said...

That sounds so lovely!!

Kristi at treefrogknits@gmail.com

Hishandmaid said...

thanks for this great giveaway!


knittinglane said...

I love them all, but the bag in this giveaway is my fave! Hope I win!! :)

Judith said...

I thnk this is the most beautiful thing ever! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it.

Hafdís said...

I love the bag and the yarn :o) and I love your blog.
Hafdís / hafdishelga@simnet.is

Michelle B said...

OH I love her fortune cookie bags...and the stash bucket is pretty cool too!

Michelle mikki522 on Ravelry

Shannon said...

Ooh, how nice, the bag is beautiful, and I'm drooling over the yarn. I loved her notions bags and the stash bags!


Jen B said...

I love the fortune cookie bags (so clever), but I think the box bags are my favorite - although the stash baskets might be the most useful for me at the moment . . . I'm knittingbug on Rav (I obviously don't update there often, but I check my msgs)

Unknown said...

I love the stash baskets! I do hope I win this beautiful bag (!), but I'm glad to have been introduced to Roseknits in this process. I see a stash basket in my future....


Unknown said...

Love the stash baskets! The beautiful bag, I hope I win, but I'm glad to have been introduced to Roseknits through this post.

Thank you!


Pamela said...

Favorite - well my favorite has more to do with colours used - love all the blues....
The large fortune cookie is so cool - can totally see myself walking around and having everyone saying/ thinking "wow, beautiful bag! Where did you get it?"
Well... Funny you should ask - I won this from an awesome blog - never not knitting - have you heard it? It's fantantastic.
Always looking forward to the new episode . Thanks Alana.

KatJobson said...

I love the fortune cookie bags, both sizes so cute. I also think the Bag Buddy 2 would be great for those 1 skein projects that we all carry around. I would love to win this!

Young Knit Chick said...

What woman doesn't need another bag. I love all of the bags but I think that the fortune cookie bags are my favorite.

CeRae said...

oh, I just love Roseknits bags, love neoknits patterns (just cast on for Idlewylde) and that looks like perfectly lovely yarn for the pattern! What a wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love the everything bag with the bamboo handles! and the fortune cookies are sooo adorable! :)


Jessica said...

I'd love a chance to win one of her bags, my Mom has one already and she loves it. I love the "Stash Basket" style the most.

wcknitwit on Ravelry

Donita Porter said...

The cube is a cutie!

Lindsay said...

So lovely!

Leaving a comment!

lindsaywil@gmail.com :)

Andi G said...

How can you choose just one of her wonderful bags?!? I love her stash bags, they are amazing. Now that yarn- swoon worthy. :)
Thank you for another great giveaway!

Aimee said...

I love pretty much all of her bags, but I think my favs have to be the cube and box totes. They are just so simple and functional to carry projects around. Love the giveaways!!


Debbie said...

Oh I love your sew crafty clutch. I can picture my knitting inside.

Here's me: soft h2o at cox dot net

Thanks a bunch!

Kellie at Echoes In Thyme said...

I like the bag buddy 2. I often carry multiple projects in my bag, separated only by gallon size zip loc bags, this would be much more stylish! You are such an enabler!

~Kellie (seamanclan on ravelry)


sara said...

Oh my gosh, I neeed this. I have ordered cute bags from Roseknits before, and she will even make you one in any size you want, in any of her fabrics. She is so sweet to work with. Thanks for the great giveaway, I will keep my fingers crossed for this one. Sara

Dendiane said...

Love the pattern on this bag and all her bags! I love the box totes, bag buddy and zippered bags. Notion bag is great too!

knitbysue said...

Wow. What a cool bag. I like the canvas lined tote, myself.

Lisaknits said...

I'm liking the sew crafty bag. Maybe i will win someday.

Rebecca said...

Thank you for a chance to win....the bag, yarn, pattern....everythign is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Another great episode and give away!! I love her fortune cookie bags, adorable!


Étudiants du cours MSO-60xx said...

