
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 89 : The Sentimental Knitter

Episode 89


Enter to win this beautiful  "Big Woods Shawl Kit" from Little Skein in the Big Wool by leaving a comment below with your contact information by April 15th. Only one comment per person please. The winner will be announced in Episode 90!

Thank you for listening!


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Klaine said...

What a wonderful prize you are giving away!
Love your podcasts, though it took me some time to find out how I can listen to it. :)

Klaine said...
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C. said...

This price is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.
CecileinIndiana on Ravery

Oneday Designs said...

I would love to win this for my Grandaughter. She loves her Annie and the Swiss Cheese scarf book so I know that she would like this also. Thanks for the chance to win.

Julierose said...

Oh that is the cutest bag and giveaway--thanks for the chance hugs, Julierose

Dawn said...

Little House in the Big Woods is one of my favorites. Anne from Little Skein has really put together a beautiful kit to honor that book. Thanks for sponsoring this give-away for it.

Zhenalinde said...

The Laura Ingalls Wilder series was my favorite series as a child, and I still go back and re-read them as comfort reads several decades later. Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful kit!

Sarah said...

Oh! I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to read Little House with me!

Unknown said...

I would love this kit! My three girls all have a winter and summer Prairie dress and sunbonnet! We are planning a trip to DeSmet, SD this summer. This is the last place the family lived. Thanks for telling us about Little Skein in the Big Wool. Albrofamily@centurylink.net

Unknown said...

I loved these books as a kid (actually, I still do). What a great giveaway, thanks.

abbie said...

What a wonderful kit, the Little House books were my favorite, and I can't wait until my daughter is old enough for them! Rav ID abbien

Spring said...

What a LOVELY bunch of goodies!

Redrose_blackribbon said...

What a neat idea!
I'm serialknitter07 on Ravelry

Leanne said...

As a lover of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books, I'd love to enter your give away.

Harmony said...

I love your podcast. Thank you for the wonderful prize on offer.

Kristen said...

Awww, I loved those books when I was a girl (along with the Anne of Green Gables series). :)

Globalite on Ravelry

Carli said...

I am in love with her shop and the whole concept of book/knit kits! Little house books are my favorite! Thank you for the chance to win!

Delighted Hands said...

I love to share the book with my grand daughter and now we could knit together with it! Brilliant! Thanks for the giveaway!

Teri said...

This is such a wonderful give-away! Love, love, love Little House in the Big Woods. Thank you for being so generous.
tmr714 on Rav

Monica said...

My favorite series when I was young. Such a lovely kit! Knock on wood!

Monica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kemper said...

I loved the Little House books when I was a kid, so this would be a great way to reminisce :)

LindaR said...

I've been watching the Little House on the Prairie with my daughter. Great series! thank you for a great prize!
lindarumsey on Ravelry

Jacque Clements said...

Oh what a great giveaway! First time listener, but it will not be my last! I would love to win for my niece who so loves Little House Series

Tracey said...

This kit is AWESOME! You haven't knit with plucky? Oh my gosh are you in for a HUGE treat! Her yarn is wonderful. I hope i win this kit. The bag, yarn, markers, pattern oh my! Thanks so very much for the opportunity to win!! I'm tbmccarthy on ravelry.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic give away! I am so excited about these kits as well. I will definitely be purchasing one even if I don't win this one. Thanks!

Nicky said...

That is such a wonder giveaway !
thank you so much for the chance to win.

nnzknitter on Rav

Suburban prep said...

Growing up I was a total Little House fan. Still am for the most part. This is a wonderful kit. I would love to be included.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Jane S. said...

When I was a girl, the Little House series and The Secret Garden were my favorite books...well, they still are, for the most part! The kits sounds like such fun, thank you for telling us about them. I am really looking forward to seeing those kits!

janers41 on Ravelry

kleggett said...

