
Week 2: Book Review: Knitting At Home

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's book giveaway
I picked out one comment at random and the winner is Carolina! Congratulations!

For this week I'll be reviewing the book Knitting At Home by Leanne Prouse
the designer behind the Ella Rae brand.

When I first received this book in the mail from Sixth and Spring Books, I kind of just glanced through it but quickly dismissed it as a "home decor" knitting book. And those sort of books rarely appeal to me because I hardly ever knit anything for the home.

I was very wrong. After looking at this book in more depth, I have to tell you that I absolutely love this book.

It is not just a book of home decor patterns. This book has a wide variety of patterns including garments, cushions, accessories, bags, throws, and children's wear. Yet most patterns follow the same theme... All of these knits are cozy and comfy pieces you would use around your home.

While flipping through the pages, I found that the designs evoke feelings of comfort and relaxation.
All of the wearable items seem very comfortable and practical.
These are things I could see myself actually using.

Nothing high fashion, form fitting, or fussy. 
Instead all are loose fitting, cozy, knock-around-the-house types.

This book has patterns to accentuate every corner of your home with sweet knitted items. 
Is there any better way to showcase your love for knitting than to surround yourself with it?

I also especially enjoyed the section for little ones.
I love these knitted dolls..

And I found the children's blanket patterns to be quite charming.

This book contains so many cute blanket patterns. I haven't made an afghan in forever, but this book makes me want to.

Altogether, Knitting At Home offers 60 designs. 60! That is a whole lot for one knitting book!
I was very impressed by the beautiful layout and style and I would love to knit many of the patterns included.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

I think this is a great book for many different knitting levels. Many of the patterns could be easily knit as a first knitting project, but there are some challenging projects included for more experienced knitters as well.
There is a lot of variety.

The only thing that didn't offer much variety were the yarn choices offered. All of the patterns are knit from one yarn, Ella Rae Classic. It is understandable. Leanne Prouse is after all the creator of the Ella Rae yarn brand. And it is actually kind of impressive really.. It shows exactly how versatile this yarn really is. 

If your local shop doesn't carry Ella Rae Classic, it seems to be as easy enough yarn to substitute. Its a worsted weight wool, so you have many options available.

Although I very badly would like to keep this book for my own personal knitting library, I am going to be very nice and give it away to one of you!

To enter to win this brand new copy of Knitting At Home provided by Sixth and Spring Books, please leave a comment under this blog post. Don't forget to include your contact information!

I will be announcing the winner next week with another book review!


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Amy Lamash said...

I want to make those socks! They look sooo comfy!

elizaduckie said...

Warm and cosy knits for those warm and cosy knitting moments. Perfect!

Judi said...

I love that comfy hoodie! Thanks for the opportunity to win great book.

PatQ said...

I think I would make everyone of those!

Ariane said...

All those patterns look quite wonderful. I want it!

billicummings said...

This book looks like a great selection of knits that I can make. Would love to win it. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Billi Cummings

Figaro said...

I want to make the house hoodie in the first picture! I love it!

Holly said...

Those cozy socks look so perfect for winter!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful book, everything in the photos looks very cozy...

Joanne said...

Your wonderful post had me zipping away to Rav to see if I could take a closer look at any of the patterns. There were very few photos, but your ones have me going ... me *please!*
That hooded house coat looks so comfy for us heading into winter down under :)

missmuffetnz on Rav

kelleysgirl said...

What a lovely book, and a great review too!

Caryl K said...

I really enjoy making baby blankets, probably my favourite thing after socks, and I'd love to try that hoodie jacket that is pictured there too.

Missy said...

It is hard to pick a favorite project from the ones pictured!

Sharripie said...

I really want to make those socks in that third photo - I hope they're in the book!

Rene Sharp said...
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Rene Sharp said...

I have never won anything on these give-aways, but I will keep on trying :) Looks like a wonderful book and great prize to win!!

949alison said...

This book has been on my wish list...thanks for the opportunity!

Small and Moody said...

The socks and the hoodie look so comfy!!! I want to knit them!!!

