
Roseknits Bag Drawing Giveaway

If you have listened to my last podcast episode or have followed my blog for a time, you will undoubtedly be aware of how much I love Roseknits knitting bags!

I am very happy to say that Annie from Roseknits has sent me this beautiful bag to give away to one of you!

Seriously.. I want this bag for myself. Isn't it so amazingly adorable? So fun and cheerful.

Roseknits Drawing Giveaway

 But this drawing prize would not be complete without some fantastic things to go IN the bag! 

In Episode 43, Melissa Wehrle from neoknits.com was kind enough to share her story of becoming a knitwear designer with all of us. She has kindly contributed a copy of her first sweater pattern,
'The Grannie Smith Cardigan' to this prize.
But I decided that the winner probably should also have some yarn to go with it... :)

Months ago I received this beautiful skein of Fancy Lace yarn from Emily, the talented dyer behind Viola yarns. This skein is amazing. It's a beautiful soft blend of Silk, Cashmere and Alpaca. What a treat. I've decided to pass this lovely skein onto one of you. Crazy I know. What am I thinking?

This skein holds a whopping 1300 yards. That is enough to make an entire Granny Smith Cardigan sweater for yourself!

Roseknits Giveaway Closeup

To enter to win this amazing prize set, just leave a comment under this post with contact information. 
Please only one comment per person.

Before you comment, please visit the Roseknits Etsy shop and let me know in your comment which style bag you like the most. The Etsy shop can be found HERE. I have my favorites. 
I'd love to find out which ones you like too!

I will announce the winner here on November 15th. Please check back then to see if you have won!

Drawing now closed! Congratulations to Cheryl, the winner!


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Emily said...

I would love a chance to win this! It's a lovely bag, I'm dreaming about it already :)


Sarah V. (Barf Green Is Best) said...

I love both the clutches and the fortune cookie bags! What a gorgeous prize!!! That yarn looks AMAZING.

peachey3@hotmail.com or SarahVV on Rav

Rachelle said...

I love the box totes and the Everything tote.
sable at xtra.co.nz

Jacomina Rizzardi said...

Seriously, how do you pick *one* favorite?!? Love the fortune cookie bags, and the stash totes...but the box totes, especially the "socks box" are totally made of awesome :)

Thank you (and your sponsors) for such a drool-worthy giveaway!

Annie said...

The box totes look great (though I also like the more traditional bag style in the give away).
annievarner at gmail.com

Kathy said...

I have several of Rose Knits bags and use and love them. I really like the little notion bags I have as well as the small boxes. I'm liking the stash bags I just saw. May have to put that one on the Christmas list!
Of course, a free one is great too! Thanks for the chance to win.

Animalia said...

I always forget to post a comment for the giveaways so I thought I'd change that, this giveaway is fantastic, any listener of your podcast be very happy with this knitterly gift :)
(mscherrychocolate on ravelry

Holly said...

I'm loving the stash totes. So cute! Thank goodness my kiddos leave my knitting alone, otherwise I wouldn't be able to even think about getting one! Click on identity for contact info. :)

~RaenWa~ said...

She makes some beautiful bags I have been eyeballing her shop for awhile & would love to win one of her bags.

Anonymous said...

I love the stash totes........

Unknown said...

I love the fortune cookie bag, what a splendid little shape - soo unique!!

Aja~swelldove said...

please add me to the drawing :)

Loving your new podcast season so very much <3

Cinnamon said...

I love Roseknits bags! My favorite is the box tote. I love the shape and the roomy-ness. Also loving the podcasts!

donna said...

Ooh, I like the stash basket. No, wait, the box totes are my favourite. No, hang on, look at the fortune cookie bags.....Is it really fair to ask us to name just one favourite?!! (woolpiggy on Rav)

Christa said...

I love the tote bag on the last page, but really love the fortune cookie bag.

Maria said...

What an amazing gift! I love the Canvas Lined Tote! The pattern and the yarn is so beautiful!


Amber said...

I like the stash basket and the bag buddy. Her fabrics are beautiful too! Great giveaway too! :)

Pam said...

On Ravelry, I'm Pam -
I have never seen a give-a-way that's so perfect!

On Roseknits, I love the stash baskets, and the bigger bags like the one you're giving away --

Unknown said...

What a wonderful give away! Thank you Alana :)
This bag is beautiful, but I also like the fortune cookies and the boxes. (Perfect for socks!)

nonapearl said...

I love all the zippered totes and the stash bags! :)

Amanda said...

