
Yarn On The House Interview!

Guess what? Just recently I was interviewed via Skype by Veronika from the

You'll have to stop by and give it a listen! It's definitely a more candid, personal type of interview. I'm sure you'll learn some embarassing.. um.. I mean.. surprising new things about me! :)

Yarn on the House is a really fun blog!
Veronika posts a drawing and gives away yarn every single week!
How great is that? If you are as yarn obsessed as I am, this is definitely a blog to subscribe to!

Here is this weeks giveaway! Click here to get all the details and to enter to win!

Thank you Veronika for featuring me this week!


  1. Thanks for introducing me to yet another great blog. My list of daily blog reading is getting longer... There are so many wonderful people in this world!

  2. You're right, her blog is really cool!
    yarn yarn yarn!! oops, my obsession is making a comeback!

  3. Your very welcome, Alana! Thank you for agreeing to an interview. It was a lot of fun! :) -Ve

  4. Love the blog!! And Alana, your interview was great! It was fun to learn a little bit about your non-knitting persona!

  5. Awesome! Alana, I love the podcast, and am so sad to have finished listening to all the previous episodes. Now, I have to wait for a new one! :)

  6. Great interview Alana. I loved hearing about your OCD, I have my own obsessive compulsive habits too.


    ...I laughed out loud listening to your story of how the movie was ruined because you couldn't stop thinking about the cloth that had been contaminated by the raw chicken, so hilarious!

  7. How wonderful is that! Will have to check out that blog immediately.

    That yarn is some seriously gorgeous stuff.

  8. It was really great for you to share about yourself in the interview.

    I appreciate you keeping the podcast on topic, but, at the same time, it was really great to get you "know" who's behind this awesome podcast.

    Keep up the good work.

  9. In either episode 33 or 34 you mentioned that you have lost several DPNs, just by putting your sock down on the couch for a moment and then finding they'd vanished when you picked it up again. I have a solution: you need a set of WIP tubes to slip your DPNs into every time you stop knitting on your socks. No more missing needles.

    - Pam
