
Pigeonroof Studios Drawing Giveaway!

In Episode 52, you heard me mention Pigeonroof Studios yarn. Well.. hear it is! 
Aren't these skeins so beautiful? 
These colors remind me of a springtime garden.

To enter to win these five beautiful skeins provided by Krista from Pigeonroof Studios, please leave a comment under this post. Remember to please include your contact information. 
Only one comment per person please.

This prize includes:
1 skein of Cassiopeia fingering singles in Spanish Moss
1 skein of STRONG sock in Blackcurrant
1 skein of SIREN TWO sock in Juniper
2 skeins of Cassiopeia lace singles in Petal

Gorgeous stuff.

The winner will be announced here on July 1, so be sure to check back then and see if you've won!

Drawing Now Closed! Winner is Kristin! Congratulations!


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Kathleen said...

Gorgeous!!!! The colors are amazing! I have my fingers crossed.....

Brenda said...

Thanks for another great give away! Keeping my fingers crossed!!

akaemi said...

Those are beautamous! Thanks for showcasing the yarns, I may just have to buy some for my already too large stash. Unless, of course, I win! :P

Cathy said...

Luscious!! One of these days I hope I win something!

P.S. said...

Love them! hope I get them.


Anayte said...

I love Pigeonroof colours! Please count me in!

Suzanne said...

What an amazing giveaway! Those colors are so pretty. Thanks, Alana and Pigeonroof Studios.

Kathryn said...

just gorgeous yarn! Would so love to win this!

Jen said...

Holy crap - that is gorgeous stuff!

Barb said...

beautiful yarn :)

ctexas said...

Oh dear these are calling my name, would love to win..

Pick me pick me!!!

Thanks for the chance to win


latinaknits said...

Amazing! 5 skeins to 1 person is super generous. Thank you to both you and Pigeonroof Studios for offering such a fantastic prize.

LeAnne said...

These are so beautiful. I'm early-riser on Ravelry.

persnickity said...

Pretty yarn.Yup.
I am keawakapu on Ravelry.

Barbara said...

oh- i does remind me of my grandmother's garden- beautiful!
sotagirl on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, that's quite the giveaway. (swellest on Rav)

Carmel said...

they are all beautiful!! Rav id: carmelknits

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Those are gorgeous! Who wouldn't want to win????

lori said...

Oh, wow! Those are beautiful. Pick me!! :)

lori said...

oops, no contact info: lbsimmons88 at gmail dot com

Caryl K said...

That's gorgeous yarn, and I have a lovely home for it :D

Beth W. said...

Oh my...those are beautiful! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Kristina Knits said...

These are gorgeous! I'd love to win!

kristiknits at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

I am on a shawlette kick lately and those would be perfect. Count me in!! ( I also want to make some socks!!)

kristinfitzgerald Rav ID

Anonymous said...

Ooh, thanks for the chance to win! Those skeins of yarns are lovely.

yu lian knits [at] g mail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

bea-u-ti-ful! Pick me!

JenksSKB on ravelry

HelenKnits said...

Beautiful yarn and stunning colours. Love your podcasts.

neferatowen said...

Beautiful! It's great to have you back :)
rav name = sampras

Anonymous said...

Those are pretty! :)
mixplate84 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Looking at the yarn just made this giveaway too good to pass up! It's beautiful!! Thanks for the chance.

MotherHenKnits said...

Beautiful yarn! (MotherHenKnits on Ravelry)

Jen said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win, that yarn is gorgeous.


Meg said...

So beautiful!

Trisha R said...

Drooooling over that green. They are all so lovely!

Christine-Bellylaugher said...

Verry purty, I'm all in!
BellyLaugher on Ravelry

ohdessa said...

That yarn is so pretty!!

Missy said...

mkrids on Ravelry

Little Miss S. said...

Great colours and beautiful yarn.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! I bought a skein of Cassiopeia DK for my next design project, it's gorgeous. I'd love to have some more ;)

Bluenana said...

These skeins are divine! Couldn't hurt to try. :)

csantisteban [at] gmail


navymomma said...

They are gorgeous! thanks for the oppertunity. littlecountrygrl06@yahoo.com

Sher said...

Oooh, so pretty! Love the petal : )

rondy said...

These yarns are too beautiful for words.

Hope I win.

Lucy said...

Wonderful stuff!
Ravelry lucy21780

Katie said...

I love these skeins! They'd make some pretty awesome socks. :)


Jenlyn said...

Oh, wow, the colors are perfect! Not to mention that I have a slight fascination with anything called Juniper right now. :P

jc184304 (at) ohio (dot) edu

RRM said...