I love the triangle/fortune cookie shape best because they are so original. A new bag and yarn and a pattern to put inside, I guess I'm dreaming (now, let me check: do I merit a little gift to myself? maybe after I do the laundry?) Just in case I don't win, I mean.
ChristineQuebec on rav

Robin V said...

Wow, the bag and the goodies? I would love that! Thanks for sharing. :)

Unknown said...

I just started listening to your podcasts and purchased the shawl collared cowl yesterday! As for the Roseknits bag, I like the notions keepers. Thank you.
WhattaStitch on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

The bag is gorgeous but I especially love the colour of that yarn. Thanks for another great podcast. Can't wait to see your latest pattern!

Barbara deG said...

I love the fabric this bag is made in. I also love the stash baskets and will put it on my shopping list.

rumplestiltskin82 said...

I think this bag would like to be sent to me! It's speaking to me!


Emily said...

What an awesome giveaway!

I'm ameliaknits on Ravelry!

Betsy said...

What a great give-away! I love her box totes and the fortune cookie! So cute!!

B said...

Granny Smith - thats great - my mom's maiden name. I love the Rose Knits bag - just placed an order.


Thanks for the chance to win.

yokotei said...

this looks so yummy - the birds in the print are cute, and it's very chic and autumn-y. :)

SusanB-knits said...

I really love the bag for the giveaway. Is it the same as the stash basket? Because I like them the best. And the yarn is gorgeous! I've been wanting to knit myself a cardigan.
barnhart72 at gmail.com

Darlene said...

Oh Alana, the bags are like chips how can you have just one! Thanks for this great chance to win such beautiful knitterly stuff!

SovereignCrux said...

We just found out my mother has to have heart surgery in six months. I would love a chance to win so that I might be able to knit her the sweater so she has something warm and comfortable to recover in, and knowing it was knit with love.

I am partial to the hand paints box totes, they are really cute and look less apt to squish project stuff inside.


Suburban prep said...

That is stunning yarn.
I would love to be included.
Thank you.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Barb said...

What exquisite colors. I love this yarn and The gorgeous bag. How I would love to win!!

Tonia said...

I love all of the bags.... but my very favorite is the stash basket...several are on my Christmas list.
It would be awesome to win this prize- my favorite colors!

Nicky said...

I love the box totes and the everything bag.
What a lovely giveaway. I do hope I win this time round.

KathyR said...

So many choices! For me, though, I like the canvas-lined tote (and the bag buddy to pop inside it!) as it can hold quite a lot.

Thanks so much for the chance to win one of these lovely bags!


Moknita said...

I think the fortune cookie bag is cute and quite unique. Would love to win the bag and yarn.

Moknita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really like the Everything Tote. As a mama with 5 precious children it wouldn't take much to fill it up. Or I could just use it for all my knitting! ;)

terrytribe AT gmail.com

LemonEmili said...

I could really use an awesome knitting bad like this beautiful one! :D


Anonymous said...

fantastic giveaway. My fave is the box tote!


julie said...

i love the 'stash basket' the best, however they are all beautiful.

Lori ann said...

Oh my gosh!! how wonderful! i LOVE the bags at etsy, but the bird on the woodgrain has to be my favorite. Thank you for offering this giveaway, the sweater and wool look fabulous. Good luck everyone!

moiraeknittoo said...

I'm a new listener, and loved this episode. I am also glad to know of another etsy seller who makes the box bags! RoseKnits look wonderful, and I'd love to be able to use and show off one of her bags!

Sereknitty said...

What a gorgeous bag - and the yarn is my fave colour. The cube & box totes are impossibly cute! Thank you both for the wonderful giveaway.

sereknittyrules on RAV

lyeng11 said...

Love the bags. I've added this seller to my favorites. Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

Agnieszka said...

Amazing giveaway! I'd like to win this :) I love all bags, especial clutches!

Rosemary said...

