
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 18 : The Murphys Law Felted Clogs

Episode 18

NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group

*Dont forget to enter this episodes drawing!

For the month of May, Dancing Ewe Yarns is offering a special discount of 20% on the entire selection of Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton
and free shipping for all orders that include this yarn.

This offer is exclusive to the Nevernotknitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

In order to receive your discount, click on the Dancing Ewe link and in the checkout process enter in the special code " NNK1 "

Click HERE to download the MP3


  1. I love the idea of knitting those chickens and would really like to win a copy of the pattern. Especially since one of my daughters has the *annoying* habit of saying "Guess what?" and when you say, "What?" her response is "Chicken Butt!" I will totally knit her a bunch of these so she will have a flock of chicken butts!

  2. The little pink top is absolutely adorable. Likewise the model!

  3. Thanks for reminding me of the Baby Bolero. I have a new niece or nephew coming in Oct. that I should start making things for.

  4. My little girl would also love the knitted chickens. Thanks for offering the pattern and yarn.

  5. I had a great time listening to the podcast and clicking on the links in teh shownotes.

    Your design for the pretty pink top is lovely. My little girl turned 22 years old on May 1st. I don't suppose it would fit her, would it?

    No, I guess not. Darn!

  6. Alana, Thank you so much for letting me share my story! I had so much fun writing and recording it. I was a little nervous about how it would all turn out, but I guess it was OK. The rest of your podcast was wonderful as usual. I really like that red sweater pattern - maybe the instructions would be easy enough for even me to figure out!! :)

  7. How very cool! Another great podcast, and another great pattern! I will be buying that pattern soon. . .waiting to see how many girls I will be knitting it for, and planning my next yarn purchase!

    Keep up the great work, Alana!

  8. Alana, you're a great influence on us knitters! Everytime I listen to your podcast I have to start knitting a new project thanks to your great pictures and wonderful shownotes! The chicken pattern is sooooo cute I bet your daughter is loving it! She sure is a cutie pie and what a great knit wear model!!!

    Darlene in PEI

  9. tThe Spring Garden Tee is absolutely adorable and the pictures are just so sweet. Unfortunately, I don't have a little girl to knit for just yet.
    Thanks for another great podcast. You made my Monday morning go by fast.

  10. Thanks for another great pod cast. I don't feel so bad about how much I knit after I listened to it! ;)

  11. I too love this podcast. Thanks. It is nice to know that someone else suffers from Murphy's Law when knitting. It usually stops me for quite a while though. I love chickens. The pattern would be fantastic

  12. I for one am in awe of your finishing/creative/knitting ability. Keep up the good work!!

  13. Another wonderful podcast. I loved the story - I have thought about making those clogs, I think I'll put it off a bit longer:)

  14. What a busy week! I liked how you included popular patterns in your yarn review. It'd be interesting to know which patterns were WRITTEN for the yarn and which have been SUBSTITUTED by knitters. Also, it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on what the yarn would not be suitable for. Loved episode 18! Dana

  15. I am having flashbacks from knitting my first felted clogs...actually, my ONLY felted clogs...

  16. So, tell us really, can your house really be that clean? So much knitting! :-D All your things have turned out beautiful and I loved the story. I've already ordered my organic cotton and can't wait to get it to make a gift for my daughter. Thanks for the hard work!

  17. That chicken is ADORABLE! I love to knit toys and would welcome the pattern and yarn as a gift for the next baby in our family :)

  18. I'd definitely love to get a copy of the chicken pattern and the yarn for it -- it's a little early for my little girl (who's due this Saturday!) -- but she can drool on it :)

  19. I was just looking at that pattern the other day - I'd love to win it!

  20. I particularly liked this podcast because of all the great knitting suggestions you gave. The little top you designed is simply adorable. I like that it's a simple, yet interesting design. And of course, the chickens are so creative. I'd love to make some for some friends of mine.

  21. I love your little pink top and with two granddaughters born last year 5 months and 16 months I might just have to get the pattern. I love your podcast so keep up the great work and I would like to win the pattern for the chicken too.

  22. LOVE the chickens!

    Okay, so I totally relate to the felted clogs story. I live in Chicago, and have hardwood floors. It is really cold here in the winter, and I need slippers! But, since I'm a knitter, there is NO WAY I was gonna BUY any slippers. I got Cascade and the Fiber Trends felted clogs pattern, looked on Ravelry and saw the pictures of people who made 20 pairs in a month, and thought there would be no problem. I can knit socks, right? fair isle? Sure. But these felted clogs kicked my butt. I did the same thing, knit the wrong color for the soles and didn't have enough yarn, had to rip out, couldn't count all the wraps and turns, ripped again. Since the instructions called for the yarn to be held double, the 4 skeins in my bag all got horribly tangled, and eventually I shoved the whole bag into the back of my knitting closet. A friend on Ravelry challenged me to rid myself of my most shameful project---and so I did! I cut the yarn off that could be saved, and threw the rest of the would-be clogs in the trash! This took a lot of courage, but in the end, I am so happy I don't have to see the bag that held my Felted Clogs of Shame every time I went looking through my yarn.
    "Questionable" on Ravelry

  23. Your voice is sweet and calming... thank you. I just recently found your podcast and I have now listened to them all. Delightful!

  24. WOW! I can't believe how much you get done. Incredible. I love how your cardigan turned out and your little girls sweater is adorable. Keep up the good work.


  25. The chicken is cute. Love the tee you knitted for your daughter. You designed and knitted in one week-- amazing!

  26. Love those knitted chickens! I would love to see the "daddy chicken" when you get it done. I am a first time listener to your podcast. I really enjoyed the story of the "felted clogs".

  27. I'm a new listener to your podcast - this was the first podcast I listened to and have since went back and listened to all of them! I love them! You have a wonderful spirit and you do a great job of sharing you love of knitting. Thanks and I will def. be a listener for a long long time.

  28. Awesome episode, as always. Really love your new pattern and you've pushed me over the edge... I must try the knit chickens!

  29. YAY! I finally got some time to (fold laundry) and listen to episode 18! Love the chickens, love the tee, and love all of the references you make to possible projects. Thank you for having such thorough show notes. Can't wait to see the Daddy chicken :)

  30. I love the idea of knitting a chicken. While my girls are getting older, I think they would still love one. Even if they had to keep it a secret from their friends.

  31. :) My mom raises chickens and sells the eggs, and I've been wanting to knit her a chicken. Now my sister is too. My one daughter has a thing for chickens as well. I love these in the pattern! So cute!

  32. I looove the knit chicken. We just got some baby chicks and my daughter is obsessed with them. I think she needs a knit chicken to snuggle with for when she can't go in to harass the real ones. :)

    The spring tee is lovely too.

    -- Cindy

  33. I just discovered your blog and podcast, and both are wonderful! Now I'm feeling inspired to do the finishing on my Knit Chicken. :-)

    Gorgeous little pink spring top.
