
Monster Parts

If you guessed that I was making the Daphne and Delilah monster pattern
from this blog post, you are correct my friend!
I am now done with all of the knitting. All that is left is the sewing up.. sigh...


  1. Well, of course they're monster parts! I bet there is a soon-to-be ecstatically young lady at your house!!! Looks great, Alana!

  2. They are so cute! Can't wait to see them "come to life"! :)

  3. I never imagined I'd see the word "monster" in any of your posts...but they already look so adorable - you can make anything cute!

  4. Ohgah. This post just makes me happy.

  5. Hi! I've done all the knitting too. I started my monsters when I saw your quiz. Thanks!

  6. cute. look forward to seeing it all sewn up!

  7. Nice colors! Look forward to seeing the finished product!

  8. Every home should have monsters!

    We must await their photo shoot!


  9. I am going to knit this up for my little girl too! I also was silly and showed her the picture before I was ready to make it- and you guessed it- the whining commenced! At least now she wants me to knit!!
    (Jpeled on ravelry)

  10. I really thought these were going to be monster pants. Then I checked the pattern page - and the monster does look like the monster pants. Cute!

  11. I think sewing them up is my least favorite part.
    I love these patterns and I want to try them soon :)

  12. I love the colours you chose for your monsters!! I love knitting toys, but the finishing almost always takes half as long as knitting the darn thi9ng....

  13. Great job! The sewing always gets me. Can't wait to see it all together. :)

  14. I LOVE these monsters!
    There's no kids in our house but maybe I can convince DH to let me change the decor theme for the bedroom?

  15. This is too cute! I quickly 'fav'd' the pattern after listening to your pod cast. One of these days I will make this. Can't wait to see your finished monster!

  16. Loving the color combo! You'll get the sewing done up in no time! :) -Ve

  17. somehow i commented twice on the giveaway for the fibre company - i am not sure how nor can i delete one of the comments - are you able to do so? i dont want to be a cheater :-)
