
Week 3: Book Review: Entrelac

I'm back this week with another book review for you! There were many entries in last week's drawing. I picked out one commenter at random and the winner is Caryl K! Congratulations!

This time I will be reviewing the book Entrelac; The Essential Guide to Interlace Knitting by Rosemary Drysdale provided by Sixth and Spring Books.

It's been years since my 'one-time-dabbling' in entrelac when I made the Danica scarf pattern in 2007.
Discovering entrelac for the first time was certainly a fascinating experience. Entrelac knitting creates a fabric that resembles strips that are woven together.. only its not. I found it to be very fun and the resulting scarf got a lot of attention from knitters and non knitters alike.

This book is like entrelac on steroids. It takes entrelac to places I never thought it could go.

The beginning sections contain extensive tutorials to teach you the basic techniques and there is even a section on knitting backwards to avoid purling! I was super excited to see that as I have always wanted to learn this technique. 
In the chapters that follow, you will learn how experimenting with different stitch patterns, colors and yarn types can completely change the look of your entrelac.

Such as adding lace stitches..



fair isle..

..and self striping yarn.
(I love how this looks.)

The last section of the book contains more than 25 patterns that feature entrelac in different ways.
There are patterns included for hats, scarves, ponchos, bags, sweaters, vests.. you name it.

I especially liked this poncho featured on page 76. 
I like the subtle use of entrelac on the front.

Altogether I found this book very interesting, inspiring, and imaginative. If you would like to try this technique out for yourself, this would be a great book for you to learn from.

To enter to win this brand new copy of Entrelac, please leave a comment under this post.
Remember to include your contact information!

I will announce the winner next week with another book review!


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Svenja said...

So far I wasn't really interested in trying out entrelac, but seeing some of the pictures has just changed that. I love the Fair Isle Diamonds and the Little Arrowhead Lace!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Amanda Rudd said...

Entrelac has always intimidated me from afar but maybe it's time for me to take a step closer and give it a try...

Pamela said...

I would love to have this book.

Kelly said...

This is a really neat book! It has such gorgeous patterns and I've been wanting to learn Entrelac for a while now. -kellery on Ravelry

Cathy said...

Intriguing- I tried it once years ago as a pillow cover using a chenille-type yarn and ended up tossing it. It was the yarn's fault, not the technique! It's time to try it again with a smoother yarn...

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

I love the look of entrelac, and all the possibilities in this book make me even more excited about this technique. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I cannot wait to get this book and try some of these. Thanks for sharing it with us

Poethead said...

Oh, WoW! That book is fabulous, and I would love to win it! Thanks for offering it!

Erin said...

This book looks so neat! I've never tried entrelac before, and seeing all the ways to use it is great inspiration to learn! :)

ewitsche on Ravelry

Kristi said...

What a luscious effect.

Debbie said...

WOW ... what a wonderful book! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love entrelac! I have been wanting the book.

KC said...

I've never tried this before. It sounds very interesting!

Sarah P said...

This book looks amazing.

emy said...

Some of the lace techniques with entrelac looks really interesting!

Thanks for offering to share!

Michelle said...

I'd love to add a new technique to my toolbox of knitting knowledge. Thanks for the giveaway!

AnnetteB said...

What a great book! I'm just starting my first entrelac project. Socks. If these go well, I may just have to order this book as my own prize! (that is if I don't win the drawing ;-)

KathyR said...

What a great-looking book! So many possibilities spring to mind just from seeing the images in your review - how many more would the book itself engender, I wonder? Exciting!

KathyR on Rav

Anonymous said...

I love the new ideas on Entrelac. I've always found it a little 'old fashioned' for clothes but this book gives it a whole new dimension!

Andrea said...

This book looks beautiful - it might actually get me to do learn entrelac!

RubyC said...

I just recently took a class on Entrelac and learned that I love this. I have only done the all day class and am anxious to start a for-real project. I would love to have this book as I love how lace, cables and entrelac can come together.

Ruby mzcruse(at)gmail(dot)com

schienknitfic said...

I've never done entrelac! This might be the book to start with.

bren_na said...

Well, yes, I can see some pretty uses for entrelac now. I love the turtleneck sweater! I admit this technique hasn't captured my ardor yet, but the photos from inside the book are intriguing. Would love to see what I could do with it!

SouthernHeart said...

AMAZING detail in these projects! I can only hope someday I will get past scarves and dishcloths and be able to something like these! ;-)


PurlyPurly said...


Contact me under powersetter on Ravelry.

msdb76 said...

Looks cool! I would love to learn!

CeltChick said...

Entrelac with lace? with cables?!? I am gobsmacked at the possibilities. Please pick me to win this lovely book!
AnnBan on Ravelry

Valerie said...

I love entrelac. I am knitting a triangular entrelac shawl now and I would love a copy of this book.

Amy Olsen said...

Love that poncho! Thanks for the giveaway.

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

I am new to knitting and all I can say about you website is WOW!!! Thank you for all the information.
This book looks like it would fit quite nicely in my new library of knitting books!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Shelley said...

I Have never tried Enrelac - looks like a challenge

Jen said...

