
Alpenglow Yarn Drawing Giveaway!

In Episode 56, I had the pleasure of sharing a story from Carrie Sundra of Alpenglow Yarn about the process of taking yarn from fleece to skein. I had no idea there was so much work involved! Carrie has kindly donated this pile of Alpenglow goodies to this episode's drawing giveaway!

Included in this generous prize are:

-2 skeins of Sporty Corrie in the Ephemar colorway (Red) and a 100g bump of undyed Corriedale Wool roving from her Small Farm line. (Both of these are from the same batch of fiber Carrie talked about in her story!)

-2 skeins of Sylvan Wool in the Starry Night (Blue) colorway from her American Yarn line.

-2 skeins of Peruvian Silke Alpaca in the Boysenberry (Purple) colorway from her Global Yarn line.

Each skein and fiber package have a background story, which Carrie has shared on the labels. 
It's really interesting to find out where everything comes from!

To enter to win this amazing "Alpenglow Sampler", please leave a comment (including contact information) under this post. Only one comment per person please.

The winner will be announced here on September 1, so be sure to check back and see if you have won!

Drawing Now Closed. Winner is Avila! Congratulations! 


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nubsmom said...

That is gorgeous yarn!

Kristi said...

ohh love!!


Anonymous said...

wow! what a generous giveaway indeed! How lovely!


Little NutMeg Productions said...

What beautiful yarn! and how generous, thanks for the opportunity :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn!

Anonymous said...

Jared Flood had a series of posts about the process of making Shelter. Really neat stuff!

rainberry said...

That yarn is so pretty!


Emily said...

Pretty pretty pretty!

tammy said...

pick me!

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness, that yarn is gorgeous! And now I have a whole pile of new patterns that need yarn to go with them! Can't wait to listen to the story on the podcast ...

littlemaze said...

Thank you for these wonderful drawings - pick me, pick me!!!


Rachel R. said...

What a beautiful prize package!

rkray3 AT yahoo DOT com

Emily said...

Wow, gorgeous stuff!

Sachertort said...

An utterly yummy collection of yarn!


Denise said...

Wow, gorgeous yarn. What a treat that would be.

Lauri said...

Mmm...luscious. :) DalaiMarmot on Ravelry

Marina said...

beautiful yarn!!

mma on rav

Amber said...

So pretty

Melissa said...

Wow! Those are some gorgeous yarns! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! melxcloud on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Home early due to a head cold and delighted to listen to the podcast while I knit away on my Seedling hat! Yarn contest is a total bonus for the afternoon!

Small and Moody said...

Beautiful yarn! Excellent giveaway, thank you!!!

Nancy said...

I love hearing about your adventures and discoveries in the world of yarn! Thank you again!

Julia said...

You must love playing with so much unique yarn! Thank you!

Erin said...

What a beautiful collection! I am violingirl on ravelry.

Kristin said...

Beautiful! Enjoyed the story, too!

knitterlydesigns said...

Such beautiful yarns!

Knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

What an evocative name - Alpenglow Yarn. It brings to mind craggy, snowy peaks and wild mountaing sheep and goats. As lovely as that picture is, the yarn is even lovelier. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Codi said...

Gorgeous yarn, what a generous giveaway! codi(dot)kaji(at)gmail(dot)com

Jill said...

Wow! Amazing! SO gorgeous!!!!

Kerstin said...

I would love to get to know this beautiful yarn as I'm knitting friends with Carrie's mom - which is how I found you Alana :) Thanks for another amazing giveaway!

mike and chenoa said...

Beautiful yarn!

CuteStuffInside said...

It's all so nice, but especially love the boysenberry!

marshadicostanzo at hotmail

Merna said...

The Small Farm concept is enticing, somehow making the yarn more personal. And what gorgeous yarn it is!

Merna said...

Oops, previous comment
Mstrauch at gmail.com

Nemesis said...

Wow, those are gorgeous!


MimiD said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! Please enter me.

mimi.dillman (at) gmail.com

Meantime I couldn't find anywhere if Grandpa allowed a table the following year? And if so, if Carrie had to provide tables enough for all? LOL

Bluenana said...

So smooshy and beautiful! :D

csantisteban [at] gmail

Catie said...

beautiful yarns - and so generous!

Catiecat on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!


Audry said...

Having worked at a wool mill, I full appreciate all the work that goes into making yarn. I was one of the people who got to tie the occasional knot in the yarn when there were breaks. (I hated having to do that)

fadetag13 (at) yahoo.com

Steph said...

wow, lovely yarn & fab giveaway!

