
What I've Been Up To..

...Swatching tiny oak leaves in delicious green yarn. 
Since I'm a lover of all things green and leafy, I'm finding this part of the design process very exciting. 


Unknown said...

Ooh! Can't wait to see what that becomes, I love all things green and leafy and tiny!

Ann said...

How extremely beautiful!

Suzanne said...

Leaves on suede....
Such a pretty contrast.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous!

penelope10 said...

Love leaves!

Moondancer5 said...

So beautiful! I wish I could find a maple leaf motif as beautiful as this oak leaf is. Can't wait to see the grand finale!

Carla said...

Oh that is lovely. I can't wait to see what it becomes. And I loveee that yarn color.

Cheryl said...

Beautiful. Would love a pattern of that leaf. It would be really fun to add to a plain scarf or blanket. Your patterns are amazing but a bit beyond my skills still.

Evelyn said...

Your leaf couldn't be more perfect ... and I love the way the yellow just tips each point.

Anne said...

OOHLALA, the leaf is beautiful! Wouldn't it be great to make your leaves into a blanket of leaf motifs square and call it your "family tree".

Maryse said...

It is a nice swatch! I look forward to seeing what it's for!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me too! I can't wait to see what it going to become. I haave been looking for a leaf pattern just like that. I just don't have the time to work it out myself. Yay!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Looking forward to the next sneak peak. The yarn is gorgeous!

Molly said...

I always love your leaves! Looks delicious!

Lori said...

Ooooh, that leaf and the yarn it's made in are both just gorgeous! I can't wait to see what it's going to be a part of. :)

aliasrlene said...

Very pretty and such a tease as to what the pattern will be!

kristal135 said...

Looks delightful, I can't keep up with all your designs! Just about to stard the cedar leaf Shawlette waiting for yarn to arrive it's so exciting! keepnup the great work. Kristal

Cakewalk Yarns said...

intrigued....love that little leaf!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

So pretty!

Paula Cummings said...

You are so gifted with leaf shapes. Any tips for a beginner at needle felting who is trying to create leaves?

jzim said...

It is so pretty. what a great job.

Knit-Zilla said...

You've done such a good job of getting the leaf to stand out from the background stitches, especially with a multi-colored yarn. Do you have a secret? I love. . . love . . . love!

Pamela said...


VTwin said...

I would love to see that leaf in Fall colors too!