
The Dad Sweater That Just Wont Quit...

Ahh.. The Endless Ribbing...

I have been faithfully working on just my Dad's sweater now for over a week. I did waver once when I started a hat for my daughter but have since ripped that out and its probably for the best. I need to finish this sweater!!! Its getting colder and colder outside and there is my Dad all "handknit-sweater-less" and I feel a twinge of guilt every time I see him!

The pocket is a nice detail, eh?
Did I mention? This sweater is taking forever!!!!!


  1. That's a lot of ribbing...a lot! It reminds me of the Einstein jacket I did...never ending st. st! He'll soooo love it though!

  2. Pretty! I really love it! I'm working on a FIL sweater right now so I totally feel ya. Thankfully mine has got a good 10" done so far & only another 13 to the underarms & then sleeves & then EZ it all off :D

    Keep knitting!

  3. It's looking fantastic, oh my all that rib! Love the hidden pocket. Keep up the good work, it will be worth it in the end!

  4. looks lovely cosy I am sure he will love it.

  5. This is going to be so awesome when it is finished. He will treasure it forever. Love the yarn! It will be finished before you know it and you may find yourself looking for a "mindless" knit pattern again.

  6. I'm a plus size, so I totally understand the endless (and sometimes monotonous) knitting required for larger sizes. On the plus side (pun intended) it provides lots of mindless knitting that can be done while watching TV, chatting with others, listening to podcasts that would be difficult with a more complicated pattern. I think your pocket is snazzy and I will plan to add such to my Mom's next sweater (Dad doesn't wear sweaters).
