
Bring On The Berets...

Well.. I've had a rough week.

A lot of things have happened and not happened in my life recently which has been a little stressful. I've decided to make a change in my job and just teach classes for awhile, so I am currently not working at the yarn shop.

I am going to miss seeing everyone so much but I think that this will be a good move for me. I plan on devoting a lot more time to design work and that makes me feel excited. So I'm gonna go with that for now.

So if any of you reading live locally and don't see me around the shop, don't worry. I'm still here.. and still knitting.

Speaking of knitting...

I finished a cute stripey beret for my little one out of the book Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino 3. I used up scraps, got to knit something using more than one color, and knit it from start to finish in only a couple of days. After the Sweater Beast, I needed this project in my life.

I unfortunately look ridiculous sporting a hat. I usually hate all hat styles on myself. I think sometimes that I want to be a "hat person" but feel so stupid wearing one that I can't seem to keep it on top of my head. So I am compensating for my unfufilled hat desires by knitting them for my daughter.

What is it about little kids? They can wear anything, and it looks so cute!

I mostly really enjoyed making this project. It was fun and kept my interest changing colors so frequently. However the color changing made this project quite unportable and it was often tangly and annoying having all of those different balls of yarn attached.

When I started this I thought for sure that I was going to make at least 2 since I have so much of this yarn to use up. But then I wondered if I should bother spending all of that time making the same thing over again. After finishing the first beret, I was over that idea.

I decided to still make her another hat instead. But this one is a "dress" beret. Its all finished and ready for me to photograph.

So there will be more toddler-wearing-hat shots coming your way!


  1. That last picture of her with the leaves on the ground is

    A. Dorable!

    My thoughts are with you (and I really have been thinking a lot about you lately).

    You designing? AWESOME! You are one talented Chickie and when the time comes for a test knitter, I'm all yours, Hon.

    Hugs to you.

  2. "A" is just beaufiful! The hat looks wonderful on her! Just adorable!

    Thinking (worrying) about you everyday! Sending you lot of love and hugs...

    When I come up that way on vacations...I hope to see my favorite knitter!

  3. The hat turned out great! I think it was worth all the color changes. That fall leaves photo is darling!

  4. Too Too Cute!! All your work is Awesome!

  5. Where are you going to teach your classes from, and are you going to have a class list?
    I think you are going to be the best designer!! Good luck with that.

  6. Ahhh! She looks so cute! It's a great beret! Yea!! Which hat are you going to make next for her? You might recall that I have a little one in my life who is five. I love seeing what you make and getting new ideas!

  7. Oh my goodness! This beret is divine. And so beautifully photographed!

  8. What a beautiful model and beret :)
    Hey, that sweater she's wearing--did you make that? If so, what pattern is it? That's lovely as well. All of the photos on your blog are stunning. Your hard work and love of knitting show through for sure!