Is it too late to post? I have knit one entrelac project with a striping yarn, and absolutely loved it! The color changes kept me going, wondering how long one would last before the next began! And the little squares were so quick to knit that I would do bunches in one sitting.

I love the idea of knitting entrelac with patterns in it...I never would have thought of it. What fun it would be to try some of the patterns in the book!

Thank you for all that you do to inspire us all!

Nicky said...

Beautiful !!
Thats a fantastic book

SovereignCrux said...

Oh my gosh! When I was over at the Skacel office for marketing research one of the other ladies there pulled out her entrelac and was attempting to explain it to myself and others. I was still stumped! Maybe if I have a chance at winning this, then I might become one step closer to earning my knitting jedi status. ;)

Cassey Raines said...

This looks like a great book that would be a wonderful addition to my small knitting library. Definitely putting it on my wishlist! Thanks! Cassey - casseymarie74@yahoo.com

cathyinidaho said...

I absolutely love knitting entrelac! I have made several scarves, and the Forest Path Stole is in my list of items to tackle soon. This book would be amazing to have!

LittleEdenMakes said...

Wow! I had no idea you could do so much with entrelac! I'd love to try some of those.

Tallulah said...

Wow! I had no idea entrelac could have such a wide range of uses, I had only ever seen the basic variation. Than you for the giveaway, the book looks lovely!

DakotaAJ said...

love it!!

(DakotaAJ on Ravelry)

Karla said...

I love entrelac! I was a fairly new knitter when I learned the basics - I had a great teacher. Love the lace and cables! Thanks for the chance to win this book.

karla1965 (rav ID)

Shannon said...

I have had my eye on this book for a while. Entrelac is such a beautiful pattern. Thanks for a great giveaway.


Millertime Productions said...

What an awe-inspiring book!! Would be a great addition to my knitting library :) Thanks for the opportunity.
millertime on ravelry

wosold said...

Absolutely beautiful book. Entrelac is on my list to learn this year.
Thank you for reviewing this book. And for the giveaways

Leslie said...

What a gorgeous book! One of these days I look forward to progressing to techniques like these.

I just had to tell you also that I recently discovered your podcasts (heard about them somewhere on Ravelry) and I just finished listening to every single one. I started sometime in February listened to them while cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, driving, waiting for kids, and of course - while knitting. Never before have I not dreaded housework as much as usual as I did while listening to your podcasts. And now - I'm so sad that I'm all caught up!

Oh well, now I'll be counting down the days until your next season begins. Thanks for all the knitting information, inspiration, and laughs.

Char said...

Entrelac lace...cool! Pick me!

Betsy said...

I have always wanted to learn this technique - thanks for the review.


Katie L. said...

This book looks amazing and packed with new techniques to try!

Betsy said...

I have always wanted to learn this technique - thank you for the review!


Meg said...

I can't believe all the different things you can do with entrelac! I had no idea. I'd love to have this book to learn more.

Trevor Walker said...

This looks really fantastic! I quite want to break into entrelac.

Carla said...

I have had a morbid fear of entrelac; scared I would not get it but the pictures in the book are beautiful...Now having seen the book inside, I just might have to try it. I can do it - kind of like the little engine that could, no?

Unknown said...

I knew entrelac could be lovely but this book's examples are truly inspiring. I'd finally give entrelac a try (and help mom finish her vest since she'd forgot what to do after her class... 3 years ago!)

TeAntae on Rav

Anonymous said...

Love this book and have been wanting to try the technique. So many lovely projects in the book to entice one!

sara said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Alana. I love collecting technique books, and would love to have this one!
Sara in AL

mon souk said...

This is mouth watering. I'll give it a try, although i never have much luck

Sara said...

I've been wanting to try entrelac forever! Thanks for the giveaway!

Missy said...

This book looks wonderful! I plan to take a technique class in entrelac this June.
mkrids on Ravelry

Karen said...

How beautiful! Entrelac is on my list of things to try soon, so I'd love this book. Thank you for the review and the give-away.

josiekitten said...

That looks amazing! I thought entrelac was just plain until I saw the photos. It opens up a world of endless possibilities! I only popped on here to link your blog to mine, as I've just finished knitting the Chloe cardigan. I'd love to be in with a chance of winning this book!

Kristina said...

Beautiful! I've never tried it, but I'd love to learn!

Anonymous said...

This would be an interesting technique to learn

RachelUnraveled said...

Basic entrelac is so fun and I am very intrigued by the idea of doing more complicated patterns! Thanks for reviewing this book!

RachelUnraveled on Ravelry

sam, elias, atticus said...

Looks like a great book.

Thanks for the chance to win,


Amanda said...

I have been intimidated by Entrelac so far, but maybe with a good tutorial it wouldn't be so bad! I LOVE the examples with lace and cables! I hope to try this technique soon.

Unknown said...

Just took a class on entrelac at Stitches South. I love all the variations this book shows to make each recantangle look more interesting. Can't wait to start a project!

Lev said...

I've had this book on my wish list for quite a while. I've been waiting to find a review and you're the first person who has provided any good information. I've never won anything in my life, so thought I'd try for this. Thanks for the review and all of your great giveaways on your podcasts.

Marilyn said...

Entrelac is going to be my next project.

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