
Week 1: Book Review: Knitted Flowers

Since it is now officially spring, I thought it would be quite fitting to choose the book Knitted Flowers by Nicky Epstein for my first review and giveaway.

I know that not everyone reading this is a knitted flower type of person. 
I happen to like them though. When I first started knitting in 2002 I really really liked them.
Back then I knit and crocheted tons of flowers and attached them to hats, scarves, baby booties, purses.. Everything.

I haven't knit a flower in awhile, and I probably am not as excited by them as I used to be.. but I still definitely think they have a wonderful application.

I happen to have a 5 year old girl in my home who loves all things pink, frilly and princess-like, so I will most likely be knitting up more flowers for her knitted accessories as the years go on.

So if you are a knitted flower type of person, you will really enjoy this book by Nicky Epstein. 

I have to say, I have always thought that Nicky Epstein was a remarkable designer. She is very inventive and comes up with very unusual and interesting ideas. I own several of her books and I use them regularly.

In this book, Knitted Flowers, she offers a variety of flower designs using different techniques. I find myself especially drawn to her felted flowers. I think they are quite beautiful.

I've also always been attracted to her "Wallflower" pattern. 
The mohair yarn and the tiny pearl in the center is so delicate and feminine.

Aside from the multitude of flower pattern instructions, there are also patterns included for larger garments and accessories on which to attach the flowers to. Such as a pillow, wrap, bag and poncho. 

Nicky also offers many ideas of how to use and attach the flowers to various non knitted accessories such as a belt or shoes, or even as a pin on a jacket.

To sum up everything, I think that this is an interesting book full of lots of fun ideas surrounding the subject of knitted flowers. It's a beautifully presented 133 page publication full of lovely large photographs and easy to read instructions. Additionally, the back of the book contains pages of helpful information such as technique and abbreviation explanation, templates, and schematics.

I like and would use many of the flowers pictured, but since this book was originally printed in 2006, some of the yarns used in the samples are somewhat outdated at this point.

For instance..... This.

Many flowers are shown in novelty yarns which we don't see as much of in 2011 as we did back in 2006.
That doesn't mean that these "novelty" flowers wouldn't look totally different knit up in a different yarn though.

But for myself, as a strictly non-novelty-yarn-knitter, coming face to face with a picture like this can be a little unsettling.

But furry, sparkly, ribbon-y, multicolored, shiny yarn might just be your thing, and if it is.. there are many flowers in here that you will love. :)

So guess what? I am giving away this book to one of you! 

If you would like to enter to win this brand new copy of Knitted Flowers provided by Sixth and Spring Publishing, please leave a comment under this post. 

Please remember to include your contact information in your comment.

I will be announcing the winner next week with another book review!


knitterlydesigns said...

I love her crochet flowers book, and I am sure I would love this one too.

knitterlydesigns on RAVELRY

A Dusty Frame said...

Awesome:) I love knitting flowers!
Thanks for entering me!
adustyframe @ yahoo.com

Small and Moody said...

I love flowers!!! I would love to knit them!

Unknown said...

Ooh, I'd love to knit some flowers from this book! I've knitted a rose and a poppy out of another book-- I'd love to try some of Nicky Epstein's flowers.
Lixivia on Ravelry

Pamela said...

I have knitted a flower for a baby hat and was pleased with the process but not so much with the flower, some patterns would be awesome.
pamelammgarcia on Ravelry

Moonie said...

I attempted to knit flowers to use as bows on presents, but gave up. I'd love to have a book that would walk me through the process. And what variation! Oh, the possibilities...

Nora said...

Cool giveaway! I just went to the Boston Flower show this weekend so defintely have flowers on the brain!!


Anna said...

I've been wanting to learn how to knit flowers since my wedding. I wanted to knit a bouquet, but I couldn't figure it out. Anyway, I have other projects in mind for knit flowers. I hope I win. I might knit a bouquet just for fun.

aasinanna on ravelry
aasinanna (at) gmail (dot) com

Yarnlover said...