I live in Mankato, MN and work in the children's library, I need this kit!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great podcast. The kits looks amazing and I know who to share it with!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is an amazing kit! My daughter is so into all things Laura right now. She just got a prairie dress for her birthday two weeks ago. I love all the thought and planning that went into this.

Kathy said...

Would love to win some Little House related items!

Unknown said...

I would love to win for my niece - thanks!
ravid: boilerup

Heidi said...

I met Anne at Stitches West 2015 in the Western Sky Knits booth - she was lovely! Her kits are great - I'd love to win one :-)

widmerpool said...

I read the Little House books countless times when I was young. What a special kit this is.

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

I'd love to win this kit. I've never read the book.
Lmecoll on Ravelry

carol said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize; Anne comes up with such great kit ideas! Enjoy your podcast--Carol, ceejay on Rav

seestephykint said...

I have never read any of the Little House books, but loved Anne of Green Gables. I might have to do a read along with my cousin's baby girl when she is old enough. Thank you for the chance for the win.
seestephyknit on ravelry

n2n said...

Little House! A beloved series. Thanks for the chance on such a pretty giveaway!
n2n on Ravelry

Kaarina said...

Thanks for an awesome podcast! Love all your patterns!

kaijaknits2 on Ravelry

Christina said...

When I was a little girl,the Little House books were my favorites. I read the whole series several times and read them to my little girls too. I have just discovered your podcast and I love it!

Unknown said...

Oh, Laura Ingalls Wilder...so love that series. I now live in my own Little House in the Big Woods, the Maine North Woods Thanks for a great prize

Swenstea on Ravelry
Fiber Trek Podcast.

Unknown said...

what a lovely prize!!!

JulieV said...

Love the series, and not its part of knitting!! Love hearing about new things.

Carla said...

I adore everything that Anne does!

weirdoccurrencemagnet said...

I grew up in SD, so I was pretty much required to read the Little House books. Thanks for the podcast!

Karen said...

Would love to win this beautiful prize. I always look forward each month to your show.

Anonymous said...

Oh my... this is possibly my favourite yarn/book kit ever? I can't believe you're offering this as a giveaway :) Eternally grateful! Enjoyed your recent episode and looking forward to your new Secret Garden shawl design.

WoolenGrace on Ravelry

Mrs. MacKenzie said...

I would love to win this adorable prize.
pmack17 on rav

little Bean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisaknits said...

Wonderful as always
lasknit2 on ravelry

little Bean said...

This prize is too delicious. I also pretended to be Laura when I was a girl. So much farming, self sustaining goodness. nightmaji on Ravelry

Kate (Hunter) Prater said...

For about 2 years in elementary, I finished the series and went back to book 1 immediately. I always tried making maple candy but it never took, thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

What an incredible kit! I hope I win! If not, though, I can't wait until it comes out. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I've heard so many good things about Little Skein. I'd love to see one in person.

Sabrinaquilts said...

Great episode again. I can't wait to see your Secret Garden pattern. Laura Ingals Wilder's books were also one if my favorites. I couldn't get my boys to be interested but I proudly got one of my nieces to read the series.

Julesy said...

Oh I've been stalking Anne's kits FOREVER!!! Winning this would be amazing. Thanks for the chance Anne & Alana! Ravelry ID: anneofjulie

Erica said...

This would be so wonderful! I read these books so many times and can't wait to share them with my toddler.

ProudNavyMom said...

I love Laura Ingalls Wilder's books! What a wonderful collection of goodies!! Thank you for the chance!

Talvi said...

What a lovely prize! :)

mariaeb on Ravelry said...

Thank you for another great podcast and all the IG pics of your time with Lantern Moon...what a journey! Thanks also for the chance to win the Little Skein in the Big Wool kit featuring Laura Ingalls Wilder's book. Certainly a series I can't wait to introduce to my granddaughters. Here's hoping!

Unknown said...

I love little skein in the big wool products and would absolutely love to win this kit!
Marianne Roth

Taphophile said...

