
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 14 : The Enlightenment Of A Wannabe Knitter


Rowan Kid Silk Haze


O-wool Classic

O-wool Website

O-wool Classic projects on Ravelry

Kmclark on Ravelry

NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group

If you'd like to give the O-wool yarn a try, Dancing Ewe Yarns is offering a special discount of 20% on all O-wool Classic and free shipping for all orders that include this yarn.

This offer is only valid for the month of March and is exclusive to the Nevernotknitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

In order to receive your discount, click on the Dancing Ewe link and in the checkout process enter in the special code " NNK1 "

Enjoy! :)


  1. Hey Alana - I really enjoyed this episode, especially Ava talking about Mousie! I haven't used O-wool before, I will have to give a try.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have not seen O-Wool in my LYS, so I may have to try Dancing Ewe yarns. . .I always like to fondle a yarn before I buy, but I can take a great knitter's word for it. Thanks you great knitter you! Wonderful podcast!
    2012 Classic Slate

  4. Another great episode Alana. This O-Wool looks so yummy. I have to say that Chocolate is my favorite colour although they are all so beautiful. I really enjoyed listening, Thanks!
    knittingbunnymum (Sarah)

  5. O.K. - I had to resist the urge to run over and squeeze my computer when I heard your daughter's sweet little voice coming out of it!!! Toooo cute :)
    Another great podcast Alana - thank you!
    Hard to pick a favorite color, but at the moment... Rust 4112

  6. Thanks for a great podcast. Your daughter is too cute. The sweater is adorable as well. I've been wanting to try O-wool. I really like their concept. If I am lucky enough to win the drawing, I'd like the rose gold.

    Thanks for another great podcast.

  7. Great podcast! I have to say that my favorite colors are either tea rose and garnet. If I somehow managed to win I would definitely pick garnet!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Alana, really enjoyed the podcast and the yarns...Like the chocolate too.

    Missed mtg you at stitches., but i really enjoyed my first exp. there and classes too.

  10. love to knit and listen to what you have to say!!! love the o-wool color plum!!!maryann

  11. I really appreciate the Dancing Ewe offering discounts (and now giveaways!) to your listeners. I ordered twice last month. :O

    If I was to win the giveaway I would like to try the cornflower blue.

  12. Hi Alana, great show as always! I so agree with "SweetDreams" you daughter sounded sooo cute and truely delighted with her new mousie friend! If I was the lucky one I would love sumac...I think that was the color!!
    Thanks again for a great podcast!

    Darlene in Snowy PEI

  13. Love your podcast...
    If I'm chosen in the NNK drawing, I'd love to try the chocolate colorway of the O-Wool Classic.

  14. Great episode! Your Watermelon Sweater is absolutely adorable - i would love to make one for my neice. If I were the lucky winner of the O-Wool, I would choose the Plum. Can't wait for the next episode!

  15. Hi Alana, thank you for your podcast. I look forward to each episode. Congratulations on your new designs - they are wonderful! I, too, have an obsession with green, so my favorite O-Wool Classic color is Willow.

  16. Alana, thanks for another wonderful episode.

    If I win the draw, I'd love to try the Evergreen colour.


  17. Great podcast, Alana. The O wool looks lovely. I, like you, need to step away from green and I love the Saffron colorway.

  18. I just found you and listened to my first podcast from you. I am so excited to have another great podcast to listen to while I knit. I would love 4302 willow and would definately need to purchase extra for a larger sweater. What a gift.

    Thanks again,


  19. Hey Alana, thanks for the O-Wool recommendation. I can just feel myself wrapped up in a "Natural" shawl. Since learning to knit I have developed an addiction for shawls. Although, a baby sweater for my daughter's hope chest would be wonderful too. Hmmm so many ideas......

  20. Thanks for another great episode! I've been hearing a lot about O-wool, but I've never tried it before. I love the Cornflower color.

  21. Alana, your Watermelon sweater design is adorable and I completely melted when she talked about Mousie. The O-Wool looks great and I see it resists pilling as well, which is great. I'd love to try it in the Plum. I wish my LYS carried this yarn so I could fondle it.