Mrs N said...

Pretty yarn!

morganlf21 at hotmail dot com

Chppie said...

Thanks for featuring a local company. Carrie makes beautiful yarn. Glad more people have the opportunity to get it know it.

Megan said...

Thank you for sharing this yarn

Kim said...

The yarn are beautiful! Thanks for a chance to win.

Kelly-ann said...

I love hearing about the origins of the yarn. Thanks for the giveaway!

denise said...

My face would glow with happiness to win this yarn!! Thanks for such great give aways!!

Sherral said...

Lovely yarn!

Rebecca said...

Gorgeous, absolutely beautiful! And even more so after hearing her explanation on the podcast, wow!

rebeccablakeney AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarn! I love the colors! I can see project ideas already!

Kathy said...

Fiberlicious! Who wouldn't love that yarn?!

Unknown said...

This is an incredible giveaway! Thanks & I love your podcast!

vanessarocks AT gmail

Ginny said...

Lovely colours! Yum.

ginnylambda at gmail dot com

Kathy said...

This yarn is stunning, and I love the background story!

sassykrafty on Ravelry

Dr John said...

Beautiful yarn!

Laura B. said...

Loved hearing about this beautiful yarn!

janita said...

That boysenberry silke alpaca has the most amazing texture. it wants to come to my house, i am sure!

Amber said...

Beautiful yarn!! I'd love to give it a home! ;)

Malin said...

What a fabulous prize!


My One and Only said...

I am a spinner! Ladies from my guild started me out with dirty fleece, and so on... Now I know how it is done and have a completely different thought when look for yarn.
Thank you for giveaway!

iris68 on Rav

Sheralynn said...

That is such gorgeous yarn, and oh, the roving looks like it'll be a dream to spin up! x


Emily said...

Haven't used this yarn before, but would love the chance. hosannadog@yahoo.com

alligator said...

Wow! What a great drawing! That yarn is beautiful.

alligator on Ravelry.

Kate said...

What fun! The yarn is gorgeous...several ideas spinning through my head! kates813@gmail.com

sooz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sooz said...

Thank you so much for talking about the fibre companies and the work they do to bring us such great yarn. I've been a long time knitter and I love that there is always more to learn about what happens before it hits my needles.


Adria said...

Beautiful yarn!!!

Sue said...

I loved listening to your episode yesterday. I cannot wait to see all the photos of the new book, and also those adorable baby boy knits too. The wool is simply gorgeous, hope I win!

Ely said...

That is a truly amazing giveaway. Thank you for giving us the chance to win.

craftingcrone at gmail dot com

helena said...


skipeight @t gm@il d0t c0m

Annie Cholewa said...

Such beautiful yarn ... would it cross an ocean I wonder?


Anonymous said...

this is really nice pieces :) kategrn@hotmail.com

Visa Lisa said...

What a prize! I read here all the time, but this time I'm definitely leaving a comment! I wants it! visalisa@gmail

millefeuilles said...

Swoon! Thank you for such a generous giveaway.

Rachel said...

Beautiful yarn and a fun story on how it came about!

themaidenoflight on ravelry

Sarah said...

Beautiful yarn!


Pollie said...

I love those colours. Now what could I knit with that?

Petula said...

I love this gorgeous yarn!

in rav petula1

Rhian Drinkwater said...

Ooh that's pretty!

Unknown said...

lovely yarn and great giveaway!!

sydneypaige said...

Gorgeous yarn, thanks for this chance! Sydney.Cole at gmail.com

Unknown said...

Whoa! What a fantastic giveaway! It's such a lovely idea to add a story of the yarn to the tag. That's just too sweet, isn't it? I'm listening to your podcast right now, while baby Alan is sleeping :)

lilpixie said...

That yarn looks absolutely amazing!

grandmastatus said...

What delicious yarn!
like i need more yarn, but...
actually, you know what?
i need to stop kidding myself with the faking i don't need more yarn thing.
i do need more yarn.
a million.

Tecrin said...

Gorgeous yarn!

neffalathiel at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

That yarn looks so soft and cuddly - I just want to squeeze the purple. gail.dunkle@gmail.com

Sara said...

Those are such lovely, rich colors!

Liz said...

LOVE the colors!

Michelle said...

very beautiful yarn....love the colors.
RAV: Mickerr

denvani said...

very nice


Monica said...

what a beautiful prize! I would love this!

