
Alpenglow Yarn Drawing Giveaway!

In Episode 56, I had the pleasure of sharing a story from Carrie Sundra of Alpenglow Yarn about the process of taking yarn from fleece to skein. I had no idea there was so much work involved! Carrie has kindly donated this pile of Alpenglow goodies to this episode's drawing giveaway!

Included in this generous prize are:

-2 skeins of Sporty Corrie in the Ephemar colorway (Red) and a 100g bump of undyed Corriedale Wool roving from her Small Farm line. (Both of these are from the same batch of fiber Carrie talked about in her story!)

-2 skeins of Sylvan Wool in the Starry Night (Blue) colorway from her American Yarn line.

-2 skeins of Peruvian Silke Alpaca in the Boysenberry (Purple) colorway from her Global Yarn line.

Each skein and fiber package have a background story, which Carrie has shared on the labels. 
It's really interesting to find out where everything comes from!

To enter to win this amazing "Alpenglow Sampler", please leave a comment (including contact information) under this post. Only one comment per person please.

The winner will be announced here on September 1, so be sure to check back and see if you have won!

Drawing Now Closed. Winner is Avila! Congratulations! 


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 618   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

You always have the best giveaways!! That yarn is just lovely!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway - such lovely yarn and colors!


Gabriela said...

This is beautiful! what a generous giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!

livinglavidanormal AT gmail DOT com

gowyo said...

What amazing yarn,thanks for the chance to win! You will find me on Ravelry gowyo.

Anonymous said...

I think this fiber and yarn are GORGEOUS! I really love the idea behind the making of her products, and the love and attention that is part of these products. I will be purchasing soon, thanks for bringing this product to my attention. Terry- thrsprc@yahoo.com

Judy said...

I love your new designs and the look of this yarn. Please enter me in the give away.

Lizzie said...

What gorgeous yarn!


Sursi said...

this yarn really wants me to touch it. i want some.

woolly1 said...

Wow, lovely yarn! I'd love to get my hands on it!

Robin Lane said...

Enjoyed listening to the podcast. This yarn is beautiful!!

Judy said...

I love your new designs and the look of yarn. Please enter me in the drawing. Judy from Kansas

Judy said...

I forgot my contact information. Judy from Kansas
jasalmans at gmail dot com

Meg said...

Love the interview

ikkinlala said...

So gorgeous!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Evelyn said...


eam115 AT pitt DOT edu

anne said...

Beautiful!! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!

I'm KitsyBabcock on Ravelry

Jennifer Chase-Rappaport said...

Gorgeous! oh the possibilities...

Lucy said...

New podcast! I must go listen. I love the giveaway!

Emily said...

Lovely yarn!

melcauble said...

I'd love to win that beautiful yarn! I really enjoy the podcast!

melcauble on Ravelry

cksknitter said...

I have so many great ideas for this gorgeous yarn!

LittleEdenMakes said...

Such beautiful yarn! What an amazing prize!

Amanda said...

Super gorgeous yarn! Great giveaway.

nashvegasknitter on rav

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

This yarn is absolutely lovely! Great giveaway!


Dawne said...

such a lovely giveaway ... thank you for the opportunity :)


NightEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NightEagle said...

Beautiful yarn! thanks for the chance!


Robin said...

What a lovely story about how the yarn was made. A wonderful small company. :)

Lumie said...

One of my dear friends Jenmuse gave me some of Alpenglow's sock yarn for Christmas. I love the colors that Carrie gets out of the natural dyes.

Brenda said...

Alpenglow - what a great name!
I hope I win!

(goodstuff on rav)

hmsimoneau said...

Beautiful! I enjoyed her story, too, about the whole process. Looking forward to your book!!
hsimoneau on ravelry
hmsimoneau AT gmail DOT com

Sarah-potterknitter said...

Really enjoyed her story about the farm to needles process. Thanks


Lisa said...

ohhh I love it all - are overseas people allowed to enter? :-)

Kellie said...

Gorgeous! Would love to win.

comradeyarnman said...

this is so beautiful and generous
comradeyarnman on ravelry

crookedknits said...

Wow that is a lot of awesome yarn!


tashbalaz said...

such beautiful colors
tashbalaz on ravelry

Sandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandy said...

Lovely yarn. What a great giveaway. sandbar-at-wowway-dot-com

Dianna said...

They have beautiful yarn!

Emma said...

Love the yarn and the pattern previews. Can't wait to find out how to order the book!


Retrobaby said...

Gorgeous yarn! Love them all, especially the purple.. Fingers crossed!

Rhian said...

Gorgeous yarn. Facinating to hear the process behind the yarn.

Karen said...

Those are beautiful. I so enjoy hearing about small companies like this and seeing their products.

