
A Very Cherry Preview

The Very Cherry dress is all done!

Tomorrow I'm going to work on the photography. Let's hope my little one is feeling cooperative.

After that I'll just be waiting on the Tech Editor. So I hope to have the pattern available on the blog soon!

I'm very happy with it. It fits my daughter perfectly which is something that I always worry about.

I am loving the lace and picot edging. It definitely makes the dress.
There is a fair bit of stockinette in this knit, but it is broken up by decrease rounds so it isn't completely mind numbing.

Plus a little stockinette never hurt anyone. It's great for TV knitting!


  1. Love the edging. Looks like it might be pretty easy to knit. I can't wait to try it out!

  2. That is a beautiful little red dress! I love the lace edging. I'm really looking forward to making this.

  3. Very cute! I have the yarn at the ready!

  4. oh wow, I love them hem!! Adorable.

    - Julie

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I'm thinking my daughter needs something this cute! And I'm always up for mindless knitting!!!

  6. very cute. can't wait to see your dd model it!

  7. Yes, fabulous lace, interesting and beautiful!

  8. LOVE it. I can't wait for the pattern!

  9. Awesome! Great color! Can't wait to see Ava in it!:) hugs

  10. Hmmm--there's a definite fruit/berry theme developing here...! Do I sense a book in the works?

    Very cute!

  11. This is the sweetest design EVER! (Of course I end up thinking that about every new pattern you come up with.)

    Congratulations on another darling design!

  12. uh oh - yet another design of yours that I love.

    The picot edging is so beautiful! Can't wait to see how it looks on your little one!

  13. Oh, goodie! I've been waiting on this one! Hurry, hurry! I love it!

  14. What an adorable pattern! I'll definitely be knitting one up for Liv.
