
Alpenglow Yarn Drawing Giveaway!

In Episode 56, I had the pleasure of sharing a story from Carrie Sundra of Alpenglow Yarn about the process of taking yarn from fleece to skein. I had no idea there was so much work involved! Carrie has kindly donated this pile of Alpenglow goodies to this episode's drawing giveaway!

Included in this generous prize are:

-2 skeins of Sporty Corrie in the Ephemar colorway (Red) and a 100g bump of undyed Corriedale Wool roving from her Small Farm line. (Both of these are from the same batch of fiber Carrie talked about in her story!)

-2 skeins of Sylvan Wool in the Starry Night (Blue) colorway from her American Yarn line.

-2 skeins of Peruvian Silke Alpaca in the Boysenberry (Purple) colorway from her Global Yarn line.

Each skein and fiber package have a background story, which Carrie has shared on the labels. 
It's really interesting to find out where everything comes from!

To enter to win this amazing "Alpenglow Sampler", please leave a comment (including contact information) under this post. Only one comment per person please.

The winner will be announced here on September 1, so be sure to check back and see if you have won!

Drawing Now Closed. Winner is Avila! Congratulations! 


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Sabrina said...

Beautiful! I hope I get to squish it!


Jules said...

It always amazes me how something so simple can be turned into something so beautiful.

Megan said...

Very appealing prize pack! Hope I win and thanks for the opportunity to win!

Stirling said...

Those are all so lovely.

Jane said...

Yummy squishy yarn!

Anonymous said...

Someday I'm bound to win! Oh, and I hope it's for this giveaway!

Blonde Catalogue said...

Lovely yarn!

Raime said...

Greatest. Sampler. Ever. MamaRamelade on Rav

thewalshfam said...

I'd love to an that beautiful yarn. It was such a treat to hear how it came to be! Also, I really enjoyed hearing a bit about your upcoming collection. I can't wait to see some more pictures!
Rnmama on rav

billicummings said...

They look snugalishcious!


Svenja said...

That looks wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!


Jean Ashley said...

It's a very generous, beautiful giveaway... Thanks for the opportunity!

jashleyslc on Ravelry

marlie said...

Such pretty colors!

marlono on Ravelry

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the drawing to win the amazing Alpenglow Sampler. I am gkgreen on Ravelry, also g_k_green@hotmail. Thanks for another wonderful giveaway!

Teri said...

What gorgeous yarn! Looks perfect for fall knitting.


Shannon said...

Great prize as usual!


Polarpurplebear said...

Great giveaway!

Loupyloo on ravelry

Pushpa said...

What a generous giveaway!

Kelly K. said...

It looks super squishy! I would love to knit with it and let that gorgeous yarn run through my fingers!

Ravname: Kellknit

aliasrlene said...

Carrie's story was great! I would love to have some of her beautiful yarn. Pick me - rlene on Rav

Amy E said...

Gorgeous! Sign me up! arobinsc at gmail dot com

Jane said...

Amazing selection - thanks for sharing!

feraljane AT gmail DOT com

Beki said...

Wow! That's a fabulous donation/prize. Yay for Alpenglow!

Sarah said...

What lovely yarn...such a generous giveaway!
smurphy2 on ravelry

Dawn said...

This is stunning....

Unknown said...

Love the colors! I could do some serious knitting with that yarn.

bren_na said...

Nice prize! Love me some new yummy yarn! bren7na on rav.

Hot Pink Socks said...

That Looks like Fall knitting to Me! Love the colors.


listipton said...

beautiful yarn!


Sara said...

Gorgeous! Great giveaway.

rottnluck at yahoo dot com

Terry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Terry said...

That yarn looks so soft and I love the colors. Would make a great hat or cowl.

BarbAltman said...

Count me in!
barbalt1 (at) cox (dot) net

Unknown said...

love it!


Mikki said...

What beautiful yarn! LOVE!

mhchong said...

Yes, I'd love to sample this yarn.


Kristen said...

Lovely! I'm at kklemann (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Savannagal said...

Lovely yarn. Thanks for the terrific giveaway.

Kristi said...

Ooohhh...beautiful yarn!


Little Miss S. said...

