
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 23 : Interview With Alison Stewart-Guinee

Episode 23


Dancing Ewe Yarns

Praying Mantis

Knit Picks Zephyr Needles

Sublime Organic Merino Dk

Malabrigo Worsted


Kits for Sheepish

Fairy Tale Knits: 32 Projects to Knit Happily Ever AfterFairy Tale Knits

Fairy Tale Knits Pattern Pictures

Allison's Blog

Allison's Website

Allison on Ravelry

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*Dont forget to enter this episodes drawing!

Receive 10% off Sublime Organic Merino Dk through the month of September through Dancing Ewe Yarns! Enter in the NeverNotKnitting discount code in the checkout process.


The winners of the drawing announced in Episode 22 are
Bill, Liz, and Clovermillie!


Fairy Tale Knits: 32 Projects to Knit Happily Ever After

Click HERE to download Episode 23 in MP3 format


  1. Entertaining as always. Loved the interview with Allison. Can't wait to buy the book!

    I am WifeMomKnitter on Ravelry.

  2. Great podcast! I'm dying to try the Sublime organic merino and check out the Fairy Tale Knits book.

  3. Great podcast. The interview was great. I need to check out the book.

  4. Another great show! I love the sheepish design, probably since I'm in Ireland and surrounded by sheep!
    Unfortunately can't get the yarn you recommended over here, so it would be lovely to get to try it out (particularly the Saltwater colour).
    I'm JennyW1 on Ravelry.

  5. Loved the episode! Honestly, when I heard the title "Fairy Tale Knits" I just assumed I'd never get use out of it since I have two boys. But I am fully convinced! I *need* this book :)

  6. Loved the podcast! Sorry about your praying mantis hat (though my sons would love that LOL). I especially loved the interview and can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book!

    I am merwenna on ravelry.

  7. We're in the same place right now. I just purchased the Sublime Organic Pattern book and enough yarn to make me the cabled handwarmers and my son the v-neck sweater. Yummy yarn. It's so lightly twisted it's almost like working with sliver at times. Am intrigued with the Zephyr needles. Have been waiting for a project to present itself so I can buy and try one size. Still want to try it. Just saw the Fairy Tale knits book at Barnes and Noble yesterday. Even my husband thought the knits were cute. You are so timely!

  8. Thank you for another lovely podcast! I have four nieces under the age of 2 - Fairy Tale Knits will give our family hours of pleasure watching the Fairies and Princesses play and process.

    I'm Meowzette on Ravelry. :)

  9. I love that you interviewed an author this time! What a fun change of pace!

    You know, you should really think about sending me that praying mantis chart~or a pic, if you could bear it. ;o) My son is an entomologist at heart. He would love it!

    I'm daisyhead on Rav, but you can also email me thru my blog link.

    Thanks for another fun podcast!

  10. Yay, another contest! ;)

    Selkie on Ravelry

  11. Your podcast was very interesting, as always. I got a kick out of your praying mantis/alien problem. It sounds cute no matter what!
    I would love to try the Sublime organic merino in 190 pod.
    I'd also love a chance to read the new Fairy Tale Knits. The interview was excellent!
    I'm ayntbee on Ravelry

  12. I enjoyed the podcast. Don't be too hard on yourself about not being able to frog something. I've had one UFO laying around for more than 2 years that needs to be frogged. Oi I make excuses every time I try. LOL.

    My favorite color of the organic merino is Felt. Thanks for sharing about the book. It's one I'd really like to have too.

    I'm melkrist on Ravelry.

  13. love the podcast - love the yarn love the pattern.

  14. I really enjoyed the podcast. I had looked at Fairytale Knits briefly but just went back and decided I needed to add it to my collection. I just love the baby blanket and I am not a blanket knitter!

  15. I would LOVE to try out the sublime organic merino...I heart the saltwater colorway.

  16. Another great podcast! I really like the Asparagus color in the Sublime Organic Merino.

  17. The organic Merino sounds really nice. I think this is the next kind of yarn I'd like to learn how to spin. I wouldn't have thought to look at a book titled Fairytale Knits but the interview was so interesting that now I will. I especially liked that she included some patterns for boys and that most patterns are seamless.

  18. I loved this episode. My son thinks he is Robin Hood - so I better check out this book.

  19. Love your podcast!

    Sheri from KY

  20. Enjoyed your podcast as always. And I love the look of the Sublime Organic Merino Wool, especially the Saltwater colorway. The Floss is beautiful also. I'm curious about the patterns in the Fairy Tale Knits book.

  21. I haven't listened yet, but I know I will love it! I need to find a few peaceful moments to enjoy the podcast without any distractions. Thanks in advance!


    melissabear on Ravelry

  22. Another great podcast! How can you choose a color of that great yarn? .... ok, I'll go with POD. Thanks for thinking of us.

    Bookboxer on Ravelry

  23. Great episode! I love the saltwater colorway of the organic merino. I am not usually a lover of wool but am intrigued by your assessment of this yarn. I guess I'll have to try it :)

  24. what a wonderful book -- the photos are beautiful !

  25. The Sublime yarn sounds wonderful (and I love the Sheepish sweater!). I think Felt is my favorite color but Pod comes in at a close second!

