
Week 3: Book Review: Entrelac

I'm back this week with another book review for you! There were many entries in last week's drawing. I picked out one commenter at random and the winner is Caryl K! Congratulations!

This time I will be reviewing the book Entrelac; The Essential Guide to Interlace Knitting by Rosemary Drysdale provided by Sixth and Spring Books.

It's been years since my 'one-time-dabbling' in entrelac when I made the Danica scarf pattern in 2007.
Discovering entrelac for the first time was certainly a fascinating experience. Entrelac knitting creates a fabric that resembles strips that are woven together.. only its not. I found it to be very fun and the resulting scarf got a lot of attention from knitters and non knitters alike.

This book is like entrelac on steroids. It takes entrelac to places I never thought it could go.

The beginning sections contain extensive tutorials to teach you the basic techniques and there is even a section on knitting backwards to avoid purling! I was super excited to see that as I have always wanted to learn this technique. 
In the chapters that follow, you will learn how experimenting with different stitch patterns, colors and yarn types can completely change the look of your entrelac.

Such as adding lace stitches..



fair isle..

..and self striping yarn.
(I love how this looks.)

The last section of the book contains more than 25 patterns that feature entrelac in different ways.
There are patterns included for hats, scarves, ponchos, bags, sweaters, vests.. you name it.

I especially liked this poncho featured on page 76. 
I like the subtle use of entrelac on the front.

Altogether I found this book very interesting, inspiring, and imaginative. If you would like to try this technique out for yourself, this would be a great book for you to learn from.

To enter to win this brand new copy of Entrelac, please leave a comment under this post.
Remember to include your contact information!

I will announce the winner next week with another book review!


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Zenitude said...

What a beautiful book. I've always found entrelac facinating...this book would be a great help in learning the technique...I especially love the fair ilse entrelac.
woolyknitsnbits at live dot ca

Unknown said...

This book looks wonderful. I love the use of other stitch patterns, such as lace and cables, incorporated within the entrelac. It is fresh and forward thinking. Thank you for this giveaway Alana :)

Anonymous said...

I tried Entrelac once but in very fine yarn. Not a good idea - especially when you want to make a baby blanket! What was I thinking?

I like it with the lace and fair isle. I've not seen that before. Looking at this book makes me want to try it again with a bit more sensible yarn choice!

Becky said...

Wow, this book would be amazing to have! I've been meaning to try entrelac, but just never got around to it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Joanne said...

Wow, what a fascinating book. Even just in your few photos and review it has me thinking of the possibilities.

missmuffetnz on Rav.

PixelatedMushroom said...

This looks amazing, such beautiful images too. I love 'This book is like entrelac on steroids' - makes it sounds awesome ^_^ Have listened to many hours of Never Not Knitting this week - song is stuck in my head :p

pixelatedmushroom on Rav

Deb said...

What a beautiful book! I certainly am enjoying your book reviews, Alana! I have yet to try Entrelac. This giveaway is a wonderful idea! Thank you! Bennettdebo@gmail.com

Eva said...

Oh wow, what a inspiring book! I'm a lace knitter, and have seen entrelac before, I just never had the guts to try.

Seeing the entrelac combined with lace just makes me want to try even more!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I never really had the desire to learn entrelac, but this book makes it look beautiful!


G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. In addition to the wonderful things you mentioned, Alana, the book contains a pattern for an Edwardian cardigan in entrelac that fascinates me! Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

marie-france said...

I knitted a multicolour entrelac sweater back in the eighties and had a lot of comments about it then. I'd love to do some more entrelac so please can I win this book?

Unknown said...

Entrelac looks so fascinating, but so intimidating. I fear I probably won't try unless I pick up a step by step book such as this one. but the lace looks fascinating!
menaadams at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

POP! That was the sound of my head exploding with ideas generated by the pictures you posted. Heaven only knows what would happen were I to win the entire book! Yes, please, consider me for the drawing. I'm mrsmouse on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

These are beautiful! I haven't done entrelac and I'll certainly try it out. I'm getting this book even if I don't win the giveaway. Thanks for the review.

Anonymous said...

I never knew that entrelac could be so pretty. It truely takes my breath away.
I tried making an entrelac scarf once, but quickly grew bored with how long one "row" took to make and scarves take f.o.r.e.v.e.r as it is.

Tiphanie said...

I've heard of entrelac, but never really knew what it was until I read this. That book looks amazing... I'd love to try out this new technique! Thanks for the opportunity.

I'm purplemama on Rav.

kristal135 said...