What a dear kit! I'm taphophile on Ravelry and would give it a good home.

Sunnyside Dru said...

What a fun bag for a knitter! I'd use it with love.

JMarry said...

Great Podcast as always!

Ostaraslight on Ravelry

Blair said...

I am in love with this bag! I hope I win !!!

FabricFascination said...

I can't wait to see your new shawl.

Thanks for the opportunity to win this kit from Little Skein in the Big Wool.

Kim said...

This is one of my favorite books too.

Unknown said...

I love everything about this giveaway… From the Plucky Knitter yarn to the Little Skein bag to the book. What a fabulous kit!
Thank you for another great episode…
mcknits on Ravelry

Tami Parks said...

Great episode, Alana! Inspiring and calming at the same time. Thanks.

And...I'm a huge Little House fan, too.

jamiew said...

I've never had anything from Little Skein. I'm a relatively new listener and enjoy the podcast.

Colleen said...

Love your work Alana....and would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Little Skein in the Big Wool - her Where the Wild Things Are kit was the best baby present I've ever given. Thanks as always for the chance to win! I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

Holli said...

I've missed you, Alana. Listened to this podcast while casting on a Wee Wildflower cardigan for my niece. Such fun!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing your Secret Garden shawl! Great podcast :)

cbud on ravelry

Unknown said...

Wonderfull giveaway!. I so enjoyed the books when I was younger.
Robbi5 on Rav

Spinn said...

Oh, this is one giveaway I'd really love to win! I'm Spinnkrok on Ravelry.

Laura said...

I read all the Little House books to my older daughter when she was small so this one really tugs at my heartstrings. Sadly, my 6yo is Just. Not. Interested. in the books but maybe seeing a kit would change her mind!

Unknown said...

Thank you for keeping me company at work while I am "not knitting".
This is such and beautiful kit and I would love to make it for my daughter (who is a graduating senior this spring). we read all of the Laura books out loud to each other when she was a little girl and even took a Laura vacation one summer!

Anonymous said...

I just finished listening to your latest episode. I went immediately to the Little Skein in the Big Wool and drooled (well, not really!) over the lovely kits. How I would love to win the Little House kit! I read that series at least 10 times when I was a girl.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful giveaway! I'm such a fan of Little House.

Johnston4kids said...

I've been seeing the bits and pieces of this kit come together on instagram, lovely. Would be wonderful to win!

Vulcan Archer said...

What timing! I just finished reading Pioneer Girl, so my head is all Ingalls-Wilder today. I loved listening to this podcast in particular because of it.

Sonia G: vulcanarcher on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I love Little Skein and would love to try out some Plucky yarn!

Shelley said...

As a former children's librarian I love the literature themed kits. I would love to win this giveaway.

Johnston4kids said...

I've been seeing the bits and pieces of this kit come together on instagram, lovely. Would be wonderful to win!

localyarnz said...

What an amazing prize--i have been following these kits for a while now and they are so beautiful and well put together.
localyarnz on ravelry

Tabatha said...

What a wonderful giveaway! This is a lovely way to remember such a great books!

You can find me at Ravelry tabknits.

Charlotte Hyland said...

This prize sounds great, would love to be entered!


Auntea said...

I bought the Anne of Green Gables kit and cannot tell you how much I treasure it. I love every single thing about the kit. The shawl is my current, absolute, favorite piece.

Jess said...

One of my favorite childhood books for sure!!! And I can't help but love that red plucky!!! ;)

Suzanne said...

I still have my original copy of The Secret Garden. I want to pull it out and read it again after listening to the podcast and The story. Now I understand the hoopla around little skein much much more.

Musing Runner said...

I read the whole series yearly when I was growing up.

Swilburn77 on ravelry

Emily Ross said...

LOVE these stories!!! Laura Ingalls Wilder was one of my favorite childhood reads, as well as the Secret Garden. Matching yarns to the books is such a fun idea!!!!

Juliet said...