Lucia Polakova said...

That yarn looks so yummy :)


Christina said...

Thanks for the chance!!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I am in love.

rav id: valeriechristine

Catalina said...

I always wanted someone to explain to me how this process works, this was so interesting and informing! Thank you!

theyarnkat on Rav.

natesmate said...

Love it! Beautiful!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous yarn!! Very generous, thank you.


BookGirl said...

Lovely yarn!

BookGirl on Ravelry

Jen said...

Yum! This looks amazing!
Jdkurushima at gmail dot com

nursenikkiknits said...

Gorgeous yarn. Especially love how vibrant the red it!


Nuttygal said...

So pretty. Off to check out the website thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!!!

Cyndi said...

Those are beautiful!

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne said...

That is some good looking yarn! And her story was so interesting. I am expecting my first drop spindle and wool to arrive in the mail during the next couple of days, so everything about spinning catches my attention :)

bampi on ravelry

Jenny T. said...

Lovely yarn and lovely colors! Jenny (jrt35 on Ravelry)

Katie said...

Beautiful yarn!

Strand Family said...

so happy to have stumbled on your blog!! strandlaura @ Yahoo . com

Mermaid Kitten said...

So beautiful!

Kylie said...

Yummy yummy yarn!

pauly said...

I love the yarn, great blog,
pauly81 on Ravelry

T. said...

Beautiful! Thank you!

kaitlin said...

What a great yarn (and a generous giveaway!) Thanks :)


elflyn said...

Oh but it is all too beautiful.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.

itsflts said...

This is such luxurious yarn. Wish I could make yarn from babies to skein.

itsflts on ravelry

vashkita said...

a beautiful prize! mary.kellerman at gmail

sarah said...

beautiful colors!

carolshue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolshue said...

Such beautiful yarns, thank you for sharing Alpenglow!

Anonymous said...

It was great to hear her story!


Clare Carter said...

A very generous and gorgeous giveaway. Loving the colourways especially the purple.

aclarecarter at gmail dot com



LB070 said...

That was a wonderful story. And a very generous giveaway. I too am using regional wools and am growing dye plants. helixyarns@gmail.com

Boya Doon said...

This should be one post only. That was a wonderful story. I too am using regional wools and am growing dye plants. localyarns.blogspot.com

Debbie said...

I would love to win! Debbie H

Nina said...

Oh my, that blue is just lovely! Fingers and toes crossed!

Anonymous said...

The yarn that the listener donated in really nice. I love your podcast, but haven't quite made it to the 56th episode. I am only on episode 12! I hope to catch up soon!

Kaye Prince said...

These yarns look just gorgeous and I would love to try them out! Loved listening to Carrie's story on the podcast too!

grammynan said...

I would enjoy reading that background story on the label of the winning yarns!

kristal135 said...

What lovely yarn and a wonderful story about the yarns creation! I would love to stash this yarn! Kristal135

Biscuit said...

Love the yarn!


Rachel Elizabeth said...



natalie said...

beautiful!!! such vibrant colors....

Alison said...

Oooh! sunnyday on Rav

Anonymous said...

What an awesome story!


Unknown said...

SO lovely!

Jacey said...

Gorgeous yarns and great podcast! Thanks for the chance to win!

Rav: letstry

Jersey Shore Deb said...

The yarn is beautiful and your book sounds awesome!

Karen said...

The yarn is beautiful. Learning about the process is always so fascinating.

camby said...

the story behind the yarn is interesting! would sure love to win!

camby on rav

an ika said...



anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Lisa Cook said...

Love your podcast and I'd love to try this beautiful yarn!

licook at gmail.com

Dr. Smak said...

What a give-away!!

Dr. Smak

Carol said...

I enjoyed the story of how this yarn is made so much! It makes it seem even more precious. I'd love to win it.


anniebananie said...

What a nice package! Thank you for having the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd love to win! My Ravelry username is craftygirl83, and my email is unwindyarncompany@gmail.com.

Laura said...

What lovely colors! I just want to reach out and feel the yarn through the screen.

Jen said...

So pretty!!! I'm going through serious yarn withdrawal (I'm in a forced yarn buying hiatus due to a layoff and returning to school) so I would LOVE to win!!!

Racedogmom said...

Great podcast! Incredible yarn!

DakotaAJ said...

What an awesome gift - I can promise a good home to it!

Denise/CT said...

Thank you for bringing this awesome yarn to our attention. I loved her story and wanted to hear more...more...more.

k2ntrish said...

Beautiful yarns. Thanks for letting us know about another indie.

Unknown said...

So pretty! I've been lusting over alpenglow for months now.


Heston Folks said...

Great podcast! I think I need to check out this yarn.


Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

Gorgeous colour combination!
jfunk5 at gmail dot com

kleggett said...

Loved the story! Would love to try the yarn!

TopHat said...

Ooh! I would love to try these out!

hrfarley at gmail dot com

Boya Doon said...

Beautiful colors! I am growing dye plants in Washington. I haven't been able to post a comment. I hope this isn't a duplicate. I don't think so.
A very generous giveaway. helixyarns@gmail.com

Fran said...

Just gorgeous!

knittinintheburbs @ ravelry

VTwin said...

Very good goodies! I just love having a place to go to see fantastic designs!

kegwarp9 at gmail dot com

Jenny K said...

Wow. What beautiful yarn!

jennykdeboer at gmail dot com

Kristen Rettig said...

Beautiful! What a nice giveaway!

Victoria said...

This is some truly gorgeous stuff. In the off chance that I do win, I really do not want to receive all of this lovelyness. I would rather spread it out among three people, since it seems to be divided that way. Personally I would like either the Sylvan wool or the Peruvian Silke Alpaca, but not the Sporty Carrie and the bump, as I cannot spin. It seems like that should be owned by someone who can really appreciate it.
Anyway, I am at victoriampageATgmail

Chris said...

Gorgeous yarn! Thanks for the opportunity.

LisaK said...

What a fabulous drawing and show. I'm very excited to learn about a new (to me) yarn company.

Qmoab said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qmoab said...

The yarn looks beautiful and the colors are amazing!

qmoab1 at gmail dot com


Katja said...

Wonderful giveaway! Such beautiful yarn!


Anonymous said...

Oh this is all so lovely :)

Anonymous said...

This are all so lovely :)

Natalie said...

I am a knitter from Melbourne Australia and I constantly marvel at the amazing array of yarns you have to hand in north America. Wish I could fly over and go yarn shopping! The Alpenglow yarn prize looks simply gorgeous!



Natalie said...

I am a knitter from Melbourne Australia. I constantly marvel at the amazing array of wonderful yarn you have in your country. The Alpenglow yarn looks absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The yarn looks gorgeous. Would be happy to win.

jhall said...

Wow, what a great prize. Just beautiful yarn. jhall84057@yahoo.com

adodds said...

Wow what a great give away!!! Beautiful yarn always makes me smile and my fingers itch. Anita

Dutchgirl63 said...

Love local, natural dyed yarns!! Love your new book too!!

Debbie Paxton said...

Absolutely gorgeous yarn! Sets the creative mind agog.


C. Ficus Mac said...

Oooooh so pretty!


Krystal said...

Oh wow, I am drooling! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenn said...

Love the yarn, love the Podcast.

Alex said...

Oooh so pretty!


LeeAnn Purtha said...


Anyone would be lucky to get this prize, but I hope I do! =]



jessica said...

Great interview and yummy yarn. Fingers crossed...

Maryse said...

It's true how the colors are vibrant and natural at the same time! Thanks for having me discover these lines of yarn!

JillN said...

What beautiful yarn!

Tara said...

Loved the story of the yarn! Thanks for the giveaway!


rebekah dwyer said...

Just discovered your blog and podcast - love it! Your new book looks great too! I love that there's a knitting community to share a love of knitting and design :-) Rebekah@scruffian.com

KnittySue said...

Beautiful yarn, I've never worked with yarn that didn't come from a store or had a story behind it.
Thanks for the generous giveaway.

KnittySue said...

Beautiful yarn, I've never worked with yarn that didn't come from a store or had a story behind it.
Thanks for the generous giveaway. knittysue20@yahoo.com

Kate Price said...

that is amazing yarn - kateeprice(@)gmail(dot)com

stephigordon said...

Wow! What an amazing and beautiful giveaway! Stephanie indigodogmt on Ravelry

Acipenser said...

Wow what a prize. I love your podcasts. Have fallen behind during summer vacations, but catching up now.
Ravelry id Acipenser

KatieB said...

Beautiful attention to packaging and presentation.

Acipenser said...

hmm, looks like my comments never go through. Sorry if this is a double post. Love the yarn.

Rav ID Acipenser

timothyandreas28 said...

Love the collection, and congrats on the new published book :)

Love the giveaway, too!

frosch at gmail dot com
or Rlynn on Ravelry

rinebird said...

What an amazing Give A Way.

Anonymous said...

Lovely yarn...I know just what to knit with it! :)

Julie said...

Oh, what a generous giveaway! Gorgeous!

Pachie said...

Love the yarn!

Dora Cherry said...

Oh I love it!


Bronwyn said...

How generous! And that yarn is awesome! I just started spinning, too, so that Corrie fiber would be great!

bronwyndp on Ravelry

Lisaknits said...



