
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 87 : All The Colors

Episode 87


Enter to win a copy of 150 Scandinavian Motifs by Mary Jane Mucklestone (provided by Interweave Press)  as well as four skeins of Limited Edition Blacker Yarns Westcountry Tweed (provided by Blacker Yarns) by leaving a comment with your contact information under this post by February 15th. Only one comment per person please. There are two identical prize sets to give away... so two winners will be announced in Episode 88!

Thank you for listening!


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Hind DP said...

I loved Mary Jane's story. Thank you for the giveaway.
Mamamustknit on Ravelry

Judy said...

This podcast gives me hope that I can knit fair Isle! Thank you..

Betsy said...

Beautiful book....I'd love to make something out of this yarn for my husband...he's from the UK!

grammie2maddie - rav

Mingu said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I'll be dreaming of it! Thanks for the amazong podcast!
Ravelry: JohnSunday

Mingu said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I'll be dreaming of it! Thanks for the amazong podcast!
Ravelry: JohnSunday

Tlobner said...

Alana, Enjoyed the episode. So glad your son is loving handknits now! :)
Thanks for offering this wonderful giveaway and sharing about this new-to-me yarn company.

tlobner on Ravelry

cindymen said...

Love the podcast! I would love to try the book and yarn.
Cindymen on Ravelry

outi o said...

What a fun episode!
Ah, British wool. nothing like it.
The description was poetic!

Anonymous said...

Great episode. Love the Perennial Hat, adding it to my Ravelry Queue.

Sabrina said...

Ooooh! I'd love to try some colorwork. I've been dying to do it for the longest time, but haven't taken the leap. This looks like an awesome prize!


Rimfrost said...

i'm so looking forward to listen to the next episode on my bus ride to work tomorrow! Scandinavian motifs from another point of view sounds interesting to a Swedish knitter!

Sheila said...

Looking forward to listening to this episode during an hour-long drive this afternoon. And would love to win this book and yarn! I've heard such wonderful things about Blacker yarn, but have yet to see any in real life.
SheilaOKeefe on Rav

chetpaca said...

First time listener! LOVE IT!

Ravelry: chettispaghetti

TKidd said...

Thank you for the great podcast and I LOLed through Mary Jane's story. I am a knitter, crocheted and quilter. I am TKidd on ravelry.

bingoblab said...

Listened to your podcast this morning! Great job. The yarn giveway with the book looks great

honkcronk on Rav

MollyMovieNight said...

It looks like I learned stranded knitting just in time! ;)

Sylvia - twinkletips on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

Mary Jane's story was wonderful. I hope I have an easier time learning to knit Fair Isle colorwork - the book & yarn would be a great place to start!
Rav ID: brbmom

PenCraft said...

Love Blacker yarns. Very cool giveaway!

Rachel Godfrey said...

Hi, thanks for the giveaway! I'm Knitlikewoah on Ravelry :-) Rachel

seaside sue said...

Just listened to your podcast. I really enjoyed it :) Would love to be lucky & win some of the yarns. Fingers crossed x

Anonymous said...

The yarn and the book look like the perfect reasons for me to try color work.

aprilflowers said...
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aprilflowers said...

I'm so happy to hear that your son is warming up to being photographed in your handiwork. He's so adorable! Liveknitup on Ravelry.

nannette said...

I really want to try my hand at doing some colorwork, and the book looks lovely.

nannette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spawn of Elvis said...

I love listening to all the personal stories on your podcast. Thanks!

Karen said...

Great episode (as usual) and super-great giveaway. Thank you.
yourmomsays (on Ravelry)

Holli said...

Love your podcast, Alana!

Holli (aka hadams on Rav)

Unknown said...

One of my goals this year is to do some Norwegian style knitting, most probably starting with mittens. This set would inspire me to get started right away. Beautiful - and I love what Mary Jane Mucklestone creates.
Terriglo on Ravelry

sconelady said...

Just loved the story by Mary Jane M.
very inspiring.

Sally said...

Lovely podcast and great giveaway. I can't believe I don't have any MJM books! I love color knitting.
MuddyMoose on Rav

vickyknit said...

Thanks for a chance to win such a wonderful prize. Great episode, I enjoy listening to all of your knitting adventures!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this lovely yarn to may attention. And for keeping me company in the car. I always appreciate your podcast, and hope you are feeling all the way better now! (bysarah on ravelry)

anita said...

