
Knitterella Drawing Giveaway

Enter to win this generous selection of Knitterella gift tags provided by knitterella.com...

...along with this brand new autographed copy of New England Knits contributed by Melissa LaBarre!

It was my pleasure to feature Knitterella gift tags as well as to share a knitting story from Melissa in my latest podcast episode.  Click here to listen!

To enter this giveway, please leave a comment (with contact information) under this blogpost. 
Only one comment per person please. 

I will be announcing the winner on December 15th, so please check back then to see if you have won!

Drawing now closed! Congratulations to Maria, the winner! 


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 408   Newer›   Newest»
Paula said...

Thanks again for another great podcast. I'm bufo13 on ravelry

FabEwelous Knits said...

Those tags are really nice and I'd love to have a copy of the book.

Nanna said...

I love the gifttags!
My ravelry name is nannaskibber and my email is nannaskibber(at)gmail(dot)com

BookGirl said...

I love these gifttags. They really say everything I'm thinking when I give a handknit.
BookGirl on Ravelry

The Wild Rumpus said...

So cute--I'd love these. Thanks for such a great giveaway. My email is hdbrudz at gmail...

Jen said...


nwknitta on ravelry

Evan said...

i absolutely love the gift tags.

yarntini said...

Love her tags! Just bought some myself. Thanks for the give-away! jessie AT yarntini DOT net

KatieB said...

Spending a very calming Saturday catching up on my knitting while listening to past issues of NNK. Having the house to myself for a few hours (post Thanksgiving chaos!) I can think of not better way to spend a wintry morning.

Katie (LooseKnit on Ravelry)

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

what a fabulous give away! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Andria said...

I used up the last set of her gift tags I had. Great give-away! I'm apomp on Ravelry.

Nancy said...

The book is on my Christmas list, would love to win it. The tags are great too!

Emily said...

Knitterella's post sent me over here to yours. Hope I win! eniespo (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Ooh, lovely tags.

Amybel said...

Amazing giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!

Amybel on Ravelry

Holly said...

What beautiful gift tags! =)

Dana said...

I'm always trying :)

knittingingrid said...

I love those tags. Fingers crossed!

Elise said...

Not sure I can wait until Dec 15. Knitterella was one of the first blogs I followed. Lover her blog and yours as well.


Unknown said...

What a great Christmas goft this would make from me to me!

My Ravelry name is lcs113.

aknitontheside said...

Fantastic tags and I've been eyeing that book for awhile.

Ipu said...

Hi, I am definitely in for winning some goodies:-)

Kristen said...

very cute tags!

globalite at ravelry

Retha said...

ack! I've come so close to ordering both of these! wouldn't winning them be one of the best gifts of the season?! thanks for the giveaway and merry christmas.

Jandy said...

I have been really wanting the book, and the gift tags are great! Thanks so much! cowgirl92 on ravelry

Codi said...

Those gift tags are fantastic! I could definitely use them for this Christmas' gifts!

Debbie said...

Those tags are brilliant and I'd probably start wanting to give my stuff away just so I could use them! :) Look like a wonderful book to own too!
Waddlesworth on Ravelry

Annie-G said...

What a great way to "playfully" say what needs to be said.
Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas and finds.
Annie-G (ravelry)

Rebecca said...

Great gift tags, I just love how they say, what we are often too polite to say out loud. OOo and Melissa Le Barre one of my fav designers. Thanks for the great giveaway, (Tinylovely on Rav)

IrishGirl said...

Oh so nice and gifty!


Unknown said...

Love them!

Nancy N said...

Nothing makes you feel more like knitting than yankee knitting! Those gift tags are charming.
Thanks for offering such a great getaway.
Nancy (n2n on ravelry)

thewalshfam said...

I love the tags! So cute!
rnmama on ravelry

Kaylee said...

Beautiful gift tags, beautiful book.

Unknown said...

I think I bought all the tags, but I could always use more!

My ravelry id is lux2night.

Sarah said...

Those gift tags are fabulous! I could totally use those for my mountains of holiday knitting....

Anonymous said...



Catalina said...

Love your blog, your podcasts and your patterns!
Theyarnkat on rav

Catalina said...

What a wonderful give away! Thanks for the oportunity.
theyarnkat (ravelry)

Paige said...

What a lovely giveaway!

Mary said...

Sweet tags!
Thanks for the giveaway!


Miss Bea said...

Count me in! Thanks, Alana!

Carolina said...

Those are the cutest tags I've ever seen! Winning would be an early Christmas present to ME!!

RuthWard said...