Wow I had also not thought much about entrelac but this book looks sooooo inspiring. I would love to give it a go I hope the instructions are easy to understand! Great review thanks Alana. Kristal135

Little Miss S. said...

Love those Vine Leaf Bubbles - never seen them before, but I'm already imaining places to make use of them.

Anonymous said...

I have always been so interested in entrelac knitting !!! This book looks like the perfect start to getting some creative juices flowing !!!

Anonymous said...

I never found entrelac knitting very interesting, but then I never saw the possibilities that are on display in this book. I like it!

Robin said...

I have wanted to learn how to do enterlac. I love the lacy pattern you showed. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kitty Couture said...

This book looks and sounds amazing. Thank you for the giveaway!

jsdknits said...

I've been reading the entrelac patterns in the winter Knitter's magazine. There is a throw/shawl/wrap that really grabbed my attention but I thought I should do some remedial entrelac swatching first. The book looks like the perfect source!

Monica said...

I had seen a scarf knitted like that on someone and I remember thinking "how do you knit that"? Now I know it has its own name....I would LOVE to learn how to knit this!

loonyhiker said...

Wow! This book looks great and I would love to learn how to do entrelac. Thanks for reviewing this book.

peony said...

Oh I would love to vin this one...
With all the knitting I've done, never went into entrelac too deep...besides, where I am I cannot just go into a bookstore (or yarnshop) to ppick it up..
Thank you for the opportunity :-)

gail said...

This does look like a truly unique approach to entrelac. I'd love to tinker with some of those examples!
cottontail on ravelry

Trinca Tricot said...

Well I love this book and i want it too!!!
Kisses Sónia


Carol said...

I recently saw an entrelac afghan made with self-striping yarn and it was just beautiful. I'd love to win this book to help demystify entrelac for me and then maybe I could try my hand at the afghan. Thanks for your book reviews. I suppose it's a nice change of pace from the podcasts for you, but I look forward to your next podcast as well.


Unknown said...

this book looks gorgeous! I love your reviews aswell - they are really helpful xxx

Amy Lamash said...

Normally I would never have given a book on Entrelac a look, but those are some really beautiful patterns. I would love to make that poncho!

Michelle said...

wow! I've seen some entrelac....both never like this! WOW WOW WOW, thanks for the chance to win

Melissa said...

Wow! This book makes entrelac look amazing! Thank you for this giveaway! Melxcloud on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Seeing what this book has to offer is opening up an entirely new can of knitting worms. Love it!
Ravid: ceweller

Fruen said...

I´ve just learned how to knit entrelac and it´s a great experience. I would really love to win this book.
Have a nice day.
mrsknittingmom on Ravelry

busgirl said...

Wow - really neat to see what you can do with entrelac. I love knitters pushing the boundaries!

busgirl on rav

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am blown away by the pix of using self-striping yarn and/or fair isle techniques within Entrelac. Now I'm craving a good long sit down with that book. :D

candiceviolet said...

Wow,it's amazing how far you can go with entrelac, amazing! What a great book!

Sara said...

Such a cool form of knitting! I'd love to try it.

Heather said...

Wow. Some of those are REALLY pretty. I made and entrelac scarf once that I loved, but I haven't found any entrelac that was "worth it" since then. This book looks chock-full of worth it!

ECarey said...

This book looks really interesting! Yay contest!

patriceod said...

Haven't tried this technique...yet. What a great giveaway!

momsue84 said...

Would love to learn entrelac. Looks like a lovely book! Thanks for the giveaway!

navymomma said...

Im so interested in enterlock and this book has peeked my interests even more! Id love to have a copy!

Lise said...

I would love to win this book. I have always been intrigued by entrelac. So many possibilities. Thanks for this giveaway.

Kristi said...

wow! that looks almost scary! How fun!

Teresa said...

Oh my gosh! That grey sweater is amazing! My sister has a copy of this book, but I don't :(

Jen said...

I've been drooling over this book for a while, and now you're review has increased my desire for it!

Connie said...

WOW! So many beautiful variations...and I'd love to learn the knitting backwards. Thanks you for the giveaway!

tcrpm at sonic dot net

Kristina said...

I love entrelac, but have never thought about using it in anything other than a scarf. Obviously, I'm not particularly advanced in it. I'd love to try this book!

Kathryn said...

This looks like a wonderful book!

Valerie said...