I would love to have a book like this! Been peeking into it over the Internet but haven't reached to get one home to myself.

Anonymous said...

That is a book I'd considered buying but others always get in front of it in line. So, I'd love to win. Thank you for the chance.

Joanne said...

Looks like a fantastic book. Wonderful inspiration.

missmuffetnz on Ravelry.

Allison said...

Goodness, I would love this book. Quick little projects like that keep me sane through college.

Unknown said...

the flowers are beautiful!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

This is such a lovely book. A little embellishment can really lift a project.

Robin said...

I would love to win. I have a 5 and a 3 year old granddaughter. Both love to dress up and would love the knitted flowers.
dieborl on Ravelry

carol christoffersen said...

I would love to have this book. I am always looking for different ideas to use for gift wrapping and a present topped with a hand knitted flower sounds lovely.

Trinca Tricot said...

Nice... this book it´s awesome!

fallenangel in ravelry


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lykke said...

I´m 38 a I still love flowers on everything, so I would looove to knit some of those.

Valerie said...

I also love knitting flowers to add as embellishments to totes, sweaters, hats, etc. that I make. Would love this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Zenitude said...

I love adding flowers to purses and scarves. I see lots of flowers I would enjoy to knit!
woolyknitsnbits at live dot ca

Melissa said...

I have a 2 year old daughter and she loves little flowers and butterflies and ladybugs and all those types of things.
This book looks too cute.
Thank you!
melxcloud on Ravelry

Unknown said...

This book just beckons you to put on your creative hat and find ways to use her amazing flowers! I think the mohair flowers would be wonderful sprinkled along a sweater! Geri

magi said...

Those mohair flowers are lovely - and I have a ball of mohair in a pale mauve colour.....

magi said...

Forgot to mention I am Magifox on Ravelry

Sarah said...

I love to crochet flowers. I have never tried knitting them, but I would love to try!

ACraftyKnitter said...

That book looks awesome! I would love to have that many knitted flower ideas to embellish my projects with!

Girl in a Throttle said...

Oh me me me! I'm building up my collection of Epstein books :-). I am katerimc on ravelry. Love your pocasts btw.

Anonymous said...

Like you, when I began knitting, flowers were my obsession. I made up my own patterns and looked for books with knitted flowers inside ! This book, looks amazing. I would love to accessorize sweaters, bags, headbands (the possibilities are endless!) with these flowers. SO so beautiful :)

Michelle said...

I actually stumbled across this book last night at Michaels....and contemplated buying it. Thanks for sharing, now I really want it!!!!

vickyknit said...

This would be a great addition to my collection of knitting books. Spring is springing up everywhere now, the flowers are wonderful.

ThatCleverClementine said...

This looks like it would be a fun reference book. Her books are always inspiring.

that clever clementine said...

What a great giveaway, her books are always terrific references.

kelly said...

What a great prize!

Ana said...

Hmmm...I could give them a try... thank you for the chance to win.

penelope10 said...

Love to knit and crochet flowers, and this book would be great in my library!

Liz said...

I have SO many scraps of leftover yarn in tons of colors that are waiting to become flowers!

joyceetta said...

I've never knit flowers but think it would be a delightful way to use up some of the leftover bits of yarn I can't bear to part with. I'd love to win this book.


lisa said...

I've never seen this book before! I looks wonderful. My 2 year old will love it!

Becky said...

I would love this book!

gathersnomoss on ravelry

Meriam said...

I need to own this book! Fingers crossed that I win!

Teresa said...

That's the first time I've seen pictures from inside this book! I think knitted flowers would be great added on to some of the things I knit, like hats, baby outfits, etc.

CathyS said...

I love knitting flowers too ! Thanks for this giveaway and I would love to win !!!

navymomma said...

I love flower patterns i think they add so much to a garment.

ctexas said...

I love her books, this one I don't have and would love to win.


Pam said...

That is a beautiful book! I also like her designs very much.

yomommaknits on Ravelry

pickledpurls said...

interesting book. Never attempted knitting flowers. Maybe I shall give it a go!

