
Roseknits Bag Drawing Giveaway

If you have listened to my last podcast episode or have followed my blog for a time, you will undoubtedly be aware of how much I love Roseknits knitting bags!

I am very happy to say that Annie from Roseknits has sent me this beautiful bag to give away to one of you!

Seriously.. I want this bag for myself. Isn't it so amazingly adorable? So fun and cheerful.

Roseknits Drawing Giveaway

 But this drawing prize would not be complete without some fantastic things to go IN the bag! 

In Episode 43, Melissa Wehrle from neoknits.com was kind enough to share her story of becoming a knitwear designer with all of us. She has kindly contributed a copy of her first sweater pattern,
'The Grannie Smith Cardigan' to this prize.
But I decided that the winner probably should also have some yarn to go with it... :)

Months ago I received this beautiful skein of Fancy Lace yarn from Emily, the talented dyer behind Viola yarns. This skein is amazing. It's a beautiful soft blend of Silk, Cashmere and Alpaca. What a treat. I've decided to pass this lovely skein onto one of you. Crazy I know. What am I thinking?

This skein holds a whopping 1300 yards. That is enough to make an entire Granny Smith Cardigan sweater for yourself!

Roseknits Giveaway Closeup

To enter to win this amazing prize set, just leave a comment under this post with contact information. 
Please only one comment per person.

Before you comment, please visit the Roseknits Etsy shop and let me know in your comment which style bag you like the most. The Etsy shop can be found HERE. I have my favorites. 
I'd love to find out which ones you like too!

I will announce the winner here on November 15th. Please check back then to see if you have won!

Drawing now closed! Congratulations to Cheryl, the winner!


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Kristen said...

Wow, STUNNING! I also love the stash baskets on the Etsy page.

Globalite on Ravelry

Helen Knits said...

I love the Everything Tote the stash baskets and the socks boxes. Really all the items are beautiful it's very hard to just choose one. The prize you offer is fantastic.

Kristen said...

I especially love the green yarn and the cute bag. My favorite bag from Rose Knits is the stash bag. What's better than a big bag!

Sabra said...

The bag looks great and I would look great hauling my WIPS around in it. Pick me.

rinebird said...

I like Roseknits fortune cookie bag & the notions bags.I bought a fortune cookie bag a long while ago at a LYS.I gave one to my granddaughter who uses it to carry her important "stuff".

Roseknits has beautiful buttons too.
I hope I win, a wonderful gift!Thank you


bschlot said...

RoseKnits bags are so cool. I presently own 2, a box bag & a large fortune cookie.

I would love to win this one and have the opportunity to own the large tote.

ps: Love your podcast, btw!

'bschlot' on Ravelry.

Needles And Ewe said...

I love the box totes, but the zippered bag buddies also look very fun and useful.
The yarn is beautiful!
Lina1882 on Ravelry

SouthernHeart said...

What a beautiful bag and a generous gift! Thank you for the chance to enter. I love the stash totes!


Unknown said...

I love Melissa Werhle's patterns & that bag & yarn are pretty fabulous too!

vanessarocks AT gmail

Thanks for the great podcast!

Anonymous said...

I love the box totes. I like the idea of being able to zip it all up and therefore really protect my knitting. Thanks for the great give away.
n.a.sutherland@hotmail.com or knitterlynina on Rav

Heston Folks said...

Agreed--they are beautiful bags. I like the stash baskets, too. What a great idea!

Marilyn in NM said...

Awesome giveaway! Please enter me in the drawing.


Emmy Lou said...

I just loved looking at the Roseknits bags and Buttons.
The buttons were so interesting that I would have to find a sweater or scarf to suit them. The fortune cookie bag was the most unusual bag I've seen. May have to get one for Christmas.

Jenlyn said...

The Notions pouch in cream with the leaves is just adorable. Beautiful stuff all of it.

connig said...

How to pick just one?
But, I do love the stash baskets.
What a great giveaway.

Connig on Ravelry

Tanya said...

I think all her bags are awesome, but I think the Fortune cookie bag is especially clever.

allison said...

I love the cube project bags. So cute!

CeltChick said...

I rather like the Everything Tote! But the one in your post is very cute, and I wouldn't mind having that one either. The yarn looks yummy, love that color!

CeltChick said...