Hannah said...

i heart staying home.

denise said...

I love the little knitted dolls. I will be having grand babies soon and these would be fun!

Beth said...

I love that big coat sweater
ynwilly at gmail dot com

Marilyn said...

I looked through this book and liked several of the projects. Thanks for the chance to win!

Judi A. said...

I really like the looks of, and comments about, this book. I like Ella Rae yarn for chosen projects.

Zowmom on Ravelry

Unknown said...

This looks like a great book - I'm all for cozy comfort knits!

Dorothy said...

What a beautiful book. Such cozy-looking photos and projects. I'd love to win.

LA said...

The book looks great! I'd love to try out that hoody! And with so many patterns to choose from, if I don't win it, I may just have to buy it lol x

Vicky said...

The book looks great! Perfect timing too, I'm about to move house :) Thanks for the review. It's not normally something that would stand out to me in a shop, but now I think I will buy a copy.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely timeless. I'd love to knit at least half the pictures you've shown. If I were to win you can find me as mrsmouse on Ravelry.

Kathryn said...

I would LOVE to win this book, the photographs alone have sold me on it!

Jandy said...

What a wonderful collection! Thanks so much for being willing to give it up.

Steffani Grande said...

OMG!! Those dolls are so sweet!! Exactly what I have been looking for to make for my daughter!!!

MoxieDot said...

This is such a beautiful book!

Unknown said...

Home, sweet home!

Unknown said...

I love the comfy look of those knits. Those dolls are darling.

ohdessa said...

That book looks so cozy!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a book I'd like. I like comfy knits and I have been thinking about knitting some cushions or blankets.

Unknown said...

Love your blog, would love even more a copy of the book. Like most people here love the socks...

Polarpurplebear said...

I spotted the socks too - they look so nice!

Svenja said...

The pictures look very cozy, I'd love to win the book.

Thanks for the giveawyay! :)

mattinasera (at) yahoo (dot) de

Megan said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks for the review and chance to win it!

Knit Kat said...

Would also very much love to win this wonderful book, but I suppose the fact that I live in the UK excludes me?

Malin said...
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Malin said...

This looks like a delightful book, pick me, pick me :-)

I forgot my email addy last time... malin dot hillevi at gmail dot com

donna said...

My house could do with a few things from that book!

woolpiggy on Rav

teresa said...

What a lovely book, and a great giveaway.

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. The hooded housecoat looks wonderful for chilly spring mornings! Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

Ana Salomé said...
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Ana Salomé said...

The book seems lovely...and full of comfy, warm things to knit. I want that cardigan!


Hanne-Kristine said...

I would love to receive this book :)
Thank you so much for the photos. I think I might order it anyway....
Loved it ;oD

Anonymous said...

Looks like a "must have" to me! I'll check it out next time I'm at an LYS.

Estella said...

Great book! Thanks for the review and the contest.

Michelle said...

ok....i NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to make that hoodie!!!!!

Thanks for sharing this book, and for the chance for this wonderful giveaway

Unknown said...

I love the look of that book! Home decor is my thing, and it seems they offer so much more!!!

Toby said...

Omgoodness the robe/jacket and socks look yummy.
Can't wait for your next review.

0ctober at Ravelry
octoberp at gmail dot com

pam said...

I'd have no qualms wearing that bulky hooded sweater jacket out in public. I love it.

Anonymous said...

whoa..if ever there was a book made for me, this looks to be it. Beautiful, just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the comfy-stay@home, knitting. :D

alcatmom said...

Looks like a wonderful book so I'm throwing my hat in the ring. alcatmom on rav

Monica de Moss said...

Well since I'm all about comfort, this book should be just the thing for me!

Chantal Boucher said...

i would knit the socks or the hoodie. Look very comfy!

Victoria H said...

I want to make those sweet little slippers on the front cover and that big slouchy hoodie cardigan!

Jane said...

LOVE the hooded cardi. I would live in that all winter. Thanks for the review!

Messy Karen said...

everything looks so beautiful and practical.

Anonymous said...

60 patterns! That is a lot. I'd love to win this book, thanks for the opportunity.