Holy smokes! Yes please!

manduh on Ravelry

Joanne said...

Oh - how to choose a favourite?! I'm loving the Canvas Lined Tote and the one in the giveaway, and ..., and ... LOL

footmj at xtra.co.nz

Maria said...

I like the Everything Tote, the Stash Basket, and the Canvas Lined Tote! Her things are wonderful! I would love to win this!!
MariaE on Ravelry,
or miasfolkartATgmailDOTcom

9crafty11 said...

I honestly like the bag that's in the giveaway, I just think the fabric is gorgeous. But the stash baskets..I could have a stack of those, I need them with all of the skeins I have now! What an awesome prize too!

Ginga Squid said...

Its a close call between the Box Tote and the Stash Basket - and I think the Stash Basket wins by a hair!

Patti said...

Wow what a great looking bag, pattern and yarn. this is a wonderful giveaway. Thank you so much.

Emily said...

I love them all! (Particularly her box totes!)

I'm Roo on ravelry.

Julia Zahle said...

I have just started knitting socks, so the Box Totes are beautiful and very useful! I especially love this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/44867914/box-tote

Best wishes,



Fourpeanuts said...

All the bags are lovely, but if I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the box totes. They are small but hold so very much and fit well in my Zuma. They are the perfect bag.
Fourpeanuts on Ravelry.

Knitting Diva said...

What a fabulous "give away"! I really love her totes and the lovely give away bag is dreamy.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic giveaway! It's hard to pick a favourite in that lovely shop but I'll go with the fortune cookies - great idea.

woollyabundance on rav

Molly said...

Holy moly - this looks amazing! The bag is gorgeous and the yarn looks absolutely delicious!

Maxine said...

Ha! with all the yarn floating around my house at the moment, I think a stash bucket would be my favourite!

Anonymous said...

Hard to choose just one but I definitely love the Everything tote!
ilina (on ravelry)

Bettina said...

Ooooh, I think the Fortune Cookie is cute and useful in it's form.

What a wonderful giveaway!


Svenja said...

What a great prize! My favourite bags are the Bag Buddies.

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Ely said...

I love the stash baskets, but the zippered bag buddies look so incredibly practical in addition to being pretty.

craftingcrone on rav

earthymama42 said...

My favorite would be the box totes. The fortune cookie bags are very very cute too! Such great bags! What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

earthymama42 at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've entered one of your drawings!! But I've been listening right from the beginning.

I really like the box totes and the cubes.


Toby said...

I like the notion pouches and the fortune cookie bags. Too cute!

Such a lovely giveaway!

octoberp@gmail.com or AffectionKnitlyO on Ravelry

Julie K said...

ooh thanks! i love viola yarns!

Anonymous said...

This bag and yarn would brighten my late fall and winter months!! Oh, please pick me:)

Robin said...

How can I pick just one favorite? I like to carry everything with me so I like the everything tote but I also like the canvas lined tote.
Thanks for the chance to win. What an awesome prize

N. said...

I love Canvas Linen Tote!

Thanks for beautiful giveaway!!

Rhian Drinkwater said...

Ooh that's all gorgeous! My favourite style is the stash bucket, perfect for storing and showing off your yarns!


Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of the drawstring bags. Viola is such wonderful yarn. I'm knitting some fingerless mitts out of her cashmere right now and LOVING them!

Kathy said...

Love, Love, Love this bag and yarn!!!! the color is amazing! Thanks for the chance to win one, my favorite is the large fortune cookie bag!!! Thanks, krc128@gmail.com

Andi said...

Roseknits has the cutest stuff. I love the Bird on Woodgrain bag

Silentgrl44 said...


Trinca Tricot said...

I love all the bags, ehehehe!
But my favorites are the stash bags and those cutes small fortune cookie! Really funny!


jsdknits said...

I think that one secret to successful designing is in the presentation - colorful and imaginative. Your photos of the bag and the yarn quicken the blood!

Malin said...

The fortune cookies are fun but I think the box totes are my favourites. I'd love to win this amazing prize!

malin dot hillevi at gmail dot com

Teal said...

Love the box totes - perfect for my sock projects. The give away bag is nice too and I'm drooling over that beautiful green yarn.

Teal on Ravelry
waltonmw at yahoo dot com

Estella said...

What a wonderful prize! LOVE the bag!

Little Miss S. said...

