
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 4 : Interview With Hannah Fettig


  1. Awesome, awesome podcast! The interview with Hannah Fettig was soooo interesting. Hopefully I can come when you have the get together at the shop! Also can't wait to see pics of Ava's horse...loved hearing her little voice, what a sweetie! You're doing such a great job...keep up the good work! Love and hugs!

  2. Another awesome podcast, Alana. I loved hearing the recording of your sweet daughter. It reminded me of my own little angel when she was that age. (She's in college, now)

  3. Great 4th episode!

    I loved hearing your daughter's reaction to her new horse.

    The interview with Hannah Fettig was great! I went on Amazon.com this morning and ordered her book; can't wait to get it! :)

  4. I just listened to your podcast. I love your daughter's voice, of course, but I also enjoy listening to YOUR voice. You're doing a great job!

    The interview was interesting, especially since I'd just brought home Fettig's book from the library's new book shelf. It is a gem and will probably end up on my birthday gift list!


  5. I listen to quite a few knitting podcasts, and sometimes they all kind of blur together in my mind, but yours really stands out. Its one of my favorites now. I love the sound effects and the other fun stuff. Your daughter sounds adorable. And now your theme song is stuck in my head!

  6. Great job Alana! I am so impressed with you : )

  7. Your daughter is so cute. I wish I could get my kids to do a recording. I cant wait for the next episode. How often do you plan on putting them out?

  8. Great show. The interview was interesting, and the book sounds fascinating. The diversity of projects mean a lot of bang for your buck (I'm English, but believe that's what you say across the pond?).

    Keep up the good work, I love listening.

  9. I enjoyed your latest podcast ,while walking. I am doing all I can to get 10,000 steps a day. Sometimes a good podcast is the only thing that keeps me walking.

    knit ya later

  10. This was the first podcast of yours I have listened to and LOVE IT! I can't wait to hear more. It was really well produced and interesting. I love the song and need to find it. I will definitely be looking for Hannah Fettig's book!

  11. Yet another brilliant podcast. I can't wait until the next one is out.

    Lots of love



  12. what a voice! (you and the kiddo)
    looooove the 'cast

  13. I second that your daughter is doll-baby! One of my fave parts of the song is when she says, "Stop knitting, k?" at the end!


  14. Thanks for another great podcast.
    I really enjoyed the interview with Hannah Fettig---very interesting. And I had to go check out the pics of your daughters horse. Her reaction was great. Thanks again for all the hard work you put in for our enjoyment. It is appreciated.

  15. Love the the interview and will be inteerested in hearing about the book event. I haven't seen this book yet but from your description it sounds like it could be good for holiday gift knitting.

  16. I love your show. Your daughter sounds so cute. It's good to have her on tape (podcast). My youngest is 25 now and it's a lot of fun to listen to her on a tape when she was 2 telling us what she "yikes to eat". It is so cute. Anyway, I liked your interview so much I went out and bought Hannah's book. I look forward to future podcasts. Thanks for taking the time to do it for us!
    Ravlery: SonomaKnits

  17. I wasn't going to enter the contest for the book since I won a magazine in your last contest, but you spoke with such enthusiasm about the book, and I enjoyed your interview with Hannah so much, I changed my mind!

    Beverly (bevae on Ravelry)

  18. I am enjoying your podcast. I love how you tell your knitting stories and the one about the horse and your daugther was very cute. And the pictures are precious.

  19. Great podcast and interview! Your daughters voice is just too sweet! Reminds me of my girls when they were little.

  20. I love your podcast. I'll have to look for that book at Borders.
    Your daughter is adorable. My 3 year old granddaughter is intrigued by my knitting. She always wants to "help." I'm hoping to start teaching her to crochet soon.

  21. I've just finished listening to all four shows over the last couple of days. Wow! Most podcasts take a couple of episodes to really hit their stride, develop a solid style and work out the technical glitches. (That last one's huge for me, I have a lot of trouble following conversations against background noise.) You've hit the ground running right out of the gate and sprinted to the top of my must-listen list!

    A quick knitting story... I'm grateful no one ever told me about the boyfriend sweater curse. I fell madly in love my freshman year at college, and when I went back home for the summer I spent the whole time madly knitting my guy not just a sweater, but an afghan - Barbara Walker's "Learn to Knit Afghan". I'd crocheted a few years at that point, but only knew the basics for knitting - knit and purl, cast on and off (one way for each), k2tog to decrease and kfb increase. I'd done some counted cross stitch so I figured out I could use two colors of yarn and a graph to knit his initials into one square and the year into another just like a real sampler. (That year was 1986.) I knit like mad to finish it before he drove up to take me back down to school again, and he dutifully proclaimed it the Best Thing Ever.

    This is the part where, if I'd heard of the Boyfriend Curse, I'd expect him to break up with me. Twenty-odd years and three kids later that's still my husband's favorite blanket.

    (PS My ravelry ID is starsongky.)

  22. Now I want to record my daughter so that I will have this landmark of what she was like, before she grows up even more. I have to agree with some previous commenters that I think that you will come to treasure those snippets you are including here of her when she is grown.

  23. Hi Alana,
    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your podcast and the lovely designs you create. Keep up the good work!
    Robin Corddry
    Ravelery id: Corddrymum
