
Pigeonroof Studios Drawing Giveaway!

In Episode 52, you heard me mention Pigeonroof Studios yarn. Well.. hear it is! 
Aren't these skeins so beautiful? 
These colors remind me of a springtime garden.

To enter to win these five beautiful skeins provided by Krista from Pigeonroof Studios, please leave a comment under this post. Remember to please include your contact information. 
Only one comment per person please.

This prize includes:
1 skein of Cassiopeia fingering singles in Spanish Moss
1 skein of STRONG sock in Blackcurrant
1 skein of SIREN TWO sock in Juniper
2 skeins of Cassiopeia lace singles in Petal

Gorgeous stuff.

The winner will be announced here on July 1, so be sure to check back then and see if you've won!

Drawing Now Closed! Winner is Kristin! Congratulations!


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Anne said...

so lovely!

Karen said...

Beautiful yarn. Hope I win.
yourmomsays (on Ravelry)

cindymen said...

Beautiful! I have been hearing about this yarn but haven't seen it in person yet.


Marisa said...

I have spun with pigeonroof fibers and really enjoyed it, but never tried working with their yarn. I think it would be really fun as there colors are quite stunning. Best of luck with your pregnancy, and congrats! Marisa
email: quilt(dot)baby(at)hotmail

Toadstool Knittery said...

Oh my... how wonderful and pretty! Such a generous giveaway, thank you =)

FlauschiOhren on Ravelry

Hannah said...

So beautiful. Cheers me right up!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shades, those! Just popped over thanks to the iMake website for pointing out you have a podcast...how I missed that previously, I've no idea. Lol.

TopHat said...

Oh my! What a wonderful prize!

fishgirl182 said...

what beautiful yarn. thank you for the giveaway!

Cary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sal said...

Stunning colours! :-)

Megan said...

Those are gorgeous! I would love to get my hands on any of them. PLEASE PICK ME! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Amber said...

I *love* PRS yarn! It was the first MCN sock yarn I ever knit with and is still at the top of my list. Her color sense is impeccable. Beautiful stuff!

Anonymous said...

oooh - Pigeonroof! She is wonderful, and those colors are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness! Pigeonroof yarn is the very, very best! Too beautiful!

Leah said...

Love the podcast, love the yarn -- yum!

rugosarosefarm said...

Ooh! Pretty! I need more yarn like a hole in the head, but it looks soo soft, you just want to pet it. Please count me in.

Charmaine said...

Most beautiful Yarn and fibre from Pigeonroof studios.
My ralvery name is Bearscrap.

Anonymous said...

Krista has an incredible eye for color. LOVE her fiber and yarn!

skeller on ravelry

becca said...

Gorgeous yarn! Lovely colors. :)

Heather said...

Wow what a great giveaway...Hope that I win :) Love PRS

Marla said...

Krista is a talented dyer. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of her yarn.

Nuttygal said...

Those are some gorgeous colors

Phyllis said...

Just bought your patterns at my LYS. LOVE THEM! Phyllis M

Anna said...

beautiful, love pigeonroof studios yarn!

maska said...

Beautiful yarn.

L. P. said...

Wow! What beautiful yarn. It wold certainly knit up into a beautiful garment, such as one of your designs, Alana. It would be a fine thing to win that beautiful stash!

Helen said...

I love this yarn. Wrap me in it, twirl me around and leave me be in its softness. After I have had my fix, let me slowly unravel myself and pick up my knitting needles and relive the experience by knitting something glorious with it!
Ravelry Name: Anchorgirls
Melbourne, Australia

Teri said...

Those yarns are stunningly beautiful! Would love to win these to knit up some great accessories.


Connie, the daisyhead said...

Simply gorgeous! I must have some of those!

daisyhead on Rav

Kate said...

Pigeonroof makes such pretty yarn and fiber! I have a skein of lace in Celedon, and I just bought some of the superwash BFL in Blackcurrent for the TdF.

The Pigeonroof etsy site lead me to this podcast! I'll be waiting for the next show.

Kate (notthatkate on rav)

Sarah Rice said...

So luscious!

Sara aka Yarniv0re said...

Colors that make you burst into song...such a talent, Krista. Who wouldn't love to sink their needles into these inspiring beauties?! Gorgeous yarns! Oooh yeah, yum.

Carrie A. said...

Super gorgeous! I love PRS! You can find me on ravelry as revelling.

heather said...