OOps, did I forget a contact? Try AnnBan on Ravelry, or leave a comment on my blog.

rachel b. said...

Lovely prizes, I'd love to win. Thanks so much. (C:

Jamie said...

What a generous giveaway! I could definitely use a stash bucket (or two).

wendy said...

I really like the stash basket, but the notion totes would be super handy as well!

tildylou on ravelry

garnet dame said...

Cute bags... I really like Roseknits' notions bags best. I also really enjoyed Melissa Wehrle's story. I've been an admirer of her designs for awhile now. Thanks!

candy peleaux said...

so beautiful! i love the one on your blog best, but also like the wood grain with the birds...how clever!
the buddy bags seem ideal for projects. i like the one with the butterfly. but honestly, i don't think i saw any that i didn't like.


carolshue said...

Lovely bags - I agree the color combinations are wonderful! Thanks for sharing...


mamazahava said...

Love your podcast....After I had surgery recently, I couldn't knit, so listening to your podcast really helped keep me sane!
Now I'm back and loved your interview with Debbie Bliss!
Keep up the good work!
The Roseknits bags are to die for!!!!

Ciria said...

I am new to your blog and I love it!!! I also love all of her bags I love the yellow and orange stash bag! and Her notion bags- so cute!!


BookGirl said...

I love the stash basket.
BookGirl on Ravelry.

cris said...

I'd love to get in on this!

crisnoelle at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh yeas I would love to win. So nice of you to do this. :o)

Anonymous said...

Aack - I forgot to leave my info: helenkosings on Ravelry


Rosie said...

I love that Fortune Cookie Bag!

Unknown said...

My favorites are the cube and the fortune cookie!

Wendy said...

I would love the chance to win this. My favorite bag is the Stash Basket bags - just beautiful. Thank you!


Liz said...

The Stash Basket bags are just wonderful! Such cheery prints- perfect for my winter knitting.

Elly said...

The Box totes are my favorite!
Thanks for this great giveaway Alana :)

IknitCupcakes on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I really love RoseKnit's fabric choices. I would love to get the Bag Buddy or a Stash Basket to display my stash yet to be transformed!

blah said...

I would love this! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Doula Mommy said...

What a sweet giveaway!
All of the bags are gorgeous, but the stash basket really caught my eye!
MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry

Marie said...

I love the fortune cookies! How adorable! The prize package is to die for.


Lea-Anne said...

I have never seen these bags before but I LOOOVE! the colors and will be on the look out for one now.
And now I am off to read all of your old posts as I have just found your blog.
Thanks from Lea-Anne in Australia.

Eenae said...

Wow what an amazing giveaway! The bag is such an eye-poppingly amazing blend of color and patterns. I've just added a new favorite to my etsy shops. I love her stash basket and fabric covered buttons. So cute. :)

Oh, and I'm Maegwin on Ravelry.

Cheryl said...

Nice prize package! I like the rectangular bags, but I've already forgotten what they are called. Dang it.

rhonda jean said...

This is such a beautiful and practical giveaway. Oh, what I could do with it. Thank you for your generosity. I like the second bag on page five the best, but it took a long time to decide. They're all lovely.

Nora said...

I love the stash tote!

SDGvegan said...

That is a LOVELY bag. I love box totes and the everything totes

KatieB said...

I like both the cube and box tote styles. All the items appear to be impeccably finished. Fun giveaway!

sharon said...

I just discovered your blog and podcast! I love the Roseknits bags, esp. the stash basket. The buttons are cute too.

julia m said...

The market tote with the bird is so cute! julia dot maresca at gmail

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! I will be checking out these vendors if I don't win.


annamae said...

as always, a great giveaway! count me in. :)

annamae said...

as always, a great giveaway! count me in. :)

Anonymous said...

The stash baskets is a definite favorite of mine - what a gorgeous prize! You can contact me through my identity above - thanks so much for the opportunity!

Ellen said...

such a pretty bag with such yummy gifts inside! This is a wonderful give away;thank you for giving us all a chance.
as for the Roseknits bags-the stash box is definitely going to the top of my Christmas list!

Kaylee said...

Thank you for this fabulous giveaway!


Nax said...

Is it too late to leave my comment? I would love to have a chance to win one of these amazing bags. All of them are gorgeous but I would love a cube or a bag buddie :)



Jayne said...

