
Knitting with Hannah Fettig

Last weekend was so much fun! Hannah Fettig the author of Closely Knit came to The Scarlet Skein for a book event!

It was so fun to be able to meet her in person!

Everyone sat around, chatted and made her Heart Pin pattern. Of course I had to take that opportunity to make another one. I mean.. how often to you get to knit a pattern with the designer? I made the heart out of some Debbie Bliss leftovers that I think will look really cute pinned to one of Ava's dresses. Ill have to post a picture of that soon...

Afterwards she came over and Hannah, Malaree, and I had some nice knitting time together.

Yea... Im still working on the "Dad Sweater".....


  1. Looks like a fun way to spend your time. That store is the kind of place that we can only dream of here in England - we're starved, I tell you!

  2. Wish I could of made it. Looks like you had a wonderful time. How cool is that to knit with the designer!

  3. That looks like such fun! How cool, as knittinwolf said, to knit with the designer! Oh, and I just wanted to say how much I love your podcast. I've just recently discovered it, and have been enjoying listening to you while I knit on my way to work.

  4. Kudos to you, Alana, for putting on the MOST fun knitting event ever! Hannah is great - such a fun personality. And she was patient when certain ones in the crowd (namely me) grilled her incessently on what it's like to be a Real Designer.

    All the effort you put into making the tiny skeins of yarn paid off when everybody knit those adorable hearts.

    You also did a fantastic job of displaying the knitted items from Hannah's book. I think we ALL want to knit that bear now!

    Thank you for a wonderful afternoon!

  5. You lucky,lucky thing what a wonderful day! what a wonderful shop!! We would kill for a wool shop like that in England.