I've been eying that cardigan and love the style. And then in this colour... AND throw in the awesome bag. Love love love. I've had my eyes on one of the Crafty Pouches with farm animals on it for a while - perhaps I should just...

Anonymous said...

WHOA this is an amazing giveaway, thank you! All her bags are wonderful, but the canvas lined tote and the stash baskets seem awfully useful.

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Would have to go with the fortune cookie for originality, but the stash baskets call my name as well. Thanks for the peek!

yosoyal at aol dot com

CeLindakot said...

Alana, I love your podcast and totally look forward to each episode. I am just casting on a Spring Garden Tee for myself and I am so looking forward to it. Now about those bags, I loved them all but I am crazy about the canvas totes and the zippered buddie bags. I loved her shop so many nice things.

CelticCastOn said...

Love those stash baskets!

Chantal Boucher said...

the podcast was very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

Love the stash baskets! I love any type of project bag as well.

jcoombs said...

I have one Roseknits bag and I love it! Get tons of compliments and I always tell them to go to Etsy, Roseknits to get one. Love your podcast!

Knit Wit said...

I've been looking for an adorable knitting bag. This is a great giveaway! I loved all of her things anything with pink in the fabric will do.


KED said...

It would be the stash bucket for me (but I'd need more than one!)

Julie said...

Love the Everything Tote, love the bag in your post, the colors are great.

VSarah said...

Wow! I love this bag and would try the whole "bag-making thing" myself but sadly can not even figure out how to thread my sewing machine :) Thanks Alana!

Genevieve said...

What an amazing giveaway! I am torn in love between the Cube and the Stash Basket, and all the others are right behind those. Beautiful work! (& Beautiful cardigan design!)
genevievelg AT gmail DOT com
or Genesneaky on Rav

Beth said...

What an amazing prize! My favorite designs are the canvas lined totes and everything totes, but they all look great!

FeltLikeKnitting on Ravelry

longfellowgirl said...

Definitely the everything bag, because I usually bring everything with me when I knit!!

Casey said...

The "Stash Basket" is my fav! :)

Casey said...

The "Stash Basket" is my fav! :)

Hilary said...
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sharmylae said...

oh. my. goodness.

that skein of yarn is my favourite colour.

that pattern is one i have been oogling.

that bag contains two of my three favourite colour combinations, and almost ALL my favourite colours. oh my!

my favourite bag? i can't choose just one! i love the cube socks box, the box tote (i've made a couple in the same style, so much fun!), and the large fortune cookie. even that list was hard to narrow down...

Emily said...

I could no sooner pick a favorite star in the sky! They're all gorgeous!

Lydia said...

if i had to chose a bag other than the tote you're giving away, i'd say the stash basket-all the designs are lovely and the fabric choices are great too.

kikine78 said...

I love the stash bag, but can I say, How cute are those fabric covered buttons!!!

kikine78 on ravelry

Nancy said...

I love the Stash Baskets and the Box Totes, too. They're all appealing though! The buttons are great, too. Very interesting story, too.

Kathleen said...

I really love the stash basket! This is an awesome giveaway! Please count me in. :)

katbetty on Ravelry

frökenvinter said...
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Mert said...

Beautiful! I love bags...


frökenvinter said...

The Stash Basket's are just awesome! And what a lovely giveaway :D

Forgot my contact info -.-'

Carla said...

All the bags are great! What a huge prize!

DebNC said...

How do you choose, they are all great. but if a choice needs to be made the stash basket is too cute!!thanks for the oppertunity

Bernadette said...

LOL... I just ordered two of the fortune cookie bags the other day! One for me, one as a gift! :)

The tote is beautiful, and all the goodies inside - what a lovely prize!

I am HookedonKnitting in Ravelry, and my email is HookedonKnitting(at)aol (dot) com.

Zenitude said...

My favorite is the Stash Basket in the brown and blue/green shades.
what a great giveaway once again.
I'm ready to give the bag and yarn a good home!!

Cindy said...

I love the Everything Bag as well as the stash totes. Great giveaway - thanks!

jlr said...

I'm intrigued by the fortune cookie bags.

Patricia said...

I am in lovely blog by the way

Kristi ~ Ohio said...

It's hard to pick just one...I really like the stash baskets and the tote. This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

queenbee1958@hotmail.com or queenbee1958 on Ravelry

Diane Wright said...

I've ordered from this Etsy shop before and I love her bags. I think right now I favor the stash basket.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
India said...

Given the amount of yarn in my house that needs to be contained, I'm drawn to the stash baskets, the canvas lined totes, and the everything totes.