Thanks for always inspirating me Alana, reaching me in North Devon UK, this is a superb giveaway!

RuthWard said...

Thanks for inspiring me Alana in North Devon, UK - Ruth, currently knitting socks and lace!

juliedonahue said...

Wow what a wonderful giveaway! I've been eyeing those gift tags for a while. juliedonahue at (gmail) dot com

Unknown said...

I LOVE these gift tags. Thanks!
dhe521 (at) gmail (dot) com

Christy said...

the book and gift tags are both on my wishlist this year. Thanks for the giveaway!

kjramstack said...

I love knitterella's tags! Please enter me in the giveaway.

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! The tags are a great idea. The book looks beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.


Natalie Servant said...

Great book, wonderful tags. What a lovely giveaway.

nservant on Ravelry & gmail

emy said...

Those tags are really cool!

Unknown said...

LOOOVE these, so funny! ashley dot mccauley1987 at gmail dot com

Andi G said...

I have been eyeing those gift tags and that wonderful book! Great giveaway, thanks you. :)

polkaknits said...

Oh! Another wonderful giveaway! Sign me in!
morganah at ravelry

carolshue said...

I love the gift tages - they are a great idea! I would be proud to use them.

carolshue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

New England Knits is one of the few books that I keep thinking about buying. Winning it would be great, but if I don't win, I'll have to take it as a sign that I was meant to purchase it.


Wendy said...

Yet another awesome giveaway! Enter my name, too, please!

(Wendeluu on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

I love those tags especially the ones that say something about knitting not being cheap, AMEN.

Nora said...

This is an amazing giveaway! Love all the patterns in this book and Knitterella's gift tags are awesome! My favorites are the sweet baby tags!

Rachel said...

The gift tags are so cute! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

rachakno at gmail dot com

Susan aka paintermom said...

As always, thanks for your great interviews. The giveaways make it extra fun, too! Thanks.


J said...

Pick me! Pick me! They are so cute.

Unknown said...

I am a beginner but would love these none the less

Sabrina said...

I've been wanting New England Knits for awhile now. And the tags would be so fantastic for all the gifts I knit!

karen alho said...

I love the book. But while the gift tags are cute, anyone who gets a handknit from me better darn well know it! Or they're not getting it!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I love this book and I hope to be getting it for Christmas. But, just in case, I will try and get this autographed version too! And I love those gift tags!

Rav ID: valeriechristine

alligator said...

I love the New England Knits book! Thanks for the giveaway!


Julie said...

Love your show!! especially the theme song.
thanks for this give away...looks like fun to me



Kylie said...

Melissa LaBarre is a fantastic designer and the knitterella tags are too cute!!

Annie said...

eek, I want I want! I have this book checked out from the library and I don't want to give it back. I also love the gift tags.

Beverly said...

Great gift tags and book.


knitgirl said...

What wonderful gift tags. Great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

OK I neeeed those. Please. And thank you.
laura at littlekahootz dot com.

StikineStix said...

These are so great! I have been looking for something likes these to accompany my gifts!

Holly said...

I just bought some Knitterella gift tags as a gift ... I sure wish I had bought some for me too! ~kennedha

patriceod said...

The tags are so fun and the book is to die for. Great giveaway!

patriceod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lydia said...

the tags are an awesome was to package hand knit gifts. thanks for the chance to win- lydia1986@comcast.net

Ginger said...

Too cute!!!

Tallulah said...

The gift tags are really funny, and the book is on my wishlist for the holiday season. Thankyou for the giveaway!

L. P. said...

I do so like those tags. How cute! They would make a wonderful preview for any hand knit gift. LP

Becky said...

I love the tags.

Becky (gathersnomoss)

Susan said...

The tags are great! Thanks for the giveaway!

arsenic252 said...

These gift tags are the best thing EVER!!!
I really hope I win, I've been making Christmas gifts since early September and these would be so perfect!!

RubyC said...

Thanks for the giveaway. This is an awesome win for someone. You absolutely are wonderful to offer these various prizes. Love the pod casts.

yukimom said...

Love the book and the gift tags- hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Knitterella's tags! So fun!

katieleigh83 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway comes handy through any occasion. :)

Heather said...

The gift tags are so cute - what a great idea! My Ravelry name is knitinmom25

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win! Those tags would definitely come in handy this holiday season!
danaehuskey (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Patty said...

I can so appreciate these tags. Last Christmas it took my sister 6 months to realize the mitts I gave her were handmade and not store bought! I NEED THESE TAGS! pbachorz(at)gmail(dot)com

Suburban prep said...