Dear Alana: I love your taste in patterns, yarn and stories. Thank you so much. I like the bag up for winning very much. The fortune cookie shape is terrific. rosevta@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I really like all of her bags. I think the box totes are perfect for small projects, like a pair of socks. I would love a stash basket to set in the living room with a few of my choice skeins as decoration!

KnittySue said...

I went to Etsy and love them all..to hard to choose. The bag in the picture filled with goodies is fantastic. Love the Granny smith colored yarn too...goes with the apple pie I'm making today.

Nancy said...

What a great prize! The bag would be enough, but yarn and the pattern-too good to be true. I would love to win any Roseknits bag. They are all beautiful. Nancy

Suzanne said...

I just found your podcast and listened to four on a long drive. The only bad thing was that as the driver I couldn't immediately look up the sweaters and garments you mentioned. It was a great way to pass the time.

a.e. murray said...

How can I choose?? Love the stash bag and fortune cookies! Love the colour of the yarn. This would make an awesome birthday gift to myself ; )

nancy said...

Love ALL the bags!! The stash bags look just the right size.

Char said...

Cool! Pick me! :-)

Liz and Kai said...

Love the box totes....would love to win this even more!!

Vicki T said...

I LOVE the zippered bag buddy and especially love the bag and yarn in this drawing. Love your podcast!

redshoes said...

How wonderful! The sweater pattern is so darling. I love her Hand Paints box tote.


Unknown said...

The stash tote is great.n I just discovered your podcast and I listen every Sunday morning on my longest walk of the week. You are so fun to listen to.

Val said...

I love the box totes! Thanks for the chance to win!

Phaye said...

Thank you for offering all these wonderful goodies. If my name is drawn I will be calling you all to come to party to help me celebrate my good fortune.

Susan said...

I would love to win the Roseknits Givaway.

Connie, the daisyhead said...

I think my fav bag would have to be the type of tote in the giveaway. I love regular shaped totes with handles! I use them for all kinds of stuff. A close second would have to be the Sock Cubes. I need some of those to stick inside my tote bags!

This drawing is superb! Thanks!
daisyhead on Rav

Anonymous said...

I love the box tote.

angi said...

wow how creative! I love the bird on woodgrain market bag!

AuntSara said...

That bag is just too cute!

Christina said...

What beautiful prizes! Thanks for the chance to win.

Julie said...

Great giveaway! I love roseknits. jsample on ravelry

Jen said...

Those bags are soo cute! Love the Stash Bucket or the Everything Tote. Another fabulous giveaway!!

jendada @ Ravelry

MichBrum said...

I love RoseKnits bags. I adore using beautiful knitting bags. This is such an amazing offer. Thank you so much. The bag... the pattern... the yarn... Pleae enter me in the drawing for this amazing prize.

Michelle (michbrum on Ravelry)

Connie said...

What a fantastic offer. The drawstring Bag Buddy 2 would be my favorite, but I also like the Cube.

sandy l said...

absolutely beautiful bag.


Amanda said...

i wanna wanna wanna win!

Catharine said...

The Roseknits bags are beautiful and I would like to own one....maybe there is a chance.

alligator said...

Wow! What a great drawing. I have been admiring the Granny Smith Cardigan for ages. The yarn is beautiful.


Poethead said...

Oh, awesome! Great giveaway!

Poethead said...

P.S. Oh, yeah,I forgot to mention what I would choose! I think I would want the pattern!

Annie said...

Wow! That's an amazing giveaway :)

I NEED a stash basket, and I love the box tote and small fortune cookie zipper pouch.


Michelle said...

What a beautiful bag and stunning yarn in it. I love stash basket.

Erika said...

What a great give away!


littlemaze said...

What a fantastic prize. Thank you so much for offering it. I like the look of the stash baskets.


Rebekah Pope said...

The stash baskets are too cute along with the fortune cookie bags.

Faith (the Vampire Slayer) said...

I love the bag you have in the photo, and the stash baskets, and the drawstring bags, and, well, all of them!

tharensolo on ravelry

Maggie said...

