

Elijah the knitted elephant has finally been completed.

(Pattern here. Yarn here.)

My daughter insists that Elijah is in fact a girl name and is convinced that 'she' is the best thing that ever was.

The finished Elijah has proven to be such a soft cuddly companion.
For that reason I'm so glad that I made him... um.. I mean HER. :)

Unfortunately I found the knitting part of the project a bit of a pain. I LOVED the fact that it was knit all in one piece, but at the same time picking up those stitches and knitting at such a tight gauge proved rather cumbersome.

I really should have done the body parts in order and worked both ears last. I found it to be quite challenging knitting an arm after an ear. The double pointed needles kept getting caught and it was kind of annoying. I guess that the order of instructions is there for a reason!

Oh well.. 'Shes' done now and just way too cute for 'her' own good..


Anonymous said...

Both are adorable!

Melissa said...

Awww! "She" is so cute. Your daughter looks so happy to have her all done.

Anonymous said...

Awww! Look at how happy she is! Makes all that fussy knitting worth while.

Anonymous said...

He/she is very cute! I found a small crochet hook indespensible for picking up the stitches for the body. I'd never have managed it with a knitting needle.

melissa said...

She is the CUTEST thing! Oh, and the elephant is cute too! ;)

Cook said...

The elephant is so cute. Did you knit the sweater that your daughter is wearing?

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Cute elephant and cute kiddo! Even if the knitting was a pain, wasn't it so worth it for that smile?

Bluebird Photobooth said...


Anonymous said...

Awww, SHE looks gorgeous! Your wee munchkin looks mighty taken by her new Ellie-phant :)

Kasia said...

She is so CUTE!!

Dawn said...


Lien said...

It's absolutely adorable!

I found the opposite to you- I knit two Elijahs, and on the second, I knit the ears before the body because I hated having the turn the whole body, with the arms and legs, every time I turned for the ears.

Puttermeister said...

What a darling little friend. I'm glad to see he's overcome his limb deficiencies. ; )

Tabby said...

So cute! I won't mention to my son that someone thinks his name is 'girly'...LOL ;-P

Rachel said...

It's so good to see Elijah got all his appendages worked out!


Kate (KnitsInClass) said...

Oh, so sweet - I love that Elijah is such a special lovey, fresh off the needles.

Kim said...

I do love the bottoms of the legs. So beautiful!

Faith said...

So adorable! I just finished knitting a little Jean Greenhowe bunny for my daughter, so I know what you mean about a tight gauge. I am a beginner, so it definitely felt different to me.
Your elephant is SO cute!

It is so great to see your daughter's affection for it! I am sure that makes it all worth it.

Sarah said...

cuuuuuuuuuute! love the elephant and the photos are fantastic.

Kristin said...

It looks like they make each other happy, doesn't it?

I just picked up itty - bitty toys by Susan B Anderson (I'm looking forward to that podcast, two of my knitting faves :) ) My 10 y/o daughter fell in love with the wrap me up puppies. I'm off to get the yarn to make her 1 or 2 of those. I told her no more stuffies, but this will be hand made with love.

Anonymous said...

Cute elephant and very cute daughter. You're a talented photographer, too! The lighting's extraordinary!

Jane Richmond said...

Sooo cute! I love the pics! Also, I would love to know what sweater your daughter is wearing, it's really pretty.

Melody said...

I'm actually starting the Elijah in a few days. I plan to knit it on size 5 needles with a worsted weight yarn. I know the end product will be slightly bigger, but I couldn't bring myself to knit this project on 2's and 3's. Oh and I do plan to use a crochet hook to pick up the stitches.

I hope the recipient of my Elijah looks as happy as yours!

paws said...

That is one adorable elephant!

Elin H. said...

What a charming girl. Lovely pictures :) And such a nice elephant!