
I Cant Get Enough Of These Hearts...

I mentioned previously in another post that I had knitted another heart for my daughter using the Heart Pin pattern while Hannah Fettig was signing books at the shop.
This one didn't turn out quite as well as the first due to some "Oh... no.... I'm sitting right next to a knitwear designer.... right now... knitting her pattern... oh no.. shes looking at it.. Ahhh!!!"
type feelings.
But it's still cute!
I'm just in love with these little hearts! They are so quick and easy to make up! I've seen several versions made up by different customers at the shop and one customer in particular had a really good idea. She sewed the heart onto one of her daughters hairbands and it was soo cute! So now I want to do that too!
I knit this one up on US size 2 needles with some Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino left over from last season's Legwarmies.

I was going to give this heart pin to my Mom as a present.. but look at how cute it looks worn with her matching legwarmers! ... sorry Mom...
I was so happy when I pulled these legwarmies out of the drawer! They still fit!
On the pattern I guessed that they would fit ages 3 months-3 years. And it looks as though I was right! It seems that those little chubby baby legs slim down throughout the years and just get longer and leaner.

Must... make.... more....


Anonymous said...

So adorable! I love the photo with the legwarmers!

Michon said...

I just knitted up the Leg Warmies using Lorna's Laces sock yarn. My daughter is in LOVE with them and doesn't want to take them off! I followed the pattern but knitted an extra inch (and perhaps would do an extra 2 inches). My daughter just turned 4 years old and they fit really well.

Considering that they're pink and purple, and contrary to what she's told me, I personally don't think that her particular color choice "goes with everything". So I guess I'll just have to knit more pairs in various colors! Do you have any visions of matching handwarmers? :o>

Dawn said...

Ava is just tooooo cute for words! Love the pics!

skinner studio said...

Wow, Ava is so adorable! And so stylish in her couture led warmies and heart!

Sriyana said...

super duper cute, leggin's and all

Anonymous said...

Alana, I can't tell if the hearts are cuter or the legwarmies. Ava seems to enjoy anything Mommy lovingly makes. So glad I finalllly got over to your blog. My feet are still tapping from the knitting song. See you soon, Dawn