  22. I'm a first time listener but I really enjoyed your podcast. And what a cute sweater!

    #2301 Cornflower

  23. I love the watermelon sweater...wish I had someone to knit it for! Can't wait to see your Forecast and have to say the yarn looks so yummy...love the color Sumac.

  24. Alana! Thanks for such a great review of the O-Wool!! This will definitely be the next yarn I buy. If I win the drawing, I'd like yarn in Sumac. I could really use a red sweater! Thank you!

  25. The podcast was really good. The Watermelon pattern is really cute. I also haven't tried O-Wool, but if I were to make something out of it I would use the Evergreen colorweigh.

  26. I am a new listener, having heard only three podcasts. I like your stories from other knitters. Your daughter's reaction to Mousie was darling.

  27. I love your podcast and the theme song is the best. I love to sing along with it. I can't wait to try 0-wool. I would like to try cornflower. Keep them coming. Judy from Kansas

  28. I really love your podcast! It keeps me entertained at work, which is saying something! The watermelon sweater is so cute! It will definitely be one I will be knitting soon!

  29. Hi,

    Love your podcast and your theme song is hilarious!! Did you write it? It always makes me smile.
    I live in VT, but have not used O-wool yet. I like the Garnet color way, and like the Saffron you chose for your sweater. Looking forward to seeing pix on Ravelry...

  30. Alana:

    I love your podcast! I look forward to each episode. Your sweater designs are fantastic.

    0-wool: cornflower--definitely.


  31. Love your Podcast, and the watermelon sweater is so adorable! I wish my 16-year old would go back in time so she could wear it!

    I would absolutely love to win the O-Wool. It sounds lovely and I can think of tons of projects I would make with it. I like all of the colors, I think the Saffron (that I guess you're using) looks very pretty.

  32. Great podcast, Ava is going to be a superstar in the knitting podcast world;)

  33. Hi Alana. I've only recently discovered your podcast and have finally caught up listening to all the episodes. It's one of my favourites now. The O-Wool sounds very nice-my favourite colour would have to be Mulberry.

  34. Hi Alana - Great episode. Your daughter is such a cutie. Especially listening to her about her mouse. That mouse is cute too. I haven't seen O-wool, but it looks very interesting. I liked the classic slate color and the chocolate.

  35. Alana, I enjoy every episode of your show so much. Your knitting and your daughter--and her dear little voice--are just gorgeous.
    As for O-Wool, what a generous contest, and my favorite is chocolate.

  36. Hi Alana,

    I enjoy your podcast a lot. Last time I found a "download mp3"-link in the post, which enabled me to listen to it on my mp3-player (while doing the dishes).

    Is there a way to download this episode too? Perhaps I'm missing something?

  37. I love the watermelon sweater! Thanks for another fun podcast. I've been wanting to try O-Wool - you've made it a priority for me. Love the Garnet color!

  38. To Answer Annette's Question:

    Hi Annette,

    Im sorry I forgot to include a download link for Episode 14, Ill be sure to do that for the upcoming episodes. If it makes it easier to listen, you can always subscribe and download all episodes from iTunes. Thanks for listening!

  39. I love your podcast! Thanks so much for doing it. And thanks for the chance to win your giveaway! My favorite color is tea rose.

    Have a great week!

  40. Hi Alana! Thank you for another great podcast. And you're right, your contest is a heck of a good one! My choice of O-Wool color would be #2012 Classic Slate. Please keep podcasting!

  41. Hi there Alana!
    This is my second try at posting.......first time from ipod and couldn't remember my log in! LOL
    So if I was lucky enough to win 10 skeins of o-wool...........I would choose the slate blue. I would like to make a simple vest for myself. Yes something for me, I am always knitting for the family and gifts........would be nice to try some new to me yarn and make it for me.
    Thanks so much!!

  42. the watermelon sweater came out so cute...it looks simply delicious and ava looks adorable in it! i really enjoyed the episode too! ok so if i should win the drawing i would like rust...thnks!

  43. Hi Alana, I look forward to your podcasts. I enjoy hearing about the beautiful things you knit and the combination of reviews and stories. I checked out O-wool and think the 'cornflower' colorway is really pretty! Keep up the good work.

