
Week 7: Book Review: Knitopedia

And... here I am again with another book review!

I randomly chose a winner from last week's book giveaway. Congratulations to Sangeetha!

For this week I will be reviewing and giving away this copy of Vogue Knitting Knitopedia 
provided by Sixth and Spring books!

And what an amazing book it is too!

This is a fabulous all around reference book for knitters of all levels. It is a thorough, very well written encyclopedia of all things knitting. And what I really appreciated is that it is not just text, but many of the words include pictures too! There are basic knitting terms, as well as obscure knitting related words that Ive never even heard of before. Inside you will find explanations and definitions for techniques, ethnic knitting traditions, history, fibers, and even knitwear designers! 

Um.. on a side note.. I did look up Alana Dakos in there.. and didn't find a listing... but that's ok. :)
Maybe someday though, right?

I found this book to be extremely interesting and very informative. I think it would be beneficial for any knitter to have in their library. I could see this being an absolute "cant-live-without" resource for a beginner especially. 

So.. since I am so nice and all, I will be giving away this copy of Knitopedia to one of you readers. 
To enter to win, please leave a comment under this blogpost that includes your contact information.
Only one comment per person please.

Ill be announcing the winner next week with one final book review.
So please check back then to see if you are the winner!

Since I've started these reviews on my blog, I've been working on some projects behind the scenes! 
I look forward to sharing them with you soon! :)


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VTwin said...

A lovely Blue book with blue yarn! Wouldn't you know! Blue is my favorite color!

Just got an unavailable message so hope I don't end up sending a dupe..

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Don't worry, you'll be in the next book for certain!


Sabra said...

Hopefully I'm not too late to enter. Reference books are always useful.

Jane said...

Looks like a great reference book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I have begun to collect some good knitting books and I do not have anything like this one. I hope the random number generator picks me! 19vesperstreet on ravelry

hmsimoneau said...

What an amazing resource! Looking forward to your next podcast season!
hsimoneau on ravelry

melsheljack said...

The Vogue Books are always full of great information, I would love to add this to my collection.
spokane, WA

boc1 said...

Looks like this would help me out. I have only been knitting for 3 months and I am crazy about knitting. I can't get enough information and have depleted my library's collection. I have just started my first sweater. Wish me luck

Kaylee said...

Thanks for another great giveaway


lbest said...

A good reference book, I can use.
Thank you for the giveaway.

Dana said...

I could sure use that copy :)

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I saw one these in the store but my budget made me pick and choose. Hopefully it is fate bringing it to me a different way!
thank you,
kathy (bigblueiceATyahooDOTcom)

Millertime Productions said...

I'm sure that "Alana Dakos" will be in bold font in Knitopedia Volume II :) Let's like a fabulous book and one that I would love to add to my knitting library. Thanks for the opportunity!

Melina said...

I tried to win this book from another blog, so I am glad to have the chance to try again.

x said...

A knitting encyclopedia! Wicked cool. I like seeing your book reviews because these are books that I otherwise wouldn't have come across.

nancy said...

Nice book!! Thank you for the book review.

Alexandra said...

Wow! That sounds like a great book!

alexandraknits AT gmail DOT com

girltrekkie said...

This book looks wonderful! I've been knitting for 7 years but still consider myself an intermediate beginner LOL. I need this book to take it to the next level :)!

Maria said...

This book sounds fantastic. I need a comprehensive knitting book. Right now I have pages of techniques I have found on the internet stuffed into my beginners book! Thanks for the give away.

Missy knits said...

I've heard this is a fantatic reference to have on hand--thanks for such a great give-away!!

Unknown said...

How useful! It's always nice to have stuff like that on hand.
Ravelry: EmmaJoyce34

Teri said...

I am in need of a great knitting reference book and this looks like it would be perfect. Thanks for the giveaway!

immidesigns said...
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immidesigns said...

I just picked up a 1989 Vogue knitting book at a rummage sale. I love it - and think this updated version would be amazing!!

Square Root said...

oohh I hope I win!! Love your podcast.

Kristi said...

Great give away, as usual.

Unknown said...

I love to knit. Would love the Knitopedia for a reference. Thank you. Pickles 2

Retired Knitter said...

Wow sounds like a great book.

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