    By the way, I'm curious to hear what kind of yarn you were using with the Zephyr needles? I'm also a Knitpicks nickle-plated & Addi Turbo addict so wasn't sure I'd like them but ended up loving them. I'm using a thick wool with a lot of lanolin in it which I figured would stick even more on the acrylic but it's actually working out really well. It may just be that I am used to pushing my stitches along anyway, it's just how I knit. I'd actually love to hear how you get the stitches to move along on their own sometime!

    Anyway, thanks again for a great podcast - I always enjoy listening!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Oop...wrong yarn for contest...I hope to win the "Felt" in the sublime organic.....

  28. Loved the interview and book review! I'm in love with the caplet and my daughter and all her cousins may NEED these for Christmas!

  29. Oooh I've been looking for something fantastically soft for a baby hat. The Sublime organic merino sounds just right, in the Chalk colorway. squoosh!!

  30. One of the most gratifying things about getting a new laptop is getting to listen to podcasts again. Can't wait to hear the new episodes!

  31. The Sublime organic merino looks great - especially the twine color.

    On Ravelry I am Juliaknit

  32. Loved the interview you had with Allison. You should definitly try and do more interviews with designers because sometimes it can help introduce the listeners to new patterns...Plus it is always fun and interesting to hear how a designer got started with knitting. If you could find some male knitters to interview, that could be cool too.

    Keep up the good work!

  33. I alway look forward to your lastes podcast. Very inspiring.

  34. Great podcast Alana! I think this Grandma needs the Fairy Tale Knits book. And I beg to differ - I love my Zephyrs!

    Color in yarn - 119 Asparagus. Rav name KnittyBarb.

  35. I just recently found your blog, and am really enjoying it and your podcasts. So entertaining and informative!

  36. I really enjoyed the interview with the Fairy Tale Knits author. And, what, no pictures of the crazy colorwork hat? :-)

  37. Great episode. I love the sailcloth colorway.

  38. Great episode! Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the info on the Zephyr needles as well!

  39. Very good podcast, once again! It was such a day-brightener to see it downloading to my iTunes! I was particularly drawn to the Pod colorway of the Sublime yarn - lovely! My Ravelry name is JRoKnits.

  40. I always look forward to listening to the podcast, and this was no exception. I was also glad to hear a review about the new Knit Picks needles, from someone who isn't from KP's, since I also listen to that podcast. And I just might have to check out Fairy Tale Knits since I am sure my little princess will love it too. Keep up the good work.

  41. I love your podcast! And thank you for your product reviews, they are very helpful. I usually never win but I thought I would try :), I really liked "Soap" color in Sublime Organic Wool. Maybe this time I'll win :). Thank you for your podcast, keep it up, I am fateful listener.

  42. I love the asparagus colorway in Sublime!

    I really wish I had the money laying around to buy the sheepish kit. My one year old daughter would look adorable in it!! It's going on my Christmas wish list!!

  43. Thanks so much for your podcasts. They're always so helpful. I love the product reviews, and your praying mantis story was just what I needed as I've been in a life and death struggle w/a sleeve on a sweater I'm knitting. It just won't come out right!

  44. I love listning. Keep up the great content. - Sarah Neumann

  45. Great podcast. Love the book. it's just beautiful

  46. Great podcast, loved the interview!

    TwinMamaKnitter on Ravelry.

  47. ditto the great podcast...and gosh, I'd love to have the book!

  48. Love the podcast and really enjoyed the interview with Allison. Please keep up the good work!! I would love to try the Sublime organic morino. Also, I have a couple of nephews that would absolutly love a hat with bugs on it!! Thanks for all you do!! I am HeatherD on Ravelry.

  49. This was my first time listening, but definitely not my last! I can't wait to download the other episodes and catch up, and to add you to my regular rotation of knitting podcasts.

    And a contest too! I'm dying to check out the book!

    stixchick on Ravelry

  50. Thank you for another great podcast! I love the Saltwater colorway in the Sublime Organic Merino. It's really all beautiful!


    WiscKnitter on Ravelry

  51. Nice interview! All of the colors of the Sublime organic merino look great, but I guess I like Asparagus the best.

  52. I just saw the book in barnes and noble. i like some of patterns. io like the organic merino in Felt. so pretty.

    great podcast.


  53. Awesome podcast, Alana! I would pay to see the Praying Mantis hat! And the patterns in Allison's book sound amazing.

    Thanks for fitting into my iPod and coming with me to carpool all the time ;-) Knit On!

    Cindy T.
    (JacobsReward on Rav)

  54. Sorry to hear about the praying-mantis-alien hat. Have you considered modifying the design slightly and selling alien hat patterns to X-file geeks?

    Great podcast as always.

    - Pam (PipneyJane on Ravelry)

  55. Enjoyed the podcast - particularly the riff on the mantis hat - somebody has got to love that, despite your disappointment. Also enjoyed the interview with Allison - am particularly that it containcs a pattern that is coveted by teenagers - almost unheard of!

  56. Love your podcast and the interview with Allison. I like the saltwater color of the organic merino.

  57. Here is something I miss: Remeber how you used to announce the winners of a contest and there was a sound byte of applause? Whatever happen to them? Has the recession done away with them and sent them packing?

  58. WOW I love the colors in that yarn. They are pretty muted which are great for some more professional looking garments. I really loved the Asperagus and pod colors though. Greens are always my favorites.

    I have seen a few of the patterns from the book. They looked really fun I think I might try to make my niece the crown.

  59. Very interesting this week.

    I'm Chonnybunny on Ravelry