Wow! I'd love to try this color knitting work!
Ana malhadeira on Ravelry

Unknown said...

This yarn looks yummy. Keeping my fingers crossed. Great episode as always.

Unknown said...

I always find colourwork to be magical - colours flowing through each hand and miraculously coming together to create beautiful designs.

caitlinestelle on Ravelry

Jess said...

I tend to avoid ordering anything from the UK because of the exchange rates, haha, but I have been wanting to try some Blacker yarns badly!!!

Rav: sushipie

Ericacr said...

This has to be the best podcast leave-a-comment prize ever!

Diane said...

Your son, in that vest, is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It is so....grandpa chic! As usual, enjoyed the knitting story this episode!

Anonymous said...

Just spent a lovely afternoon spinning and listening to your latest episode :) Also looking forward to participating in the Alana-Along! So fun.

Ravelry: WoolenGrace

quilterknitter said...

I've never seen this yarn before. Beautiful colors. The Motif book looks wonderful also. Thanks.

bookagent said...

This prize looks fabulous! Love the podcast.
Rav Id ROCknit

Allison Funk said...

Please count me in! The yarn sounds so lovely! Wool is just the best :)

On Ravelry as: KansasPrairieGal

Brenda said...

The yarns look amazing. Thanks for a great giveaway. Ravelry Id is Goodstuff.

Unknown said...

I love the stories about knitting tales. I am CnitterCatey on ravelry.
Knit Pretty!

D. said...

Sweet! I love tweed!


Pharmagurumi said...

Just started listening to your podcast. Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

strid8 said...

Great episode (I loved your story on your son's sweater vest; there is something so adorable about a 'little old man' sweater for a toddler)! I loved Mary Jane's story! Have you ever heard of Felicity Ford, aka Felix? She does the Knitsonic.com podcast. She also just published a book on stranded color work. Very interesting.

Zoë said...

Thank you for another fun episode. Loved hearing Mary Jane's story. I also wanted to share that I bought Annie and The Swiss Cheese Scarf for my 2 1/2 year old daughter this Christmas and it is in regular rotation at bed and nap time. Such a wonderful book. Thank you! ~ Zoë (EspressoBean on Ravelry)

Charlynn Gimenez said...

Hi Alana! I am a return listener to your podcast having listened years ago when I really had no idea about the whole knitting/podcast world and I'm delighted to find you again! I listened to your episode 87 and loved it... I'm sure I will be spending the next few days catching up on past episodes as much as I can!

RunnerJudy said...

I want to learn to knit all the colors too! Thanks for the podcasts...I enjoy them so much! Hope you are feeling better!

Ravelry name: RunnerJudy

Camanoah said...

Lost track of your podcast as I mostly use iTunes. Glad to have found it again. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize package.
Rav ID: Camanoah

Unknown said...

Luv luv luv the yarn colors! I am a color work virgin, but a gal has got to start somewhere.

I am mountaintopknit on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness your wonderful. Thank you for blessing us all. Fair isle is my next challenge. Graceandlove3 on ravelry

m. said...

I love standed knitting and I have browsed Mary Jane's earlier book in the library.

Thank you for fun episode! After Mary Jane I had forgot your "new" voice and it took me half a second to realize who was speaking ;)

-Mervi- on ravelry

rebekah dwyer said...

Ooh lovely combination if yarn and book, great giveaway!
Rav: scruffian

Unknown said...

Love your podcast
HFStanush on ravelry

Rosemary said...

I am always so inspired after listening to your podcast. Than you.

Liesl said...

What a lovely collection of colors and a fabulous book!

Ellen said...

I love Mary Jane. I was lucky enough to take a class with her on Andean intarsia, which was mind-blowing. She's a great teacher.

This is an amazing giveaway - thanks for the chance to win!

shpizl on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I love Mary Jane and color work. Wish my LYS carried Blacker yarn, it looks amazing. knitterjo2 on Ravelry

handsoccupied said...

I've wanted to add a Scandinavian book to my knitting library forever! (Handsoccupied on Ravelry)

k2ntrish said...

I love your son's sweater, and think the color's great.
hotknitter on rav

Jane S. said...