I really love that you are reviewing these books. I live "in the middle of nowhere" and rarely get to see a book in person before I make a purchase (and our libraries do NOT carry any of these). This is another book that I have passed over many times, as I didn't think it would interest me, but it DOES. Now that I read about some of the techniques covered and the "varieties" of entrelac, I would love to read more.

rav id: valeriechristine

Jen Price said...

I would LOVE to learn how to do that!

Keppy Girl Knits said...

Alan your review of this book really gives the reader an intriguing taste of the book and informs us of many different uses with Entrelac that I wasn’t aware of before.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway.

Charlene (Keppygirl on Ravelry)

dixiestitches said...

Such inspirational images! I love the flow and symmetry of the patterns but have never tried this technique. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

Unknown said...

Trying entrelac (probably with the Daica scarf!) has been on my to-do list for ever. I've also really like to learn to knit backwards, so this book sounds very intriguing! Thanks for the great review.


Kim said...

Looks like fun!

MotherHenKnits said...

I have always wanted to try entrelac. Thanks for the giveaway!

Josie said...

Wow, this looks like a very interesting technique in a gorgeous book. Thanks for sponsoring a give-away!

Jessica said...

Look like an awesome book!
jpeled on ravelry

Jessica said...

Looks like an awesome book!
jpeled on ravelry

Catalina said...

I soooo want to learn entrelac, I just have been too scared to try!
theyarnkat on rav

Sandy said...

Entrelac is sooooo beautiful, I look at it and want to try it but it looks so imtimidating Maybe this is what I need to het the courage up to try

4oaks said...

The color effects with the self striping yarns are beautiful with entrelac! But, seeing the samples with cables, fair isle and other styles is really inspiring. I would love to learn from this book.

Ana said...

Hmmm...I could give it a try...here's hoping to win!

abigail said...

looks amazing, I'm drooling. Love the leaf bobble swatch and the open lace swatch.

I would make an entrelac scarf for sure and then work my way up to a sweater. I've been knitting a blanket from the reversible knitting book and love learning new techniques, entrelac is one I would love to master.

grayday at ravelry and tiptoethrough.blogspot.com

The Litter Box House said...

That last sweater looks gorgeous. Entrelac is one thing I have yet to try with knitting...

Selkie on Ravelry

emily said...

That book looks great! I have knit one piece in entrelac and it was a lot of fun.

Kelly-ann said...

Wow...that is an awesome book. I have yet to try entrelac, but some of those different stitches are inspiring.

Geny said...

This looks like a very nice book, I haven't tried entrelac yet...

Missy knits said...

Wow, what a great book. Entrelac looks so scary to me, but it's something I would love to try and learn.

Teri said...

I've never tried entrelac before, but have wanted to try for a while. The book looks wonderful. Who knew one technique could create such wonderful results? I will be trying a simple project in the near future.

Mert said...

I've always wanted to try it, but been too intimidated!

LeAnn said...

What a fabulous book. I love entrelac and how complicated it looks while not being complicated at all once you get the hang of it!

Anonymous said...

I've also dabbled in Entrelac with the Danica sharf. Would love to do more.

bubbygigi said...

This technique has always fascinated me. I would love to win this book.

mrsbingley said...

I've never heard of Entrelac before! It looks like a really interesting technique and I'd love to try it :)

Judi A. said...

Entrelac has always fascinated me, but have never tried it. This book would give me the motivation I need. Loved some of the variations. So pretty!

Breean E. Miller said...

I love that poncho! I never thought entrelac was too exciting but I love the combination of using different stitch patterns. Super cool!

breeanelyse at gmail dot com

harriet said...

I've long thought about doing a project with entrelac. Maybe this book would enable me to actually knit one. Looks like a beautiful book.

Robin said...

Entrelac has always fascinated me but I have never tried it. This book might be just what I need. I love the beautiful stitch patterns, especially the lace one. Just beautiful!

weavinfool said...

I've been curious about entrelac ever since Kathryn Alexander made her entrelac socks in handspun yarn many years ago. I'd love to explore this technique further.

knitterlydesigns said...

This is an interesting technique that I have yet to try. The book looks beautifully done.

ravelry: knitterlydesigns

Ann said...

I wonder why I never thought of using/trying other knitting techniques than stockinette stitch in entrelac.
The book looks really good.

Inese said...

Wow, I have never tried Entrelac, but would love to. Thanks for your reviews!
IneseMaria on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's an awesome book. I love the different ways entrelac can be used.

yu lian knits at g mail dot com

Angel said...

What an amazing book! Never imagined we could do so much with entrelacs! Even cables!

summerjc said...