Gorgeous gorgeous yarn. Looks like something I could just sit and fondle all day long.

Katie L. said...

Gorgeous yarns! Thanks for hosting!


LibertyJBE said...

Wow! So beautiful. Very generous!

ashley_mann said...

Wow, really pretty stuff! Loved the story about the process.
Ishadow72 on Ravelry

Unknown said...

The yarn is gorgeous!

jen at losingtheshadow.com

modsiwevoli said...

The yarn is beautiful! i would love to try it.
modsiwevoli on Rav.

Geraldine said...

Wow, great prize package! I've been enjoying your posts in my reader for quite a while, glad I clicked through today. You have a beautiful blog.


takeahappybreak (at) gmail.com

The Fiber Diva said...

I'll be happy if my number comes up in a good way!
fiberdiva at gmail dot come

Andrea said...

I always love knitting with new and different yarns. Thank you for the giveaway!

d. said...

Love the boysenberry colour.

dana.sloan at gmail.com

Eenae said...

Wow so pretty! I'd love to win and love your podcast as always.

Maegwin on Ravelry

nancy said...

Love it!


deedalee said...

One of these days I'm going to win something! Beautiful yarn, thanks for providing these contests every month.


Anonymous said...

Lovely yarn!

CelticCastOn said...

Beautiful yarn!

Inese said...

Beautiful yarn! Thanks for the giveaway!

Louise said...

What beautiful yarn! Thanks for the generous giveaway. And another great podcast as always :)

Laura said...

What pretty yarn! Bluecanoe on ravelry.

Amanda said...

Beautiful yarn and a great story!

-Amanda (archamanda on ravelry)

PS - Can't wait to see th ebook!

Sierra Starsong said...

Wow, that red really pops!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway!

teresa said...

That yarn is gorgeous!


Caitlin said...

This yarn is absolutely gorgeous!

crhorn2690 at gmail dot com

CrazyYarnLady said...

Beautiful yarn! So nice of her to give this to one of us! How fortunate for the winner!! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that yarn is lovely! And her story was so charming!

karmyl said...


Beth W. said...

Beautiful prize! Thanks so much!


Melrae said...

Such beautiful colors!


Ana said...

Would make a great birthday present for myself........

Cheryl said...

Blue's and purples are my favorite colors. These are beautiful creations!

Alicia said...


Pamela said...

beautiful yarns!

Lizzy said...

WOW is that gorgeous! I hope I win! e.broughtonATmeDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous!

debi.stoliar (at) gmail (dot) com

Aussie Maria said...

What a great idea to put the story of the yarn with it. I love knowing the process.

karen said...

those yarns are beautiful!

rav id-okeydokey

wenwoo said...

thinking of fall knits already!

Marisa said...

These colors are so lovely. I never win but I will comment anyhow that I do love your podcast and am so glad to listen to your lovely voice.

Jenny T said...

Yummy looking yarn. Would love to win!

Knitdoc on Rav.

PixelatedMushroom said...

looks like wonderful yarn ^_^ enjoyed this episode muchly too! congrats on all your hard work

Anonymous said...

I've been on a serious yarn diet since I took time off work. Would be lovely to have some new fiber in my stash!

annamae said...

What vibrant colors! So lovely, a great giveaway as always. : )

Leigh said...

I hope I win some yarn. I need a new project.

Cinnamon said...

I loved the story of the yarn from Carrie! I've just started appreciating all the "local" yarns and would love to sample some Alpenglow.

Kathryn said...

you have the best giveaways!

joyceetta said...

Beautiful yarn!

lea said...

I would love to win that beautiful yarn!


Linda said...

What beautiful colors. Thanks for such a wonderful podcast and giveaways. Woollinda

Kerri said...

gorgeous yarn!

klblumer (at) gmail (dot) com

Suzeq22knits said...

Yarn with stories! Awesome :)

slmiller8 said...

This is a wonderful give-away. Thank you!


LauraH said...

What gorgeous yarns! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Erin said...

How beautiful!


KCarney said...

Thanks for sharing the story of this lovely yarn, and for offering us the chance to win some of it!

Daisy said...

Your new book is luscious! Ilove your designs!

Zenitude said...

