
Rose Red

OK, so I still have a little bit of a lingering hat phobia, but this Rose Red hat pattern was just too pretty to pass up.
I loved every single thing about this project. The pattern was so fun to knit up, I never wanted to put it down. Potentially, I could knit nothing but Rose Red for the rest of my knitting life and be happy. Really truly happy! Well.. maybe I'd get bored eventually, but.. yes.. I could knit it over and over again.
It is just so fun to see a pattern form right in front of your eyes with every stitch. It's for this reason that stranded knitting is so addictive as well.
It's a source of instant gratification in a more time consuming project.

The yarn that I used was Sublime Angora Merino which is a lovely blend that is fuzzy but not too fuzzy. Since I knit my Lush and Lacy Cardigan a year ago now, I've really loved the look of lace work in angora yarn. The trick is to find an angora blend. Something that still has a reasonable amount of stitch definition. My Rose Red took a little over one ball. So of course I'm left with yet another partial skein. Oh joy.

I love the finished result. It's so feminine, so pretty, so soft. It will be great for Fall and Winter!
Now..all I need to do is get used to wearing a hat in public without feeling ridiculous..


  1. What a beautiful hat! I absolutely love everything about it...the pattern, the color...gorgeous! Beautiful pictures too!

  2. Gorgeous! I love it!
    Wear the hat around the house for a long time so you forget that it is on. That way you'll forget about it when you wear it in public.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Now..all I need to do is get used to wearing a hat in public without feeling ridiculous."

    I have the same phobia. It's the same one I have toward the cute knit bows I've began making and selling in my shop. They look good on me, in the comfort of my own home of course, but I've not gotten brave enough to wear them outside. I'm loving this hat, enough to make one for myself to actually....wear.

    It can be overcame though because I used to not wear scarves in public either. Now I can't wait to pull them out and wear again.

  5. Hello Alana, It looks lovely on you, I promise! The colour really suits you and combined with the yarn's fuzzy softness, it makes a lovely "frame" for your face :)

  6. There is no reason to feel ridiculous--the hat suits you, truly! Very, very beautiful. :)

  7. With a hat like that I don't know how you could feel anything but georgous! It is beautiful and looks great on you.

  8. Love it! I may have to knit one for my sister in law.

  9. surely the photos show you that this hat looks great on you and you don't need to worry at all about wearing it in public! You'll be turning heads - but of admiration. It's gorgeous.

  10. I too understand hat phobia, although mine has developed more because of my uncooperative hair than anything else.

    This hat is very lovely, and the color suites you well. Be brave and wear it!

  11. It's so cute on you, and the color suits you. Lovely!

  12. Gorgeous! You have convinced me that I need a Rose Red for winter. I enjoyed making Gretel, so I look forward to this one as well. I hope mine turns out half as nice as yours.

  13. It's so pretty! Looks great on you (& btw you are so pretty too!)

  14. Just lovely! I already have some of that very yarn (but in periwinkle blue) set aside for that very pattern. You're inspiring me to dig it out and cast on!

    I think it will be very wearable!

  15. Absolutely lovely. And the hat's pretty nice too. (lol!)

  16. Love the hat. When it gets cold you'll feel just fine wearing it. What a beautiful color and design!

  17. I really love this hat! I'm going to scoot over to Ravelry, now, and see if you posted the information you know I'm going to ask for! I love it!

  18. I love this hat! I'm going to scoot on over to Ravelry, now, and see if you listed the details! Otherwise, you'll be hearing from me. I love it!

  19. What an awesome hat! Looks beautiful on you!

  20. Be-a-u-ti-ful! And such a pretty model. . .you should be proud to wear hats in public!

  21. You shouldn't feel ridiculous - this hat looks amazing on you!

  22. The hat is beautiful and you look lovely, you should definitely wear it a lot!

  23. This is SO pretty!! And very inspiring. I love sublime angora merino and have a ton of it (bought on irresistible sale) just itching for a project...I think I know what I'll be knitting next.

  24. Hmmm, partial skein...could it be that the little Miss needs her own Rose Red to match mama? Then you'd be able to knit it again. Ha!

  25. OH my goodness that is absolutely gorgeous, and it looks gorgeous on you! I love the color with your complexion.

  26. It's beautiful! The colour is great on you, so vibrant.

  27. Yeah, you definitely need to get over your hat phobia because you look adorable in hats!

  28. Alana, you look so beautiful in all of your pictures and especially in this hat. Lucky lucky you!


  29. I don't know why you have hat phobia...you look gorgeous in them! I've also knit this hat and just LOVE the pattern...can't recommend it highly enough!!

  30. It's a lovely pattern and hat-- just gorgeous!

  31. Definitely a beautiful topper and you show it off well. Just pretend that you always wear hats and soon you will believe it. With your beautiful hair and complexion, you should stride with confidence!

  32. Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE IT!! That is beautiful!

    Btw..I think you look gorgeous in the hat, too!

  33. Fantastic! Great colour, great work, great pictures.. Would like one like that myself :)

  34. Oh, I love hats too, and I definitely want to make your Rose Red hat. I think it's beautiful, and I think you look beautiful in it too :).

  35. So pretty! Is that you under the hat? Perfect color for you. I just finished crocheting a raspberry beret for my 17-year-old, and she loves hers, too, although way to warm to wear it in SC right now.

  36. Wonderful job. You look awesome in Red