I hope I win.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful colors. Yum....


Michelle said...

Yummy yarn! Pick me!
kcmichellew at gmail.com

Rick Saenz said...

Beautiful yarn!!!

I'm KYFarmgirl on Ravelry.

Rachel said...

Would love, love, LOVE to win these skeins!!


themaidenoflight on ravelry

Debbie in KY said...

Such gorgeous yarn!!

Ravelry name is KYFarmgirl

Tall Kate said...

Wow, what beautiful yarns! Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Michelle B said...

OH I've been wanting to try pigenroof yarn!!!

mikki522 on ravelry

C. said...

These yarns are absolutely gorgeous... I'm crossing my fingers, hoping to be picked!

Jeanne C. said...

Just finished your Cedar Leaf Shawlette for a friend. She loves it! That green would make another of your fantastic designs for me!I'd love a chance at that yarn!

barbara said...

What beautiful yarn. So glad podcasts are back.

Pushpa said...

Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

Jeanne C. said...

oops, forgot contact info.


emsres said...

Oh my word! So much beauty in one place!

ml said...

The colors are so beautiful. They must feel as good as they look.

karen alho said...

At the risk of being redundant - GORGEOUS!!

rav.id - intavira

dclulu said...

Wow, that truly is beautiful! What a terrific giveaway.
dclulu on ravelry

vashkita said...

this yarn is beautiful! mary dot kellerman at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

So beautiful. How could i NOT put in an attempt to win?


Erica said...

Thanks for the giveaway and those skeins are gorgeous! nittykat on ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Love it all! Thanks to you and Pigeonroof for a great giveaway!

Needles And Ewe said...

Simply breathtaking! Sometime soon I might stop drooling!

wildviolets said...

Beautiful yarns, oh I would love to knit with them!!

Jenny K said...

Beautiful yarns!

jennykdeboer at gmail dot com

RubyC said...

You always have such great giveaways. I love these yarns and would love to win.

Rav: mzcruse

Anonymous said...

I LOVE KRISTA'S WORK! I was so excited to hear a knitting story from her!

Sew Crafty said...

Those look fantastic! Amanda.cowart@gmail.com

mhchong said...

Ooooh...I'd love to win. Beautiful skeins!

Rach said...

Beautiful Yarns! I too am having a little boy (September) and would love to knit something for him with that green! And my daughter would be so excited to have some headbands out of the pink and purple.

Thank you for offering these beautiful yarns and introducing the artists who dyes them!

carol christoffersen said...

The colors are beautiful. I want to touch it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn! The Juniper colorway is really amazing.

My ravname is Ohsewcrafty

Retha said...

Absolutely lovely yarn!! rethers on rav

Jen said...

I love Pigeonroof Studios and really need MORE! Me please!

Unknown said...

So beautiful! I love those colors! My rav name is daefea.

dendiane said...

Ooooooh beautiful yarn, absolutely gorgeous! I really need it!

Lori said...

Wow ... what a fabulous giveaway! I saw that Juniper yarn yesterday at Pigeonroof's Etsy shop and went crazy over it (I'm also a green lover). I would love to win such an incredible prize! :) Contact info: I'm @lorimassey on Twitter.

Jayden said...

Me, Me Me!! Please! what beautiful skeins - I'd love to win.

Thanks for the opportunity. :)

suzygirl on ravelry


Constellation Designs said...

So pretty! I love Pigeonroof Studios

nomorebittercakes said...

That is some gorgeous stuff. Fingers crossed!

Wendy P said...

Gorgeous stuff is right! Off to peek in the etsy shop. Wendy P

SnohoTina said...

What some lovely yarn. Hope I win.

BarbAltman said...

Gorgeous yarn; I sure would like to win these!

barbalt1 (at) cox (dot) net

1Geek2CraftAll said...

that is beautiful yarn. I'd love a chance to win.

SillyLittleLady said...

What gorgeous yarn! Anyone would be lucky to win :D


CriminalKnitSticks said...

Oh please, oh please, oh please let me win that gorgeous yarn!!!
Jennie-Pennie on Rav

Kitty Couture said...

These skeins are breathtaking! What an amazing giveaway.
(my email is listed on my Blogger profile.)

josheli said...

I hadn't heard of Pigeonroof Studios before (love the name) The yarn is beautiful such deep colors esp on the purple!

iluvyoursmiles said...



Sidra said...

So beautiful! I would love to win the giveaway and make something for my daughter.

acornarts said...

Me, me, me! Pick me! I wanna win! Please?...

pj said...

I have been wanting to try Pigeonrood Studios yarn for a very long time now! These are so lovely!

