
The Knitting Forecast is Saffron-y

I don't know if you've noticed but I've taken up a new hobby.
One that I enjoy almost as much as knitting. Photo taking and photo editing!!

Introducing my new obsession: Photo Collage.

I cant stop. Really. I've tried.
So here are pictures of the new sweater I'm working on. In a collage format of course.

I love this sweater project! It has really been a joy to knit. Its worked up in one piece from the top down and has these fun bobbly panels on the fronts, back and sleeves. The pattern is called "Forecast" and can be found here.

I love all of the textural changes. Its a really cute, unique design. I can visualize this as being a really fun garment. Funky and different. Especially in this color, right?

The yarn that I chose to work with is O-wool Classic in Saffron. I own nothing in this color so it will be a welcome addition to my wardrobe. I was attracted to this color right away. Its cozy or something...

The yarn is a slightly thicker gauge than the Cascade yarn that this pattern calls for, so this sweater is more structural, kind of jacket-like, which I almost like better. It suits the style in my opinion.

(Listen to Episode 14 for a review of O-wool.)

Yesterday I was really sick so I just sat around and worked on this sweater. I made some serious progress so I should have this thing finished up shortly. I cant wait to wear it!


  1. Beautiful sweater and lovely photos!!

  2. Love the collages and the sweater (though I'm not sure I could knit the cute bobble-y thingies). Feel better soon!

  3. Forecast is one of the best sweater's I've knit. The design is fabulous - easy and fun to knit, but also super flattering.

  4. The sweater is looking great! Love the collage photos! Hope you feel better soon. We're coming up that way next week the 12-15 for James' birthday. hugs

  5. I've been enjoying your podcast. Your Forecast is looking good and makes me want to try O-Wool. I'd choose Sumac.

  6. Alana- I just love your podcast -- I look forward to each episode! I love your stories and sound effect. (If I win the O-wool, I like the color Willow)
    best regards
    gardenspinner on Ravelry

  7. Great pattern choice for the O-wool. Forecast is in my queue, can't wait to see yours.

    I'd love to win the Evergreen O wool color!!

  8. Hi Alana,
    Beautiful sweater. Your blog is a "must read" for me because your pictures are always so crystal clear and fun to look at. Someday I hope to take a class from you. That would be so much fun.
    (SonomaKnits on Ravelry)

  9. I love the photos, the creativity, and the sweater!

  10. Oh I want to have a go at the collages now!

  11. Lovely sweater and gorgeous color! If you have to branch out from green, this is an excellent choice! I've been meaning to get some photography tips from you - all of your photos are so beautifully lit!

  12. Thanks so much for your blog AND the podcast. I'm always excited when I see it downloading onto my iPod! I love the sweater and would like to try O-Wool. The choice of colors make it hard to choose, but today I like Malachite.

  13. Your sweater looks wonderful. I can't wait to see the modeled shots.

    By the way, your podcast is one of my favourites. Keep up the great work!

  14. I'm a fairly new listener, and enjoyed catching up on the back episodes. Thanks for the podcast!

    I'd love to win some of the O-Wool in Rust.

  15. I love the saffron color and the the bobbles on it. Looks so intense. I checked out the other colors and I just love the Cornflower 2301 color. That would make a beautiful sweater since I love blues. Good luck. Can't wait to see the finished project!

  16. Love the blog, love the podcast. Especially love to hear your daughter's voice! Must put Stuart in my queue.

    (O-wool in Sage would be my top choice)

    Cheryl (clovermillie on Rav)

  17. Here's my entry for your contest! I just finished catching up on your podcast from the beginning and I'm excited to be caught up to the point I can enter contests! I'm a green sweater girl like you so I'd love to win the color evergreen if my name is drawn. Thanks for a great podcast!