Patricia Morris said...

Love it! The colors on the bag are beautiful together. The yarn looks great too. You can never have too many bags, right?

Melissa said...

Wow! I have a new favorited Etsy shop. :) I love the everything tote. Thank You for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Opps! I forgot to put my email. My favorite bags are the fortune cookie bags. I hope I am fortunate enough to win your generous giveaway. Thanks!


susieg said...

Cute bag indeed! The yarn looks like it was spun from green gold! I love it

Dawn said...

Wow, what great bags! How to choose a favorite? love the handpainted fabrics and love the everyday bag! What great prizes!

Jen Price said...

Awesome giveaway! I absolutely love the brown, green, and blue bag!

jeremynjenprice (at) gmail (dot) com

Lea Aline said...

What a happy looking gift basket/bag. I <3 the stash baskets, they would sure cheer up my stash!

:) LeaAline@gmail.com

StaceyKnitsIt said...

Wow! Love this giveaway!
I have a small and larger size Fortune Cookie, so am set with those. I love the giveaway bag and notions pouches.

Jennifer said...

I had never seen the stash baskets before, and I now love them!

Kelly B. said...

I love those bags! It is too hard to pick one favorite. I love the stash baskets, but if I had my choice I'd probably pick either the box tote or the zipper bag buddy.

Great Giveaway as always!


Jim Darkmagic and Emma Richmond said...

I really love the clutches and the fortune cookie bags, too! Thanks for the offer! :) My fingers are crossed, the yarn and pattern are both very beautiful.

Suzy Girl said...

What a super, wonderful prize package!! I'd love to be the lucky winner!
After browsing and more browsing on the Roseknits etsy site it was hard to choose but I'd have to say my fave are the box totes. :)


Kristin said...

I love the stash baskets and the box totes. This prize is AMAZING!

kristinfitzgerald at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Although I've always loved the style of the fortune cookie bags I'm pretty sure I'd get the most use out of a stash basket! But the one you're giving away, with the handles and outside pocket, is pretty cute too! I'd love to win, I've always had my eye on the granny smith cardigan...

kjramstack said...

I really love the cubes and box totes. Perfect for my smaller projects.

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

Cook said...

I love the stash basket...no more rolling yarn.
What a great give-away. thanks

Susan said...

I love all the bags, but especially the brown stash bag on the first page. Thanks for the opportunity for a chance to win.

Heather said...

I love the stash baskets! Although the box bags are also something I've been eyeing.

Betsy said...

Wow, what a nice give away! I like the stash baskets but really like the bag you are giving away!

heather said...

What an amazing giveaway! That yarn looks so luscious!

Cate said...

I really like that stash basket bag. very cool!

catemary on rav

Becky said...

What a lovely prize.

Becky (gathersnomoss on ravelry)

Jessica said...

I ♥ RoseKnits! I first found Annie on your blog and immediately bought a fortune cookie. Since then I bought a box tote, zippered bag buddies, and just bought a notion pouch with your current free shipping offer! I also have a custom tote made by Annie as a Mother's Day gift! I love all her designs!!
jpeled on ravelry

Jods said...

I love the box totes and the notions pouches would be very handy!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

woodzy on ravelry or

Kel said...

The sew crafty clutch is really cute!! This is such an awesome giveaway!!!

judy said...

The bags is wonderful! I'd love to enter.

Holloway Clan said...

Oooohhhh! This would be perfect to for my knitting on the train during my daily commute. That yarn is simply divine. I'm hollowayb on ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I heart the box totes, especially the greeeeeen ones!!! Thanks for the giveaway and sharing the love.
honeysuckleblue at ymail dot com :)

judy said...

I'm loving the Stash Basket and what a great prize this is!

Trisha R said...

...and green is my favorite color!

trisha.blowers@yahoo.com or TrishaB on Rav


Eleanor said...

I really like the Sew Crafty Clutch. The fabric is super cute and it's the perfect size for popping in my (giant) purse! Thanks for yet another wonderful giveaway!


carolyn2715 said...
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Jodi said...

Beautiful bags and I love the fortune cookie bag. Love the fabrics too!

jones2read at gmail.com

carolyn2715 said...

I would love a chance to win


Kamigaeru said...

So in love with the fabrics! Those box totes are awesome, as is the amazing prize!! Thank you. :-)

(Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

Melissa said...

I love the fortune cookie totes - how cute! But the market tote (the woodgrain one with the bird) - that's sweet! And the zippered bag buddy, and the stash basket....