Brenda said...

Wonderful review...the book looks like fun to knit from and read. Thanks for another give-away!

memphish said...

Lovely book. What a great treat for the winner.

Kristi ~ ArtSea said...

I can see why it would be hard to give up, it looks like a lovely book! I like that it uses worsted weight yarn, easy peasy to substitute! Sweet.

Kristi ~ ArtSea said...

Oops forgot my email: angel_of_music_83@yahoo.com

Ely said...
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Melissa said...

Wow! You are right everything looks so cozy. I just want to snuggle up in that cardigan. :)

Thank you for this giveaway! :)
melxcloud on Ravelry

Robin said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I love the patterns. I really like the dolls. I want to knit a couple dolls for my granddaughters.

Alexandra said...

Wow! That looks like a great book! :)

Patty said...

Those little dolls are so cute!

isa dona said...

love this book, looks so amazing and full of inspiration

the mustik said...

great book, love to win this giveaway.

persnickity said...

That hoodie's just calling my name! I'd love a chance to win this book.

persnickity said...

That hoodie's calling my name! I'd love a chance to win this book!

MotherHenKnits said...

That hooded house coat is already in my queue. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nancy said...

Another great review! I have been thinking a lot about making things for my home. Thanks for the contest, as always.

kjramstack said...

That big gray hooded sweater looks SO comfy!

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

LeAnn said...

What a fabulous book! Thank you for the opportunity to win it.

ctexas said...

Oh Boy this book looks just wonderful.
I so hope I can win this book, if not I will be putting in on my wish list.


Thank you for a chance to win

Sangeetha said...

Looks like an amzing book - thanks

sangee1234 at gmail dot com

Ref said...

Looks like a great book, I'd love to win!

Ravnejenta at ravelry

Unknown said...

Looks so snuggly!

charlotte said...

My LYS carries Ella Rae and I love the yarn! (I've got tons of ER Extrafine Heathers in my stash right now, actually). It's soft and springy and in beautiful colors. I'd love to win this book - it'd help me destash!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a very interesting book, wow, 60 patterns! I am impressed! I would love to have an opportunity to make some of the patterns in this book. Charlene (keppygirl on Ravelry)

Teri said...

I love comfy and cozy patterns. Those dolls are too precious. Looks like a great book!

island jen said...

oh wow...everything in this books looks so cozy...i just want to curl up into the book.

neferatowen said...

Cute! You have the best prizes :)
ravid: Sampras

mhchong said...

What a beautiful book... I'd love to win!

Denise said...

Another great book, I love those cozy socks :)

Lise said...

All such wonderful patterns! thanks for the chance to win yet another great book.

Rae Lynne said...

Sounds like a fantastic book! :) Count me in! :)

raelynne01 on Rav

Michelle said...

First time commenter!! This looks like a great book! If the snipit of photos from the book are any indication, this is a FAB book. I'm always looking for ways to make my house a cozy home!!

Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

Anonymous said...

I love those slouchy sweaters!

Michelle said...

i've always wanted a copy of this book! a lot of these patterns do look wearable and comfy, which is just what one needs on rainy and snowy days.

Sandy said...

I want to make those slippers!

emily said...

Oh that book looks fabulous!

Teresa said...

I love the baby blanket, but I think the first thing I would make is the hoodie pictured.

Ana said...

Oh my! I would LOVE to win this book!

KatieB said...

I have quite a collection of EllaRae yarns found at our Tuesday Mornings store. Perfect to use with this book. Nice review

bubbygigi said...

The bedroom slippers look great! I know that I'd wear them.

Kamigaeru said...

This looks like a great book of patterns... stuff I'd like to knit to fill up my new living quarters! Thanks for the opportunity to win. :-) (Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

Carmel said...

The book looks amazing I love the cardigan hoodie in it!!

Andrea said...

This book looks wonderful, and I love Ella Rae yarns! It'd be great to have this book during the snow storm we're expecting . . .

Tracey said...

love the sweater you first posted. Looks SO soft and comfortable!

Whitney said...