Terry aka pickledpurls on rav

Beth W. said...

With too many boys in the house...I love to knit/crochet flowers! Looks like a fun book! Thanks!


Rachel B said...

I don't use knitted flowers too much for myself - I like to add them to things I make for my nieces - but I really like the felted flowers. It looks like a great book.
Also, I have to say that I was disappointed to hear you wouldn't be podcasting as much, but I like the new stuff you've been doing with the blog. The new direction is a good one I think.

Sabrina said...

I'd like to learn to knit some flowers. I think they'd add some nice embellishment to my accessories!


Judiuni said...

I love flowers!

girltrekkie said...

This knitted flower book would be just the thing to cheer me up :)!

DanelleB said...

I have been making a ton of fabric and paper flowers lately, I would love to add these to my collection.

m&m said...

It sounds so interesting! I am still learning a lot about knitting but am falling in love with it more and more every day and I can just imagine my one year old all decked out in knitted flowers! Thanks for the great review :)


Yvonne said...

Knitted flowers would be perfect for a project I have in mind.

ydub on RAVELRY

GynnaB said...

Ohh pretty! I have the perfect project that needs some flower embellishment! Little ones and their knitted flowers are not easily separated!

gynnab (at) gmail dot com

or gynnab on ravelry

Alycia C said...

How timely! I've been looking for a flower pattern to add to a recent hat and mittens set. I'm sure I could find it in here.

Bonnie said...

I just checked out her Knitting Block by Block book from the library and LOVE IT. Thanks for reviewing this one! I'd love to win it.

IrishGirl said...

I love the wallflowers, too. I think this could be adapted to become a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day, don't you think?

Whitney said...

Awesome books!!!

anna said...

I love Nicky's Epstein's books!
annarose999 @ yahoo . com

Sherral said...

That book would definitely be appreciated around here!


Macabre Kitty (Sara) said...

This book would be much loved in my house - all four of us knit!

sarafina77 at hotmail dot com

Emily said...

looks like a lot of fun!

Kristi ~ ArtSea said...

You have read my mind! I just finished a new spring purse (that needs to still be felted) and was thinking about how I wanted some springy flowers on them! Great give away!


Poetic Knitter said...

I have never knit a flower before. Winning the book would give me a chance to try it out for the first time.

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

I've recently finished a knitted blanket which would look lovely embellished with flowers. I would love to win this book. Thank you for the give-away.
eevavalentine (at) gmail (dot) com

BikerChicKnits said...

Love Love these flowers!!! Especially since I still have cold and snow..

BikerChicKnits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

Oh, I would love to win this book! Thanks for the great review!
shiggins on ravelry

Unknown said...

Wow!!!!makes my heart sing!!!

BCW said...

I have a five year old who loves flowers, too. Thanks for the offer!

melosa said...

I have never been really big in knitted flowers and such, but I too am mother to a young girl who would absolutely adore this type of thing. She loves to dress up and adorn herself with all things "pretty".

Jenn said...

My daughter would love this! (and secretly, I would too.)

Tracey said...

Count me in! I borrowed this book from my local library and quickly realized that I needed to own my own copy one day. One day soon maybe? Thanks again for the opportunity!


Char said...

Love this!

rinebird said...

I have a granddaughter who loves "all things pink".To quote what you said,Alana.I used t crochet flowers way back when.I just bought a pattern my granddaughter picked out for a flower chain..I want to try flowers first.Great Give A Way.


Teri said...

Knitted flowers can be so pretty. Her designs are amazing.


thewalshfam said...

I'd love to win this book to add to my collection! Thanks for the review!
rnmama on ravelry

Szilvia said...

I love these flowers!!! Fantastic book!

Roxxandra on RAVELRY

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Looks like a fun book, and I appreciate your thoughts about it!

Mary said...

I still have quite a bit of novelty yarn in my stash just begging to become flowers...

KnitAdmin on Ravelry

Emily said...