The gift tags would make such a lovely presentation to a handmade knitted gift. (I have been making a number of them this season).
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Nicky said...

I would love to win. The tags are so lovely.

Jeri said...

I want to win the gift tags!
patternwhisperer on rav

Blonde Catalogue said...

The gift tags are awesome!

melsheljack said...

Cute tags & great book. It would be a great Christmas gift for me!

Kate said...

The odds certainly aren't in my favor, but I'll enter for such beautiful prizes anyway!
Katehodges2 at gmail dot com.

knitterlydesigns said...

The tags are so cute and I love the book.


Unknown said...

Pick me! Pick me! :)

ringleader on Ravelry

J said...

Thanks as always!! What a great podcast. PS--the Autumn Beret looks fabulous too. Kruegsjen (Ravelry)

tikki said...

I love love love the tag.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway

Manda said...

These are the most adorable tags EVER!! :) I"m knitpsycho on ravelry.

Kerstin said...

I love Melissa LaBarre's designs - I've knitted several of her hats. The gift tags are great too! Thanks for another great giveaway Alana!

Lindsay said...

ha ha! those gift tags are hilarious! we do handmade christmas in my family ever year, and they would be so perfect.


StaceyKnitsIt said...

I'd love to win!

Robin said...

I have been thinking about ordering these tags - I love them!

Wendy Weber said...

Love Love Love the gift tags!

Unknown said...

The gift tags are so clever.
The book is also one I would love to have, but I have told myself I cannot buy another book in 2010. It doesn't count if I win one though, does it?
The new beret is beautiful, I admire the way you have decided to do your patterns. I still struggle doing everything myself, I guess it is a 60's thing. (The era, I'm not that old yet!)

Unknown said...

Love the tags, they are very clever.

Rachel D. said...

Those tags are absolutely adorable. They would add that something extra to a giving a knitted gift.


jjphotoFTW said...

Those tags are just so stinkin' cute! Rav username is jjphotoftw :)

Trisha R said...

Giveaways! Yay!

outi o said...

Melissa is a great designer and her story on your pod-cast was very touching.
Wonderful tags!

karen said...

What a a great giveaway. Would love to win this one.

Robin said...

I love the both book and the gift tags, in fact, I already have some Kniterella goodies in gift packages for friends this year! And your new hat pattern is adorable. :)

Estella said...

What perfect prizes for the holiday season!

Tricia said...

What a great giveaway! Love those tags and they'd be perfect for Christmas!

Brooke @ little b quilts said...

Oh how I would LOVE those :-)

auntgerry said...

I love thode tags!!!

Genevieve said...

The tags are fantastic and the book looks wonderful!

Debbie said...

I would love to win! Thanks so much! Debbie in Alaska

Jules said...

Great tags and I would love that book!

LaQuetha said...

I would just love those name tags.

onescrappychick said...

oh how fun, what a generous giveaway!! Happy Holidays

Julianne said...

I think this giveaway is my favorite!! Fingers crossed!

Knit Wit said...

Those are so cute!

Donna G said...

Fantastic tags - what I wish I could say out loud to my brother and his wife, instead of just thinking it!

Lisa said...

I love her gift tags! Fabulous giveaway!

Unknown said...

Love the tags and the book! Thanks for the give-away!
~knittengurl on Ravelry

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natalie Servant said...

Ooh, lovely prize! Happy belated blogiversary. nservant on Ravelry & gmail.

Sachertort said...

Love the idea for these gift tags. Thanks for the giveaway.

Affiliated Beauty said...

love the tags and the book looks great too.

Anonymous said...

Super cute gift tags! Love them!
danettefoster at yahoo dot come

Lisa said...

I've seen patterns in NEK and they look wonderful. The tags are too cute!
lndkent (at) comcast (dot) net

Juliaknit said...

Thanks for another great prize. I have been wanting this book.

Sereknitty said...

Oh, I've been coveting that book for a while now -- would love to have it in my library! Those tags are so adorable and would look fabulous hanging off of my handknit gifts :)

Terra Zobrist said...

Thanks for the fabulous giveaway

little ej said...

i love those gift tags! adorable and useful :)

elizabethfromchina (at) yahoo.com

laurel said...

I've been covering that book a while and those tags are cool.

Maria S said...

What a great giveaway for knitters.


Karey said...

I love her gift tags! karclock(at)gmail(dot)com

Karey said...

I love her gift tags! karclock(at)gmail(dot)com

pickledpurls said...

The gift tags are great. Great giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Ooh yes please! My holiday knitting might magically get finished faster if there were gift tags... my ravelry user name is littlegreenfrog.