Love this kit idea and the great blog!

Bente Simone said...

Lovely, I want in. Love your podcast, Alana.

Bentes on ravelry

hbqueen said...

You podcast was a nice break for me today...thank you!

Laura said...

What a great giveaway! I was named after Laura Ingalls Wilder so I have my fingers crossed that I win this one! Thanks Alana!

Anonymous said...

I just bought a fancy edition with all the Little House books in it and am so enjoying re-reading them! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful kit. Little house in the big woods was my favourite in the series. I can't wait to share it with my daughter in years to come.
Knitterlynina on rav.

Kallie Jo said...

Yesterday was my first time listening to the podcast and I thought it was great. It inspired me to pick up an old fair isle project and finally work on finishing it.

Sarah said...

This is so gorgeous!
Violet83 in ravelry

Savannagal said...

What an adorable kit. It would make a lovely gift. Thanks.

penelope10 said...

Such a wonderful giveaway in typical Annie fashion!

Unknown said...

I enjoy your podcast so much! And I love plucky yarn. The combination you and plucky is great.

Allison Funk said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! :)
~ Allison

On Ravelry: KansasPrairieGal

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love this book series. I just re-read Little House in the Big Woods a couple of months ago. I have never one anything before; this would be AMAZING!

DiabolicalRica on Ravlery

D. said...

Little House brings back so many great memories!

dominique69 on Ravelry

Naomi said...

I love her shawl project bags and winning an entire kit would've awesome!

katrina said...

I've always wanted to knit with plucky, but I really can't afford it...
thornythistle on rav

Cyndi said...

I love the Little House series. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love Little House books!
It's a wonderful kit.

nozomi620 on Ravelry

Anne said...

I love your podcast and would love to win this prize what a treasure!

Anne aka Creativevibe on Ravelry

anita said...

It's very good to see such a wonderful blog / site / projet. Beautiful fabrics! malhadeira on ravelry

Minnie said...

I absolutely love the idea of combining knitting and children's literature. I cannot think of anything cuter. I want a kit featuring Misty of Chincoteague. I am going to put a bug in her ear. Hope I win!

Leann said...

That looks so wonderful of a gift to keep for my brand new grand daughter that is 15 days old today. I really enjoy your podcasts. Thank you for being you.

im said...

Nice podcast, Alana! How was Stitches? Please enter me in the giveaway. It sounds like a great kit.
bluebirdnest on Ravelry

Ckawalec said...

I love the connection between books and knitting.

ikkinlala said...

I think it's time I reread this book!

Unknown said...

Love your podcast and I really love the "Never not Kniiting" theme song. What a lovely prize to give away.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - I am loving re-reading these books with my girls!

PamBakNJ said...

Love your pod casts and your giveaways. Such a fun way to stay in touch with what's happening in knitting and win a prize.

klstitches said...

Love the kit, very creative! Thank you for the opportunity!

Melanie Funk said...

I loved (and still do) the Little House on the Prairie books! Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!

MelbyJo on Ravelry

Gail said...

Lovely giveaway.....thank you! This kit is so sweet!

Unknown said...

Thank you for a chance to win a gift full of happiness! I just read the Little House in Big Woods for a little bit of late winter comfort! Enjoyed this episode very much!

amchart said...

What a lovely prize package! My girls would love for this to arrive at our own little house! Rav amchart

Sheila said...

What a fantastic kit!

SheilaOKeefe on Rav

UmmRania said...

Little skein has the most adorable kits, this one included! What an awesome giveaway.

Greta Cornejo said...

Wow! Wonderful colour and that yarn! Thank you for the giveaway!
Backtobasics on rav

Lucy said...

My daughter just started reading this book and the kit is beautiful!
Lucy21780 on Rav.

sara said...

How cute! Thanks for the great give away!
saradenbo on ravelry

Jennifer Merkle said...

LOVE the Little House books! What a great giveaway!
RAV = jennifermerkle

Unknown said...