Alana, I'm with you on the novelty yarns! Yikes! But the felted flowers are beautiful!

ewequeen on ravelry

Kelly said...

April showers bring May flowers!

Ariadne said...

I have a couple of little girls that I could make these for!

Unknown said...

those wall flowers are lovely... i'd make millions and turn them into a scarf!

Unknown said...

oops, I'm actcreative on RAVELRY

billicummings said...

Any book by Nicky is a pleasure to read! Pick me!! Thankyou, Billi


KCarney said...

I love this book, novelty yarns and all! I too stumbled upon this book as a new knitter and felt immensely proud that I could knit something so beautiful as a flower! Flower power to the nth degree.

sbknit said...

I am a huge fan of knitted flowers! And with Spring right around the corner it just has to make you smile! Thank you for the giveaway!


Suzanne said...

I just did a search of Nicky Epstein books because I need something jazzy for the bottom of a scarf. Thanks for the peek into the book and the giveaway.

mhchong said...

How lovely! I think some of these would be so cute on headbands.

Beth said...

Beautiful Flowers!

skinouye said...

love the knitted flowers....have NEpstein book of crocheting on the edge....

Kristen said...

I think my house could use some cheerful flowers!!

globalite on Ravelry

Shelley said...

I have a niece whose three who would love knitted flowers

Skye said...

This book looks great!

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. Everyone can use a few spring flowers! Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

Kristal said...

I love her books and flowers are so fun to knit!

Nikki said...

I love making flowers out of anything, and am sure I can work around the novelty yarn thing. :)


Susan said...

These would make great embellishments for baby girl sweaters, and I am making a ton of those for my little one due in July, so I would love to win a copy! :o)

Rachelle said...

I've never actually knitted a flower, but would love to try.

Estella said...

Wow, these flowers are amazing!

PurlingPenny said...

I just knit a chemo cap for a special friend and embellished it with a simple flower of my own design. I see some beautiful ones in this collection that would have been lovely options. I'd love to have this book!

april said...

This book looks interesting to me. I haven't knitted any flowers yet in my knitting, but these look interesting enough to try.

Trix said...

I am that shiny, flowery, over the top kind of girl and would love to have this book to inspire and instruct me. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize..

Charlotte kaae said...

I would love to own it... Love flowers, knitting @ bykaae . dk

Yes im in Denmark (scandinavia)

RRM said...

I would love to learn to knit some beautiful flowers.
Thank you

deidre said...

Would love this book! Have some sweaters and headbands that need flowers. Thanks for the chance.

C. said...

This is so spring-y! Great choice of book to review

Carolina said...

I'd love to learn something new...knitting flowers!

mjknits said...

I love all of Nicky Epstein's books. I have a few of her books but not this one-I would give it a good home:)

linda said...

The flowers are just what we need this spring as it seems to have been a very difficult one for the world. Love it that art helps us through the difficult times.

Kristine said...

Beautiful book!

krissymharris (at) gmail dot com

Laurie said...

All those flowers and Spring is here. Looks like fun.

KnittyBarb said...

I met Nicky Epstein a couple of years ago and she was just delightful. I'm a fan! Would love to add this book to my bookshelf.

CuteStuffInside said...

I just love Nicky and her flowers!

marshadicostanzo @hotmail

Little Miss S. said...

I have a dream of a huge bouquet of knitted flowers in my craft room. This is definitely the way to go...

Krista said...

A whole book on knitted flowers looks great! I would love to try doing this - it would make for some fun details to add to knitted projects.

Sunburstknits on Raverlry

lakchi said...

I love these flowers, they will look great on my new felted bag!

cksknitter said...

Spring in my part of the country is a long way off, but this book of knitted flowers would help brighten the snowy days.

Amanda said...

As a new knitter inhave never knitted as flower before, but they would be awesome on accessories!! I will have to get a copy when I am ready to try them! They are all so beautiful!!

Shannon said...

What a beautiful book, flowers would be quick and very satisfying to make. Thanks for the giveaway!


asteride said...

