

This past week I finished Gail, and rediscovered the magic of blocking.
It makes such a difference!

I used one skein Handmaiden SeaSilk in the Ireland colorway and size 7 needles.
(Yarn found here.)
With the help of this chart, this truly was a painless, quick lace project.
As you know, I'm not a huge fan of variegated yarn, so the Ireland colorway, although beautiful, made me a little nervous. I have to say that I'm quite pleased with the result though. I think that the colors blended nicely and fairly evenly across the piece.

I love the sheen and drape of this gorgeous yarn.
I definitely will be working with it again in the future.

Lace shawls are so addicting! I'm already looking at more patterns!


  1. What a beautiful shawl. I really love the green and turquoise yarn.

  2. absoulutely gorgeous! It makes me WANT to do lace and buy silk yarns...

  3. Gorgeous! It is just lovely.

  4. This is sooooo beautiful. You have done a great job.

  5. Hi! I'm "new" to your blog, I've been listening to your podcasts and looove them :)

    This shawl is beautiful!

    (francesmac on ravelry)

  6. piekna chusta..cudna..pozdrawiam ania

  7. Beautiful shawl, love the yarn colourway.

  8. Stunning is the only word I can think of. I love this shawl, and once again the photography is perfect!

  9. The yarn is a perfect match for this shawl not too much varigation, just right!

  10. Love the shawl. Makes me want to try this pattern.

  11. Soooo breathtaking beautiful.....and I have that yarn in my stash! I'd bought it for a wrap....love how it knit up! Yes, I've been addicted to shawls too lately!

  12. Lovely. I'm just starting Swallowtail and seeing your Gail is very motivating. Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is gorgeous! Every time I block a piece of lace, it is like watching magic! I love to block lace...I only wish I had more space, and that my cats had less of a taste for yarn! lol!

  14. It's beautiful! Love that yarn, and lace shawls are totally addicting.

  15. Such a beautiful shawl! I just love the colors that blend so perfectly with the pattern.

  16. Very pretty shawl. I may also knit Mara in the future. Enjoyable podcast.

  17. Very pretty!! Makes me want to move Gail to the top of my shawl list.

  18. Stunning! I'm on to my 6th Gail now...it really is a compulsive pattern.

  19. What a beautiful shawl, those are my favorite colours.
    Where did you fing this pattern?

  20. That is amazing work! Yet another knitting area I haven't touched :) You must have so much patience!

  21. this is gorgeous♥ I have been afraid to try shawls like this. The color is so pretty♥ great photos♥
    btw. I love your podcast♥

  22. Yes, Gail is a lovely shawl, and I love the green colour.

  23. Very beautiful shawl. The greens are amazing!

  24. I'm on a lace shawl roll myself now and have to put this one in my queue. Beautiful yarn and the photographs are making me drool. Just exquisite.

  25. So lacy and beautiful. I'm having a go at a beginner's shawl and really enjoying it too. I'm already thinking of making another when this one is done. I like how light they are for hot climates - and I agree they would be handy in cool air-conditioned buildings.
    Jude ;)

  26. This is absolutely gorgeous!! I will definately get some of this yarn, although I am not real good at lace and horrible at reading charts.