I grew up in Mankato - the big town Laura went to! Everything about this project & prize speak to me.
In anticipation, Sandra (haveyarnwillfly on ravelry)

Miss Woolple and the happy things said...

Your podcasts give me joie de vivre, so Thanks!
I'm a beginner but I keep practising so one day I hope to make your wonderfully beautiful designs!
And the giveaway is soooo beautiful!

Cherylann said...

Little House in the Big Woods started a love affair with all things Little House when I was in second grade. What a wonderful kit!

I can't believe we're at the end of the podcast season. :( I love your podcast and your patterns.

Julie Routon said...

What an amazing bag set! I loved loved Little House when growing up. Both the books and the show.

Mimi P said...

Lovely podcast as always and what a beautiful shawl prize. I'd love to knit up a shawl to remind me of one of my favorite books.

Sarah said...

Another great giveaway! I was such a big Little House fan growing up, would love the chance to win this one.
sewramirez on Ravelry

Tyna said...

I'm loving that deep red yarn! I always seem to gravitate to the reds and oranges...

Rebekah said...

So excited about both kits and this giveaway! Fingers crossed. : )

Ravelry id: flutterbysong

Jan said...

Great podcast episode! So inspirational. I learn so much from listening.

sharonathemom said...

This is an amazing giveaway! I love yarn, the bag and the book. Rav: sharonathemom

~Rhoda~ said...

This kit looks amazing! I love it! And I can't wait to see the kit with your pattern this summer :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED this book and would love to win the prize :) :) :)

kconnors on Ravelry

BT said...

Enjoyed the podcast and love the Little House shawl kit. Thanks!

BTrask on Ravelry

BT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tobie said...

I'd love to start my grandkids on this series.
Thanks for your give away.
trl710 on rav

Kim Arthur said...

I enjoy your podcasts! I've actually knit Forest Floor as my first challenging project over year ago. I love it. I'm kjessa on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

I just found your podcast. What an awesome prize, I would love to be entered in the drawing. I am Bethie8318 on Ravelry.

Geraldine said...

What a fun giveaway! I've listened to every single one of your podcasts and look forward to new ones! You
can contact me at: gerscott at yahoo dot com

Meike said...

This kit sounds sooo cute! i love literature inspired things!
(I'm Schnitterling on ravelry)

Anonymous said...

I loved the little house books! I read every one I could get my hands on when I was little:)
- Hodges00 on rav

Tlobner said...

Big Little House fan here. I would love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Tlobner of RAV

Nicolet said...

I'm sure this much-loved book has inspired what will become a much-loved design. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

snapthemoments said...

Love what Anne has done!! So many ideas now for gifts for my friends that love literature and knitting or love to wear the knitted things I make them!! So cool

Ravelry: lovetobecrafty

Joy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

So generous! CnitterCatey on Ravelry.

Joy said...

Wow, this is chock full of goodies! Thank you to you and Little Skien in a Big wool for offering this giveaway :)
Ravelry: happyfox74

Unknown said...

now, that is such an amazing give-away! I would absolutley love to win it :)
and also, thanks for a great podcast

katherinelynn_04 said...

What a lovely little prize pack you have there! Thanks for the opportunity.

katherinelynn04 on rav

Unknown said...

Oh my, this book is all my childhood memories! This kit would make my day! Thanks so much for the chance to win it! Dormouse24599

Unknown said...

Wonderful podcast and great giveaway! I love Little House!

hebeegeebeads on Ravelry

sandy l said...

Loved this book as a child!

2y1xmom on ravelry

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your podcast so much. I have heard of little skein in the big wool before, but it was so sweet to hear the story behind the company.

Thanks for sharing!

LizzieH on rav

Wendy said...

I am anxiously awaiting my copy of Pioneer Girl!

Allison said...

You really gave me knitting retreat envy!

I'd love to try out this kit from Little Skein in the Big Wool. It sounds great!

fieldwonderful on Rav

River said...