What an interesting book! The entrelac with multicolored yarn looks so fun!

Unknown said...

That is so incredible! The techniques look so fascinating, I didn't know you could do things that intricate.

EmmaJoyce34 on Ravelry

Anna said...

Oh, I love entrelac! That book looks amazing. charis_channah17 AT hotmail DOT com.

j*e*n said...

This book looks amazing! That's a technique I'd love to try, for sure. Thanks for the chance to win!

Judi said...

Love the fair isle diamonds! Looks like a great book - thanks for the opportunity to win it Alana :)

Bethany said...

This book looks so interesting! I'd love to try this out!

Zeddy said...

I didn't know that there were so many different ways of knitting entrelac. This would be a wonderful addition to any knitter's home library.

Poetic Knitter said...

Entrelac is one of my favorite techniques I have ever learned in knitting. I would love to win the book so I can expand on what I already know. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Susan J. said...

It looks complex but I am definitely game to try the technique. The pictures are fabulous. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

lbest said...

This one is on my list to get. I enjoyed entrelac the one time I did it.



Puella63 said...

I've never been particularly interested in Entrelac, but the images in your review got me reaaly interested.
This is a book I want very much.

Maryse said...

Wow! The shows such nice samples. I would love to learn that technique. I so have no idea how it's done! Thanks for the review and the great opportunity to enter the contest!

Julie said...

very cool!! I don't know why, but the idea of entrelac lace has never occurred to me before seeing that. Wow!!

Heidi said...

I have been interested in trying entrelac. This book looks very inspiring. Thank you for the giveaway. Heidi (heidijoehopkins@comcast.net)

Unknown said...

I am smitten with her designs, especially that sweater. What an inventive take on an interesting technique!

Janelle said...

I haven't tried entrelac, but it's been on my 'to do' list for a while now! This book looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!

nelljorae at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I would LOVE to learn entrelac! Winning this drawing would be an awesome way to learn, too!

Kelly Lightbeam said...

This book is so inspiring! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fantastic book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
pencraft on rav

acornarts said...

That seems cool. I think that's a skill I might want to add to my list. I had no idea of the range of entrelac.

Isabel said...

The photos make me want to actually try entrelac... Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Never tried it but this book makes me want to!
lilynewtonknits at gmail dot com

Angie said...

I've been wanting to try Entrelac for a while now. This book looks like it would be a lot of help in learning. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
sundaisy920 at gmail dot com

Anna said...

I really really really want this book. I've wanted to learn this technique for ages and this book would be perfect. Thank you for having this giveaway :)

Dr John said...

What a great book. Something else to add to my list of techniques to learn.

jmikrut62 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My wedding shawl was lace entrelac. Love the technique, and would love to play with it more. Thanks for the giveaway!


Emily said...

Ooh I really want this book! Looks fascinating!

DakotaAJ said...

I just did my first dabble in enterlace, and would love to learn more!

SillyLittleLady said...

So many cool different ways to incorporate entrelac!


C. said...

This book looks so interesting. I knew about "plain" entrelac, playing with colors, but never thought about textured and lace entrelac. It looks great. I love the little arrowhead pattern.

kjramstack said...

Those techniques look really beautiful. I would love to give them a shot.

kjramstack at yahoo dot com

Suzanne said...

My understanding of entrelac clearly is rudimentary. I had no idea entrelac could look like that.

Rachel B said...

If you keep writing reviews like this you're going to get TONS of entries every time. Each book review I think to myself "Well, maybe...", then I read the review and I'm ready to jump in.

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

oops....can't type (see above removed) Entrelac...fascinates me...maybe I'm not too old to try something new...

Julie said...

I'd love to try it. This book could be the catalyst.

Cakewalk Yarns said...

Holy smokes! I thought I didn't like entrelac. I have been shown the light....

The book is gorgeous.

Arlette said...

Ooh! Ooh ooh ooh! I have big plans for a shawl design with entrelac, but I need to boost my entrelac skills before I can do justice to the picture in my head. This book looks perfect.

// arletterocks at gmail

Suburban prep said...

What a great book to help with such a beautiful knitting style.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Pachie said...

What a pretty book, I would love to learn this style of knitting!

Vivian said...

Cool book. I loved the self-striping one!

Boom said...

Indeed looks like fun. I have made a couple of scarves with this kind of patterning; but would love to learn more and this looks like the book to do it with.

Unknown said...

This looks like a great book. The patterns seem really modern and updated.

MizDee said...