Gotta make those mine! Thanks for the opportunity.
woolyknitsnbits at live dot ca

Ellen said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win.

shpizl on Rav

Yvonne said...

What lovely fall colours!

ydub on Ravelry

Pat said...

I want, I want!!!


Suzanne said...

I enjoyed Carrie's story so much that I listened twice. My favorite line was "barely controlled chaos." This is a fabulous giveaway. Clearly she puts a lot of thought and care into her work.

Wendy said...

Yet another awesome giveaway that I would love to have in my stash! Please enter me in the drawing.

Wendy (Wendeluu on Ravelry)

Gracey is not my name.... said...

Beautiful yarn! And Poop, pick and party! Hysterical!

Maddy said...

ohhh pick me!

Maddy said...

i would love to win this

Unknown said...

That yarn looks delicious!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Smuddpie said...

I had so much fun listening to the alpenglow story. As a farm girl I can relate. I think it's awesome that you have found your own way that still flows from your heritage!

Carla said...

Wow- amazing giveaway!

Erica said...

Yes, please! I'm ericat AT live DOT com

Kiki said...

Gorgeous yarn, and a great story!


Martha said...

Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. Your blog is beautiful!

Kate LeMay said...

I love the vibrant red!
kate.lemay AT sydney.edu.au

FW said...

Wow! How beautiful.


GinkgoKnits said...

I love all the small companies producing yarns that are closer to the earth right now. As much as I like SW merino, it's really dominating my LYS shelves and I wish there were more sheepy yarns.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! emj_jrgray@hotmail.com

A Playful Day said...

Alana, your giveaways are always so lovely x

Clare Day said...

Oh wow! I'd love to win all this yummy yarn!!

knicholeknits on ravelry :-)

Mel said...

Night-blue is gorgeous!

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

Amazing yarn!

Sarah Smiles said...

Beautiful stuff!!! Wow!! I'm working on one of your patterns now and I'm having so much fun!!

Lisa (JeepGirl) said...

I love finding out about new pretty yarn! This looks lovely - I'll have to check them out! Thank you!

kelly said...

So beautiful! Always eager to try new yarns. krcbse at gmail dot com

Charlotte said...

What beautiful yarn!

yarnsandtales at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

that yarn looks so squishy and snuggly!

Rav ID: mediaperuana

duBedåre said...

Oh my! How I would love to get my hands on this! (o:


By the way: Your new collection looks great! Can't wait!

CindyS said...

Oh how pretty!
fireantz-at-hotmail-dot-com please

navymomma said...

that yarn is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh! I want to knit and spin with this gorgeous fiber. Cibola on Ravelry

Janeen said...

The yarn is so beautiful. Thanks for chance to win and for wonderful podcast.
Jan Kor

Sangeetha said...

Thanks - that is absolutely gorgeous


Heather said...

Gorgeous yarn, especially love the small farm yarn.
heathermg on ravelry

Trina-Lea said...

I love the creativity of sharing the story behind each yarn's inception...thank you for such a generous giveaway.

Jessica Snell said...

Oh, I really like that red!

Connie, the daisyhead said...

That is some lovely yarn!! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

daisyhead on Ravelry

neferatowen said...

I love yarn with a story. And the colours are gorgeous :)

lorrie said...

Very lovely! lrybaczy@gmail.com

Marta said...

What gorgeous colors -- another great giveaway! Thanks, Alana, for always being so generous with your listeners!

Francie said...

Sounds like a great prize! Thanks for the chance to win.


Kathleen said...

Loved the podcast. The yarn is beautiful.

KathNits on Ravelry

Nancy said...

So inspiring. Thank you. I love the idea of supporting local farms.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful yarn. I enjoyed listening to this podcast. I am just learning about podcasts and have never commented before.

Anonymous said...

Holy cats, those colors are awesome.

(arletterocks at gmail, in case my contest luck changes - I'd best check out that yarn myself, just in case)

SillyLittleLady said...
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SillyLittleLady said...

Gorgeous giveaway! The winner will be one lucky fiber artist :D


Unknown said...

Wow! These are gorgeous! What I'd give for the "Peruvian Silke Alpaca" yarn. Unfortunately, my sister was unable to get any Alpaca yarn for me when she went to Peru. Anyways, thanks again for another great giveaway.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

Please let it be me!