I would love any of them!

karen said...

Fabulous give a way. Thanks for your generosity. I love the stash baskets!!

Erin said...

Lovely, so lovely! Just what I need to get another project in the bag!

Jandy said...

I love the bag in the giveaway, but I really like the stash notes online too. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great bag and yarn. I am cowgirl92 on ravelry.

Paige said...

Wow, what a fabulous giveaway! I love just a good 'ol tote bag for carrying around my wip's. :)

LauraH said...

My favorites are the box totes and the travel-go-lightly, but there are so many wonderful bags! Thanks for the give away!

margaretk said...

I really like the stash baskets; also the notions pouch. All the fabrics are great!

knitwish on ravelry

Kristi said...

Beautiful bags. I like the stash bags and zippered bag buddy.


Genevieve said...

Beautiful bag and the yarn is stunning! The box totes are a perfect size.

Kate said...

Oh so many lovely bags! So hard to choose! I love the prize bag!! The stash baskets are gorgeous!

Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!

Ravelry: QuixoticKitten

Nancy said...

I love the stash basket. The yarn looks gorgeous! Love the color.


Jekachka said...

I loved Bird on Woodgrain
Let me win this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love them all. But if I had to make a choise, I would like to have the Notions Pouch.
And of course I would like to win the lovely bag shown in your blog :)

asteed said...

Love this giveaway.....love your blog.....love your podcast

Stephanie said...

Wow, that bag is adorable!

JodyH said...

What a great giveaway! I love the fortune cookie bags!

Marsha said...

Can't wait to dive into this bag. I see a sweater in someone's future! Just found your site. It is fantastic. I've been knitting for many years and never realized that there are so many exciting sites to share. Love it!

Lee said...

Such a lovely bag - thank you for the giveaway. I love the bag buddies - this one http://www.etsy.com/listing/59322685/bag-buddy
I also love her notion pouches

Lee said...

Such a lovely bag - thank you for the giveaway. I love the bag buddies - this one http://www.etsy.com/listing/59322685/bag-buddy
I also love her notion pouches

kathy said...

I myself love the fortune cookie bags ! Would love to have a chance to win a prize!

kathy said...

I myself love the fortune cookie bags! Would love to have a chance to win a prize !

Unknown said...

I found your podcast this morning. What a wonderful surprise to find this giveaway! My favorite RoseKnits item is the Zippered Bag Buddy.

vtpeach on Ravelry

Melia said...

I love the stash totes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Judi said...

Hard to pick.... the stash basket and the giveaway tote with the pocket on the outside are my favorite. Such a generous giveaway.

Megan said...

What a beautiful tote! I love the one in the picture. I'm adding the shop to my favorites. Those fabric covered buttons are fantastic too.

DolyDimple on Ravelry

Logan said...

I like the box totes and the cubes. I like smaller bags to keep separate projects in.

Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway! :)

Christina said...

Oh, I just can't imagine that out of already 500+ comments this one would get the random pick, but oh how I would love if it did!!! Fingers crossed! I might have to go get my own - these Roseknits bags are my favorite!


Francie said...

The fabrics are fabulous. I love the box bag, the fortune cookie bag and the stash basket.

Meriam said...

I would love a chance to win this lovely bag. The beautiful yarn would be a bonus!

Unknown said...

Love all the bags but the box totes seem so unique! Love listening to your podcast--thanks!

Robin said...

I have a roseknits box tote that I absolutely treasure. I would love to win this great bag with a project already in it!

Sylvia - Mommy said...

LOVE this bag and would love to give the cardigan a shot!


tothfamily25 said...

I am loving your site after just discovering it!!!! and the podcast are wonderful

LizKnits said...

Pretties! My fav is the stash basket.
doeslizknit on rav

Unknown said...

I cannot pick a favorite bag. I would love a chance to win a bag. This is my first time leaving a comment so i don't quite know what I am doing.


Unknown said...

Love those stash baskets, though the everything tote is a close second. What a great giveaway! Thanks!

knittylynnie said...

