
It's Back

I recently ordered a new little something...

Do you know what this means?

That is right.. The podcast is returning!

Season 7 will be starting up soon!


by Annie Claire said...

eeeek! can't wait :)

kaystir said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! Missed you, I am glad you decided to come back!

Unknown said...

Brilliant, brilliant news!! It will be so good to have you back again :-)

Unknown said...

Whoot! Nice job. I'll be excited to be listening again.

Maria said...

Yaaaaaayy!!! I'm dancing around here in Norway! I have missed you!

Truly Myrtle said...

whoop! whoop!
So exciting!

Alane said...

Makes my day!

jillian said...

YAY!!!!! cant wait :D

Anonymous said...

Woooo!!! I'm so excited!! Can't wait to hear what your are up to =)

Hind DP said...

So glad, can't wait!

Diane said...

Great News! Can't wait!!

joan said...

Great news...I've missed you"

PixelatedMushroom said...

Yay! Great news! Make sure you don't overdo things for yourself tho :)

Sharon said...


Suzanne said...


GerryART said...

Fantastic ! ! ! !
Very good news!

aliasrlene said...

poGreat News! I am sooooo happy about your return. Woo Hoo!

Unknown said...

Oh my god I am so thrilled to hear this!!! I've listened to almost all of your past episodes in your absence & can not wait to hear a new one! Hooray!!!!!

Julie said...

I was just thinking about your podcast this morning and wondering when it would return. I'm so happy that it will be so soon!

Betsy said...

Yippee. Can't wait.

JelliDonut said...

I recently purchased Coastal Knits and I think it's glorious! Can't wait to hear your podcasts.

AnnetteB said...


Jessica said...

I'm doing a happy dance!!!

Judiuni said...

Awesome! I have missed you and can't wait to hear from you again.

polkaknits said...

Yoohoo! What a great news!

stacyb said...

So happy!!! I've missed your podcast so much! So much infact that I have been known to listen to older episodes :)

Annette said...

Wow, great news!

Evelyn said...

Amazingly enough, I just started to listen to your podcasts - I know, I'm late to the podcast world - and am enjoying them so much! I'm up to episode 5 so I have a lot of catching up to do ... Oh, that's episode 5 from 2009!

Monica said...

Oh That is soooo exciting! Can't wait!

nicole said...


Sabrina said...

Yaaaaay!! We've missed you! Super excited to hear the podcast again :)

Maryse said...

Yé, dancing in Canada! I really look forward to listening to Season 7!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yay!!! It's the only knitting podcast I like!!

penelope10 said...

Oh, wow! Really glad to hear that Alana!

owlmazingmakes said...

all i have to say is...YES!!!

Tina said...

I can't wait!! YIPPPEEEEE

Cate said...

Yay! Something to listen to while I'm delivering my mail. :)

Cinnamon said...

So excited!!!! Yay!

Lori said...

HOORAY! WOO-HOO! *dances with excitement* YAY!!!

Lisa said...

Oh happy day, oh happy day! You were my first podcast ever. I've been hoping for this day for such a long time and can't wait. Whoo hoo!

quiltercaroline said...

Wonderful news - missed you.

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...


annamae said...

Yay! you just made my day! I can't tell you how much I've missed your podcast. It was my favorite and while I totally understood your reasons for a break I really really missed it!

neilsnana said...

Glad to see you back!

rinebird said...

I love your microphone.I can't wait to hear you.I would love "grandmother" knitting.Grandmother's taught most of us..& mom's too.
rinebird on Rav