
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 5 : Five Pounds of Rainbow


  1. I love the podcast and especially the review of Debbie Bliss's new mag. I really appreciate your honesty on the patterns. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  2. Finally sat down and listened. Very funny and informative. I have the winter wonderland queued so am interested where your ponderings take you. Though i think a bulky yarn will give you a repetion of the rainbow bathtime blocking!

  3. Very nice, as always! I could not wait to listen when I saw the new episode was up! Yay, Alana - so glad you are out there in Podcast Land. . .

  4. Another great podcast. I love the cap sleeved eyelet top. I think I'll have to make one for myself. :)

  5. Nice podcast Alana! That new Debbie Bliss magazine sounds wonderful...hoping to win it ;-)

    Still loving the theme song!!!

  6. I love your podcasts. Your voice is soothing but not sleepy. Informative and funny. Like no other podcast I have ever listen to. Thank you so much for taking time to put together a podcast for all of us.

  7. I'm really enjoying your podcast! Thanks for recording!

  8. Was excited to see another podcast...made my ironing time fly by!:) Love the review of the magazine too. Keep up the great work! hugs

  9. I think your podcasts are great and it's nice listening to someone closer to my age. I personally like Debbie Bliss' patterns and had no idea she had a magazine now! Thanks for the always fun and informational podcasts, keep posting!

  10. What an enjoyable podcast. I like the sound effects/voices that you edit in. Very fun!

  11. Great episode! I enjoy listening to you very much. I would sure love to see what this rainbow coat looks like! Any chance of that?? ;)

    Keep up the great work!


  12. I just found your podcast and have enjoyed it very much. It helps brighten a very long 1 hour commute to and from work. Thanks!!!

  13. Omly's story about her sister's shawl was great, and am sure the exact time schedule I would go by as well with 11 months to work on a project ;)

    can't wait for the next show!

  14. I'm trying get caught up on all your post. Love all the pictures. You are definitely a beautiful knitter.

  15. I love the story of the rainbow sweater! The image of the "brown, murky, sweater soup" was so funny!

    Another great episode!

  16. You're doing a great job with the podcast! Thanks for having prizes!

    Take care,
    Jennifer. (orange on Rav)

  17. Love the podcast. I liked the story you had on this episode. I really enjoyed the song at the end. Keep up the good work.

  18. I'm really enjoying your podcast. I especially appreciate the honest reviews on yarns and patterns. Thanks! Yvonne

  19. I love your podcast. I also love your blog. Your pictures are fantastice. I also an enjoying all the additions that you are making to your podcast. Thanks so much.


  20. Lot of useful information. I end up shopping after listening. Today I need to find the Debbie Bliss magazine, not so easy here on a military base in Japan

  21. I'm a new listener, and I really enjoy your podcasts, especially your reviews. I'm looking forward to the Debbie Bliss mag.

    Keep those reviews coming!

  22. Hi, Alana. I just found your podcast and enjoy it very much. Omly's story about the knitting shawl hit close to home for me. Keep up the good work!

  23. Thank you for such a delightful podcast. I especially love the sound effects. I subscribe to many podcasts and tried lots more and I'd say that yours ranks in the top 5. Keep up the good work.
    Julie B.

  24. Hello,
    I am new to podcast listening and just happened upon your. LOVE it!!! First, your theme song is way too funny. Second, so glad you are sharing with us this way. Most of the time my husband controls the remote and it is so nice having something to listen to other that sports. So thank you and keep up the good work.

  25. Hi,

    My 6yr old daughter and I just discovered your podcast a couple of weeks ago. She is learning to knit (thanks to Annie :) and asked me to leave you a comment here telling you she liked hearing about the Rainbow Sweater. Last week she was totally taken with your discussion of hexapuffs!