Love, love, love the box totes - What a fabulous offer.

adodds said...

All of the bags are great, but my favorite is the stash basket out of the brown, green. turqoius, and cream fabric. That is my all time favorite color combination. You have the best give aways. Thank you. Anita

Shantiananda said...

I have a fortune cookie bag and have just ordered a box tote too. I love Roseknits bags. I don't think I could pick one favourite! Hope I win this one...

Jo - The Knitographer said...

The bag is awesome!

LeftyknitsNZ on Ravelry

KrisW said...

The box tote is cute as can be! However, it's hard to choose because they're all nicely constructed.

KnittyKris on Ravelry!

Sarah said...

I love the box totes and the notions bags! What a fun giveaway! purlyburly on Rav

Anonymous said...

This is my first knitting blog comment EVER! LOVE LOVE the giveaway tote and yarn. Also love the little notions pouches...so much more colorful and stylish than my current pouch--a ziplock baggie. Thanks for the great blog!

deidre said...

Oops! A stash basket fell in my cart. Thats probably not the last item from her shop that will either. gen-kookie@myway.com lostinkansas on ravelry

nancy said...

Everything tote gets my vote. Love, love love it!!!!


Maureen Brown said...

I love the stash basket. So cute and practical!


Alice said...

I love the stash baskets, such lovely fabric.
Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic prize.

Alice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Would love to win this... the bag is gorgeous and the yarn I could picture a shawl for my DIL.. looks so soft.
I love her zippered bag buddies,,,, this is just the type of bag I use for all my scissors and hooks and small things for crafting... Thank you for this giveaway
Good Luck Everyone


Hugs from SOuth Texas...Birgit

Melody said...

Hum, that's a hard decision on which style is my favorite. I really like them all. I love her unique stash bags and her cubes though.


Cathy said...

Thanks for the give-away! The fabrics RoseKnits uses are wonderful. My favorite is the Stash Basket in brown background with green and teal four-petal flowers.

Janet said...

Beautiful bag, perfectly coordinated fabric, lovely yarn and pattern - every knitters' dream! Thanks for offering a chance to win.

Dawne said...

I just love her cute cube bags. Your idea for a little lunch bag is super :)

Rebecca said...

I've been looking for a new knitting bag!! I hope this is the lucky one for me to love on! I love the Everything bag but those Stash Baskets are pretty cute, too! Keeping my fingers crossed - thanks so much!! ~Purlygig on Rav

Karyn said...

What a gorgeous bag! I really enjoyed your podcast, too.

Thea_Midnight said...

Alana, I can see that is is impossible to choose. The change purse with the fox on it is adorable and those stash bags? WOW! Thanks for the giveaway!
TheaMidnight on Ravelry

Clumsy Knitter said...

That is a fabulous giveaway. I can't believe you're parting with that yarn! ;-) I visited the Etsy site and those stash baskets are too cute. I may have to pick one or two up for myself.

ssburke said...

Roseknits makes the most beautiful bags!

Ssburke on Rav

harriet said...

I have one of her box totes and use it all the time, although this bag looks like something I'd really like also. I love her selections of material. Always lovely patterns, inside and out! I'm bloomgirlknits on Ravelry.

knitmomma said...

What lovely bags! My favorite is the stash baskets, they are so different from what I usually find.

Knitmomma (at) gmail (dot) com

ingrid said...

I love the sew crafty clutch, and the cute barnyard/kitty fabric too! Of course, I've always been curous about those fortune cookie bags. All of her bags are super cute. Please enter me. Thanks!


Serenity said...

I love RoseKnits bags! I don't own one yet, but I often swing by her shop and oogle. I love the fortune cookies the best, I think.

Your new hat is fantastic! VERY pretty!


callmeserenity on Ravelry

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Thank you for introducing me to this etsy shop. I love the hand painted tote box, any of the tote bags and the covered buttons are a great idea. Coming from Ireland and the "forty shades of green" that yarn really appeals.(bag too of course)

Diane Wright said...

This is a great givaway and I hope you give it to me. Thanks for posting it.

L. P. said...

I am a new listener to your lovely podcast. I love your new hat, and the yarn IS beautiful. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if I won the bag?! It sounds like a wonderful yarn to make a sweater from.

The Werling's said...

I LOVE the bird on a woodgrain market bag. Hope im not too late!

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