Clearly this book needs a home, and mine is happy to welcome it, to love it and to call it George. I have tried entrelac once, but it looks like I need to try it again. Sooooo ... me! me! me!

Anonymous said...

A whole book about entrelac. Never thought I'd see that. Looks lovely!

Ginny said...

The previews look stunning. I'm going to have to track down a copy of this regardless of the giveaway.

Frankly Beka said...

I LOVE entrelac knitting. It makes me think of harlequin clowns; which in turn make me think of Harley Quinn, The Joker's sidekick from the 90's Batman cartoon. Best sidekick ever! Been wanting to buy this book, now I may not have too. Crossing my fingers.


april said...

I still have not tried entrelac. I think i am scared. Anyways, thanks for sharing the pics because i really liked the patterned pieces with the bobbles and cables. I always thought of entrelac as just the color change pieces so i found this very interesting.
-Alane on Ravelry.

Jean Ashley said...

The stitch pattern pages look amazing! I'll have to check this book out, regardless of whether I win it...

Jean Ashley said...

Sorry, I posted before I left my contact info...I'm jashleyslc on ravelry...

Kat said...

I've been wanting to try entrelac for so long now, and I'm in love with the variations. Cable entrelac? I'm sold. I'm nerdgrrl on ravelry.

Kathy said...

Such an awesome book! I'm sassykrafty on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I would love to try entrelac. I didn't realized there were so many variations. Just beautiful!

Jenny T said...

I haven't learned entrelac yet, but this book makes me want to try it.

aknitontheside said...

I loved knitting my basic entrelac shawl but that book looks like it certainly pushes the boundries.

aknitontheside (Ravelry)

KnittyBarb said...

I love the look of entrelac, although I have only knit a couple of scarves using the technique. I would love to win the book! Miss your podcast, Alana - hope you are enjoying your break.

Emily Billings said...

I have been wanting to try entrelac for awhile now. This book looks really interesting. I love the idea of incorporating other stitch patterns with entrelac for a beautiful design. Thank you for the giveaway.

Ady Grafovna said...

I have been a little intimidated by entrelac for a while, but this book is gorgeous! I would definitely try it out with such clear instructions!

Unknown said...

Wow...way beyond my current level of skill, but it would be great to have the book as a cool piece of inspiration!! I love the photos of the lace and fair isle.


Janzworld said...

Great looking book and a wonderful review. I love how informative you always are. Thanks!

AuntSara said...

I have been lusting after this book! I would love to have a copy.

shannon said...

Made some entrelac socks for my daughter, really fun! Looks like a great book.

Unknown said...

I love entrelac! I have been eyeing this book for a while...
13moonsago at gmail dot com

Deb said...

This looks very interesting. I'd like to take my knitting "up a notch" by giving this a try.

Kate LeMay said...

I've been wanting to try entrelac for a while, but have not been brave enough. I think this book would give a knitter a good introduction!

pricelesspurls said...

How good does this book look??!! A great way to feed my knitting obsession....;)
(Rav = pricelesspurls)

Betsy said...

I never thought to use lace in entrelac. Looks like an interesting book.

Ellen said...

I love the look of the woven on the front of the book. Thanks for chatting about new stuff in knitting for me that I would never find on my own.

rowndabout said...

I love the look of entrelac. It looks so complicated but is truly easy, especially with a good book like this to walk you through the steps. Thanks.

Dorce said...

Have looked at this book on line after seeing only part of the inside would love to have it and learn this technique.

Charlotte kaae said...

I just love Entrelac (neverkont in danish) It gives such a lovely fresh look to the knitting done propper.

I hope to win this

Kaae in Denmark - Copenhagen

Kaae on Ravelry

Merna said...

I've done a little entrelac, socks and a sweater -- book looks like a wonderful challenge to take the technique. I never thought of patterning the little squares.

lucyinthesky1 said...

This book looks fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway!

Llule on ravelry

Malin said...

Entrelac is fun, this book looks wonderful!
malin dot hillevi at gmail dot com

Rhian Drinkwater said...

Ooh that looks good - hope I win!

stringsofpurls said...

This looks like a wonderful book! The Fair Isle diamonds really intrigue me! Thanks for the giveaway!

strings of purls at g mail dot com

thewalshfam said...

What a cool book! I tried entrlac once and loved it! This makes me want to try again :)

Heather said...

I've always wanted to learn this technique as well. What beautiful projects! Thanks for having yet antother give away! hfreeman70 (at) comcast.net

Anonymous said...

This one has been on my to-buy list. I would love to give entrelac a try. :)

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Looks like a great book! I miss your podcasting...


