

The Terese sweater is done! I am really happy with how it turned out!

It turned out so feminine and elegant. Just what I was hoping for, and the silk ribbon added the perfect touch.

I used 7 skeins of Thalia with some leftovers. I made two modifications. I made the tunic style sleeve pattern instead, and I worked the sleeve pattern one inch shorter before starting the sleeve cap. I must have short arms because the sleeves are still plenty long.

As I had mentioned before I had a little trouble knitting the front the first time around. I don't want anyone else to be frustrated so I am including the instructions for what I did.

I followed what the pattern note said and worked half pattern repeats when I decreased.

To Fit Size :32-34 only

For the front and back sections:

(What I did that was really helpful is put a stitch marker in between the lace pattern repeats of each row.)

Work pattern as directed until it says shape armholes.

Row 1: cast off 2 sts. Work 5 sts in St st. Work next 8 sts as the last 8 sts of pattern chart. You should now be at your first stitch marker. Work the rest of the repeats in lace pattern as normal.

Row 2: cast off 4 sts purlwise. Purl to the last st. Knit the last st.

Row 3: k1, ssk, k2 work last 8 sts of lace pattern chart, sl marker. Work middle repeat sections as normal. On last lace repeat section work first 8 sts on lace chart, k2, k2tog, k1. (12 rem in first and last section)

Row 4: k1, purl to last st, k1

Row 5: k1, ssk, k1, work last 8 sts of chart. Work middle sections as normal. On last section work first 8 sts of chart, k1, k2tog, k1. (11 sts rem in first and last section)

Row 5: Repeat row 4

Row 6: k1, ssk, work last 8 sts of chart. Work middle sections as normal. On last section work first 8 sts of chart, k2tog, k1 (10 sts rem)

Row 7: Repeat row 4

On following right side rows: k2, work last 8 sts of chart. Work middle sections as normal. On last section work first 8 sts in chart, k2.

On following wrong side rows: Repeat row 4

Continue until armhole measures 6.5 inches and proceed with next instructions from the pattern.

For the sleeves:

Work sleeves as written until the pattern says shape sleevehead. Sleevehead???

Row 1: cast off 4 sts, k4, work last 8 sts of lace pattern chart. Work other sections as normal.

Row 2: cast off 4 sts purlwise, p to last st, k1

Row 3: k1, ssk, k2 work last 8 sts of chart. Work middle section as normal. On the last section work first 8 sts of chart, k2, k2tog, k1.

Row 4: k1, p2tog, p to last 3 sts, p2tog through the back loops, k1.

Row 5: k1, ssk, work last 8 sts of chart. Work middle section as normal. On the last section work first 8 sts of chart, k2tog, k1.

Row 6: k1, purl to last st, k1

Row 7: k1, ssk, work the rest of the first repeat section in St st. Work middle section in lace pattern as normal. On the last section work in St st to last 3 sts. k2tog, k1

Row 8: Repeat row 6

Repeat the last 2 rows until 24 sts remain ending on a right side row.

k1, p2tog, p to last 3 sts, p2tog through the back loops, k1 (22 sts rem)

Finish sleeve as specified in pattern.


  1. Alana:
    Another work of ART
    It is so beautiful...Good Job


  2. It´s absolutly gorgeous! Great job!
    This is one of my favorites in the book

  3. wow this is so pretty. Is it hanging at the shop? I'll have to come look at it in person.
    You did a great job

  4. It looks beautiful on you. The ribbon yarn did knit up nicely and it didnt take you too long either.

  5. It's perfect. Great color on you and it fits so well. The new book Dauphine is especially nice--I'm looking at my copy all the time to figure out which one to make first.

  6. What an absolutely stunning sweater. It looks lovely on you. Thanks for sharing your notes. I hope to some day be able to make beautiful garments like this. You are inspiring.

  7. I love, love, love your Therese cardigan! Such a soft and pretty color and you found the perfect ribbon to accent it! I'm thinking I am going to have to knit this design, which will be another challenge for me, but I'm feeling a bit more confident with lace now that I've done the Cedar Leaf Shawlette (at least 7x!). Although I live in NYC, which is the "Fashion Capital", I always have difficulty locating pretty ribbons and buttons. Part of the problem is that I hate going into Manhattan I suppose, and many of these items aren't available on line. Where did you find your ribbon, and you always seem to find wonderful buttons as well. Could you please share your sources? Thanks!

  8. Leonbergerdogs Knitter:

    Thanks for all of your compliments!
    I have a huge stash of silk ribbons from my LYS owner. It was a very generous gift!

    Other than that.. I find alot of things on Etsy.com or when Im at knitting conventions.