Everything looks so comfy!! Love it :)

Gigi said...

What a beautiful book! Especially love the socks, the hoodie, and the baby blanket too ;).

Bonnie said...

Lovely! Thank you so much for having the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! That looks like a fantastic book! :)

(craftygirl83 on Ravelry)

harriet said...

Does definitely look like a good book. Would love to win. Thanks for the possibility.

Casey said...

I can see why you wouldn't want to part with it :)


Gina said...

Great book! That hoodie looks so nice and warm!

Alycia C said...

Seeing that over sized sweater makes me want to whip it up and curl up with coffee and a good book.

Hope Creations said...

That hoodie looks wonderfully comfy. This book has some great patterns. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kate said...

I've been trying to think of ways to showcase knitting around my house instead of always knitting garments. What a beautiful book.

RRM said...

I would live to win this book, just moved and would love to make stuff for home.

Thanks for the offer

Connie said...

It looks like a fun book...I loved the dolls!!

Lauren said...

That looks like a lovely book! I'm all about cozy sweaters with positive ease.

Unknown said...

What a cozy looking book! I would love to win it.


Emily said...

I would love to win this book. I really don't make sweaters for myself because with my dimmensions it is difficult. But these loose ones seem practical to make and easy for me to wear. I would like to try.

bren_na said...

Hmm. Don't think my comment went through the first time. I would love to win this book and knit these comfy projects!

bren_na said...

candi_rae@verizon.net (e-mail for bren_na post above)

Kerri said...

I would love to win! i've been looking at this book and it looks amazing.

Lisa said...

I am loving the book reviews. Great pictures. The hoodie looks like something I might just need.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Skye said...

love the big grey sweater

C. said...

I really like the socks this girl is wearing.

lbest said...
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lbest said...

What a neat book! Lots of projects.


Alicia said...

I love the comfy long cardigan. So perfect for the cold and wet Northwestern mornings!

evekennedy said...

My kind of knits - comfy and cozy. Thanks for reviewing.

Zenitude said...

I love that loose fitting sweater...would be great with PJ's to lounge around and great for walks too!
woolyknitsnbits at live dot ca

KnittyBarb said...

Alana - it looks like a great book! If I don't win it, I will have to add it to my collection anyway...

Suzanne said...

I love the slippers on the front!

Sarah said...

Surrounding myself with knitted items in my home sounds lovely! thanks for the chance!
smurphy2 on ravelry

jennifer said...

Oooooh pretty stuff! ;) Count me in. jlbixleratgmaildotcom

Marta said...

What great projects -- those socks are scrumptious! I've never made an afghan (just all around too much), but I'd cheer you on.

Unknown said...

The book looks wonderful. I hope I win it! PCMarilyn on Ravelry.

JoAnnaJae said...

Ella Rae Pattern books are pretty great. Beautiful photography!

Sara W. said...

I need that grey hoodie! It looks so cozy. Good luck, everyone!

PenCraft said...

That looks like a great book. I love that hoodie!

PJM said...

Love the grey sweater. How nice to give the book away, it looks great.

pjpurls on ravelry

Catalina said...

Beautiful book, I love the homey look of the pictures!
theyarnkat on rav

marie-france said...

This is just the sort of book I'd love to have!

Jane said...

Oh, I think that book is a so pretty. Thank for a chance to win.

Nebaska Knitter

Unknown said...

I love reading your review and all of the comments. I think that house hoodie looks like it needs to go into my queue! Thanks for sharing this book.

craftyneedles said...

The book looks great. I live where those cozy big knits would be perfect. Thanks for the review!

Kathy said...

Thank you so much for doing this review! I've been wondering what the book was like for a while, and now I know, I love it!

grammynan said...

Oh! The dolls! And every pattern in w weight....that is cool. I am hoping for a win.

Betsy said...

That looks like a cozy book. Would love to add it to my library.

bbp said...

The slippers are beautiful. I would so enjoy something lovely with embroidery to keep my feet warm.
Thanks for sharing,

Marie-Hélène said...

This book looks amazing. Thank you for your generosity and putting it in for a draw.

knitgirl said...

