
Week 2: Book Review: Knitting At Home

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's book giveaway
I picked out one comment at random and the winner is Carolina! Congratulations!

For this week I'll be reviewing the book Knitting At Home by Leanne Prouse
the designer behind the Ella Rae brand.

When I first received this book in the mail from Sixth and Spring Books, I kind of just glanced through it but quickly dismissed it as a "home decor" knitting book. And those sort of books rarely appeal to me because I hardly ever knit anything for the home.

I was very wrong. After looking at this book in more depth, I have to tell you that I absolutely love this book.

It is not just a book of home decor patterns. This book has a wide variety of patterns including garments, cushions, accessories, bags, throws, and children's wear. Yet most patterns follow the same theme... All of these knits are cozy and comfy pieces you would use around your home.

While flipping through the pages, I found that the designs evoke feelings of comfort and relaxation.
All of the wearable items seem very comfortable and practical.
These are things I could see myself actually using.

Nothing high fashion, form fitting, or fussy. 
Instead all are loose fitting, cozy, knock-around-the-house types.

This book has patterns to accentuate every corner of your home with sweet knitted items. 
Is there any better way to showcase your love for knitting than to surround yourself with it?

I also especially enjoyed the section for little ones.
I love these knitted dolls..

And I found the children's blanket patterns to be quite charming.

This book contains so many cute blanket patterns. I haven't made an afghan in forever, but this book makes me want to.

Altogether, Knitting At Home offers 60 designs. 60! That is a whole lot for one knitting book!
I was very impressed by the beautiful layout and style and I would love to knit many of the patterns included.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

I think this is a great book for many different knitting levels. Many of the patterns could be easily knit as a first knitting project, but there are some challenging projects included for more experienced knitters as well.
There is a lot of variety.

The only thing that didn't offer much variety were the yarn choices offered. All of the patterns are knit from one yarn, Ella Rae Classic. It is understandable. Leanne Prouse is after all the creator of the Ella Rae yarn brand. And it is actually kind of impressive really.. It shows exactly how versatile this yarn really is. 

If your local shop doesn't carry Ella Rae Classic, it seems to be as easy enough yarn to substitute. Its a worsted weight wool, so you have many options available.

Although I very badly would like to keep this book for my own personal knitting library, I am going to be very nice and give it away to one of you!

To enter to win this brand new copy of Knitting At Home provided by Sixth and Spring Books, please leave a comment under this blog post. Don't forget to include your contact information!

I will be announcing the winner next week with another book review!


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Medic-ate said...

I normally dont make things for the home either so I'm glad you took a second look. I'd love to make a few of the items you showcased on your blog. Thanks for entering me!

highflydee said...

Thanks for your review! I may have overlooked this title without it.

pricelesspurls said...

Hi Alana, the book look great- how amazing are those socks??!!!

Sarah Schieber said...

I Love knitting things for around the house, and that one comfy sweater looks so warm and snuggly! It is cold here in PA. tonight!


knitterlydesigns said...

I love books that have a variety of projects.

skinouye said...

I would love some comfort and cozy knitting!


Teresa said...

The designs you have highlighted are very enticing. My LYS carries many Ella Rae colors so it would be a great book to win!

Teresa said...

The designs you have highlighted all look enticing. My LYS carries many, many Ella Rae yarns so this book would be perfect!

Deb said...

Hi, Alana! Thanks so much for reviewing this keeper of a book for us! I am always looking to add to my knitting library and this one fits into many yummy corners. That hoodie is a must have! Please send this treasure to me!
Thank you!

Liberty said...

I want to make ALL OF IT!

janita said...

I love the hoody but want some one else to knit it for me.... I would make the socks--just looking at the picture makes me want to run home and cosy up on the couch knitting!

Lindsay Cogan said...

Wow this book looks amazing.

J said...

Awww! I love the look of the breakfast set. I think that would make a great house warming gift. I love the hoodie too.

Jude xx

farmgirl said...
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farmgirl said...

Ooh, I love those sweaters, and the slippers and the socks and the breakfast set cosies and....wow, thanks for the giveaway!

Kathy Kathy Kathy said...

I love the sweaters. I'd like to knit them.

DebbieSoCalif said...

So glad you reviewed this book--I was wondering about it and now I'm definitely interested in checking out the patterns. DebbieSoCalif on Ravelry

MCC said...