What beautiful yarn! Another great giveaway!!

tothfamily25 said...

yum love these colors

Janelle said...

That green makes me SWOON - what a generous giveaway!

Learner Ros said...

gorgous! count me in.

Alexandra said...

Wow! They're beautiful!

alexandraknits AT gmail DOT com

Ginger said...

So beautiful. Time to get my drool cup.

meowzette at meowzette dot com

Deb said...

Absolutely gorgeous and I want to touch! Thanks again for having such marvelous give-sways!

Elaine said...

Those look beautiful! I am a yarn lover definitely! I look forward to each podcast. Hoping you are feeling better.

Elaine H

Ericacr said...

Pigeonroof--on my short list but still none in my stash. Here's hoping.

KEM said...

What gorgeous skeins! I'd love to knit with these.
Korenm on Ravelry

Stape55 said...

Purple & Green & Pink, Oh My!


Stape55 said...

Purple & Green & Pink, Oh My!

Lykke said...

What a treat to win so looovely skeins :-)

millefeuilles said...

Oh those colours are simply drop dead gorgeous! I want to create!!!

Kristin said...

I would LOVE to win especially since this was posted on my birthday!! :)

The Awakened Heart said...

Wow! There are a lot of fellow yarn lovers here. I am positively drooling over those skeins. Such beautiful rich colours. It would be amazing to win such a fantastic giveaway.

rebecca said...

This yarn is excellent >,..,<
Hope you choose me!!!
my email is rthomas668@gmail.com
And my ravelry name is bek6

Marushka C. said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous!
(Marushka on Ravelry.com, or
itmightbeametaphor (-at-) gmail.com

Maryse said...

They do remind me of a garden!

Elissa said...

beautiful yarn! it would be a treat just to see that in person! crossing my fingers....

Glana Ricci said...

Hi Alana!!
wonderful yarn!!

lbest said...

What a nice way to try new yarns! A yarn giveaway.


Gracey is not my name.... said...

Gorgeous giveaway...I have a skein of Pigeonroof Siren and it is gorgeous! I love the Blackcurrant...I've been seeing lots of blackish yarns lately and have been drawn to them...

Marcie said...

The last thing I need is more yarn, yeah right! I would love to try this yarn
marcie_marugg[at]msn[dot] com

Georgiedean said...

Oh, I hope I win! :)

Linda said...

I love your podcast and the gorgeous patterns you design.
Linda Standifer

Linda said...

I love your podcast. I listen while I knit. Your giveaways are great and your designs are gorgeous.
Linda in Kalamazoo

Linda said...

I hope this comment goes through.
I love your designs and listen to your podcast while I knit. Don't stop, keep them coming.
Linda from Kalamazoo

melosa said...

Beautiful yarn!

Ling said...

I'd love to win. I haven't tried PRS yarn yet. Ravelry name is Purlicious

Linda said...

I love your podcast and your gorgeous designs. Can't wait to knit a sweater for my granddaughters. Linda from Kalamazoo

Sabra said...

The yarn is gorgeous. I've never used this dyer before and would love to give it a try.

Rav id - Sabrab

Sarah Smiles said...

Beautiful Beautiful!! *drool* would love to win!!

Creative Design said...

I have just found your blog! Lovely and sophisticated! I look forward to more from you!


mgsmith said...

I would love to win. mallorygeorganne@gmail.com

JADE1712 said...

Absolutely beautiful!

KnittyBarb said...

I would love to win this yarn. It is simply gorgeous.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

What beautiful yarn! I enjoyed hearing about Pigeonroof Studios and how she got into yarn dying. Great story, too :)

christina said...

I think those are calling my name...wow!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Pamela said...

Great colors!

Kelly-ann said...

One of your best giveaways yet!

littlemaze said...

I would love to experience these yarns. Thanks for the drawing.


aknitontheside said...

Springtime indeed. Would be lovely to try this much heard-of yarn.

kb (Ravelry: aknitontheside)

annemade said...

I am so anxious to see this yarn in person.

Des said...

these yarns are simply beautiful! Being new to the knitting world (ok not as new as I feel some days) it is a yarn I'm not as familiar with but would love to knit with..probably a pair of socks

FiberNFeathers on Ravelry

Jean Ashley said...

Those are very beautiful yarns. Thanks for having a giveaway! I'm jashleyslc on Ravelry

Jan said...

What a wonderful prize!!!

Kelly K. said...

Such delicious yarn!

anne said...

Love Pigeonroof! Thanks for the giveaway!