Mar said...

Beautiful yarns, I really want to be the winner
marayala72 at gmail dot come

Kristina said...

This is a so generous! I love that there is a story behind each yarn.
bourbongirl on ravelry

Kitty Couture said...

What a generous giveaway. The yarn looks gorgeous and so vibrant.
(I am Kittystitches on ravelry)

memphish said...

So pretty. And so generous.

Toby said...

Very generous donation and the colors are so pretty!

0ctober on Ravelry
octoberp at gmail dot com

Jane said...

Beautiful yarn!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Love the yarn! mperezlope@aol.com

sew nancy said...

Pretty colors. Would love to try them out.
Whitepaws2at gmail

penelope10 said...

Love to be in this wonderful giveaway! Luscious!

Manda - Handmade with Love said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manda - Handmade with Love said...

So pretty!! Thanks for sharing...


Moa said...

Such a fabulous giveaway! The yarn is absolutely gorgeous and who wouldn't want to win that :)

moa.hornfeldt [at] hotmail.com

norabrown said...

This yarn is new to me. I'll have to look for it.

norabrown on Ravelry

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

Such lovely colors. Thank you for the give-away!


Anne said...

How lovely!

Donna said...

Lovely yarn! What a generous giveaway!

Jen said...

Wow - interesting yarn! Never heard of it, but now my curiosity is piqued!

jenmason on Ravelry

Anna Sunnyknits said...

Amazing yarn!

rldelponte7 said...

beautiful yarn and very interesting story!

That Clever Clementine said...

What a deliriously delicious prize! Very, very generous indeed ....

Unknown said...

What beautiful yarn! And so interesting to see the story behind it as well


Lynn said...

Lovely,lovely yarn!
lynnpwatson(at) yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

MotherHenKnits said...

Beautiful yarn!

Lydia said...

what an amazing give away-lydia1986@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Leaving comments has not been easy. Maybe this time it will work.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely collection of yarn. Thank you for such a wonderful and generous giveaway :)

irishshammrocks said...

Love love love!! irishshammrocks(@)yahoo(.)com

Whitney said...

Love it!!! Rav ID whitsknits

Jennifer said...

I've just starting spinning and preparing wool for spinning. It is a lot of work! But what a rewarding process.

Kim said...

Beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity.

kanani said...

How wonderful! Fingers crossed.

kanani on ravelry

Leah said...

So nice would love to win. Thanks

Katie B said...

please enter me


Libby said...

These are beautiful colors!

luvlibb on ravelry

andrea kiss said...

Beautiful yarns! Its so neat that they come with their own story printed right on the label.


pickledpurls said...

very pretty yarn.

pickledpurls on ravelry

loonyhiker said...

I would love a chance of winning this!!

Pat (loonyhiker@charter.net)

Rae Lynne said...

What a great giveaway! Beautiful colors and I'd love to have the opportunity to try my hand at spinning.

Raelynne01 on Rav

LynnIL said...

Really beautiful yarn! Would love a chance to win this generous giveaway!
LynnIL ravelry

Lori said...

such a beautiful, beautiful giveaway! ldhandelman{at}gmail[dot]com

Rebecca said...

Gorgeous yarn! I would love to win, but i'm always never ot winning! rebecca6923 on Ravelry

Georgiedean said...

Please let me win!

georgiedean on ravelry

Silvia M. said...

I was not familiar with this yarn. It's lovely!

meppybn said...

This is a new yarn to me, so great to see such depth of colour too :) k1w1@olypen.com

Suburban prep said...

I haven't heard of this yarn company. The yarn looks fantastic. Such vibrant colors in the red and the blue the purple is so royal.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Liz said...

That blue is beautiful!

lizsto at gmail dot com

Carolina said...

Gorgeous colors!

Kerry said...

Beautiful yarn! Thank you for another great giveaway.
kerrymarkin@ gmail.com

SnohoTina said...

What yummy yarn. Hope I win.


a day in the life of a davis said...

Need More Yarn!

harriet said...

That is some scrumptious yarn. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Lou Harmon said...



Judy Gvili said...

Ohhhhh! What I could do with this yarn!


Sabra said...

Would love to work with this yarn.


rav id - SabraB

Rachael said...

What an absolutely amazing giveaway!

Margo said...

Wow! Great giveaway!

rsvp2moi at gmail dot com

sharmylae said...

what a giveaway!

supersharmie at gmail dot com

katherinelynn_04 said...

