
The Cardigan That Might Be Cute

Well. Here it is. My first sweater design. In progress. Truthfully, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

My inspiration for this design was the cute stripey beret I made for my daughter.
I just love how the colors blend together and wanted to mimic the stripes in a matching sweater.

Right now I am working on the yoke, which will be striped, just like the beret, pulling together the border colors on the body and sleeves.

Here it is all laid out with the beret so that you can get an idea of what the finished piece will look like.

Sometimes I think that this little sweater will be adorable once finished. Other times I think it may be the grossest thing I've ever laid eyes on.

It's hard to visualize a garment while it's in production.

Several times I have knitted a sweater for myself and hated it when it was on the needles. Then once it is seamed, blocked with buttons sewn on it transforms into something quite amazing.

I haven't given up hope for this one.

If it turns out well you can expect to see it in completion modeled by a little person and the pattern will be available for purchase.



  1. It looks like it will be super cute to me. Can't wait to see it finished and modeled!

  2. I think it looks quite lovely so far, and I can't wait to see how it looks when the yoke is done. If nothing else, the experience counts, right? :)

  3. It looks cute. your daughter is bound to look cute in it.

  4. Super cute...can't wait to see Ava in it!

  5. i think it is going to be adorable.

  6. I think it's going to be beautiful.

    Self-doubt is an inherent part of the design process, you just have to work straight through it!

  7. I think it's adorable! I love the colours, the edging and stripes. Hurry up and publish the pattern! :oD

  8. Alana - It's super awesome, I am VERY impressed. xoxo hannah

  9. Just so cute, I love the colors especially.

  10. I love this sweater! You know how I feel about the beret, anyway, and to have a matching sweater is too cute. I do hope you'll make a larger size for a six-year-old?? Will that work? I hope!

  11. I think it looks darling, especially as an ensemble. I love the contrast between the pattern in the beret and the subtle touches of that pattern in the sweater. Lovely!

  12. I thought the Skinny-Girl sweater was awful, until I saw it on the skinny girl.. But this, this is going to be fantastic! It is super cute already!

  13. This is an awesome pattern, so much detail. Thanks for Sharing.