What a beautiful bag. I would love to have one!

Kathryn said...

The everything tote is by far my favorite in her etsy shop, but the one in the giveaway...I LOVE it! You always have the best giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great giveaway! the small fortune cookie bag is my favorite on the Etsy show. so cute.

Felipe said...

I love the stash baskets and I just discovered your blog and love it too!

Bethany said...

You can't go wrong with the box tote it's a classic!

Would love to win one!


Anonymous said...

All of these goods are so lovely! You are generous to part with them!

purlgurl53 said...

What a beautiful give away this time. I love this bag, yarn and pattern. The sewing bags also look fabulous.

purlgurl53 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JKN said...

definitely the everything bag. or...the box bag. or...the fortune cookie is really cute! no, the everything bag!

Sarah Smiles said...

Hello! I love love love your blog and love love love knitting! woohoo!!!


LibertyJBE said...

Oh my goodness, the birds on wood-grain tote is adorable! Love!


sarah said...

OH my I could really use that bag and that lovely yarn and pattern! I liked the everything tote, the bigger the better, but everything was beyond darling.


Dutchgirl63 said...

OMG I am absolutely drooling over this prize!!!!! A bag, a book AND yarn - it can't get any better!

Diane said...

What a fabulous Bag!!! Love Love Love the color combination! The fortune cookie bags are very cute and would hold notions that get lost in the bottom of big bags....what a good idea!

Unknown said...

cute cute cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

AliceAcademic said...

Love the cube socks box! Great looking prize, too. Hope I win!

Shanny said...

Gorgeous! You are so very generous - I don't think I could part with either the bag OR the yarn! :)

I love Roseknit's box totes - they look a durable and gorgeous way to tote current WIPs

Shanny on Ravelry

Ginger said...

Another giveaway with a high drool factor, thank you so much! I like the Bag Buddy '2'. No fussing with zippers - just dive into knitting bliss. :)

Meowzette at Meowzettes dot com

Sursi said...

I love the fortune cookie shaped ones. And the stash buckets are great.

Marissa, craftaholic said...

I like this one very much!

What a great giveaway!!!

mhenry on Rav

scarlet834 said...

What an awesome giveaway! Love that bag! From what's on the Etsy store today I'd be most likely to use a bag buddy, although I love the look of the stash baskets.

I'm on Ravelry as seamless

Kellie said...

All of her bags are wonderful. :) I like the box bag especially.

thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous prize. A beautiful bag with an amazing pattern and fabulous yarn! What fun!! :)

Anonymous said...

all of the bags are so cute!
i love the bag you're giving away, the colors are so fun!

kksweens on rav
or danceabunnyhop@optonline.net

paws said...

Oh my goodness! They're all so pretty and look extremely useful - the two best things in my book. I think the one you posted is my favorite, though.

(paws on ravelry)

Karey said...

Thanks for the give away, I would love all the adorable items.


Unknown said...

I love everything tote bags -- and the box totes and the buttons and it just goes on and on!

Letitia said...

I love the everything bag. I could keep all my wips in that one!

Karla said...

I love the stash bags - now that's something that every knitter could use!

SuperMechaPenguin said...

Love the colours and would love to win the tote!

J said...

All of the roseknits bags are so cute! Please enter me into the drawing.

bayjena on ravelry

Unknown said...

Thanks--this looks like a great Christmas Wish item. I love the stash basket but am really excited to get some of the covered buttons--such a good price.

Lisa said...

The bag itself is an amazing prize in itself but to add the pattern and yarn?! Decadent!

Leticia said...

Oh, I love all these beautiful fabric patterns. I just couldn't limit myself to one notion bag. Have to get a clutch of them!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today! I love the little fortune cookie bags and the stash totes. It would be great to win (I'm a newby knitter).


Danielle said...

I love the box totes and the fortune cookie totes as well. The one you have in the picture is lovely as well.

~ WovenPixel (Danielle)

wovenpixel at yahoo.com

Juliaknit said...

