
Getting Ready For The Ravelympics!

The Winter Olympics is starting soon, and you know what that means...
Its also time for the Ravelympics!

The "Ravelympics" is an event put on by Ravelry.com. The concept of Ravelympics is to challenge yourself by starting and finishing projects during the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Choose a project that will be a stretch for you or that will force you to perfect a new technique.
Ravelry.com states, "The goal of the Ravelympics is to support you in expanding your knitting/crocheting horizons.
Just remember the one rule: Challenge yourself!"

The Ravelympics officially begin at 6 pm Pacific Standard Time February 12, as the Opening Ceremonies begin in Vancouver. Now is the time for all of us to pick our projects, enter the events and pick a Ravelympics team.

(Please click here for additional information on how to proceed.)

Please join team Never Not Knitting for the Ravelympics this year!

We have a wonderful, active ravelry group and would love to have you knit along with us. Also there will be a special Ravelympics drawing in the Never Not Knitting group for all of you who complete your Ravelympic project goals.

(Please leave a comment on this ravelry thread to add yourself to our team list.)

Show your support for Team Never Not Knitting and add this button to your blog.

The button is located at:

and then just make it link to:

As for me....

I've gathered all of my Ravelympics knitting supplies.

My goal is to complete a series of little knitted toys for my daughter AND to share my progress on the blog every day during the Ravelympics!

So be sure to check back often to see my progress. I'm keeping the toy projects secret on the blog for now.. I thought it might be fun for you to guess what they are as I go. :)

The yarns I chose are mostly natural organic fibers in lovely muted tones.I think that this color palette lends itself very well to children's playthings. I cannot wait to get started!

I am desperately trying to finish up my Tea Leaves Cardigan before the Ravelympics begin.I hope to have finished pictures to share in a couple of days! :)


  1. I don't think that I have the energy for Ravelympics this year. It's an awesome idea though. I'm pretty much only capable of mindless knitting, tv viewing and reading at the moment. So once I get through the fluffy period, I'll be going forth and challenging myself again.

    I like your ideas for Ravelympics. The toys sound super cute. Can't wait to see the progress.

  2. Let the games begin!!! I'm not participating this year as I already have way too much going on but I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's projects. Your daughter will be thrilled will all her toys and they will be so adorable.

  3. Oh those toys will be lovely! I am not planning on participating in events (unless you would consider a goal of getting 3 new designs ready by mid-March!) but am looking forward to seeing your progress.

  4. That is such a beautiful photo of yarn!
    Is there a minimum number of projects that you are required to commit to to be on the team? I've had very little time for knitting lately, so commiting to one project would be challenge enough for me, but that doesn't seem like a significant contribution to the team...

  5. Oooh, love the button!

    It'll be fun to read your blog as you make your projects. Is your daughter making anything, now that she's a knitter too?

  6. Hi fridica,

    To answer your question..

    Yes, one project is fine. It's not the amount of projects you do that counts. The Ravelympics is all about challenging yourself and setting a personal goal. It doesn't matter how large or small that goal is. :)

    Hope you can participate with us this year!


  7. Audrey (Audknits)

    I think that the little ones "ravelympics goal" will be to do one stitch all by herself.

    That will be challenge enough! :)

    Thanks for joining the team!


  8. Good luck with your Ravelympic toys! It'll be fun to see them all on your blog as they are knitted up. -Ve

  9. Hey that would make a great center piece! :-)

  10. Hooray for team NNK! Can't wait to get started.

  11. Let's go team NNK! I'm so excited to get started! This will be my first Ravelympics and I have my yarn all balled up and ready to go! I can't wait to read your blog and see how your projects turn out :)

  12. Add me to team NNK2010! I'm i!!

  13. I'm on team NNK and am very excited. But I am, perhaps, even more excited that there will be Never Not Knitting blog posts every day!!! Wuh-hoo! :)

  14. I just started listening... I love the podcast. I am now starting and episode one and working my way through.

  15. I have a few friends expecting new babies and am planning some toy projects. Everyone else is doing the traditional knitted blankets or sweaters or quilts and these toys have inspired me to try something different. I ordered Susan B. Anderson's books and can't wait until they arrive! Love your podcast and I will be on the lookout for you at Stitches.

  16. Good luck! I'm playing along. I posted on my blog about it, and have my projects ready to go! Actually... couldn't wait that long - I dove in and have 1/2 the SW shawl done, and my first baby sock almost done as well. I also cast on the FPK felted slipper, but realized I need to order more yarn, so that one is on hold. :) This is so exciting! Thank you for the inspiration!

    I just discovered your blog and am loving it! That new pattern looks divine. :D

  17. Hi Never Not Knitting,
    I check your blog every day and I love all the projects that you post. I would be very honored to be chosen to win the Nicky Epstein Book on Crochet Flowers and or The Fortune Cookie style bag by Rose Knits. Please consider me.
    Thank you,
