
Mountains of Orange Silk

If you also listen to my podcast, you'll know that I went to Stitches West this year. At this Stitches convention a slight lapse in sanity occurred and I ended up leaving with this alarming amount of Debbie Bliss Pure Silk.

Um... yes 1,370 yards to be exact.

Since the weather has been warming up a bit, I've been thinking of this mountain of silk more and more and have been wanting to knit a summery top from it all. I feel like I should use this yarn first before my other stashed silk. I feel guilty about buying all of it and I feel like if I use it up really quickly it will somehow make this impulse purchase "ok".

Here are the two tops that I really like from the Debbie Bliss Magazine Fall/Winter issue of 2008. They both are made up in Pure Silk and I have enough yarn to make one of them, not both. I cant decide which one to make.
The bolero is definitely more my style but maybe not very functional. It looks as though it needs a nice button or closure on the front. Without something holding it together it looks like it could be a bit baggy around the bustline. Not a super flattering look. I love the stitch patterning though! It looks like its really fun to knit
The tank might be more functional.

What do you think? Which project would suit this color of Pure Silk more?


  1. I love this color. I actually have the yellow Pure Silk to make the sleeveless top. I think the tank is adorable, but if you make that, then will you have enough left to make something for your little one, perhaps? The bolero would use most of your yarn, and you could wear that year-round. It will be gorgeous, whichever you choose.

  2. Woah! That's a whole lot of silk and in a fabulous shade of orange too! I would personally knit the shrug only because you said it was more your style, and you could always put a button on it. I'm honestly surprised that you don't have enough to knit both. 1300+ yds seems a lot for your tiny little frame ;) Can't wait to see what you do with it! :)

  3. OOOoooooh! I like that color! I would say the bolero is what I could see you in better, but then I only know you in pictures, so maybe I am not the best suited to choose your wardrobe. Buuuuuuut, I can see it with a delicate or fancy shawl pin, rather than a button! The bonus to that is that you can do all the knitting, and wait for the fit to see if it needs anything at all! So cute!

  4. What a beautiful color! I would make the bolero. I is so cute. What a great summer/fall knit. Have fun. I can't wait to see what you decide!!

  5. I think the tank would look great in the orange color.

  6. I was going to say the bolero, but the tank would be more versatile: you don't have to find things to wear that look good under the orange. Love the color though, so either one will look lovely!

  7. I vote "tank" and some matching fingerless gloves and a head band/scarf thing-a-mee!
    Yup Yup that's what I would do with it!

  8. The bolero. Definitely the bolero, it's really cute, and, like you said, more your style. Maybe you could do the tank in something else from your stash:)


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  10. I vote for the tank.
    That is a gorgeous colour!

  11. Alana, I just discovered your podcast and I am really enjoying it. It sounds very professional but beyond that it is so entertaining.

    I vote for the sleeveless top. It would look fabulous in that color.

  12. I'd have to say the tank :-)
    Love your website, and your gorgeous knitting.

  13. I like the tank a lot! The orange is beautiful. Good luck deciding!

  14. I think the bolero would look better in that color. I'm sure with your skills, you can make it look a little more fitting!

  15. I would knit the tank, but use the stitch pattern from the bolero for the center panel...best of both worlds in a gorgeous, toasted pumpkin silk!

  16. Oooo Ya! The center panel alteration would be divine really! Yup Yup.

  17. I really love the bolero, but I'm into those right now, so I might be a bit biased. I definately love the stitch pattern of it though.

  18. They're both incredibly sweet, but I'd go for the bolero for practical reasons. This yarn pills like there's no tomorrow, and the lace pattern would be better at hiding it than the stocking stitch panels at the sides of the tank. I know because I knit the tank, and the sides look like hell (but the lace part in the front is ok.)

    Just my experience. Maybe I had a bad batch of Pure Silk? Gorgeous colour btw.

  19. I say the bolero is more of your style, but it sounds like you like the tank, could you add the stitch patter of the bolero to say the front of the tank?
    ~Danielle :)

  20. I'll vote for the sleeveless top too!
    And, as I'd like to make it sometime soon, I hope you post lots of comments about it - a sort of lurker KAL.

  21. I love that color. It looks good enough to eat.

    I think that the tank top would be beautiful in it, but what would you wear under it. It looks pretty revealing, but perhaps a black top under it would be pretty.

  22. I thought we're supposed to have lapses of sanity at Stitches West. Isn't that why we go?

  23. I would go with the tank. Definitely.

  24. I'm with the tank votes. I love that color! I think it would be so cute as a tank.

  25. I already voted for the tank option... but piling was mentioned. Piling! Piling is yucky... I suppose you could walk around with your arms out a little from you sides all day long, huh? What about a lamp shade and some pillows to match? I'll bet light glowing through that colour looks cozy... Just a thought...:)

  26. I vote for the tank. I'm not sure what your wardrobe is like, but I don't have much in mine that would go with an orange bolero. That is a very nice tank pattern.

  27. Totally the tank! By the way thanks for your wonderful podcast and your inspiring blog. Wooly greetings from a place on earth where wool is knitted year-round... Iceland.

  28. I'd go with the bolero, because I find orange to be a surprisingly versatile colour for layering, especially in the summer. Then, if you had enough left over, you could always make a small lace shawl (like Ishbel by Ysolda)...

  29. Personally, I would choose the tank. It is beautiful and more versatile.

  30. I vote for the tank as well. It would use more yarn, and I think it would be a cute summer shirt.
