
The NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 31 : Knitting Emmy

Episode 31


**Get free shipping on your Roseknits bag purchase by mentioning the code "NNK" in the checkout process! Offer valid until April 15th, 2010.**

Check back soon for a chance to win your very own Roseknits bag filled with goodies and a copy of Nicky Epstein's book Crocheted Flowers!


  1. Yay for episode 31! It's good to have you back :)

  2. Yay, you're back!!! Off to listen!

  3. Soooo glad to have your podcast back. Can't wait to hear all the upcoming epidodes!

  4. THANK YOU so much for including my knitting story. I listened to the episode at the gym and I think people might have been wondering why I was tearing up on the eliptical trainer! :) It was an honor to appear on your podcast. And I am so happy to have NNK back after your break!

  5. welcome back! i can't wait to download this episode.

  6. Welcome back! Thanks for keeping me company while I weave.
    I don't like to reknit things either and also rarely knit a second project twice. :)

  7. Surprise internet yarn buying experiences are always interesting - glad yours worked out! I'm highly considering doing the Cosette during Malabrigo March...hmmmm.

  8. Yeah! Alana is back. Missed you!
    I am just finishing my spring garden tee for my little grand child.

  9. Glad your back. Great podcast.

  10. Love your podcast--& your patterns are sooooo lovely! tweeted via @lancyarnshop contact info
    lovewend at g mail.com

  11. lovely!
    kathrynlmyers (at) yahoo.com

  12. I'm a somewhat new listener -- love the podcast. I'm always making notes on my phone of websites to check out while I'm listening! Contact info -- you can find me on Ravelry with "shenene" as my username. :)


  13. Love the podcast and the patterns. Making Chloe for both of my girls now.

  14. Your toys are so cute. Glad you're back. Missed your podcast.

  15. The hiatus is over! Yay! Downloading as I type :)

  16. I am finally caught up with your podcasts - having found you two weeks ago.

    Thanks to your inspiration, being a crocheter first and a knitter second, I am considering my own podcast for crocheting! Thank you! ☺

    I am Fiodior (pronounced FEE-oh-door) on Ravelry and you can contact me at Fiodior@gmail.com

  17. Welcome back! I think many of us have been suffering from NNK podcast withdrawl!! :)

  18. I'm a beginning knitter and I missed hearing your podcasts. You inspire me to learn more. Welcome back!

  19. Loved your new episode (as always). Especially the story about Emmy! I am a 911 dispatcher and I never get the endings of my calls. It's nice to know she is doing well! We pray endlessly for our callers!

    For all the mother's, please don't yell in the phone. We totally understand, but there is so much more to it then you can imagine. ( http://thedispatcherandherofficer.blogspot.com/2010/02/dear-parents-mostly-mothers-dispatcher.html)

  20. Love that puppy! Please enter me in the bag giveaway - Thanks!

  21. Love that pup!

    Please enter me in your bag giveaway - they look fantastic! Thanks for doing your blog.

  22. Welcome back! You've been missed! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your podcasts - I look forward to each and every one!

  23. Well, I realized you were back and listened to your podcast on 3/16 so have missed your incredibly generous giveaway. However, I want to thank you for starting off the season with such a drool-worthy prize, and more than that I want to welcome you back. Will be checking out those bags, definitely!