I've never bought a bag that is specifically for knitting - I've just been using other bags. Are they that different? I'd LOVE to find out!

Patt said...

I would love any of them. The yarn looks lovely!


Anonymous said...

How lovely!

Unknown said...

What an amazing giveaway!! Her bags are fabulous. I love the buddy bags... it makes me feel like I'm organized. hahaha.

adleisia on ravelry

Unknown said...

The fortune cookie bag is adorable, and this is an awesome giveaway!

MsVicki on Rav

Virginia said...

Wow whats not to love about this prize - bag, yarn, pattern - all in fabulous colors. Here's hopin' I'm selected

Nikki said...

You always have the most beautiful things to give away! Thank you and thank you Annie, Emily, and Melissa for putting together this beautiful prize.

Lauren said...

Beautiful bag!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judi A. said...

I kept looking but couldn't find one I liked better than the "Stash Basket" with the pink and blue flowers on the polka-dots. I like the one in the give-away, too, and would love to have it and all the goodies inside! :-)


mike and chenoa said...


My favorite Rose Knits style is the Box Tote.

Anonymous said...

That is such a terrific giveaway, I love the yarn it looks so soft I think it would make a great sweater. I can't pick a favorite bag theyre all so gorgeous! but I do like the stash basket, that is very useful, and the orange and pink spotted zipper buddy bag? I think its called I love that one its so fun looking! I would totally like to try this pattern out for my first sweater.

RRM said...

I would love to win this fabulous bag and beautiful yarn. I checked the site and I like the Everything tote.


Megan said...

There is something about those fortune cookies that are just so adorable!

Rachel B said...

I love the notions bags and the Canvas Lined Tote. The everything tote is nice too, but I like the longer handles on the canvas lined one.

Thanks for all the great giveaways!


Leslie J said...

What beautiful yarn--and a great giveaway! Those box totes from RoseKnits look great--I really need something to hold my DPNs and rulers. Thanks!

Bonnie said...

I like the small cubes. They'd be perfect to throw in my work bag so I can knit at lunch!

Betsy said...

What an amazing price. I love the large fortune cookie bag and the box bag. :-)

Jodi said...

What a lovely bag of goodies! I have one of her bags, and it's great!

rav: caffeinatedyarn

Tracey said...

I love rose knits bags too! and annie is a doll. I would love to win this bag and loot!
I love her cubes and mstching notions pouches, but all her bags are great.

wdtmb said...

The canvas lined tote that you are giving away is my favorite, I like the long handles and the outside pocket. The colors on the one you have are particularly lovely, and the yarn looks amazing. Thanks!

ibike2work2 AT yahoo DOT com

Janelle said...

Those stash bags are awesome!


Päivi said...

My favourite was Canvas Lined Tote (brownish). Lovely yarn.


Quiltgirl said...

thanks for the link to the Roseknits store - so many cute bags! Love the Stash Bag.... and the sock cubes.... and the craft clutch.... hmmm - hard to pick a favorite!

Kristina said...

I love the Stash Baskets and the fortune cookie bags. I also like the box totes. There's a lot on there I'd like to have!

bourbongirl @ bellsouth .net

Erica said...

I would love to have a Roseknits bag! I am in need of a new knitting bag and the tote is perfect for what I want. I love the fortune cookie bags too... Thanks!

nittykat on ravelry.

1Geek2CraftAll said...

I went through the shop and have a new favorite shop for dreary days. I think the zippered bag buddy is my favorite style. I'd love to win this drawing.

Profile has contact info.

Robin said...

I think I would love the stash basket the most - it seems I have knitting spread all over my house and one of those cute baskets by the sofa, or by my bed would look charming!

Catie said...

I love the fortune cookie bags - though I really like box bags too. And the yarn and pattern look gorgeous!

Catiecat on Ravelry

Katie said...

I love the stash baskets, but with my cats, that would be a yarnsplosion in very little time. I have a fortune cookie bag and I love it, it zips and fits in my purse (yeah, I have a giant purse).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love the Fortune Cookie bags. They are adorable.

yulianknits [at] gmail [dot] com

AER said...

Oh my goodness what a fabulous giveaway!!
GracieBelle on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great giveaway! Love the tote and everything in it! MUST win this!


Unknown said...

I love both the Box Tote and Everything Tote, she had beautiful fabrics!

Ana said...