Galaneia said...

Those are gorgeous. I would also love to win. (I can't buy any more yarn until I've finished a couple projects. pout.)

galaneia at gmail. com (or on ravelry)

Kay said...

Pick me please. Her yarns are amazing.

LittleEdenMakes said...

They're gorgeous! I'd love to be lucky!

Vee said...

They are gorgeous indeed! Such a variety.

Yarnina on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

What lovely yarn. I've never tried Pigeonroof Studios before. Hope I'm lucky enougg to win this opportunity to try it.

Karen said...

Those colors are wonderful. I've been wanting to try those yarns for a long time.

Meg said...

oooh, I love Pigeonroof yarn. Her colors are so beautiful.
jmcoyle (@) gmail (dot) com

Kate said...

So beautiful! I would love to win!!

Mutti said...

Oh, La! La! How gorgeous! Thanks... BadurekL@gmail.com

stacyb said...

How beautiful! Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd love the chance to try out some pigeon roof stuff. Great depth of color! Thank you.

Kathy (bigblueice on Ravelry)

knitgirl said...

What beautiful colors. I can picture a project already.

Carol said...

We share the same taste in colors. That juniper colorway is so pretty.


kshotz said...

Gorgeous is right! I wish I had a local yarn shop so I could see these lovlies first hand!

Missy knits said...

Wow, those are really beautiful colors--each and every glorious skein!!

Lisa said...

Beautiful yarns. I should be so lucky!

Stephanie said...

What beautiful yarn. Thanks to you and the sponsor for a wonderful giveaway!

Stephanie said...

Technical difficulties on my end. Sorry if posted twice... I didn't mean to.

I wrote... beautiful yarn. Thanks to you and the sponsors for such a wonderful giveaway

pastvast on ravelry

baukje said...

Wow, just discovered your blog. Would love to win these skeins.....

Brother Peregrine said...

What beautiful forest-y jeweled toned yarns!

heather.gerety @ gmail dot com

NinasCD said...

I love these yarns also, they are so lovely, perfect colors.

FabEwelous Knits said...

Those skeins look amazing!
Thanks for the giveaway.


Debora said...

Wow! I would love to have these in my collection! My Ravelry name is dimples74 and email is dimples74@hotmail.com.

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't love to win these, A rhetorical question for sure!

Anonymous said...

Oh! That's very pretty!

Bunny said...

Love this company <3
Jessi at jessi.clouser@gmail.com

Obi's Sister said...

Beautiful yarns! They must come to my house immediately to live their sisters!


beth said...

Beautiful colors and amazing fiber! Here's to hoping!

stephigordon said...

Wow! Absolutely beautiful! Can only dream about such gorgeous yarn! Would LOVE to win. Thank you! Stephanie stephi_gordon@yahoo.com

lorrie said...

SOOOO beautiful! I would love to win! lrybaczy@gmail.com

melsheljack said...

Lovely stuff! I have seen these yarns on the net before, I covet thee.
spokane, WA

Amy Grace said...

love these!!!

Sue said...

As I sit knitting up Alana's Autumn Vines Beret I am listening to the podcast. I greatly enjoyed it and learned of the giveaway! Very beautiful yarn! Thanks for the info.

Brenda said...

gorgeous yarn! I would love to win.

bren_na said...

Sweet! bren7na on Ravelry if I win!

Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous!! Crossing my fingers!!

Kathy said...

I have never seen Pigeonroof Studios in person, they look gorgeous, I would love to have them here and I promise not to make them sit in my stash unused!

Agnes said...

Would make my granddaughter (to arrive mid-August)a beautiful lace sampler baby blanket to treasure. Absolutely Beautiful.


nancy said...

So beautiful! Hope I win one of these!

coping on Ravelry

Eileen said...

Beautiful yarn! Would love to win. :-)

WiscKnitter on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Love this beautiful yarn!


Charlotte said...

Wow, that yarn is gorgous!

yarnsandtales at yahoo dot com

Annie J S said...

Beautiful skeins and loved the podcast!!

Megan C. said...

My cats would love them. :-)

Paula said...

Yikes-am I too late to enter? Looks like some gorgeous stuff!

Melissa said...

I just listened to this show today! I hope I'm not too late to enter!

Elly said...

Please throw my name in the hat, thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

These are really beautiful!

Tinkie said...

Am I too late???!! = )

Pachie said...

Beautiful yarn, pick me1

Pachie said...

Beautiful, love it!

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