I kept this book out from the library for so long I ran up serious fines. I should have just bought the book -- but maybe I can win it instead?

Christine said...

I love knitting with Ella Rae yarn. These projects look so different and fun to knit, from the pages shown on your blog.

Thank you for offering one to win!

kelly said...

Super cute!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful book! That hoodie has my name on it . . .

Diane said...

Thanks for the review-- I, too, would never have picked up the book. Also, thanks for the contest.

Meriam said...

My kind of knitting! I must knit those socks!

Meriam said...

Love those socks. And the hoodie! I think I need to own this book.

Barb Dukes said...

Love so many of the items in the book - I would love to win it!!

Barb Dukes said...

This looks like a fun book to own! Love the hoodie and the knitted dolls the most.... from what I've seen so far.

juliedonahue said...

wow "comfort" seems to be the theme of the book! It looks great!

Kim said...

Would love to try out some of these!

Julia said...

That sounds like a great book! I probably would have dismissed it at first too, but your description is very enticing...

jujujulia on Ravelry

Joan said...

What a beautiful book! Magic Number Generator, please pick me! joan(dot)rigg(at)gmail(dot)com!

Unknown said...

It's unusual to find so many pictures in a book review. Thank you for this visual insight!!

Karen said...

Another great looking book. I see several things in the pictures I would make in a heartbeat

Mermaid Kitten said...

Pick me pick me! Thanks for the great book review. If I don't win, I'm going to add this to my pattern book wish list for sure. By the way, I am obsessed with your Seedling pattern that I bought from you at Stitches West. I have made three so far and I hardly want to part with them. Beautiful and so well written. Thanks so much. My next obsession will be the cables cowl!

Tricia said...

This book looks GREAT! What a huge selection of items to knit! Thanks as always for the opportunity...
triciajohnson77 at hotmail.com

Gita said...

Wow—I agree with you that this doesn't seem at first glance to be something I'd knit from, but I love the designs you showcased. Thanks for being willing to give it up!

Unknown said...

The hooded sweater looks like one I keep seeing in a catalog and I always think - "I can't buy that, I could knit it" and now I know where to find a pattern! Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love those dolls! Those would be great birthday presents for my little girls. ;-)

danettefoster at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

What wonderful patterns and photographs! This book looks like a knitter's dream!

Mermaid Kitten said...


Mermaid Kitten said...

I would love to win! The books sounds great. And while I'm here I just want to say that I am obsessed with your Seedling hat that I bought from you at Stitched West. Love it! I have made three so far. Great pattern. Thanbks for all the hard work!

Lesley said...

Lovely patterns! Thanks for this giveaway.

Nicky said...

What a lovely book with beautiful pictures.
Id love to win it.

ginad said...

60 patterns in one book is indeed a wonderful thing in a knitting book! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win it!

the mustik said...

wonderful inspiration ! thanks for the chance

isa dona said...

Love this book, thanks for the chance!

Kristi said...

Oh! Nice book
godink @ ymail.com

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

That sweater in the first picture is amazing! Nice designs. I want to make about everything you pictured. I really hope I win this one!

Thanks for the chance! Suzanne


Susan said...

My feet are itching for those slippers on the cover...and, if I win the book, you may borrow it anytime you want! :)

Jack said...

Looks like a lovely useful book - makes me want to snuggle in and knit! Thanks for the giveaway ...

Angel said...

I'd love to have a copy of this book


Pollystyle Artisanal Baked Goods said...

Wow what a lovely book! It looks like there will be more than one thing I will knit from it.

Caitlin said...

Looking at this book makes me want to be lazy around the house! I love it.

KCarney said...

A good friend of mine is having a baby and I am looking for a nice afghan to knit--this book sounds like it might have some great possibilities!

Phaye said...

Love the book. Looks so comfy

leaves and blossoms said...

That looks like such a great book! I love the cardigan, and the little coffee cup and egg cup warmers are divine! Thanks for the chance.

Anne said...

I love the blankets and the breakfast set. This looks like a great book.

Kerstin said...

I've glanced through this book and would love to add it to my library! It makes me want to curl up in a big comfy chair with soft yarn and knit something beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to make that floor pillow and the slippers on the cover!

Debbie said...

I would love a copy. Thanks so much! Debbie in Alaska

JoWishes said...
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JoWishes said...

What a perfect book. Winter is fast approaching here in Australia, and I am yearning to curl up somewhere with some cozy knitting.

ds said...

please enter me in the contest. I'd like to make just about everything in the book!