I grew up with the Little House book. Just received Botanical Knits 2 and would enjoy winning this prize. Thanks for your podcasts - always looking forward to the next one.

River said...

I grew up with the Little House book. Just received Botanical Knits 2 and would enjoy winning this prize. Thanks for your podcasts - always looking forward to the next one.

Vivian W said...

I loved the story about Little Skein in the Big Wool :) I hope I can get my hands on one of her kits!

My contact info is medras on Raverly.

Unknown said...

I love the little house books and just finished re-reading the series!
lilliputyarn on Ravelry

Juliaknit said...

Beautiful kit!

Emily said...

I was lucky enough to get the Anne of Green Gables kit for Christmas,and it really is quite special. I am thrilled you are doing the Secret Garden! Summer can't come soon enough. Best wishes,Emily

diapeters said...

what an awesome kit!
Thanks for the giveaway

barbarjones on Ravelry

Serena Hirn said...

I would love to win this kit! I loved those books so much when I was younger. Thank you for another great episode!

serenahirn on Ravelry

Karen said...

I remember all the interesting things I learned about pioneer ways reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. And here is a little fiber related tidbit: at the conclusion of "The Long Winter", I recall that Laura received a gift of some embroidery silks, but her hands were so rough from twisting hay all winter that she had to wait until she healed to use them.

Knit on, one and all - Carrotmusic on Ravelery

Savta said...

Wow, what a great gift! Little House in the Big Woods is so timeless. It is still as popular today as it was years ago.

Unknown said...

Oh, what a gorgeous kit! Thank you for introducing us to Little Skein, Anne, and her wonderful story.

DatPixieGirl said...

Little House in the Big Woods was always my favorite of the Laura Ingalls books. The parts where they butchered the hog and made maple candy in particular fascinated me as a kid, because I enjoyed learning the details of how people lived during different times.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely prize! Thank you!

grahamcrackerzz said...

Wow! Someone is going to be very happy. This is a wonderful give-away. Thank you very much.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for sharing!

Schertzrachel on ravelry.

Juliann in WA said...

I am new to you lovely podcast but excited to go back and listen from the beginning while you are on break.
Juliann from the Pacific Northwest
Juliannph on ravelry

Jonathan Berkompas said...

My 6 year old has read this series 3 times through since Christmas and she would just LOVE a little house shawl!
Chelsea Berkompas

chberkom on ravelry

Litterairy said...

I bought myself a Little Skein Anne bag for Christmas and I love it!
Thank you!
litterairy RavID

Laura said...

Alana, I'm so glad you had such a fabulous time here in the Northwest! I love Sister's OR, it really is a very quaint little town in a beautiful setting!
Thank you for introducing me to Little Skein in the Big Wool! I'll definitely be there when your Secret Garden kit becomes available! Please keep us posted!

Laura said...

Oops I forgot to include: Quiltedwings on Ravelry...

Sylvie said...

Little House in the Big Woods was the first novel I ever read! I was 5. I still have a soft spot for that book series :)

a girl and two needles said...

I just discovered your podcast, and look forward to listening to many more! The Little House kit looks beautiful--what a great way to combine a treasured book series and knitting! Rav ID: KnitsWithSnicks

lala said...

Having never tried Plucky,and my love for LIW,this is a slam dunk of knitting! lalalemon

Debbie said...

I loved the Little House books as a child. I would love this kit.

Unknown said...

Wonderful prize for this giveaway. Can't wait to see your Secret Garden design!

Annarga on Ravelry

Carla said...

Little House series was my favorite as a child and still is. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Such an amazing kit full of goodies!

Jordana said...

My favorite book as a kid!
Gorgeous kit.
LaPelirroja on Ravelry

Margaret said...

One of my favorite childhood memories was reading all of the Little House books with my mom, and I can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to read them with her!

Dana said...

The kit looks amazing. You are very generous!

Jazzystarshine on Ravelry.

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