CeltChick said...

omg,I really need to check you out more often! Want yarny goodies!! Please draw my name, AnnBan on Ravelry or adevineATmywayDOTcom.

Amy said...

Loved the story of from sheep to yarn. Would love to have that yarn in my life! amy_lebeau2@yahoo.com

Susan on Bainbridge Island said...

Alana! I cannot wait to hold your new book, Coastal Knits, in my lap. Wow, what a generous giveaway indeed.
Thank you!


Susan on Bainbridge Island said...

Alana, you've done it again- another generous yarn giveaway! And, I cannot wait to hold your new book, Coastal Knits, in my lap!


Étudiants du cours MSO-60xx said...

what a great podcast: amazing yarn, great patterns, interestingly presented! Thanks, Alana!

Unknown said...

Wow! Love (1)

Anonymous said...

Yummy yummy yarn!

house full of jays said...



Bronwyn Mroz Benson said...

That's beautiful!

lakchi said...

Love these colors just beautiful!

Ursula said...

Gorgeous! Thank you...so generous

Stephanie said...

I loved hearing this story!! And what a generous giveaway. How cool that alpenglow yarns provides a story for each of their skeins =)

I'm "pastvast" on ravelry!

connor said...

connorglak on ravelry

Anonymous said...

What a good name for a yarn! We did a theme party a few years back called Alpengluehen = Alpenglow and are using this theme for our company party this year again. Dirndls everywhere, beer and hiking boots, skiing on the vii, Apres Ski music - the whole thing! :)

That means I need the yarn to make me something for the party! ;)

Unknown said...

Lovely yarn! I'd lve to knit with this yummy looking yarn.
Jenniejava on ravelry.

Jan Bode Smiley said...

Pick me oh omnipotent random number generator, pick me!

Hello said...

It was great to hear how the wool is processed. Would love to see a video!

Lovely yarn.

Unknown said...

Lovely yarn, and I just really like the name Alpenglow.

dilidust said...

As someone who hasnt knitted in years and have taken it back up as I'd like to learn to make some of my own clothes, Im amazed at how much wonderful yarn there is out there and that people are going back to buying where there is a connection with where it came from.

dilidust at iinet dot net dot au

Cathrine McClure said...

I love finding out about new yarns on your podcast. Thank you for your awesome giveaways.

Lori ann said...

how wonderful! thank you so much for the opportunity to win this lovely giveaway!

Lori ann said...



purltherapy said...

Yummy yarn.

RachelUnraveled said...

Lovely yarn!

RachelUnraveled on ravelry

Karen said...

I have been kind of busy lately and haven't had a chance to check your blog until today. Your book Coastal Knits looks delicious!! Your designs are so adorable; I don't know which to start on. I would love to win some of your yarn. Thank you.


Avila said...

What a wonderful collection of yarn!

bng.mochagirl @ gmail.com

Regan said...

Wow. That is some delicious yarn. regan8or@yahoo.com

Lani said...

What a wonderful source for American grown yarn. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I loved listening to the story of the yarn process! Thank you for sharing and for the give away!

Mama Knits said...

Carrie is so good at what she does! Love her yarn & colors.

Juniper Grace said...

Simply delightful!

gracelovescoffee (at) gmail (dot) com

Lisa said...

Thank you for this opportunity to win such fabulous yarn! llmcguire38(at)yahoo(dot)com

Love your podcasts, took awhile to get caught up, but what a great time. Thank you!

Carly said...

So pretty!

Love your podcast. I listen at work, and it's always a treat when I get to hear a new "Never Not Knitting" episode!


Phaye said...

Pretty pretty yarn. Thank you for the chance to win.
phgeiger at comcast.net

livin4fishin said...

What a fabulous prize! Beautiful yarn!


Rosemary said...

wonderful yarn, generousgiveaway and beautiful blog. winner again.

KnittingBlueContent said...

Hi Alana!

It's so exciting to see two local folks in the fiber world team up!

Miss ya,

ajdury on ravelry and twitter
and ajdury (at) yahoo.com

hollyberry knits said...

I so enjoyed the yarn tale! And what a generous giveaway! Thanks for all you do for the knitting world, Alana.

hollyberry knits said...

I so enjoyed the yarn tale! And what a generous giveaway! Thanks for all you do for the knitting world, Alana.

For the LOVE of stash!! said...

Gosh! Such beautiful yarn!

mariposa86 on ravelry

Magrit said...

Huh, what a great giveaway, thanks :)


Keppy Girl Knits said...

I just loved the story of how the fibers go from sheep to skein! That is a LOT of work. Thanks for a chance at winning some of this wonderful yarn.

Tooloosen said...

beautiful yarn! good luck with your new baby

Val said...

Beautiful Yarn!!!!!

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