Mary said...

Love the pigeonroof handspun and would love to try some other yarns.

Terry said...

I love those colors, especially the greens. Keep my fingers crossed!

Julie said...

My stash needs new friends.

Julie said...

My stash needs new friends.

Linden_girl said...

Wow! So beautiful!

Sally BC said...

Oh yes I need this yarn. It is gorgeous!

LibertyJBE said...

Gosh, those are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

what beautiful yarn! in love with that purple, would make a beautiful cream and sugar cowl... which i still have yet to make!

My One and Only said...

Oh! Unbeleavable giveaway! Colors and yarn are just gorgeous. Socks, mini-shawl... can please anyone with the yarn you give! Keep my fingers crossed! Thank you,

The Foshee's said...

wrapped in these or on my dancing feet, i'll have two tickets to paradise, pack my bags with these and leave tonight

Debbie Z zebot@msn.com

Anonymous said...

I've been admiring this company's yarns for quite some time. Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

I've been admiring this company's yarns for quite some time. Love the colors!

Emily said...

Wowie zowie! What beautiful yarn! I've read such great reviews of Pigeonroof all around the blogosphere. This would be such a treat!


Anonymous said...

breathtaking. :)

Anonymous said...

That a nice giveaway, so nice colors ! I hope you sending to Europe ... belimeda@gmail.com

D2 said...

You are so right - the Juniper is awesome! I will be stalking Pigeonroof now...

Orli said...

So many lovely colors and types of yarn...I crave them all! :)

Jodi said...

So pretty! I'd love to work with this yarn. jones2read(at)gmail(dot)com

Karey said...

The yarn looks lovely! Thanks for the giveaway.

Karey said...

The yarn looks lovely! Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful!

I'm KitsyBabcock on Ravelry

Sarah said...

Beautiful yarn!


Unknown said...

Who but knitters would know the extensive variety of yarns, colors and textures that are available? These are DELICIOUS!!! Pick me pick me!

Unknown said...

OOps! Forgot to leave my contact info. On Ravelry I am 19Vesperstreet, website is www.knittinginbeantown.blogspot.com

Sally said...

Lushious colors! Thanks for the chance.

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I have been loving the new season of podcasts thus far!

rav id: valeriechristine

Marie said...

My, the Black Current! Wonderfully rich!

Amy Olsen said...

Love 'em. Thanks for the giveaway!

pickledpurls said...

Wonderful yarn, great giveaway!

pickledpurls on Rav & Twitter

Amy said...

Hi! I found your blog through Raverly (leg warmer pattern!)
I love your blog's name too! I have recently come to the conclusion that I'm never not knitting too!

Sherri said...

What an amazingly gorgeous giveaway!
I just stumbled upon your site by way of finding your podcast in itunes.
I would love to win some of this scruptuous yarn! Sherri B

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful yarn. I would love to win! talikmn(at)yahoo(dot)com

Erica said...

Pretty colors! I would love to win!

csmogor said...

Beautiful yarn!

Emily said...


Anonymous said...

What beautiful yarn!! You always have great giveaways!!

Polarpurplebear said...

Amazing colours, would love to win!

Loupyloo on Ravelry

Elise said...

Those are just beautiful! You are right they remind me of a springtime garden.

jkg said...

Ooh, what gorgeous yarn! Just followed a link from a fellow {this moment} blogger. Looking forward to exploring your site.

jkg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jillian said...

beautiful! thanks for the giveaway :)

DesertHermeneutics said...


Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! Someone's going to LOVE those beauties =)

Small and Moody said...

Such beautiful yarns!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely. Enjoy your blog! mperezlope@aol.com

sewingmomy said...

Those are beautiful!! I see why they distracted you.Anne

Sheri said...

Love the podcast!

Aja~swelldove said...

Absolutely stunning colorways!!!

I think they need to come live in my stash:)

Glad your back to podcasting Alana, and congrats on the wee belly bump!

Frankly Beka said...

Man, those colors are gorgeous! If I don't win I know what I'll be asking my hubby for, for my birthday.


Anne said...

Just beautiful! As always, thank you for your great podcast.

rainberry said...

This yarn is so pretty! I'm rainberry on Ravelry.

Jocelynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jocelynn said...

Oooh. such vivid colours! They inspire you to create something wonderful. :D

Moknita said...

Love the yarn- would love to try it!

Paige said...

Goodness!!! Crossing my fingers...

For the LOVE of stash!! said...

Ohhh... please let me win!!! :-) Still.. love your podcasts, and this yarn sounds absolutely amazing. Hope I win this time!

Retired Knitter said...