My favorite is the large fortune cookie bag...so unique. Next are the box totes....also unique and fun. It's hard not to like anything at RoseKnits. Would love to win this prize!
Ana - anahuron@gmail.com

andrea said...

I would love to win any bag from her Esty Site. My favorite is the "Stash Bag". Hmmm....think I have a lot of stash????? LOL!

Tara said...

I love the Stash Basket!

Unknown said...

I love the bird on woodgrain style large bag!

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway! I am a big fan of the box totes.

Gina said...

I love the stash baskets! What a great giveaway!

Oatie said...

Super great prize!!!!!

Julie said...

Oh, wow! What an awesome giveaway!

GynnaB said...

Beautiful bag, beautiful pattern and that yarn is Gorgeous!
I really like the Roseknits Stash Baskets. Super cute!
I would love an opportunity to win!


gynnab (at) gmail.com

Unknown said...

I really like the different project bags.


RubyC said...

Absolutely a great giveaway. I love your podcasts. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with us.


emicat said...

I love the sew crafty clutch with the farm animal print - too cute! I love the cube bag I have from Roseknits.

What a great looking prize and that yarn looks soooo yummy.

Yarnartist said...

I just love your podcast! My favorite bag shape is the Fortune Cookie, but they are all so cute! Best wishes!

Julie said...

I might not actually be qualified to enter, but.... this is an amazing prize!! I love petting skeins of Viola yarns whenever I see them, BTU they are a bit out of my yarn budget, sadly- and I love the granny smith cardi!

I love the sew crafty clutch in her etsy shop- the kitty fabric is adorable and it would be perfect for dpns, scissors, and all the bits and bobs you need to take with you when knitting out of the home.


cpowers said...

Adorable bag, would love to win it!!

Pat said...

I would love to win this give-away. I really like the canvas lined tote and the zippered bag buddy.

Rae Lynne said...

The fortune cookie bags are fantastic! :) They'd make for a great notions bag. :)

That yarn looks absolutely beautiful! What a great giveaway! :)

raelynne01 on Rav

Anonymous said...

I love the fortune cookies bags, they intrigue me! :)
woolandchocolate on Ravelry

Amy said...

I love the socks boxes

avennett AT verizon DOT net

Yelena said...

My favorite is clearly the stash basket. I might just go ahead and buy one (thanks for enabling). Prize claiming information :) can be sent to ymalcolm on the Rav.

deedalee said...

I love the stash bag and the box tote. How can a girl choose?

I'm deedalee on Ravelry

Annie-G said...

Not surprising so many comments were made so quickly. This is an incredible prize.
I was just telling DH that I wanted a NICE knitting bag for my birthday. I too am tired of looking at the collection of zip-lock bags.

~Wendy Tunison said...

Oh my goodness! What an awesome giveaway! The bag is fabulous! The yarn is delicious! And to top it off, I've been wanting to knit a sweater but have been chicken so this would be a great way for me to actually do it! Thank yous to everyone for making it possible!


Christine said...

What an amazing prize. I love those stash baskets, I haven't seen anything like that before.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, very generous!


Nic said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Thanks. Fingers crossed!

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

The box totes are wonderful and I also love Roseknits' bag buddies and stash baskets. Such a great give-away!


Lauri said...

I favor the box totes. Such a spacey and convenient shape. However, it would be nice to have a dedicated knitting bag, too. My cats think the plastic basket tote I'm using now is a playground, not a knitting bag. :) I LOVE Neoknits--I'm in the process of making Guinevere right now! I'm DalaiMarmot on Ravelry.

Sydney said...

I love the Stash Baskets! And the box bags, and the fabric covered buttons, and the key fobs! Wow, what a bunch fo cute stuff!

Would love to try out the yarn and cardigan pattern!

listipton said...

What a lovely Giveaway!
Sign Me up :)

Cadame said...

OMG! I love the everything tote! I could definalty Put a whole project in there with a magazine or 2.. or 3.. and my tools:) It look nice and big!

Sara Kirby said...

Come on radnom generator! Pick Me. This bag is way too cute!

Candace said...
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Diane said...

Wow, all of those are super cute! I love the stash basket! Hmmm... something to go on my Christmas list perhaps. :-)

Megan said...

Another giveaway? THANKS!
My favorite style bag is box tote. It looks like a very girly shaving kit!

Cheryl said...

What a beautiful gift - that yarn looks so lovely!

Christina said...

This is amazing. I love the green of the yarn!

Michelle said...

Ooh I love the bag buddies and the box totes! All of them are so great.

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