Jane S. said...

Goodness that's a lot of yarn...and of course I'd love to win it!

janers41 at yahoo dot com

Liz said...

Soooooo pretty --- I'd love the yarn AND the roving!

Jennifer in Ohio said...

Absolutely beautiful yarn!


Alyce said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing.

alyceel on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn! Hope I win..

-Ravnejenta at ravelry

Constellation Designs said...


Lisa said...

beautiful! I'm sure I could find something to knit with it!


Sydney said...

Wow, such a generous giveaway. Just saw the post on the new book - everything looks awesome! Congratulations!

Ginger said...

That yarn looks lovely!

Ravelry: GingerLee25

Kate said...

I think it's wonderful that the prize reflects the process and includes both fleece and spun yarn of different types. Lovely!

windzgirl said...

This yarn is so beautiful! I'd love to win it!

jac2213 at tc dot edu

Rukodelnitsa said...

Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Lovely yarn.....

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous!!

anditippie at gmail dot come

Hana said...

Wow, finally caught up with the podcast! I started at episode 1 a couple of weeks ago, and mourned for all of the drawings that I had missed, haha!

But today I finally get to enter one! ^_^


Shelley said...

Would love the opportunity



Rachelle said...

Lovely yarn. Sewsable on Ravelry

Rachelle said...

Lovely yarn. Sewsable on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this!

Lisa Christensen said...

such pretty yarn!!!

Kristina Knits said...

I'd love to win this yarn. How great for fall!

kristiknits at gmail dot com

Puppet Princess said...


puppetprincess @ hotmail . com

Rows Red said...

I heard about this contest on G+, what a great give away! I love trying something new.

Harena said...

Pretty Yarn! <3


Kath said...

So beautiful, such a lovely pack. The possibilities are endless!

Overanalyzer: said...


Grandmatutu said...

Wow, beautiful yarn--and beautiful new designs too. (Rav: grandmatutu)

doctorwhy said...

This is the most generous giveaway I think I've ever seen!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a generous giveaway!


daisydeadpetal said...

Would be interested in learning more about this yarn!

Heather said...

Wow, that's gorgeous!

crankystitch at geeklife dot co dot uk . (I'm in the US, honest!)

Mary Beth said...

How fabulous!! YOu are both very generous!! Thanks!


Eileen Brokaw said...

Lovely yarn. I heard about you on Google+!

Anna Johnson said...

An ooohh and an ahhhh from me!! your yarns are beautiful!! Thank you for your giveaway!!!

Sheila said...

Beautiful yarns! Can I win please?

LeAnn said...

Oooh, amazing yarn! Count me in :)

Bonnie said...

Linked here from Google+ knitting circle but now I am going to listen to the podcast for the story! Thanks for the chance at the yarn too.

Clare said...

That purple skein looks luscious! Thanks for the pattern sale!

~Clare (dsudancer on Ravelry)

mgsmith said...

That is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What and awesome giveway! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Me...me...please. Fabulous giveaway! Just so yummy :D

Ravelry ID: knit1felttoo

Meghan Conrad said...

Oh, man--that yarn is *stunning*. What an amazing prize!

(Just in case, I'm meghanmconrad at gmail dot com.)

Anonymous said...

You keep lurring us to more yarn purchases! :)

Dina-Purls said...

Lovely yarn! Hope I can win it :)

dandelion said...

That yarn is so pretty!

sara said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
rav id = smdenbo

kaystir said...

What a charming story and beautiful yarn too! I too have taught knitting to many people. I hope that some of my students have found their happiness through fiber too, just like yours did. :)

Marcia said...

This is such gorgeous yarn - what a generous gift!

Unknown said...

That really is wonderful sounding yarn! :)

(XombieHamster (at) Gmail (dot) com)

froggirl said...

What a gnerous prize - and beautiful yarns!


The Restless Knitter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Restless Knitter said...

Ohh, pick me!! :-D so beautiful. I LOVE the new designs by the way :-)

knicholeknits on ravelry

Jen said...

Sooooo pretty!


Virginia said...

helives_wwjd at yahoo dot com

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