Beautiful colors!
katherinelynn04 on rav

C. said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks to Alpenglow Yarn for the opportunity to try their products.
I never heard about it before, but it seems to be a good company with beautiful yarns (I love the small farm concept, to buy from small independent farms...); I'll keep it in mind for my next yarn order. Thanks for letting us discover this!


Orli said...

Absolutely lovely, what a generous donation!

Anonymous said...

2nd Post cast I've listened to! Great job! The yarn is gorgeous!!

RRM said...

I always love every give-a-way you have, maybe I will be lucky this time.

Delly Bean said...

Thanks for sharing this yarn both on your blog and on your podcast. I am very nervous of superwash yarns so I get very excited when someone lets me know about environmentally friendly and sustainable products for me to knit with.

Emily said...

Beautiful yarn!

I'm BookcaseHat over on Ravelry.

ginger2kd said...

Loved Carrie's story--so real.

Jandy said...

Beautiful yarn! Thanks for the chance to win it. I'm cowgirl92 on ravelry.

Nicole said...

I would love to work with this yarn!


Alane said...

What a great story, and it all started with lessons from you!


Debora said...

Wow, these are beautiful colors! I would love to have them!


cindymen said...

What a wonderful story ... I would love to touch that beautiful yarn!


Heather said...

How lovely, and I love the idea of the story of the skein on the band. And those colors are amazing!

muppetfeet on Rav

Mikaela said...

Oh my godness!! These yarns look absolutely gorgeous! I would love to get a chance at winning them!!


Jodi said...

Oh, looks fantastic! This is my first time hearing about Alpenglow.

rav: caffeinatedyarn

adrienne said...

That is a lovely red!

cllcraft said...

Beautiful yarn! Great giveaway!

A. said...

such pretty yarns!

LeAnn said...

Stunning! Thanks for the opportunity.

chupacabra on Ravelry

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

What lovely colors!

Sally said...

So Lovely. I just want to pet the yarn

Katie said...



TLGWebster said...

YUMMY!! I can feel that yarn now and I'm imaginging all the awesome things I could knit!! :)

Emily said...

Gorgeous! Love the purple!

Cakefortwo said...

*swoon* that blue and purple are to die for! I'd love to enter! :-D

Evelyn said...

I'm already imagining what I can make with those gorgeous skeins!

Anonymous said...

This is so pretty.

Judi A. said...

Ohhh...what a wonderful package foe a giveaway. Thank you for your generosity!

Zowmom on Ravelry

she knits said...

How gorgeous is this yarn, such a lovely giveaway :0)
Love mel x
womaninashoe on ravelry

lilyknits said...

This yarn looks so lovely!

ExecutiveKnitter said...

This yarn looks yummy! Pick me!

dixiestitches said...

Beautiful yarn and love the stories. It's like reading a J. Peterman catalog!

Betsy said...

How beautiful. Would love to try this yarn.

Sarah said...

The yarn is gorgeous. Sarahsparkle on Ravelry :)

Thanks for your fabulous give-aways!

Anonymous said...

Carrie is great. I really enjoyed talking with her at Stitches and her yarns are beautiful. Her fleece comes from farms in an area that I ABSOLUTELY adore. We're even getting married in that area!

Kathy (bigblueice on Ravelry)

paigely said...

oooh, how beautiful! what an incredibly generous giveaway :crosses fingers and toes and my daughters pigtails:

Kamigaeru said...

That yarn looks scrumptious!!! (Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

lorraine said...

eek! thats some gorgeous yarn..i know one day im going to win!!

Jen said...

Oh oh oh, me please! Those are glorious!

Anna said...

So pretty! Love that yarn! charis_channah17 AT hotmail DOT com

Bonnie said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thanks so much for having it. The yarn is gorgeous.

SV said...

So beautiful. and I love your podcast!

tristadav said...

Lovely yarns and I really like a back story.

Contact by Ravelry message to 'Trista23' if I'm the luck winner. Thanks!

Sheryl said...

very generous giveaway!!


Valerie said...

Such beautiful colors.

Jenlyn said...

lovely yarn!

jc184304 (at) ohio (dot) edu

knitgirl said...

This is beautiful yarn in beautiful colors!

Sally said...

I loved Carrie's story. The yarn is lovely, and I admire her integrity.

Zeddy said...

Awesome prize!


Em said...

Oh wow I would love to get my hands on that lovely yarn!

EverythingOldEm on Ravelry

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