Another great Podcast! So many cool yarns and patterns, and the giveaway is wonderful too. :) Thank you!

CeeJay41 on Ravelry

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed!

ally-klayr on ravelry

claire said...

Ahhhh Fairisle…….dreamy and yes MJM is a real inspiration!

hope you are feeling better :-)

clairestarrs on Rav

Unknown said...

I am a newish knitter and so glad to have found your podcast. Would love to be in the running for one of these lovely prizes! Thank you and I hope you are all feeling better soon! I am Tesamary on Ravelry or my email is birdnerd1@hotmail.com

GDean said...

Oh, I love this tweed look of the yarn.

Unknown said...

When I was in high school, I stayed a month in Plymouth, Devon, visited the moors, and spent a day in Cornwall, which is breathtakingly beautiful. The description of the Blacker Yarns conjured up so many memories. I would love to knit with these yarns, and try my hand at Fair Isle. After listening to Mary Jane Mucklestone's story, I want to try! Thank you for the chance. Arielle or alaPenelope on Ravelry

Kirstian M said...

I love the podcast! One of my goals for this year is to learn colorwork and do a project! These yarns are gorgeous!
Rav Id: KniteeNurseMcgee

Kirstian M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joan blondina said...

Wow, lovely prize!

JoanBlondina on Rav

Dhampyr Purl said...

Great to hear stories from Mary Jane about her steps into knitting life.

Unknown said...

I have loved your podcast for awhile now but this is the first time I'm entering eeeppp! So excited for many more episodes to come!!

Unknown said...

Hi, I love MJ's work and I have her Fair Isle book. This would be a great book to win! I always enjoy your podcast and hearing what you're up to.

tashbalaz said...

I can't wait to meet Mary Jane at SSK this year. I am hoping to take a class with her. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Also, I am knitting a repeat knit of your designs for the Alana-along. I love my Adult Spring Garden Tee, I had to make another.
tashbalaz on ravelry

larajean1 said...

Just found this blog and quite enjoying! Thanks. larajean1@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Just discovered knitting podcasts and found you. I live in Anchorage, AK and was very excited to hear about Mary Jane Mucklestone in Cordova. That is stirring the need to make a trip to Cordova. Thanks for your podcasts. I can still be connected with "knitting" even while I'm working at my "real" (ugh) job!

Unknown said...

I love your blog, podcast and your patterns. A great give away too. If I don't win this book will go on my wish list. Thanks

hilljs said...

Great podcast! Listening to Maryjane Mucklestone was interesting. I'd love a copy of her book.

kh76sp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kh76sp said...

Never did color work before.e maybe I need this. Ctrunek on rav

-amy said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. Really enjoyed hearing the authors personal story. Thanks for the chance to win a great gift!
amypink11 on rav

Kristina Jensen said...

Just found your blog... looking forward to finding out more, and - being a Scandinavian Knitter - would love to win the book :-)
knitted regards from Kristina

LizC said...

I love yarns with a story, and these come from an area of the UK where I've spent many happy holidays.

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, I will have to come back and listen!! I have used blacker yarns they are really lovely to work with, I got to see samples of the tweeds while at a wool show in harrogate Uk in September. They are lovely colors!
thank you, Gail :)

Lori said...

The interview with Mary Jane was certainly a treat! Great podcast, as always, I'd love to get my hands on some of that yarn!

Alreadtknitting said...

I love the podcast especially the knitting stories. I have made a couple of your patterns and they were really great to follow. Would love to try some fairilse knitting one day. Alreadyknitting on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Alana - I love all your podcasts and this one is no exception! The Westcountry Tweed looks and sounds scrumptious. I hope you randomly pick & announce me, especially as 88 is my lucky number! Thank you very much, Olga

Unknown said...

I love your podcast! I am participating in the Alana-Along with the 2 Knit Lit Chicks, so I'm happy to see my two favorite podcasts working together.

- Snowmeltknits on Rav

Anna said...

Learning english while listening to a wonderful knitting story. Thank you for the podcast.

Unknown said...

This was my first time listening and I'm totally hooked! You do such a great job with your layout of the show. Can't wait till the next episode!

Rav ID gretster8

Unknown said...

Another great episode, Alana! I loved Mary Jane's story!

MisKnitz on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

I love color work and I am excited to check out this new book!

Jenni Lou said...