Spring knitted flowers. Very nice idea. I'd love to win.

Anonymous said...

Great book, great giveaway !
I have never knitted flowers, but I want to :)


Anonymous said...

I love flowers and with spring upon us, see lots of potential for embellishing little girls' clothes....jean jackets, baseball caps, etc. Hope I win!

Unknown said...

I've never knitted flowers, but i just got a request for a baby and toddler hat with flowers. This book would be perfect.

Lisa said...

These flowers are stunning!!
Keeping fingers crossed that I win...


jillybean03 said...

I love flowers!

JillShoke on Ravelry

Juliaknit said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Juliaknit on Ravelry.

nda said...

I'm new to knitting and these flowers look like so much fun! I would love to give them a try. /Nancy

Nitalinb said...

Mmmmmmm. I love knitted flowers. These look fantastic.

Julia said...

I have never knitted a flower before, but I have a 4 year old niece and a lot of yarn scraps to use up... so this might be the time to start!

Denise Cole said...

I love knitted flowers and my 4 year old loves accessores :)

madaboutmatisse on Rav

Monica de Moss said...

Saw this book this weekend and almost bought it! I would really love to win a copy of it.


Francesca said...

I love it! I crocheted some tiny flowers on a scarf, but I would love to know how to knit flowers.

Thanks for the giveway!

freitano at gmail dot com

Marissa, craftaholic said...

I would love to win this book! My girl is 3 and loves all flowery girly things.
mhenry on ravelry

Miss Bea said...

I would love to check out this book! I've been wanting a knitted bunch of flowers for a vase in my craft space. Thanks for the chance!

To Everything there is a Season said...

Beautiful flowers and beautiful book

Heather said...

Cool book, I love all the photos
heathermentzer at q dot com

Kate LeMay said...

I would love to learn how to knit flowers, as I cannot crochet (yet!) and have wanted to adorn some items with flowers. I had no idea that this option was available to me!!
KateLeMay on Ravelry.
PS I have just discovered your podcast and am enjoying catching up :)

Leslieblonde said...

Who doesn't love knitted flowers? Thanks for a reminder of something fun to knit this time of year!

TracyC611 said...

I too have a 5 year old who would love this book!

Martha said...

I've always been intrigued by knit and crocheted flowers but never have attempted them. This might also be a good way to ease myself into felting, which I've never had the courage to attempt. Would love the book. It would cause me to stretch my knitting experience.

bbp said...

I think those mohair wallflowers are totally amazing. Thanks for a chance
to win the book. Billie

Unknown said...

What a beautiful book! I want to knit a sweater with roses as an embellishment. This book is a perfect motivator. Thank you for showing us.
luv2nit on Ravelry

nancy said...

Wonderful book and great prize!!
sthomasknitter06 on Ravelry

Tricia said...

Gorgeous pics and it looks like a GREAT book! Thanks!
triciajohnson77 @ hotmail.com

Jaynette said...

Last year I was into sweaters. This year I am making socks. So far I have knit 7 pairs of socks. I think these would be interesting to try..and fast.


Katy said...

The photos you've shared in your review are beautiful. I have only crocheted flowers; but I'm inspired now to explore using the felted ones as embelishments!

CeltChick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CeltChick said...

I deleted my first comment, 'coz I forgot contact info--let's try again: I would love to have this book, I've admired it & other works by Nicky for a while. Thanks for offering!
AnnBan on Ravelry

L. P. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L. P. said...

I have both the knitted and crocheted flowers books out from the library as I write and had decided to add them to my wish list. Nicki is very creative with her designs nd the yarns.

Pachie said...

I love to crochet flowers, haven't knitted yet, but would love to try!

Heather said...

So pretty! Would dress up a pretty little purse or tote in no time! THanks for the chance to win! hfreeman70 (at) comcast.net

Pachie said...

Forgot my contact info mochibean@gmail.com

JoAnnaJae said...

I really am a knitted flower person, but I can never find patterns for the one I want. A book like this would be really helpful! Thanks for doing this give-away!