Danielle said...

I have glanced at this book and what really stood out for me was the gorgeous red bed jacket,loved it! Thanks for your reviews as they are really great in knowing what the concensus is on some of these books. Very interesting indeed:) Cute coffee cup warmers these would make great gifts along with some great coffee and a fab mug.

Danielle said...

Thanks for reviewing this great book. My fave in peeking at this book the gorgeous red bed jacket. The coffee mug warmers would make a fab giftg for a friend along with some great coffee and a cute mug:) One more idea. Appreciate your reviews and love your blog.

Renee said...

I can't believe it, I just put this book in my wish list over at Knit Picks! Fingers crossed!!
By the way, your patterns are beautiful, keep designing!

Unknown said...

I've just discovered your wonderful blog after buying one of your patterns. It came with your card.
The book looks great! Would love to try an afghan.

Robin Lane said...

I have this book on my Amazon wishlist. :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

annamae said...

Love that gray hooded cardigan!!!

shannon said...

Love the slippers on the cover! Looks like a great book.

Sabrina said...

I love cozy, homey knits! I've never made an afghan, but would really like to. Thanks for offering this book for a giveaway :)


Purltherapy said...

Ooooh How I'd love to get m hands on this book.

Unknown said...

I looovvve the hoody! I think I love this book already

Unknown said...

Those items look so cozy! I love that you're doing book reviews now, I always read lots of reviews before buying reference type books like for knitting. Thank you!


Cate said...

Oh, now I want this book! It looks like I'd make lots from it. :)

autumngeisha said...

Those patterns look so warm and comfortable. Love the socks. Thanks for the contest.

thewalshfam said...

Looks like a great book! I think I'd make that comfy hoodie and wear it everyday!
rnmama on ravelry

Nancy said...

This book looks like it has so many great patterns. I would love to win it.

Unknown said...

love that there are 60 patterns!

Kristina said...

Those sweaters look so comfy!

msdb76 said...

I love comfy weekend wear and that floor pillow is gorgeous!

Michaela said...

very cool!


Emily said...

We've just moved to a new house that could use some knitted decor (or any decor for that matter!)
Looks like a lot of fun.

Ewequeen on ravelry

Laura said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter. Great review!

Katie said...

I also don't really go for home decor knitting, but this looks like much more than that! I think I'll still check it out even if I don't win it...

katieaporter(@)gmail . com

bamboodreams said...

Thanks for wonderful book review. Just saw the book in KnitPicks and thought what you did until I read your review. Love that hoodie! And 60 patterns! Yowza!

Isabel said...

I hope I'm not too late for the draw... Thank you

Anonymous said...

What a great looking book. I'd love a go at that cozy hooded top!

Unknown said...

This looks AWESOME! I love slouchy clothes and this is an amazing amount of comfy, cozy patterns.

EmmaJoyce34 on Ravelry

Lana@Avonlea said...

YOWZA!!!! Such a beautiful book !!! That sweater is perfect.

Lana@Avonlea said...

Great book.. Terrific sweater. Socks to knock your shoes off.

Kitty Sue said...

I love patterns that feature worsted weight. I can't use fine yarns anymore due to my eyesight failing. I would be glad to win this book :o)

Pachie said...

Love ella rae patterns, this book looks like alot of fun things to knit! I'd love to win!

Katie L. said...

I love those socks too! They just look so nice and big and warm!

glongley said...

I to have new inking books to sit and read. Then try to pick something I want to knit.

Valerie said...

I have seen this book online many times, but have always thought, "Hmm . . . Home knits? Probably not me." But after reading your review, I realize that I was dead wrong! This looks great!

rav id: valeriechristine

Leslie Harriel said...

I love warm and cozy...patterns in this book certainly give you that feeling.

Jaimie said...

I love the socks...they look so snuggly! There are lots of impressive pieces in this book!

Ravelry: jawsie

Anonymous said...

Love the projects in this book. Thanks for the chance to win it!!
knacker_love@yahoo.com Patricia

Terry said...

I love those socks and sweater in the book. Great to curl up in.

JazzNJava said...

The blankets look lovely!

Alyrenee said...

I love the photography of this book.

cksknitter said...

I got this book from the library and loved it. It would be nice to have it in my permanent knitting library.

DonnaC said...

Look like a very inspiring book for designing a wrap for myself.

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