Very cool book. Would love to try some of the patterns.

knitgirl said...

Very cool book. Love the comfortable looking sweaters.

Sarah said...

This looks like a great book! I'm all about comfy knits!
shiggins on ravelry

littlemaze said...

This looks like such a lovely book with lots of ideas to get my imagination going.


summerjc said...

Love the baby blanket!

Ravelry id: summerjc

tammy said...

what a beautiful book!
raverly id: tyeatts

Jennifer said...

Ooh, this book is right up my alley. Comfy is a way of life for me! :)

Thanks for offering it up as a draw!



Tish said...

Ok this looks like a must buy book !!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow, everything is so cozy!


nparis said...

It looks like a fantastic book!
Nancy Paris

nparis said...

It looks like a fantastic book!
Nancy Paris

Andrea said...

I love the blog and the chance for a great knitting item. Thank you!

Kitty Couture said...

This books looks wonderful! Thank you for the giveaway.

Laura Smith said...

I think that is the hoodie of my dreams! Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win...

Cindy said...

The long hoodie looks great - thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This statement of yours is what sold me- "Is there any better way to showcase your love for knitting than to surround yourself with it?"

Debbie said...

I love the cute, frilly breakfast set! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

Gudlaug Erla Magnusdottir said...

Just looks amazing ! I really hope I can win this one :)

Gudlaug Magnusdottir

Sarah Smiles said...

oooooh! looks great! I've been looking for a comfy cozy sweater to knit!

Diana said...

The sweaters in this book look so comfy cozy. Thanks for the review.

Ms. Knitsalot said...

Looks like a GREAT book to add to the knitting references. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sara Kathryn said...

Oh that hoodie looks so comfortable!! I can imagine myself making it for my mom! We are about the same size, so I can still wear it as well! ;)

Anonymous said...

OOH,if I do not win, I'm definitely buying this book>

Kristi said...

I'm not a home decor knitter either, but those sweater do look cozy.

Lisa Cook said...

I'd love a copy of this book!

ACraftyKnitter said...

I'd love a copy- the patterns look beautiful!

Little Miss S. said...

That curry coloured sweater looks so comfy.

Jaynette said...

Worsted socks are the best! They are fast to knit and the soles felt themselves when you wear them. All you need are a pair of shoes a little too big.
These patterns do look cosy.


Jaynette said...

Worsted socks are the best. Warm, cozy and so fast to knit. The soles felt themselves when you walk. You just need a pair of shoes a little bit too big.


Unknown said...
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Kristin said...

Looks like an awesome book! I would love to take a break from my typical sock knitting to tackle some of the projects in this book...

Rachel said...

What a beautiful book! I love those thick grey socks!

rachelannk at msn dot com
or rachakno on Rav

Jen said...

Oh man, that books looks great!

Rachel B said...

Agreed. I love to make useful stuff that is not clothing and I'm always looking for new ideas.

Anonymous said...

ohhh, what a lovely looking book - I especially like the look of the slouchy cardigan!

Jen Price said...

Looks like a great book for my knitting library!

Colleen said...

Oh that book looks wonderful. I think that hoodie was designed with me in mind.

Anonymous said...

Neat book. I also would have thought it was just home decor stuff. Thanks for the review.


Shannon said...

It looks like another great book! Everything in those pics look so homey. Thanks!

lakchi said...

I love the oversized cardigan. Beautiful pictures.
LAKCHI on Raverly

kathleenboldrick said...

I'll buy this book if I don't win it. It is so delightful. God has blessed you with many talents and you use them well.

Poethead said...

I love Ella Rae designs. I have several of her books. I love this!

Meg said...

That hoodie looks like something to live in! It looks like a wonderful book.

FabEwelous Knits said...

I really like those cabled socks; they look so cozy!


Medic-ate said...

I normally dont make things for the home, so I'm glad you looked twice at this book. The pictures are beautiful! I'd love to make a few of the items you pointed out. Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

I just love the knitted dolls. And the hoodie. Oh! and the socks. And... I think I just really need to add this book to my library.

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