  44. Great podcast...I love that in this economy, there's still stuff to do that doesn't cost anything to enjoy! Thanks for your great yarn descriptions. Keep those designs coming...can't wait to see what you'll do next. I would love to knit a sweater in the 9102 Coal colorway. Thanks for making listening (and buying) fun!

  45. Awesome show as usual Alana. I had never even heard of O-Wool before your podcast, so thanks for guiding me to a new yarn find. I think I am boring and just like the Natural color. It would make a gorgeous Ophelia lace vest. Thanks for your podcast and keep up the great work!

    shrinkyknitter (Angela)

  46. Hey there, I loved this episode, and I love the mousie. I always look forward to your shows - you have a lot of loyal listeners so dont let the negative stuff get on top of you.

    PS: Garnet is a great colour!!

  47. I would like to try the O-wool sometime, so far it's been out of my budget. I like lots of the colors, but the chocolate brown is wonderful!

  48. Another great podcast! The O-Wool looks beautiful; I haven't seen it before. I would choose Plum.

  49. I have to echo all the above comments and say that your daughter is just adorable! Hearing her voice makes me nostalgic for the days when my girls were that small - which wasn't that long ago!

    I also have been meaning to tell you that the part of your theme song where the neighbors say, "oh, no, she's taking pictures of socks again, poor girl!" makes me hysterical. It's what I am thinking when I am outside taking pictures of my knitting and hoping no one is looking out their windows at me.

    I would love to try the O-Wool - I've never seen it in person but have heard lots of great things about it. I'm going to break out of my brown period and hope for Robin's Egg Blue!

  50. Love your podcast Alana - especially the stories and how you edit them!

  51. I would love to try the O-wool. Garnet is my favorite of the colors.

    Ravelry - mikeslittlesis

  52. Hi Alana- Loved your podcast, as always. Hearing your daughter's voice just made it a lil more entertaining for me though, lol. Adorable. Anyways, if I were to win the o-wool giveway, or even buy some, I'd go for 2012 Classic Slate.

  53. Hello :) Great show...the little mouse you knitted for your daughter is too cute!

    4410 Tea Rose

  54. Great podcast as usual. Thanks for keeping me company while I stayed home from work with a sick kid! The O-wool looks like a nice round bouncy yarn. All the texture on your sweater really shows up nicely.

  55. I've also never seen O-wool in my local shops, but it looks yummy. I appreciate your evaluation of the yarn and the generosity of Dancing Ewe Yarns. I like the 2012ClascSlate color best.

    Your daughter is so adorable. Hearing her sweet little voice made my night. I couldn't help but awe out loud. She's so blessed to have such a creative mother like you.

  56. I only just found your podcast and I love it! I am downloading all past episodes to hear them as well, thanks so much for sharing with us.

    I haven't used o-wool before but it sounds lovely! I love Robins egg blue and Chocolate.

  57. I'd love a chunk of evergreen colored o-wool. Thanks for providing this opportunity to try the yarn. I've heard of o-wool, but I haven't seen it yet!

    Selkie on Ravelry

  58. That O-wool classic looks really nice. I especially like the Sumac color. Thanks for another entertaining episode! As soon as I finish my WIP's, I plan on purchasing the watermelon cardigan.

  59. Hi Alana - Thanks for such a great episode. Your daughter's comments about her new mouse were so cute. I'm looking forward to trying out the O-wool. I like the Garnet color. xoxo.

  60. I loved it - my first episode! And the O-wool looks fabulous. If i win, I think the mulberry is for me!

  61. I am now caught up on all your podcasts and eagerly look forward to the next one! I love hearing about your daughter, as mine is nearly her age. The tangles were hilarious! I also liked Kat's comment about wishing she could just knit up some cheeseburgers for the family! I am still a beginner, and sweaters are an overwhelming thought. But when I get there, I think my problem will be too many blue sweaters! I love the Slate O-Wool Classic color! Thanks for the podcast!

  62. Loved hearing Ava talk about her mousie, so sweet! Of course I've never seen O-Wool but love the grove colorway...I know more green!:) Love the watermelon sweater! Hope to see you next week!