Alaska Denise said...

the tags look like a lot of fun'

Anonymous said...

Those tags are fantastic!

debi.stoliar (at) gmail.com

Jayne said...

I love the gift tags!

jcoombs said...

These gift tags are super!

Leonbergerdogs Knitter said...

I love the gift tags! They're gorgeous and so appropriate! I've been fairly lucky in that the items I've knitted as gifts have been mostly appreciated, but I thought very long and hard about who was knit-worthy before making an item as a gift for someone. I'm so sorry your friend was so horrid to you after you had chosen a pattern and yarn so lovingly and spent hours knitting a hat for her. Now that time has gone by I think I would have to tell her how hurtful her reaction was to me. You shouldn't feel embarrassed, she should be the one who feels embarrassed!

Ellen said...

I would love to win New England Knits and the great Knitterella gift tags! I'm shpizl on Ravelry.

Carol said...

I am a brand new listener and love your podcast! I've gone back and have begun listening from episode 1 so I can catch up.

I'd love to win the tags and book. Thanks!


sue said...

The tags are really fun!!! I would LOVE to have them and would put them to good use!
Ravelry: sueites


Diane said...

I love the gift tags,

Michelle said...

Sweet giveaway!

rainmomma at mailhaven dot com

Adrian said...

Those gift tags are adorable!


Sarah said...

those are too perfect!

amy said...

LOVE the gift tags!

amy said...

opps - my email is alounsberry@cox.net

Hishandmaid said...

Thank you for this giveaway of these fun tags!

Robin said...

I love the gift tags and the book is on my wish list.
Thanks for a great giveaway!

Elizabeth MacR said...

They are great tags, love them.

Unknown said...

I think these gift tags are lovely!

Shannon said...

The gift tags are adorable and New England Knits is a great book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Malena said...

How cute!! Love love! And the book ain't bad either! I'm at fwmld88(at)gmail(dot)com

Kristi said...

I love these!


sock2girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sock2girl said...

What really cute gift cards not to mention practical. I would really get good use of these as I make handmade gifts all year round....luv you podcast.
My raverly name is sock2girl......my email is knittingqueen12002@yahoo.com....

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that's been on my list since it's out!

daria at luethjenhof dot de

Jane said...

Thank you for this giveaway!

My Ravelry Id is okayknits

Jaime said...

Love the book! The patterns are beautiful.

andrea said...

I would love to have the tags....and the book is a wonderful added bonus.
KnitAweigh- Ravelry

Robin V said...

Another great giveaway - cute tags, an interesting book - thanks!

angelbis said...

Those tags are terrific! I also think that there are so many lovely projects in the book - what a great give away!

angelbis is my ravelry username

mizz_b said...

Those tags are perfect and there are a few projects in the book I'd love to try!

Orli said...

I would love that book! And the tags, of course, are adorable.
orli.gal (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

adorable gift cards and I have been drooling over the patterns in the New England book! Thanks for hosting. phelan847(at)yahoo(dot)com

ddp said...

Melissa is a wonderful designer. Hope to get a copy of New England Knits for Christmas !

Unknown said...

The tags are so cute!

Unknown said...

Love your podcast glad to have found you. I would adore a copy of New England Knits...lovely book. Thanks
moontan on Ravelry.

equisetaceae said...

you have such great giveaways!

Elly said...

I love the gift tags, I've been needing those for a while! Thanks so much for this fabulous giveaway!
The book is wonderful too, the designs are gorgeous!

Thanks again :)

IknitCupcakes on Ravelry

Marta said...

Love Knitterella, love NNK!

Anonymous said...

An awesome giveaway!
jurga on raverly

Unknown said...

Those tags are just great!

RavID : SeeEmilieKnit

Angie McKeon said...

Love the gift tags!!! They are to cute:)


Posy Palettes said...

What a wonderful giveaway! PosyPalettes on Ravelry!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I've been having iTunes issues and I'm behind on my podcasts! But of course I still want to enter the drawing. :)


(callmeserenity on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!!

karen said...

What a great giveaway - so useable this time of year! Would love to win this one!!!

Val said...

What a great idea! Love the idea of giving one that says please use this item also!

Unknown said...

Those tags are amazing. Love them. Love this book too!

emilyoboe said...

such a pretty book! and those are very funny tags.

Hayley Wood said...

These tags will come in handy for all my hand knit Christmas gifts!

fannie sizemore said...

I love those!!!!

Rebekah Pope said...

These gifts tags are just too cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
rebekahpope (at) comcast.net

Christina said...

Great gift tags! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks! I hope I win! :)

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