Just happened across the podcast...awesome! Thank you!

Leeann said...

I just went and looked at Mary Jane Mucklestone designs. Impressive! Your podcast keeps me company on the way to work each morning. Thank you.

Haze said...

Great podcast, love the guest stories

Ravid: hazysummers

Olive said...

pretty! onatt on Rav

Jen said...

My daughter just discovered your site! Can't wait to hear about all she learns from the podcasts! (Did I mention she's 11 and taught herself to knit last year?)

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter. I never win anything but I love those colors! Keeping my fingers crossed... Roxanna360 on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

The Scandinavian designs are just beautiful and I would love that book to choose my first real color work project.

Unknown said...

I listened to this episode whilst in hospital with my premie baby - thank you so much for a ray of sunshine in fairly miserably surroundings! The Blacker Yarns sound amazing, I will have to look them up!

Caryn said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for sharing and I hope I win!

janine said...

I would love to win this giveaway! My rav name is janineny2001.

karen said...

Thanks for a great giveaway :) I'm swanski on rav.

GayleT said...

Liked hearing Marys story!thanks for the giveaway :)
gayletorrey on Rav

Nicky said...

What a fantastic giveaway !
I would love love love to win this :)
Thank you so much Alana
nnzknitter on Rav

Debra said...

Great show. Wish I could attend the Lantern moon retreat.

deblyn153 on RAV

Unknown said...

New to your podcast, and I love it. I am downloading all the older episodes and am slowly catching up by listening to them during my breaks at work an, of course, while knitting. I especially love the listener's stories!
secowi13 on RAV

Frankly Beka said...

I was looking at that book just last week. It piqued my interest because my family has roots in the viking lands (i.e. Scandinavia).

franklybeka on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Thanks for a great episode! LizzieH on rav

Unknown said...

Thanks for another amazing episode!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful price! And as usual a great show!

I'm JohannaSkoog on Ravelry.

Ginny said...

I always listen to your podcast while I fold laundry. :) I would love to win this yarn!

Catherine said...

What an inspiring book! I'd love to win.

katie.constance said...

Love this episode!

kboeckman said...

I can't wait to see how your son's cardigan turns out!

Unknown said...

oh color work! I've never done it but I will learn this year! Its on my list for-sure

Christine said...

I always love the podcast. Thanks for the great giveaway.
karenina4777 on Rav

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I enjoyed the story from Mary Jane Mucklestone this week.

Knitterchow said...

The yarn sounds wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to try the yarn AND get a book by Mary Jane Mucklestone! Extremely generous prize.

Knitterchow on Ravelry

wrightbraingraphics said...

Great episode as always!

Ana said...

Would LOVE to win this! My 2015 personal challenge is color work and I've already become addicted! Thank you for the opportunity....
Ana - anahuron@gmail.com

Sarah Shafer said...

Love the podcast! Thanks for having this designer on. I like the idea of color work but never seem to have the bravery to try it.

JulieV said...

Yes to Fair Isle!! Love this giveaway. (RavID: JulieKnits17)

Anonymous said...

I would be unpatriotic of me, with Swedish heritage, not to enter this contest! LOVE knitting!

LBrown8655 said...

Thanks for another great episode. Please enter me in this wonderful prize drawing. I would love to win!

Silkesauen said...

What a nice give away! I have never tried the Westcountry Tweed-yarn, and it seems perfect for a mitten pattern I have in mind. If I win, my plan is to give the book to a dear knittting friend of mine. I come from Norway, and Mucklestone's book is really a treasure to share.

Unknown said...

Great give-away! My Ravelry nick is Kejbica.
Best! Katja

Chrissy said...

I love listening to your show while knitting!

Collielove said...

Alana, thank you so much! I'm new to your podcast!

Robin V said...

Enjoyed this episode, and hope that by now (yes, I'm rather behind) your voice is back to normal.

Mary Jane Muckleston's comments were delightful. Thanks for the giveaway!

RobinV on Ravelry

Unknown said...

My first time listening to your podcast. Thank you. You are entertaining informative and professional. Not an easy mix.

Unknown said...

Wonderful show...I enjoyed hearing about MaryJane Mucklestone and how she entered in the knitting world, it is so addicting and fun!

Andrea said...

Aw, thanks for a great listen!
(andreatl on Rav)

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