  63. How adorable-both your daughter and Stuart! I would choose the Garnet if I won. Thanks for podcasting!

  64. oh Alana, your podcast makes it so hard for me to stick to my Lenten sacrifice--yarn buying, that is. fortunately i dashed over to dancing ewe yarns and picked up some of that shetland spindrift before Ash Wednesday. ;)
    all of that O-wool looks gorgeous, if i get lucky and win, i'd love mulberry.

  65. Hi,
    Thanks for another fun podcast.
    Love the watermelon sweater!

    Boy, pick a favorite color of o wool, that's not easy so many pretty colors. I’m so drawn to the greens but I need to “branch” out :) I do like the Sumac


  66. mmm! Lovely yarns! I saw your sweater before I listened and loved how it was coming along. Beautiful color, great stitch definition!

    I am partial to oranges, but loved that Saffron. And the Cornflower. ;)

  67. Hi Alana, I really enjoy your podcast. Your daughter is adorable! I think I might need to try my hand at your watermelon sweater for my niece - so cute! As for O-Wool, have to say that my favorites are Willow and Saffron... -Becky

  68. Another AWEsome episode!...

    My favorite LYS is the Dancing Ewe...how cool that they sponsor one of my favorite podcasts:)

    All the colors of O-wool are inviting... Plum is at the top of the pack for me.

  69. I would *love* to win this yarn! My favourite O-Wool colour is Sumac, I think. Or maybe Garnet. It is hard to choose when you can't see them in person. The downside of internet shopping...

  70. Hi, Alana! As always, I love your last podcast episode. I truly appreciate all the work that you must put into each episode. The O-wool is awesome - I would love to try the "Natural" color.

  71. Thank you for the o-wool offer! I'm really bad about always knitting for other people and not for myself, so I would love to win the o-wool skeins to try some of the o-wool for a knitted project for me. (C: The classic slate color is my favorite. I haven't worked with o-wool before, but the description of it in your podcast made it sound quite lovely.

  72. Really enjoyed listening to this episode your daughter has the cutest voice! I dont know if I am late to the contest but I really like the colors Plum and evergreen in the o-wool.

  73. Hi Alana...Loved your latest episode and the O-Wool looks great...yet I try to remain a pattern driven knitter or else my stash would be huge...Garnet was my favorite....

  74. Hello! Thank you for all the work you put into your delightful podcasts - I've enjoyed each one, and look forward to more!

    I share your love of all things green... My favorite o-wool colors are the sage and the willow. Among my new year's resolutions is the desire to knit my first sweater (up to now I've only knit rectangular things and socks!). Perhaps the o-wool is the perfect yarn for this new venture!

  75. Hi Alana,

    Love your podcast! And I really enjoyed the audio clips of your adorable daughter-- just precious! I also admire have you've turned your passion for knitting into a business -- you go girl! If I'm lucky enough to win the O wool prize, send me chocolate!

    Keep it up!

  76. I look forward to your podcasts. Thanks for providing such interesting listening! I love the O-wool Sumac colorway-gorgeous!

  77. I just love to listen to your podcast while I Knit. I would like to try the O- Wool I would make a sweater for my son and he likes the colour red so I would like the coulor 4112-rust.

  78. I just found your podcast and really enjoy it. If I were to win, I would love the sage O-wool. Keep up the great work!!

  79. Whoops, I think I left my contest entry comment in the wrong blog post. So here it is, and I like the color Evergreen! Great podcast!

  80. Thanks for a great podcast. I am intrigued by the O-Wool. DH needs a sweater and this yarn is definitely in the running.

    BTW, my favorite color is Robin's Egg, just in case :)

  81. Alana - This was my first of your podcasts to listen to and I *loved* it. The theme song had me crying (my husband was asleep so I couldn't laugh). I even took it to work and shared with another knitter. I might even order the O-Wool Classic for fun. The Slate color or the Sage....Which one???

  82. I would love to enter your contest. I think Slate is my favorite color.



  83. Alana, You have a very soothing knitting voice and the stories are wonderful

    Keep up the good work,

    Steve L.

  84. I have missed you. Loved this episode. Thanks again, Sharon