Oh my, they are beautiful. I never win anything but I would love to win these. Thanks for holding this giveaway.

In Julie's Opinion said...

I've never tried this dyer but I am definitely going to now! What gorgeous colors!! Thanks for a really, really great giveaway!

jwitt33 at live dot com

knitterlydesigns said...

These are so pretty!

knitterlydesigns on RAV

Geneviève said...

Beautiful colours! gdelaplante@gmail.com

shelley said...

I have had the pleasure of ordering 3 skeins of pigeonroof studios yarn and I can't imagine how fantastic it would be to win some!

shelley said...

Love, love, love this beautiful yarn. Have ordered 3 skeins on etsy and can't imagine how fantastic it would be to win some

Shelley said...

Just beautiful - Shelley sbengert2003(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Thanks for opportunity!

Maryse said...

Wow, really gorgeous yarn! Thank you very much for this awesome contest! Cross my fingers!

stacyb said...

So beautiful. I would love to win this one for sure!
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful yarn! I'd love to try it out with my new obsession for shawlettes this summer . . .
Andrea (andrea.hungerford@mac.com)

Unknown said...

Wow!! They are gorgeous. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ellen said...

What a lovely giveaway. The colors make me happy!
Thanks for the chance to win!

ellenronnie on Ravelry

windzgirl said...

So beautiful! I would love to own any of them! Windzgirl (on ravelry)

karen said...

i would love to win these gorgeous yarns please!!

rav id okeydokey

Anonymous said...

A whole-lot-a pretties!!

Terra Zobrist said...

I keep looking at the post over and over admiring that gorgeous yarn! terrasue@cox.net

Lauren said...

Beautiful! Thanks for doing the drawing!
-Lauren Berens lberens823@gmail.com

Kellie said...

Beautiful yarn! I would love to win. Thank you for the chance. :)

Kristen Rettig said...

Beautiful! What a nice giveaway!

sydneypaige said...

Wow, they're gorgeous!

StikineStix said...

These are such beautiful colors, especially the green and purple! They are such rich, full colors!

Martha said...

I'm excited to see this yarn and would love to do some yarn petting.

Nicky said...

Beautiful yarn !! I would love to win !!

BarbH said...

Beautiful yarn, I would love to win.

Juliaknit said...

Beautiful! I have drooled over Pigeon roof yarn and fiber for a long time but have never indulged.

JennyW said...

Gorgeous yarns! Loved your podcast - I'm expecting my first in December and also knitted a Saartje's bootie recently, and was amazed at how small it was, but had no baby to compare it with!

she knits said...

wow, what a gorgeous prize pack krista has offered, I would love to have a chance to win :0)
Mel ireson
womaninashoe on ravelry

Margot Pimentel said...

What are the chances of someone from Sydney, Australia winning that gorgeous yarn? Incidentally it was through your blog that I discovered the equally wonderful Handmaiden Lady Godiva yarn. I have knitted your Cedar Leaf Shawlette in red, which I gave to my daughter, amethyst which I gave to a work colleague, and finally one in moss just recently which I gave to myself! And I'm not finished yet...I've just ordered Amber Lady Godiva yarn to make yet another shawlette for me, and then I found some leftover delicious ruby red which I am making into a scarf. Wooow, if I win that yarn I am SO going to town with more scarves and shawlettes...

Ms. Knitsalot said...

Absolutely beautiful. The colors do remind you of a springtime garden. Would LOVE to win...thanks for the giveaway!

Retired Knitter said...

Beautiful. Please count me in.


Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Pigeonroof Studios - This yarn is beautiful!

emmy said...

What lovely yarn- I have never had the pleasure.....

Jan said...

Beautiful colors! Would love to win this!!!

Melissa said...

Wow! Those yarns are beautiful!


Tecrin said...

rav username is Tecrin. :)

Linda said...

Beautiful yarns! What a wonderful prize.

Kelly said...

What gorgeous yarn

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, such beautiful, subtle colorations! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, such beautiful, subtle colorations! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

Esther said...

That is such beautiful yarn and gorgeous colours!

Newfoundland Fibre Artist said...

Awesome colors...and I love to knit!!!

Tilly said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy and what a wonderful giveaway!!

simplylabradors at aol dot com

Hafdís said...

I wish ..... hafdishelga@simnet.is

Jacquie said...

Free yarn therapy...what could be better, unless it's shared with a friend- the yarn and the knitting. Beautiful colours.

yviepaxt4 said...

Those are beautiful yarns..Thank you for giving us a chance to win some! =-)


Karen (lindse) said...

wow beautiful :)
/karen aka lindse at ravelry

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