I love RoseKnits box totes and would love to win this prize. Thanks!

J said...

I NEED that knitting bag - it's so beautiful! I can see myself taking it to the park and for pic-nics. I love the pattern and yarn too.

Teresa said...

I would love a chance to win this! It's so beautiful.

Julie said...

My very favorite bag design is the small fortune cookie. I do have one of the box totes and I've found it to be very useful. A good size for socks or even a shawl on the go.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great giveaway!

Hillary - AdjectiveNoun on Ravelry

Nuttygal said...

They are all great bags but my favs are the box tote and the cube.

nicholmom3 said...

Alana, thank you so much for coming back to your podcast! I eagerly await each new episode.

My favorite Roseknits bag is the cube bag lined with oilcloth. I really like the structure of it!

I am nicholmom3 on ravelry, and can be reached at nicholmom3 AT gmail DoT com

Thanks again!

steph said...

what fun bags!!! Love the one you have to give away--her market bag is also great. :)


Born2knitnpurl said...

the bag is lovely, what a wonderful prize.

Andreia, aka Born2knitnpurl on ravelry.

Jersey Shore Deb said...

I would love to win. The bag looks really cool and so do the goodies inside!

Nancy N said...

Oh my- so generous! Lovely bag, lovely yarn... lovely giveaway.

spinningandknittingtogether.blogspot.com said...

Oh my, I just found you and how exciting. I love the fortune cookie bags. Have my finger's crossed.

Kathy said...

But what would I do with all of my zip lock bags if I won a real knitting bag?

Emily said...

I love the socks box cube and the box totes. It's hard to pick just one as my favorite! The fortune cookie bag is also cute.
Great job on another awesome giveaway!

Krystal said...

I really like the box totes, but they are all lovely.


Anonymous said...

I love the zippered bag buddy. I know it's not technically a bag, but the butterfly got me.

April said...

The stash baskets are awesome! I'd love to win this bag, I need one to carry my projects in.


Carly said...

I love them all! The fortune cookie bags are fantastic. carlyrae2@gmail.com

llamaleader said...

I would love to win something. I am a new listener

Donna said...

Thanks for the chance to win the bag, it's gorgeous. Count me in please.

*starstofillmydreams* said...

What novel construction and beautiful fabric! I really like the box totes and cubes.

(Ashley1313 on Ravelry)

Crystal said...

I am looking forward to your new pattern:) And I really like the bag buddy with the drawstring top in any pattern. The brown and blue pattern is lovely. Keep those great podcasts coming!

Susan J. said...

This is an incredible give-away! Thank you so much for the chance to win.


LaLa said...

Hey Alana,

I really love RoseKnits Zipper Bag Buddies, the floral fabric she uses on most of them, rock my socks. (WAY better that using my ziplock bags... )

I can be reached on Ravelry, as KnittingNLaLaLand.


green23 said...

It's hard to pick! My vote goes to the stash basket.

Retha said...

I love her box totes and cube totes! Would L.O.V.E to win this one!! I, too, am using ziplock bags. lol

christine m. said...

Good Grief! I can't pick just one favourite! I tried and tried. Sorry!
But I sure would love to win the one up for grabs and all the little treasures inside it!

Affiliated Beauty said...

Bag is beautiful and so is yarn. I would love to win.

Tanya said...

They are all beautiful. I love the stash basket and the socks box. And of course I can never have enough project bags.

Handcrafted Accents said...

My old bag is just that....OLD! I would love to have this beautiful new one!

Erin said...

This bag would make Knitting truly divine!

Megan C. said...

You are giving away both that beautiful bag and cashmere/ silk yarn? I believe people have been canonized for such generosity... (Saint Alana, Patron of Obsessed Knitters... Or would you have to perform a miracle first, like knitting a beautiful lace shawl out of 100% Acrylic?)

Fishmum on ravelry

Emily said...

Love it, need it, want it!!


donnag said...

Thank you for all you do!

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