Anonymous said...

What an interesting book! The photography is beautiful. I'd love a chance to win! My Ravelry username is craftygirl83.

Karey said...

I have never tried Entrelac, but this book looks wonderful and a great place to start. Thanks for the review and giveaway. karclockATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Ohh, I have long wanted to try this technique! :)

Rae Lynne said...

I have picked up this book so many times, but it was never the right time to purchase it.

Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! :)

raelynne01 on Ravelry

Purltherapy said...

OMG-you are right! It is entrelac on steroids. And, entrelac never looked better, either. Now I am even more determined to learn the technique. Thanks for the review.
purltherapy on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Oh man, do I want this book! I've actually never seen the draw of entrelac scarfs, but looking at the colorwork and lace entrelac, I'm entranced!

Kathy (bigblueice(at)yahoo(dot)com)

pickledpurls said...

I want to win the book since I have been cut off from ordering any more books until my credit card quits smoking.

Jandy said...

I would love to win this book, it looks amazing! I'm cowgirl92 on ravelry.

Susan said...

When I first saw Entrelac I thought it was beautiful. I heard about this boook, but was hesitant to pick it up. Being a newbe to knitting it can sometimes be hard to learn from a book. Based on your review I think I could pick up the book and learn this new technique. How exciting!

Trisha R said...

A LYS nearby had an entrelac class offered about a year ago. I thought it was so beautiful. That store has since closed and I still kick myself for not signing up for that class!

knittingbrow said...

Entrelac is a great knit technique. I love how the book takes it way beyond the color work possibilities. :) I want the book. Pullleezzz!

girltrekkie said...

I've never knit entrelac before. It looks so complicated and hard! I would love to give it a try!!

joseyrio said...

This is a gorgeous book. I have knit an entrelac bag but didn't figure out the backwards knitting part. It looks like I could if I win the book! Thanks!

Bonnie said...

Wow! I've made entrelac scarves and a hat, but I've never seen anything that incorporates cables, lace, and bobbles into entrlac! VERY cool!

StikineStix said...

I tried Entrelac not that long ago, and it defeated me! I would love to try it again with a little more guidance. The fair isle looks like that would be a fun challenge!

earthymama42 said...

I would LOVE to learn how to do Entrelac! The multicolored looks so fascinating! =)

jennifer said...

Sweet book. I've tried entrelac once...and the entrelac was wonderful, but the pattern it self was a disaster! It's on my list of things to do as a re-do.

Unknown said...

This book looks amazing! I love the combo of entrelac & other stitches! I've been wanting to try entrelac for a while & this book looks super-informative. vanessarocks AT gmail. Thanks a lot!

Carla said...

WOW, Beautiful stitch combinations and entrelac, I had no idea! truly beautiful images, and that sweater on the last photo!! lovely!

bacioluna on ravelry

Unknown said...

Review made me want the book rather than watch a youtube. Can't wait to try it out.

Pheasant said...

i've always wanted to try entrelac! i think it looks amazing, and i would really love to give it a go, but i doubt i would unless i had this book.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll bite...I'd never been an entrelac fan until I saw some of the interesting stitches you've shown here. I'd like to give it a try.

Monica de Moss said...

I would be hard pressed to pick which project would be first! Gorgeous work and it looks very challenging! I would love to win it.

dancedaoc@yahoo.ca or
positivepolly on Ravelry

Nancy said...

Very intriguing. Thanks again for another great book review.

pearl said...

i miss your podcasts! ♥

Posy Palettes said...

Entrelac knitting looks challenging! What a great giveaway! posypalettes on ravelry

Jaimie said...

Must. Have. This. Book. I love love love some of the patterns in there. The lace...gosh. Now I need to learn how to do entrelac. I have never tried it before.

Ravelry: jawsie

J said...

Thanks for another great review. I love the pictures. The lace and cable combinations are fabulous!! Jennifer

JodyH said...

Thanks for showing us more about this book! At first glance, I didn't think it would interest me, but I love the look of the lace and cables in entrelac - very pretty.

mjknits said...

I would love to have this book. It never occured to me that so many stitch patterns could be used while creating this fabric. And the piuctures are just beautiful.


Jenifgrr said...

I've never tried entrelac before, but have always thought it was beautiful.

Lani said...

I had never thought of lace with entrelac- beautiful!

caknitter said...

I love this book.It looks challenging with great patterns. I made an entrelac scarf years ago, once I got the hang of it, the pattern was a no-brainer. :-)

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