RavID: Ambitious

Rachel said...

This book seems perfect for adding beautiful flower embellishments to your knitted items!

themaidenoflight on ravelry

Sandy said...

I love Nicky Epstein but I have never tried her flowers - but I would like to

Sandy said...

I love Nicky Epstein, but I have never tried her flowers - maybe I will now!

Diane said...

Lovely flowers that I won't be able to kill!!

Debbie said...

I would LOVE a copy! Thanks a bunch! Debbie in Alaska
gussek on Ravelry

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I am such a sucker for knitted flowers. Always have been. And I would redo some of those novelty yarn patterns using some more "plain jane" yarn! I have browsed through this book before and love the creative ideas Epstein offers.

rav id: valeriechristine

Holly said...

I've had this one out from the library before, she has some lovely designs in here! Thanks for the review!


Sara W. said...

I've crocheted flowers as an add-on, but have never tried knitting them. The book looks really fun!

Kristi said...

Lovely book! Would love to win it.

godink @ ymail.com

Lady Procrastination said...

I came to your blog through looped DC and plan to visit your trunk show there work permitting.

I have three step-sisters under 8 who looove princesses and would love these flowers. If I am lucky enough to be chosen for the book my email is dianabosworth@mac.com

bren_na said...

Enter me! I would love to learn to knit flowers, and I have a knitting friend who has been asking me how, and I don't know.

Unknown said...

This is adorable! I thought you could only crochet flowers and I'm not a crochet person, myself, but this is just awesome.

EmmaJB34 on Ravelry and emmajoyce34@gmail.com

Catherine said...

the book looks fascinating - the cover shot is very like a Lulu Guiness handbag

Missy said...

Lovely! Another great Nicky book.
mkrids on Ravelry

Cathy said...

I just looked through this book while visiting my niece. She had borrowed it from her local library. The flowers are amazing! I'd love to win this to give to her.

Z said...

I adore flowers. The pictures in this book give me good ideas on what is possible with knitting.


d said...

How about that ... Nicky Epstein is coming to a local store TOMORROW NIGHT! What a happy coincidence!

Elise said...

I love Nicky Epstein Designs and I love knitted flowers!

knittingknot on Ravelry

erussell said...

ooh I love these flowers!
Liz at brownbettyfarm dot com

Ruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruth said...

It would be so much fun to try knitting some of her flowers. I really like that she also gives some ideas for using. It's great to help get the wheels turning.


Posy Palettes said...

Looks like a fun book!

gatlynsmommy said...

I would love to learn how to knit flowers! crazydaisi@gmail.com

Joey diddledums said...

I borrowed this book from my local library some time ago. It is great, love the cloche - problem is I can't find it at the library anymore.

jamac75 on RAVELRY

Unknown said...

OOOh I have loved book but I was just learning to knit when it came out(.... no it was probably 2008 when I discovered Nicki's book) and I didn't get it then but you have reminded me!!! The flowers are SO charming and I have SO many things to embellish for baby and Toddler gifts, maybe my felted french slippers OR.... Thanks Alana!
If I don't win it, I'll have to go get it quick :)

Ouricmoff said...

What a great give-away! Flowers knitted with hand-spun yarn are always interesting.

rsf said...

I love knitting small things and flowers count as small things!

Savannagal said...

I've wanted to purchase this book for some time now. The flowers are so cute and would spruce up even the most drab of sweaters. Thanks.

em4201 said...

I have never knitted flowers, but would love to give them a try

emily.skow at gmail.com

Kathy said...

The flowers are all so BEAUTIFUL!!! gets me in the mood for Spring!!!

Sarah Smiles said...

I love knitted flowers! I've actually never tried making them myself though, despite being a knitter! Crazy!

Unknown said...

I have just started to get into flower knitting. What a simple way to add so much to knitted items. So very cute on anything baby girl! Great for bags, sweaters, scarves, etc!!! I would love this book!
Thanks for offering this great give away!